[CLOSED] Ask and Dare Eeveelu...

By TravisChessie1990

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[Don't worry, this book may be closed, but I have a new one (#5) which is not!] Using characters from my poké... More

To begin
Dare - Beijing: Eat Nothing but Cow Pie for a Week
Dare - All: The Diamond Domain
Dare - All: Dare Diancie
Dare - All: Dare yourself
Dare - Ottawa: Dump Lucky Charms on Tokyo's Head
Dare - Travis/All - Advertisement
Zurich Has a Lark
Dare - Warszawa: Geometry Dash "Zodiac"
Dare - All: Skydiving
Dare - Umbreons vs Tokyo: Hard Drive Scavenging
Dare - Warszawa: Geometry Dash Tartarus
Dare - All: Power Grid
Dare - Warszawa: GD Madness and Besos...
Dare - All: Funkenschlag All Maps
Dare - Warszawa: More Geometry Dash
Dare - Warszawa and London: GDCIA
Dare - Abuja, Warszawa, and Others: Meet PJO Properly
Dare - Abuja, London, Zurich: Follow, Greet, Wait, Repeat

Question/Dare - All: Favourites/Name Changes and More

51 0 25
By TravisChessie1990

Because they had such a splendid little time together, the Eeveelutions haven't yet left the Diamond Domain. Meanwhile, Travis enters in with another Orange Mail.

Jan - Uh oh...

Jessie - You know, I already didn't like Zigzagoon before its face was the first thing we saw before we were tortured. Now, I might just kill it in the face if I ever see it.

Jan - Okay, let's try to... Avoid... Killing Zigzagoon in the face...

Travis - Hello!

Jessie - Is it from Force14Gaming2004 again?

Travis - Yes. Although its a bit more self regulatory than usual.

Suddenly Moskva bounds in.

Moskva - Is that a dare?!

Travis - Yes, it is!

Moskva snatches the mail from Travis's hands and reads through it carefully. At the end, she shoves it away frustratedly.


She stomps off, not having much effect because the floor is stone and doesn't give.

Travis - I wonder what she was looking for?

Jessie - Ugh. She's such a brat sometimes. Anyway, what do you mean by "self-regulatory?"

Travis - I mean, besides a couple that shouldn't be too bad, most of them are to be determined by all of you. In fact, the first... Well, first, let's get everyone gathered over here...

Everyone gathers around to hear the latest from Travis.

Travis - So, Force14Gaming2004 asks...

Diancie - Wait, asks? You mean its not a dare?

Travis - Not this first part. Anyway, he asks, "What is your favourite type besides your own? And whenever your type is mentioned, you should compliment whoever said it."

Jessie - Oh! That's... Surprisingly fair... Well, I'll start off. I think Dark-type is my favourite type.

Jan - Aw, thanks! I ought to thank you, Jessie, we've been through some tough times together, but still you remain strong and firm in your beliefs.

Jessie - Thanks, Jan!

Zurich - I've always liked Fire-type. They always seem really chill, despite actually being really warm.

Abuja - Thanks, Zurich! I think its your good cheer that helps to keep me happy, even when things are grim.

Zurich smiles back at him.

Lusaka - I like Grass-types. They always seem like they might be helpless, but BAM! Always they are able to step up to the challenge.

Lansing - Thanks, sis. You're always there for me when I need you, and I'll always be grateful.

Krakow - I like Fairy-types. They're just absolutely awesome!

Tokyo - Krakow, you are an incredible Pokémon. You do all the work you do, without complaint, and you're such a pleasant character in general.

Geneva - I really like Electric-types. They're reliable and strong!

Warszawa - Geneva, your cheerfulness is a great strength to us all, and I appreciate it. Also, your strong patriotism is nice.

Warsaw - Rock-type is my favourite. They're strong, steadfast, and determined.

Diancie - Aw, Warsaw, its your strength in your life that inspires me.

Dace - I believe Normal-types are incredible. Their versatility in tight situations, coupled with their unexaggerated demeanour makes them invaluable partners.

