original love (cliche i know)

By rora_skye

951 196 545

"Don't you dare feel bad for me." He shakily breaths, grinding his teeth in frustration. His eyes are bright... More

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66 10 37
By rora_skye

𝚆𝚑𝚢 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠..

Why? Why? Why? I can't think of any explanation, as to why?

Why would Aris be outside the treehouse? Here?

I manage to wriggle myself out of the treehouse window undetected as Aris stands on the decorative stage with an unreadable expression on his god like face, his dark brown hair windblown.

I quietly climb down the rope ladder at the back of the treehouse careful not to scream as it swings almost slamming into the bark of the Cedar tree, I wedge my way through the splintered pieces of bark and wood just outside of Aris's vision I stand in the shadows.

This is it, I'm gonna confront him, why am I standing in the shadows all creepy like just go out there?

I step foward into the twinkling lights, feeling the soft breeze blow my loose strands from Auburn hair into a dance, as my eyebrows raise with anticipation, bravely I speak first.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snap getting his full attention as his green eyes hold confusion that quickly change to disgust.

"Of course" he mutters under his breath and he turns around and stalks away.

He's wearing an incredibly similar outfit to mine, black joggers and a dark green long sleeved sweater of course a flannel tied around his waist and the same gray beanie.

For such a jerk he dresses kind of sophisticated.

Without hesitation, I follow my doc Martens crunching on the gavel as I run up to jump in front of him skidding to a stop his chest inches from mine, causing him to jump back with enraged eyes.

And we're close again.

"What are you doing here?" I ask again.

"Nothing, forget it." He scoffs and brushes past me I grab his sleeve.

"Look I'm sorry, but you just show up to my spot and, then bolt when I confront you I would almost think your stalking me." I blurt out raising my thin eyebrows.

"Stalking you?" He asks frustrated, and he takes a step forward towering over me he parts his lips and rolls his emerald eyes.

I can basically call him a fire, he's hot but don't get too close or he burns.

"Are you kidding me this was my spot first!" He shouts turning around throwing his hands into the chilled air he runs a hand through his hair closing his eyes.

"Your spot?" I furrow my eyebrows as I take a small step back feeling the wind whip my hair from my bun.

What does he mean his spot? We made it! There was nothing except a bag of blankets and books.. oh those were his...

"Yea I found this, I cleared a path, I- you know what I don't care have it I wasnt using it and I dont want to deal with you." He speaks with a clenched jaw pressing his palms tightly against his forehead.

He turns away storming into the darkness of the forest, just outside the shadows when I stood him.

I should tell him off because he deserves it and much more, I should say what's on my mind but what comes out surprises me.

"I'm sorry." I call out loudly and clearly watching as he slowly turns to face me with an unreadable expression.

"what?" He asks confused his anger immediately disappears and his eyebrows raise with confusion.

"I'm sorry" I state again firmly with an honest smile.

"Its fine." He mutters under his breath slowly walking away.

I watch him fall into the shadows before I turn around running back to everything.

I almost just almost followed him into the shadows.

Why? I don't know.

I pull into my long red paved driveway, cutting out my headlights so that the only light shining is from the porch light, the faint glow shimmering off of the rain droplets that fall from the dark starlit sky.

I slowly get out of the car, walking to the back to pull the light brown car top over my light brown leather seats, that have gotten the slightest bit wet.

I push the car top forward and it doesnt budge, I start feeling droplets fall faster from the night sky as I push harder feeling the slightest of movement before it falls back in place.

Ok ok I know this looks bad, I'm not weak I promise just need a little help.

I quickly text Benjamin, to come outside placing the phone back into the deep pocket of my black joggers, the white shimmery door opens, and Benjamin jogs outside wearing a black hoodie and jeans.

He pushes the car top over in one swift movement looking at me with an amused expression, he ruffles my hair with his hand.

"Was that so hard?" He asks in a teasing tone, a crooked smile plastered onto his lips.

