Baby's On The Way - Luke Bryan

By metalcountry

69.8K 1.5K 102

A song writer finally getting somewhere in life. She has a big surprise of famous country artist wanting her... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting
Chapter 2 - R.I.P. Papa
Chapter 3 - We've All Lost Something
Chapter 4 - Sing For Me
Chapter 5 - Jack On A Tailgate
Chapter 6 - Hot And Heavy Withheld Secrets
Chapter 7 - Confessional
Chapter 8 - Stitches
Chapter 9 - Inappropriate
Chapter 10 - Everytime I see you
Chapter 11 - A New Beginning
Chapter 12 - Girl Talk
Chapter 14 - Arms Wide Open
Chapter 15 - Leesburg Night
Chapter 16 - Homebound
Chapter 17 - In Love
Chapter 18 - Sleepless
Chapter 19 - Engagement
Chapter 20 - Worry
Chapter 21 - She's Okay
Chapter 22 - Alive And Well
Chapter 23 - Christmas
Chapter 24 - New Year's Letter
Chapter 25 - Bachelorette and Bachelor Party
Chapter 26 -Wedding
Chapter 27 - Bar Brawl
Chapter 28 - Jail Time
Chapter 29 - Happy Birthday Luther
Chapter 30 - Our Baby's On The Way
Ending Note