Berlin - I admire your ability to keep a cool head, Dace, even with those three stooges you work with.

Merrick (to Bort and Allotrope) - Is he talking about us?

Evelyn - Water-types are cool! They're strong and yet, kind!

Amsterdam - Evelyn! You're so cute and young, but so wise, too!

Travis - Alright, now that that's...

Moskva - Wait! I didn't get to go yet! And neither did Ottawa!

Moscow - Oh my goodness, I was asleep! I didn't want to go!

Ottawa - Nobody likes me, and nobody likes you, soooo...

Moskva - That's not true!

Moscow - Also, you have nothing nice to say about any other type, so you shouldn't get to go, either...

Moskva, not wanting to contest her crush, decides not to continue.

Travis - Anyway... Anyone who's name is an Asian City must change it for three chapters. Tokyo, that means you.

Tokyo - Guess I'm Kyoto again, then.

Travis - Ah hah! Force has caught you for doing that last time! He says it must be European!

Tokyo - Oh no! Now I actually have to think of something?! Um... Um... Brussels?! I'll go with that...

? - Not so fast!

Travis - Who was that?

Standing suddenly in front of them is an Eeveelution with a white pelt and orange accents.

? - It is I, Brussels, Bearer of Bad News! Now give me that paper, Travis!

Travis - Why would I do that, my sprouting friend?

Brussels - ...Sprouting? Are you making fun of my name?!

Travis - If you're gonna come in here and be rude, then yes, I will.

Brussels - Ugh! Fine! But give me the paper!

Travis - Yet again: Why?

Brussels - The rest of it is dares, isn't it? So I'll be the one to give the bad news to the rest of them!

Jessie - Cool! Then, next time we get a #41, we can do it to this little prick.

Brussels - #41? What's that?

Travis shudders.

Travis - You'll find out later!

Brussels - Anyway, Sylveon, you cannot be Brussels!

Tokyo - Well, while you guys were talking, I came up with... Strasbourg!

Berlin - Oh! The Elsaß-Lothringen city!

Geneva's face gains a shadow as she turns towards Berlin.

Geneva - What did you say?

Berlin begins to perspire profusely.

Berlin - I-I meant Alsace-Lorraine! Definitely Alsace-Lorraine!

Warszawa - Geez Berlin, get your words in order!

He playfully pats the nervous Eevee on the head, then wipes his now soaked paw on the floor.

Strasbourg - Well... Didn't think it would bring up that much tension, but...

Brussels - Great! Now, Strasbourg and Geneva, come here.

Geneva - How do you know our names?

Brussels - They're all in the Character Pokédex. I'm in it too, now!

Jan - "Character Pokédex?" I'll have to check that sometime...

Brussels - That's besides the point! All of you with International Pokédex #700, which is Sylveon, must be isolated!

Geneva - Oh... That sounds... Lonely...

Strasbourg - Meh. For how long?

Brussels - Until the rest of them finish their dares.

Strasbourg - Oh... That could be longer than usual...

Brussels - Off to the metal safe with you!

Travis - No, no! That's not fair! It said nothing about metal on that paper, you little sadist! They get to have nice, comfortable rooms with amenities!

Brussels - But that isn't a dare, that's vacation!

Travis - Clearly you don't understand just how social Sylveon need to be. They each get their own hotel room.

Brussels - But... But... Can I at least take out the TV?

Travis - Yes. And that's it!

Brussels - Fine. You each get a hotel room without a TV.

The two Sylveons go.

Jan - So, you said there were dares for the rest of us?

Brussels - Yes. First, anyone with Pokédex number above #700 gets dared by everyone else.

Diancie - Well boys, that's us again...

Bort - When will the nightmare end?!

Brussels - And Evelyn.

Jan - What?! That's not fair! Evelyn is Eevee! Her Pokédex number is #133! Well below #700!

Brussels - Eheheheh...

Jan - What are you hiding?!

Brussels - I'm not hiding anything! Its been in front of you the whole time! Remember when you battled Eternatus?

Travis - And we discovered that Evelyn has the Gigantamax factor...