He jogs back up onto the porch, the light shining off of his hazel eyes as he opens the white door and slams it in my face.

I place my hands on the golden door knob and twist.

Its locked.

The warm glow of the porch light switches off, leaving me standing outside in the dark and in the rain the full moon shines down giving me some light as I walk through the white wooden gate to the screened in back porch.

Walking onto the slick wet pavement I go to slide the sliding glass door and can't.

Again locked.

The blinds are open in front of the glass, and there stands Benjamin, with an all too satisfied smirk he waves at me childishly and closes the blinds.

I march through the shaded backyard, the trees dropping wet autumn leaves, as I stomp through the white wooden gate splashing in puddles striaght to his Tesla.

I hold out my small hand teasingly over the top of his spotlessly perfect blue hood, slowly bringing it down.

There's nothing that he hates more than someone touching his car.



Benjamin 8:49 You. Wouldn't.

Me 8:49 Try. Me.

Benjamin 8:50 It's unlocked.

Satisfied with myself, I skip over small puddles onto the porch, twisting the golden knob to walk right into the warm air blowing from the vent above.

I didn't realize how cold I was.

Joseph bounds from around the corner jumping into my wet arms I stumble backwards into the white front door.

His brown hair messy, wearing no shirt, and a pair of blue basketball shorts.

"So uh, what's for dinner?" He asks gazing up at me with a hopeful brown eyes. And as if right on cue his stomach growls, and so does mine.

I have no idea so might as well go with a classic. Fastfood.

"Wanna go to McDonald's?" I ask with fake enthusiasm, hoping for an excited response.

"Sure!" He says excitedly grabbing a black t-shirt off the kitchen table, and his phone which he shoves into his pocket he stands by the door ready.

"Give me a minute." I tell him softly as I walk quietly to my step mom's door, and give a soft knock.

My young stepmother stands in front of me with black cotton shorts, and a white tang top holding her pink Iphone in her hand, her long light brown/dirty blond hair pulled into a messy bun.

"I'm gonna take Jojo to McDonald's, wanna come or do you want something?" I ask standing halfway in the doorway, as I glance at her debating.

"Can you get me my usual, with an iced mocha?" She asks handing me a 20 the money sliding from her long pink fake nails.

"Sure thing." I reply short and quick and jog to Ben's door and rap quickly, not so patiently waiting for him to open I twist the golden knob open.

He's sprawled out across his bed, his arms folded under his head his eyes closed with airpods in his ears, I tiptoe to his bed and sit on him.

His hazel eyes immediately pop open, as he shoves me to the floor sitting up on his bed he glares at me.

"What the actual fuck?" He sighs laying back down onto his black sheets.

"I'm taking jojo to McDonalds wanna come?"


"You know you do."

"No I do not, now go away."

"I'll pay for you."


That's what I thought.

He lazily gets up running his hands through his black hair, in attempt to step over me, I grab his leg as he falls foward catching himself on the gray bedroom wall.

He turns to look at me with an satisfied look in his hazel eyes walking out the door-ish.

He missed and walked striaght into the doorjamb and I fell over, laughing.

"Are you done?" He asks rubbing his forehead in small circles anger annoyance emitting from his mean facade.

"Maybe." I let out another laugh then choke on literally nothing.

"Karma" Ben jets out in between my fits of coughing, slipping out of his bedroom door.

We had to take my car because 'Ben's is too precious to infect with such unsantitized human beings' as he puts it.

Yet he agrees to go to McDonalds.

Jojo was fine with whatever as long as we hurried up, he was dying of starvation and was gonna tell mom if he died.

Which makes sooo much sense.

"Soooo...." I drag on moving my salad around with a black plastic fork trying to start conversation with my overly annoying brothers, yet they seemed to engulfed with their food to notice my attempt.

I know I know who goes to McDonald's to order a salad, me apparently I've gotten teased by both of my brothers already move on.

