Clouded Innocence

By InnocentStorm

452 25 2

Ouran Academy has an unusual student coming in like a storm cloud. Kain Tempest, an American transfer student... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

69 2 0
By InnocentStorm

To avoid any confusion, I've decided to make the rest of this story from a third person point of view instead of Kain's point of view. If I do decide to use Kain's POV, I will use a note such as this to clarify. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club!

Sun shone gently through the windows of the Third Music Room. Said room was currently full of tropical flora and fauna, creating a mock rain-forest. Even the resident Host Club was dressed to the tropical theme. Majority of the boys were dressed with a simple loose pant, another layer of cloth tied around the waist with a sash or just a sash across the chest, and beaded or golden jewelry. Only two were in exception to this dress code: Souh Tamaki and Arashi Kain. Both of which had additional cloth covering most of the upper body. Though Tamaki wore a decent sized necklace and held a bedazzled fan in his hands. To someone without a rich background, Fujioka Haruhi, it was quite a strange experience. Quite confusing to say the least.

"According to my calendar, this is definitely still early spring..." the honor student stated, not paying much attention to the bird on her head nor the hosts behind her. The confusion soon turned to slight annoyance in the girl. The host club was just too unpredictable for Haruhi's taste.

The Host Club's self proclaimed king couldn't be more different. Tamaki thought it was suitable for the outlandish costumes and maybe a tad too over-the-top decoration of the room. "Huddling under a kotatsu table, hiding from the cold would be utter nonsense! Why else do we have this exquisite heating and cooling system?"

The king ended his short rant in a pose that, if was in a photo would be surrounded with excessive sparkles. Behind this dramatic teenager stood the vice-president of the club, the formidable Shadow King.

"Do you have some sort of issue with our club's policies? Haruhi-kun, you do owe us a debt of eight million yen," he smiled, living up to his name. His light demeanor while speaking was shadowed with a silent threat. Haruhi sweat dropped nervously as she thought back to the shattered vase worth eight million.

"Leave Haruhi-san alone, you sadistic bastard," the resident bad 'boy' butted in. A couple of days ago, the hosts had discovered that Kain was in fact a girl like Haruhi. They found it quite a shocker, seeing as they all (excluding Tamaki) had figured out Haruhi's true gender. Then again, Haruhi had no reason to hide her femininity, the hosts had only assumed she was a boy. But Kain was another case altogether, it seemed she had a legitimate reason behind her enrollment as a teenage boy though she wouldn't share the reason. She was rather reserved despite her bad boy mannerisms.

"Fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be a chilling early spring out in the world," Tamaki continued his rant with vigor, "But in our club, we welcome our chilly little kittens into a warm, south tropical atmosphere! Oh yes! Today this room is a supreme paradise of a hot, hot island of eternal summer!"

From under the ecstatic King's arm, a dismal Haruhi muttered, "I, on the other hand, feel a chill, in every sense of the word."

But soon enough, club activities had begun and the tropical room was pulsing with energy. Each host went about their jobs, causing guests to squeal, blush, and swoon. As usual.

"What heartlessness! Even with my lustrous skin, like ivory, and finery suited for a Balinese king, all too fitting for me, I am no more but a slave to my goddess, kneeling and swearing my loyalty..." Tamaki exclaimed, lifting up the chin of his guest with a finger. Haruhi, who was nearby clearing away empty glasses, moved away with a blank expression. The opposite reaction of the guests, all of which were enthralled with the King host. "Oh yes, next week the Host Club will be hosting a dance party."

"Dance party?"

That got Haruhi's attention however. It seems that the twins were talking about it too. Haruhi wondered what a dance party was like with the rich and versatile Host Club. A dance party couldn't be that different from a festival, right?

"What will you be doing at this dance party?" a curious girl asked the twins.

"We're renting the large hall in central," started Hikaru.

"And throwing the big main event there," Kaoru finished for his brother before being embraced by the older twin. Hikaru had cupped his chin and moved in close, giving them barely an inch between them.

"Although I really wanted to spend the time alone with you, Kaoru."

"Don't say that, Hikaru. I'm the one who really wanted it..."

This short exchange sent their two current guests into a fangirl moment, screeching, "Fabulous! Brotherly love with a tropical flavor!"

"The guests seem even more worked up than usual, huh?" Haruhi, who had been watching the exchange, commented.