Brussels - Indeed!

Jan - So?

Brussels - Look at THIS!

Brussels takes out a Pokédex and shows Jan an entry labelled, "Gigantamax Eevee."

Brussels - See? The species data is different from Normal Eevee! Which means that its a new Pokédex entry! Made after that of Sylveon! Meaning that it is over #700!

Jan - Oh no!

Brussels - So, we must go to Galar, so Evelyn can Gigantamax and perform her dares!

Jan - What a foul creature you are!

Evelyn - Its okay, Jan, I'll be fine!

Jan - But its not fair!

Evelyn - If it makes you feel any better, I'm actually kind of excited!

Jan - Oh... Well... You are a fighter, aren't you?

Brussels - Alright, come on!

They all go to Galar to make sure they can do things properly. Once there, Evelyn is able to activate the Gigantamax factor and grows to 56 feet tall.

Brussels - Well? Start daring!

Jessie - Ugh... You little imp! I oughta pummel you...

Brussels - Yes, but you can't. LOL

Jan - Diancie, I dare you to smack Brussels in the face, as hard as you can.

Brussels - wait wut

Diancie - With pleasure!

Diancie then begins to rapidly spin with her arms outstretched, until she smacks Brussels so hard he flies back 47 metres.

Jan - Beautiful.

Moskva - We get to do the dares then?

Moscow - Oh grief. What dastardly plan have you this time?

Moskva - Dace! I dare you to turn Moscow into an Espeon!

Dace - Its funny that you think I can do that...


Abuja - That's enough out of you!

Moskva - ok

Moscow - Wow, she just listens to you? Why?

Abuja - Because if she doesn't, I might get peckish. Right, Moskva?

Moskva - I didn't even do anything! ...This time...

Moscow - Merrick, I dare you to hide Moskva until the chapter is over.

Brussels comes crawling back.

Brussels - H-hold on...

Warszawa - Bort! I dare you to yeet Brussels into a wall until he passes out!

Brussels - But you can't...

Bort takes Brussels by his neck scruff and throws him into a wall.

Merrick - Anyway, Moskva, here we go!

Merrick takes Moskva up and hides her far away, in the Philippines. Moskva looks up, seeing something long and green in the sky.

Moskva - What is that, Rayquaza? Hey Rayquaza! Can you take me back to Galar?!

Rayquaza - No, you need to finish the dares, Moskva.

Moskva - How do you know my... And he's gone. Dang it! Now how will I get Moscow?!

Meanwhile, back in Galar...

Lansing - Allotrope, I'd like to dare you to end Galeave.

Travis - What's "Galeave?"

Lansing - That's the idea that Galar will leave the European Union.

Allotrope - I'll see what I can do.

Allotrope manages to sneak into the Galarian House of Representatives and steals the Mace of the Representatives, meaning that the Parliament can no longer legally vote on Galeave. This also puts Galar into an indefinite government shutdown.

Lansing - Oh... Wonderful...

Berlin - Hey, Evelyn!

Evelyn - Hi Berlin! You're so little!

Berlin - I have a dare for you!

Jan - Oh grief...

Berlin - I dare you to drink a proportionally sized Boba Tea!

Jessie - That's not so bad...

Travis - Not bad? Boba Tea is wonderful!

Jan - But proportional Boba is gonna take forever to cook! It has to be at least 56 times bigger!

Evelyn - What's Boba Tea?

Jan - Oh! You haven't had it yet? We must do it then...

Working together, the Pokémon concoct a Lychee Boba tea, with Boba the size of automobiles.

Evelyn - What's that?

Jessie - Its Boba tea.

Evelyn - Why does it look like Warsaw pooped in it?

Warsaw - Why do you know what my poop looks like?!

Jan - That's an... Interesting view of Boba...

Evelyn begins to drink, and eventually finishes the several thousands of gallons of tea and the Boba.

Evelyn - That was good! What were those things in it, though?

Travis - Tapioca pearls.

Evelyn - Where can I get more?

Travis - Well, I learned about them from people from Nigeria, but apparently they originate from Taiwan.