I roll my chocolate eyes as I shove four greasy golden fries into my mouth at a time, looking around the bright room, with small hanging multi colored lamps big round booths and brown stones floor.

"Hey Lin, thanks for the uh you know food." Ben looks up through his thick eyelashes with an juicy fat hamburger in his hand, he looks almost, sorta, kinda sincere.

I almost say your welcome?

"Yeah sure whatever." I mutter shoving another handful of fries into my mouth.

"Hey Lin, that guys looking at you." Jojo says in an hushed voice taking a sip of his Dr. Pepper, and he looks intently at me with his big brown eyes.

All of our heads turn to see no other than party dude.

I fight the incredibly strong urge to stare back, at his perfectly toned skin and sun kissed blonde waves with the ocean eyes green emeralds welded within faded gray breeze blew within those breathtaking eyes I cant keep my eyes off him.

Then my brother does something that even I didnt expect.

"Hey man, can you like keep the staring to an minimum some people are trying to eat here jeez." Benjamin empathizes glancing between me and his food, with disgusted hazel eyes.


"Sorry man I just couldn't help but notice how pretty your friend is." He flashes a beautiful smile the gleaming shines like the stars.

Wait was he talking about my little brother? Ew such a pervert!

No he's looking at me, oh OH!

"Lin?" Jojo asks incredulously staring wide eyed, mouth hanging open between me and the mystery party dude.

Really I mean I'm not 'that' bad looking am i?

"Lin what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He responds checking me out as I swallow hard the lump in my throat still there.

"Uh thanks." I respond weirdly shoving more fries in my mouth.

He walks swiftly to our table wearing tight black jean's and a baby blue tight t-shirt.

I swear sometimes I question Benjamin's mental state, let me rephrase ALL the time.

Benjamin stands striaght, buffing his chest out causing me to sigh into my small hands, standing slightly taller then party dude he looks at his hair longingly.

Then he does the unthinkable, but I mean I know what hes capable of so it's not that weird.

Ben runs his big hands through party dudes blonde beach waves, making Jojo, and my brown eyes to widen and gasp in surprise.

Party dude just stands there completely frozen his confidence going stiff, as his muscles tighten he stares at Benjamin like hes insane.

Which I'm not gonna lie he is.

Trough the tension and confusion Benjamin bursts out laughing, hysterically his deep chuckle floating across the tiny restuarant, echoing off the hollow walls tears start falling down his face, as we all stare directly at him mildly confused.

"Y-you should ha-ve seen y-our face-s!" Ben hardly gets out between gasping breaths as he falls onto the floor laughing hysterically leaving us to eye him weirdly, I step over him to have him grab my leg as I stumble forward about to face plant, strong tan arms hold me up.

Party dude. Haha ben you thought.

This night can litterally not get any weirder.

"Lin, will you go to my party with me?" He asks.

My brother is still laughing in the back wtf?

"I thought I told you I was going." I say small.

Yea, I'm pretty sure I already said I was going.

"That's not what I meant." He says slowly debating whether or not he should continue.

I hear my brothers become insanely quiet, as I fight the urge to turn around.



Dude just say it.

"Will you go to the party as my date?" He asks.

Well I wasn't expecting that.

Act cool.

"Sure." I say calmly as he slips a peice of paper in my hands and walks out.

I turn around to be faced with jojo laying on top of the red table on his back, his brown locks falling off the side of the table holding a bag of fries over his mouth which is already shoved full of fries.

Benjamin has almost a whole hamburger shoved into his mouth, as he slowly smiles at me.



Authors Note- Hello Lovelies!!

Super super super sorry for updating sooo late, I promise it wont happen again I hope..

This is a long chapter and kinda boring but I had to add this to price things together next one is super juicy!

It's the party!!

What do you think about party dude? Guess his name?

Which character is your favorite?

Who's your least favorite?

Ok, ok I'll stop bombarding you with questions! For now thank you for reading and enjoy!


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