"Moderate exposure is popular," responded Kyoya who was standing next to her at the bar. He was writing, as per his usual, in his notebook.

"Did you come up with this tropical project, Kyoya-senpai?"

"I have no decision making authority. This club's policies are all set by Tamaki. Although I may have found it worth the effort of slipping a photo of Bali into his desk."

A while after the duo left, Kain's head popped out from behind the bar. She looked around, her mismatched pale eyes of a faint purple and a soft yellow darting around in search of something. The delinquent, having deemed it safe to come out of hiding, swung her body over the counter before walking off to her guests. Her face held a smirk as she wrapped arms around one her guests from behind.

"You haven't happened to see a hoard butterflies around have you, girls?" she asked, "Cuz I think there's an army of 'em fluttering for y'all in my heart."

Cheesy as it was, it did it's job of making her guests swoon. Haruhi watched them with a mild expression of amusement. If she hadn't known Kain was a girl she would of thought her a typical American guy. Out of all the hosts, she had to say that Kain was the easiest to find companionship with, despite her almost consistent bad boy facade.

"Ta-da!" was heard from her left as Honey smiled at his guests, arms wide to show off his flowered necklace, at a nearby table.

"Honey, you're so cute!"

"Hee hee. We had them flown in from Bali," Honey smiled childishly then noticed his cousin, "Ah! Takashi!"

The tiny third year student then climbed up the side of his much taller cousin, who happened to be holding a pineapple in his hand, in a monkey like fashion. When he reached Mori's shoulders, he threw a matching lay over his head. Honey then hugged his cousin and exclaimed, "Now we match!"

One of the girls swooned while the other made sure she didn't fall out of her chair as she did so. Haruhi watched them blankly, unaware of what the purpose of the matching was. Her attention was soon snapped back to her guests. "Aren't you going to be wearing an outfit, Haruhi?"

"I'd like to see that,"

Haruhi raised her hands and smiled at them, "No, I.. I just think its natural to wear early spring wear in early spring."

Which she found true enough, but there was another reason she wasn't dressed up. The other being that Tamaki had a genius idea to have her wear a costume that was for a Balinese Queen. And Kain had agreed with her on her reasons, being the only other girl. Kain had sent Tamaki into a corner to 'make him think about his life and how being an idiot wouldn't get him anywhere'. Though Haruhi had no idea what she was on about, she appreciated the help.

"Haruhi-kun, you have a strong sense of seasons, huh?" her guest's face lit up in glee, "Then I hope the cherry blossoms are in full bloom during the dance party."

"The two of us dancing with petals floating around us," another said.

"So dreamy," the three of them then chorused happily.

"You really think so?" Haruhi smiled enchantingly at her guests, "Ladies, you're so cute to have such dreams."

They all looked at her love-struck, blushes dancing across their faces. Haruhi only smiled innocently at them, blinking every now and then.

"Excuse me... I believe it's about time for designees to change," a girl with chin length brown hair and gentle brown eyes politely said, hands folded in front of her like a proper young lady.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must be my next appointment, Miss..." Haruhi prompted as the other girls stood up and excused themselves.

"Kasugazaki Kanako, second year, class B. You're cuter than the rumors," she commented offhandedly before smiling, "I've made up my mind, I'll make you my new favorite."

In the background, Tamaki looked as if he was about to have a seizure. He was shocked a girl, who was previously his regular, had chosen Haruhi to be her new regular host. He spent the rest of his time after club sulking with a bowl of instant ramen in his hands.

"Sir, stop eating commoner's ramen and come help us with the party preparations!" Hikaru called over to him.

"You need to stop being a baby, Tamaki," Kain followed up.

"Is Princess Kasuga taking a liking to Haruhi bothering you that much?" Kaoru asked Tamaki, shaking his head a little.

Kyoya didn't look up from typing as he stated, "Her illness isn't something that just started right?"


"Host hopping disease." Hikaru said, sidling behind Kyoya with a shrug and blank face.

"Otherwise known as never the same boy twice disease." Kaoru added in, slipping next to his brother.

"Usually our regulars designate the same host every time, but she tends to change her favorite regularly," Kyoya clarified to the interested Haruhi and Kain.

"Up until last time, she was with Tama-chan, right?" Honey asked. This made everything clear to Haruhi, although Kain figured it was like that. Both of the girls wore a blank face. "So, he's upset about losing a guest."