Brussels recovers from his injuries and wakes up.

Brussels - Ugh... What'd I miss?

Evelyn - The most delicious drink on Earth!

Brussels - Wait... Are you saying you had... Boba tea without me?! Ugh! You all have to dare yourselves, you know! Twice!

Jan - Oh! Well, I dare myself to make Brussels a Boba Tea, along with Warsaw. Oh, by the way, thanks for the idea, Evelyn.

Evelyn - Um... You're welcome? I don't understand...

Jan - Come along Warsaw, I need your help.

Warsaw - Um, okay? Why?

Jessie - Ohhhh, I like where this is going...

Brussels - Me too! I love Boba tea!

Jan and Warsaw go elsewhere, where Jan drinks a lot of coffee and Warsaw eats a lot of prunes, at Jan's insistence.

Warsaw - Okay Jan, what's the big deal? And now I have to go to the toilet, thanks to you!

Jan - Wait! Don't go yet! I have a plan!

Jan relays her plan to Warsaw, and he agrees. They make the tea and bring it back to Brussels.

Brussels - Yes! Mango Boba tea!

Jan - Somewhere around there...

Brussels quickly takes a strong drag on the straw, and Evelyn suddenly realises the idea she might've given Jan.

Evelyn - Jan, is that...

Brussels - Ack! That isn't mango Boba! What is that?!

Jan - I won't tell you until you finish it all. Don't worry, it isn't poison, exactly.

Brussels - Ugh... Curiosity might get the best of me this time!

Brussels quickly chokes down the rest of the tea and Boba.

Brussels - (hurk) Okay... What (hurk) was that?!

Jan - Well, to make the tea, I drank a lot of coffee.

Brussels - No...

Warsaw - And I ate a lot of prunes to prepare the Boba...

Brussels - No!

Jan - And then...

Brussels - No no no no!

Jan - Mwahahaha! Yes! You just drank a whole cup of CHAMBER POT BOBA!


Warszawa - Chamber... Pot... Oh, gross! I think I'm gonna be sick... Wait... I dare myself to keep thinking about Chamber Pot Boba and not throw up! (hurk) This might be harder than I thought...

Warsaw - And by the way, I dared myself to prank Brussels.

Ottawa - I dare myself to not read and not be rude until the chapter ends... Hoo boy, if no one talks to me, it'll be fine...

Moscow - I dare myself not to fall asleep until the chapter ends and to not be preoccupied about where Moskva is.

Abuja - You were preoccupied about where Moskva is?

Moscow - I mean... I do like her, she's just... How shall I say... Insistent? Very insistent and determined.

Evelyn - Hey Abuja!

Abuja - Yes, Evelyn?

Evelyn - You aren't as big to me now!

Abuja - So?

Evelyn - Feel like, I don't know, giving me your credit card details before I have to take drastic measures?

Abuja - "Drastic measures?"

Evelyn casually sets her paw on Abuja's head. It isn't hard because Abuja is less than half her height.

Evelyn - It sure would be a shame if I accidentally crushed you...

Abuja - But I don't have any credit card details!

Evelyn - Then get me someone else's!

Abuja - Alright... I dare myself to get Jan's credit card details! And to survive the rest of today...

Abuja then goes over to Jan and lays his head down dejectedly at his paws.

Jan - Oh, Abuja, what's wrong?

Abuja makes sure his face is as cute and adorable as he can make it.

Abuja - I need credit card details...

Jessie, as well as Jan, sees Abuja's face.

Jessie - Awwww! You can't say no to that, Jan!

Jan - I mean, I can, its just... Heart wrenching!

Jessie - You're such a meanie! Her credit card details are "867-53-09."

Abuja - Cool, thanks!

He dashes away.

Jessie - Oh, dang it, it was a ruse! I dare myself not to succumb to cute things as often. To train, I dare myself to deny Berlin everything today!

Berlin - Hey Jessie! Can I have a cookie?

Jessie - I'm sorry, but no.

Berlin - Pleeeeeeease?

Berlin engages "cute Eevee eyes" mode.