Chapter 13 - Rodeo

2.3K 46 6
By metalcountry

We were on our way to the rodeo. It was only going to be about 5 days we were there so we could also go see his parents for about 5 days then head back before he had to go on tour. I fell asleep during the middle of the ride to Luke singing what was on the radio. We stopped twice for gas and food. We really wanted to get there. It was getting dark and was about 8pm. I told him if he wanted I'd drive since we were now in Texas and it would only be an hour longer till we got there. I got into the driver's seat and no longer than ten minutes later Luke was passed out. I took my time to get there because he needed his sleep. He was driving a little over 9 hours straight.
I pulled into the ranch and parked in the spot I always had. It still had my plack there. I smiled and turned off the engine. I turned the lights off and put the interior lights on. I woke Luke up by kissing his several times. I then went and told him we will get the bags after we let my Uncles know we were there. When I walked up to the door I felt like I was coming back to something I shouldn't have. I only knew that because memories of my dad opening the door came in my head. I stepped back and Luke had to hold me because I was going to fall off the steps if I didn't. I knocked on the door and heard the dogs barking. Then I heard them run up to the door and then footsteps. I looked at Luke and grabbed his hand. The door opened up and I saw my uncle Mike.
"Nikki!" He said hugging me tight. He ignored the dogs ran out the door and were barking at the different truck and Luke. He let me go and smiled at me. He had a tear in his eye. He really did miss me.
"Uncle Mike. This is Luke. Luke, My Uncle Mike."
"Nice to meet you Luke. I've heard about you. Welcome to the Rodeo." He said shaking Luke's hand.
"Nice to meet you too sir. I've heard about you and your rodeo as well." Luke said shaking his hand
"Nice grip son. Buddy! Get out here and greet your niece!" You heard scuffing from inside and then Uncle Buddy came into the picture. He looked at me and came over to hug me.
They invited us inside and gave us a cup of coffee. They offered food. They also offered to get our bags. They are normally not this nice ever. They told me I was getting my old room to stay in. The dogs would not leave Luke alone. They smelled him then going to me for petting then would smell him again. He finally gave them attention and pets them. That was a mistake because now they would want loving every minute of the day from him. It was already about 10pm there and we were tired from driving all that way. Luke got most of the bags and I just got one. I lead him to my room and told him just to set things on the ground.
I walked around my room looking at everything. Nothing had changed. They took nothing out or anything. It was all in the same spot. It was just emptier by how much stuff I actually took with me. I started putting our clothes in the drawers when Luke came up behind me asking me to go to bed with him. That’s what we did. We didn't even undress or put the covers over us. When we hit the pillows and he cuddled into me. We fell asleep.
We were woke up by my uncle Mike knocking on the door telling us breakfast was ready. Luke didn't even wake up to that. I woke him up and told him breakfast. We went downstairs and ate. We got busted on for being in the same clothes. They knew we were tired last night so it was about two quick jokes and then they were done. They asked if we could help around the rodeo and they would be done earlier. Then I could give the tour when chores are done.
We got showers, and dressed. I was told that I had to tend to the horses. My favorite job. They had Luke with my uncle bud feeding the bulls and cleaning the ring. I finished quickly with the horses. Jenny was excited when she saw me. I even had to spend a few minutes just petting her and hugging her. Her fawn came up to me and Jenny made sure it would be okay with me. It was so cute. After it let me pet it and kiss it, it followed me while I was going to get the hay and feed them. I gave them fresh water. Jenny loved drinking out the hose. I walked up to the house and the guys were sitting around with beers in their hands. I came up with my hands on my hips and laughed.
I gave Luke tour. I ended when we were at the horses. We had a couple more then Jenny and her fawn but since she was or still is mine I have to pay more attention to her. She came up to us and had to check out Luke. After about a few minutes she actually liked him. I told him he had to feel special she hates everyone but me and him now. Her fawn was running around and happy. We went back and had dinner. I helped cook. We caught up that night. We took showers and went to bed.
For the next couple of days it was like that but Luke and I would find something else to do around the rodeo. Our fourth day we decided to check out the bulls because the rodeo was having a big thing going on that day. Luke got to see first hand how it all went down behind the action. My uncle mike tried convincing him to ride one but I said no. I was not letting him get hurt before we were to see his mama.  We had a big amount of fun. The last day my uncle told us we were not allowed to work on the rodeo. He said just to go out horseback riding. I got my Jenny and Luke got Uncle Mikes. Our's are the ones who mated to have Nikita.
Luke had the idea of doing some sort of picnic and I knew the right place. This was my place to go when I was upset. This is just like the place he showed me back in Nashville. We rode for quite some time and Luke thought I got us lost. I was far from getting us lost. I told him ten more minutes and we were there. Which I was right on time. We got to this big blue hole. It was beautiful here. There was even a spot for the horses to be tied down and able to drink and eat grass. Luke put the blanket down and the food and drinks. We ate then laid back.
"This has been one amazing week." I said while rubbing Luke's chest.
"That it has baby. I actually liked working and playing around at the rodeo." Luke said kissing my forehead.
"They are a lot nicer now. They were not always like this. They were always great guys though. Family first forever." I said.
"You're uncle Bud cracks me up though how he get frustrated." We both laughed at that.
"If we could lay here forever I would so do that. This is beautiful."
"You're beautiful." Luke said moving so he could kiss me on the lips. We made out for quite some time till Jenny made some noise. We looked and there were baby bunnies around her. We looked at each other and laughed. Luke held onto me and I cuddled to him just looking.
We had to go back to the house so we decided to race back through the trail. Little did he know Jenny was mainly for speed but I let him ketch up a few times. I beat him of course and we kissed when my uncle Mike cleared his through. He said he didn't want to do this on the last day but he wanted me to be able to take what I wanted from my father's room because he was going to end up needing me and my father's room soon. He had his girlfriend moving in with her son and daughter. My heart was beating fast when I opened the door to my father's room. Luke was right behind me to help carry things.
Once I opened that door it looked as if my father just cleaned it. I had a few tears in my eyes going through his drawers. I grabbed his bible. There were picture albums I wanted from when I was younger with him and of him and my mother. I cried when I looked through the one with my mother. Luke sat on the bed looking at them with me holding me close to him.
"That's my mother." I said pointing to a picture of a blonde woman. She was really short and skinny. She was in the old style tee shirt for the 70's and jeans. She had a cowboy hat on and was hugging on my dad. That was my favorite picture of them. They looked so happy. "My dad promised my mom he would never love anyone else in their vows." I said flipping through to the pieces of paper they had their vows on. I slowly started reading them aloud unknowingly.
"I promise, and I know I've promised a lot, to withhold all my promises here on out. I promise to take care of you and our children in sickness or in health. I promise to provide for you and our children in good and bad times. I promise to always work out our problems. I promise to forever love you and only you. I promise to protect you and our children. I promise to never lie, cheat or steal. I promise to always be the best man. I promise to be by your side until the end of our times. You're the only love I have, and the only love I'll ever have. My heart was only made for you. I love you my Dearest Beverly Lynn Sweski." I said and tears shed down my face. Luke held onto me.
"You're father is a man of his word. He seemed like a great man. You got a lot of his traits so his legacy lives on within you." I smiled at him.
"I only wish I would have known my mother. My father said I acted a lot like her. I also have a lot of her in me physically." I said looking down at a photo of her and my father at their wedding.
"You are both beautiful women. Things happen for a reason baby and you got her in you for a reason. You're an amazing person so god has something in store for you." He said and it was the same way my dad would say.
"You quoted my father. Word for word." I said nuzzling my face into his neck. I had to close the book.
After I let out a few more cries I put the things into a box and found a few more items. One of them I found and it would be perfect to leave at his grave. Luke will probably not mind that we stop at the grave site before we leave. We go downstairs and say the goodbyes to my Uncles. We were probably going to get at Luke's parents at 6am at this pace so we were taking our time. Luke agreed to go to the grave site. I remember exactly where it was at with my eyes closed.
I walked up to it and knelt down. I said a prayer like we always would at mama who was right next to him. I said it in Latin because he taught me those words and those phrases in Latin. I laid down the teddy bear that he bought my mother when she was in labor with me at the hospital. I took a picture so I could put that in the album to complete their part of the album. I knelt back down and cried. I wasn't even thirty and I am the only one left. Luke came up and knelt with me rubbing my back.
"My mother died in the hospital with me." I said between sobs. "I'm the reason she died, but it was a her life or mine situation. If they saved her I would have died. She chose my life over hers. My parents waited a long while to have a child." I sniffed a few times. "She was 29 when she died. My dad was 30. My Uncle Bud told me that my father wanted her to save herself because they could always try again. My father told me they talked it over before ever getting pregnant that a child's life is more important. My uncle buds always were an asshole." I said and tried to lighten the mood and laugh. "If my dad heard me say that he would back hand me so quick." I said laughing more. "He told me my mom had a trucker's mouth. I guess I do have a lot of her traits." I said smiling.
"Well I enjoy your mouth and how it spontaneously says things." Luke said hugging me.
"Well let's get going to see your mom and pops." I said really ghetto.
"Whyyyyyy are you doing that?" Luke said laughing at my ghetto accent.
"I dunno. Well hopefully your mama and papa love me." I said with a smile.
"Oh they will." He said going back to the truck hand in hand. It was my turn to drive till I was too tired….

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