"It is not! That's not the reason! I'm at my limit of patience! Haruhi, start dressing like a girl!" he pointed an accusing finger in Haruhi's face. Everyone stared at him blankly other than Kyoya and Honey. Kain's eye twitched in annoyance. Did he forget that she was a girl too? But she was thankful, he didn't start berating her. "Why do you have to be so woefully popular with the girls?! When you are a girl! To put it bluntly, the only people who know you're female are in this club!"

"She opted out of taking any gym classes-" Kaoru said before his brother finished with, "Attendance numbers are mixed, so no one can tell."

Tamaki then pulled out a chest labeled 'King's Private Property'. He dug around in the wooden box muttering before pulling out a framed picture of Haruhi when she still had long hair. He showed it to her, "Daddy wants to see you the way you were back then!"

"PLEASE DON'T BLOW UP PICTURES OF ME WITHOUT PERMISSION!" she yelled at him. He ignored her and hung it on the wall, slumping down with hands on the said wall. The rest of the boys gathered around to look at it. Kain rolled her eyes with crossed arms while Haruhi watched with a sweatdrop. This was utterly ridiculous in the eyes of the two girls. Is beauty all boys think about?

"Guys, you're being fucking creepy. Thank god that you won't find my pictures though. Sorry Haruhi..." Kain sent her a sheepish look after being on the receiving end of her glare.

"The more I look at this, the more I marvel at it... How could this become that?" one of the twins spoke. The hosts immediately turned to Haruhi for an explanation.

"The day before the entrance ceremonies, I had some gum stuck in my hair from one of the kids in my neighborhood. Its a pain to get gum out of long hair so I cut it off. I didn't really care if I looked like a boy."

"Girls should not refer to themselves as a boy! Mommy!" Tamaki turned to the rest, "Haruhi is using dirty words!"

"Who's Mommy?"

"Better not be me, idiot king," Kain hissed, not sure if he was referring to her, the only other girl, or Kyoya.

"From a club position outlook, I guess I am," Kyoya shrugged. As long as this didn't happen often, he didn't really care. Otherwise... A certain king will be suffering.

Haruhi could only find positive outcomes from being seen as a boy, so she ignored whatever the crying Tamaki said. "Well I can pay off my debt faster as host rather than an errand boy."

That was a good enough answer for all the hosts, excluding their dear foolish King. They knew Haruhi's reason for a boyish appearance, but all of them couldn't help but wonder why Kain was in a similar outward appearance. Each host took a turn glancing at the girl with messy slacks and leather jacket over her uniform shirt and modified vest. None of them were willing to ask her to explain her reasoning, not yet. One day. Instead they moved on as Kyoya asked the two girls if they had any experience with formal dancing.

"Huh? No, but the party has nothing to do with my quota, right?" Haruhi's face blanched, "I'm not all that interested in going to events, so please excuse.."

"No! Socials and dances are common for a gentleman! If you want to walk the path of a host that badly, then you must show us how far you're willing to go, Haruhi-kun. If you and Kain-kun cannot master the waltz within the week, and demonstrate it to us at the dance, then I will expose the fact you're girls!" Tamaki screeched at the two girls. Haruhi sweatdropped while Kain only gave him a bored look.

"First of all, Tama, I'd kill you if you exposed me because that would cause me a hell lot of problems. Plus I know how to dance the fucking waltz already along with, like, twenty plus more," she stated defiantly. They all gave her looks of disbelief. Not that they're judging by appearance, but... Kain did not look the type nor did she act the type. "If you want me to prove it, I'll teach Haruhi."

"Quick, quick, slow..." Kanako said in time with the music as she danced with the nervous Haruhi, "Good, Haruhi-kun. Now on 'slow' bring your feet together. The gentleman always leads. And make sure to look at the girl you're dancing with..."

Meanwhile, Kain was being twirled around by Honey. She had proved her ability to dance after they had asked Kanako to step in due to their doubts. This of course sent Kain into a rage. In which she pulled the only host that was shorter than her (Honey) and executed a flawless waltz. And Honey insisted that they continue to dance, but in a more entertaining way. Which led to the spinning in constant circles.

"You're looking kinda gloomy, boss," the twins said to a moping Tamaki.