Jessie - Augh! My heart!


Abuja - I got the details!

Evelyn - Wait, you actually managed them?! Nice! Now, what are they?

Abuja - 867-53-09.

Evelyn - Glorious! Although I was just kidding about the drastic measures.

Abuja - So what will you do with these newfound details?

Evelyn - I'm going to sing about them. "Jan, don't change your card number: 8675309! Eight six seven five three o'nine!"

Abuja - Now that you say it like that, it sounds more like a phone number...


Lansing - Krakow, do you ever get tired of eating dirt?

Krakow - I mean, its better than eating other plants... Although it does get pretty dull...

Lansing - Well, I'm gonna try something. I'm gonna try eating meat.

Krakow - Huh... Y'know, I'd never thought of trying it...

The two Leafeons manage to corner and kill a Ratatta, which they eat.

Krakow - Whoa! This is way better than dirt!

Lansing - Forget dirt, I'm eating meat from now on!

And that's how the Leafeons dared themselves to ever after be strictly carnivorous. In the meantime, London and Amsterdam are talking in from of Warszawa, who is still trying not to puke.

London - Alright, to improve my accuracy, I dare myself to put this surgical camera down Warszawa's throat without him barfing on me! Warszawa, open up!

Warszawa opens his mouth, gagging and still thinking about the Chamber Pot Boba. Using his paw, London carefully guides the tool down Warszawa's throat, not even touching the sides. As he is about to pull it back, he realises something.

London - My back... It itches... Amsterdam, are you tickling me?

Amsterdam - I dared myself to distract you as much as possible!

London - Do you want me to be covered in stomach acid? Electric-type stomach acid is especially painful!

Amsterdam - Best be careful then, lil bro!

This turns into a standoff sort of situation, with London too afraid to make a wrong move, Warszawa trying really hard not to barf, and the two of them stuck looking each other in the eye. Eventually Warszawa cannot stand it, and he closes his mouth and swallows the tail of the tool.

London - Oh no!

Warszawa - Sorry! I was about to puke, and I thought maybe you'd rather not have barf on your face...

London - Well, I appreciate the thought...

Jan comes over, seeing a monitor with odd things on it.

Jan - What is that?

London - That's Warszawa's stomach. He accidentally swallowed a surgical camera.

Jan - Couldn't you just puke it back up?

Warszawa - I (hurk) specifically dared myself (hurk) not to puke while thinking of your (hurk) Chamber Pot Boba...

Jan - Won't that be a problem?

London - No. Since Electric-type digestive systems are so hardy, his stomach acids will probably just break the camera down, and he'll get some extra iron. (the video feed cuts out) See, there it goes.

Jan - Oh!

In the meantime, Strasbourg-Tokyo has taken to reading the Gideons' Bible in his hotel room, what with there being no screen around, and Geneva has been counting the seconds until she is let out, gently rocking in the fetal position.

Everyone heads back to the Diamond Domain to hear the last dare on the list. Travis comes back with Geneva and Strasbourg-Tokyo, who had finished their isolation. Travis tries to read the final dare, as Brussels is still trying to recover from what happened to him.

Travis - Alright... "Jose tout me monde..." I don't speak French. Or Kalosian.

Geneva - Let me see. It says, "Stay in Kalos forever."

Strasbourg - Give me that! You Dingus! It says, "I dare everyone to dare everyone!"

Geneva - But... How did you know it was a lie?!

Strasbourg - You grew up in Kalos? I grew up in Québec. I know my Kalosian.

Geneva - Oh... Foiled again!

Jan - I have a dare for everyone: let's #41 Brussels.

Travis - Oh man, they did what they did to me, and I was kind! My sprouting friend, you are in for a world of hurt!

Brussels - Why? What's #41?

Travis takes out one of the older papers from Force and looks it over.

Travis - Oh, you'll find out.

Brussels - Show me that paper! Why are they all looking at me? Help me out here!

Travis leaves the room as the Pokémon corner the terrified Brussels, and they each lay down a customised and personal world of hurt on him.

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