"He said he wanted to be the one to dance with Haruhi," commented Hikaru to his brother.

"He's too tall to stand in as a woman for Haruhi-kun," smirked Kaoru.

After the practice was finished, she stayed for a cup of tea. During which a new shipment of tea sets was brought in by Suzushima. He seemingly had quite a strained relationship with Kanako, from the way Kanako talked around him. Plus the way she ran out after he had left. No one bothered to go after her.

Honey jumped onto the back of Haruhi soon after this all occurred, screaming "Haru-chan! Did you know Suzushima-kun is Kasago-chan's fiance?"

"Kyoya, how long have you known?" inquired Tamaki, knowing that Kyoya would most likely have been aware of the engagement. He wasn't dense enough to not acknowledge 'Mommy''s habits of extensive research.

"About him being her fiance? I do, of course, conduct research on our customers. The two are childhood friends. Their engagement appears to have been made by their parents. It didn't seem like information we could use so I didn't mention it," Kyoya said, reading out of his book. "Suzushima Toru: Outstanding grades, fair social status, ordinary looks, reliable. If I had to point out a flaw..."

"Not much presence," Hikaru said.

"He's faint-hearted," Kaoru pointed out.

"In other words, he's plain and bland. Nothing else," Kyoya finished. Haruhi had to stare at them. They all are heartless towards boys outside the club. It was kind of unnerving, but more sad than anything.

"And I used to wonder why they don't have other friends," Kain muttered with a hand on her head, still a bit nauseous.

"Alright then, lets review our strategy," Tamaki said in all seriousness.

"Which one?" the hosts all asked in unison, used to Tamaki's antics by now.

"Ouran Host Club exists to make all women happy!"

A week later, Kain was hitting her head against the wall in the hall holding the formal dance. This was, of course, after the party had started and all the formal welcomes were completed. She hated functions like these ever since she was a little girl. They were plain stupid and the screaming girls at the moment were grating on her nerves. Kain felt two pairs of hands pull her from the wall and moved her in between themselves. She groaned in annoyance.

"Haruhi, Kain, you're both lacking energy," the twins scolded.

"I'm not used to this sorta thing. The only dance I've been to was in my neighborhood park," muttered Haruhi dismally just as Kain said, "I hate formal shit."

"You can't call that a dance party, Haruhi-kun. Kain-kun, I still expect you on your best behavior. Well you're both here anyway, so why don't you try the cuisine? There's a real spread," Kyoya said to them. Now that got both of their attention.

"A spread?" they asked in unison.

"L-Like fancy tuna?" Haruhi asked sheepishly. Kyoya broke his pen in shock as they all, excluding Kain, acted as if they were struck by lightning. How could someone not have had fancy tuna? The twins hugged a blushing Haruhi, repeating a mantra of 'you poor thing'.

"Order some fancy tuna, stat!" Tamaki yelled at Kyoya, who in turn had the caterer add fancy tuna to the spread. Kain started to chuckle at Haruhi's tomato red face.

"Guys, I think she's had enough, you rich bastards. Stop teasing her," Kain growled at the twins. She then punched them and dragged them to the dance floor. Haruhi sent the rough girl a look of gratitude before following their lead to the dance floor.

Haruhi and Kain were whisked off of the dance floor by Mori and Honey and set down in the dressing rooms. Haruhi turned to the twins and Kyoya who were waiting for the two. However, Kain growled and glared at them all. She didn't like this part of the plan at all.

"You didn't have to be so high-handed," Haruhi muttered as the twins handed both girls dresses and wigs for their disguises.

"Nevermind that, just get changed," they responded. She was pushed into a dressing room and started to get ready for the next phase of the plan.

Kain stayed in place, glaring at all the hosts in the room. The twins exchanged a look with each other before gulping. The duo took deep breaths before shoving her into another dressing room before running to hide behind Mori. She peeked her head out, "Dammit. Why do I have to go 'undercover' too? Haruhi-san is already doing so."

"You are needed to make sure the two end up in the right place, Kain-kun. Now, change," Kyoya gave her a pointed look and sighed. "A little 'accident' at the end of the night would be thrilling. Remember, girls, you have twenty minutes before the party climax. We've already called Suzushima to the adjoining classroom. Gratefully ask him what his feelings are."

Soon after, Haruhi and Kain stepped out of their respective dressing rooms. Haruhi had seemingly grown out her hair to the length it was before she cut it and was in a cute pink dress that fit her well. Kain too had longer hair, but it was curled and shone silver in the light. She wore a sleeveless light blue dress that stopped about mid-thigh and her heterochromatic eyes were hidden under silver contacts. The twins set to work on their make-up right away.

"Hey! What's the big idea, having everyone in here? Who is taking care of our guests-" Tamaki barged in just as the twins finished putting the cosmetics on the girls' faces. He stood in awe, staring at the them. Kain rolled her eyes and moved out of his view with a small knowing smile. He only had eyes for Haruhi of course.

"What do you think, sir?" the twins asked him jovially.

"Haru-chan, you look so cute!" Honey called out as she teetered forward. "You too, Kai-chan!"

"My face feels heavy, and it's hard to walk in these shoes," Haruhi stated bluntly causing Kain to chuckle as she walked with ease in her heels that were a good three inches in height.

"Tell me about it. Make-up is fucking evil..." Kain smiled at her as they headed out. They headed down the hall, Haruhi rocking back and forth and Kain gliding down the hall.

"Good luck out there!"

As Suzushima reached out to Haruhi, the doors opened behind them. Standing there was Kanako, who looked as if she was on the verge of tears. The scene did look awfully bad if you only saw that last bit.

"Kanako..." Suzushima was staring straight at her.

"I'm sorry, I seem to be interrupting something. I'll just... I'll..." she was smiling but tears started to streak down her face. Then she just sprinted away, crying. Suzushima didn't need any more prompting before he ran after her, forgetting about Haruhi. Haruhi came out of the room with Tamaki revealing himself right after her.

"Didn't we just complicate things?" Haruhi asked.

"He did go running after her," Tamaki stated with a smile on his face. She smiled too, that was a good thing. 'Ouran Host Club exists to bring happiness to girls, huh?'

In another part of the hall, Kain was leaning against the wall leading outside. She had done her part, now it was up to the rest to make sure those two lovebirds made up. Kain didn't doubt that those two would, she was happy for that. Happy that at least she could help one person fix their strained relationship with their loved one. If only she could do that for herself.

"Kain Tempest?" a masculine voice asked, making Kain jump and face the voice. No one called her by that in Ouran Academy, they used her Japanese name. The voice belonged to a tall man with a mean face and blonde hair tied back into a low ponytail. She gulped slowly. This wasn't good.

"Yeah, who wants to know?" she asked him with venom dripping off of every word.

"Heh, never thought to see the boss' daughter in Japan," he said, ignoring her question and approaching, "You know, he offered a raise for anyone who could find ya and bring ya back to him..."

She glared at the man and backed away. He was one of them. This definitely wasn't good. She was never going to go back to that bastard. Not after the hell he put her through. It wasn't like he really cared about her anyway. He only wanted her to do his dirty work; even though he had plenty of other people for that, she was always better than those idiots. But there was no way she was going to go back to doing her father's chores.

"Fuck off, loser. You ain't going to bring me back to that son of a bitch," she hissed before launched forward. Landing a sharp blow to his solar plexis, she sprinted off.

The hosts had already announced the final dance when she arrived back, in her suit once again. She was out of breath as she leaned against the railing and smiled at the couple. Haruhi, Honey, and Mori glanced at her with confusion. They looked away once she shook her head slightly and turned her attention to the dance. It was so touching to see Suzushika and Kanako dancing together happily, considering they all played a part in making the two realize the other's feelings.

"May this awkward couple be blessed!" cheered Tamaki, nearly hitting Haruhi in the head.

"Tonight's dance queen is..." Hikaru started as he came up behind the basking Tamaki, banana peel in hand. His brother followed up with another banana peel in hand on the other side of Tamaki. "Hereby declared to be Kasugaki Kanako! Now the kiss from the king... Is switched to Fujioka Haruhi!"

"Hey!" Tamaki yelled at the twins while Haruhi stood still in shock. The twins only shrugged.

"After all, Kyoya-senpai did say an accident right at the end would be more thrilling."

Kanako didn't seem to like the idea as much, but Suzushika put a hand on her shoulder and assured her, "Its only a kiss on the cheek right? Go ahead and accept it, to commemorate your graduation from host-hopping."

"Of all the things you put me through..." Haruhi muttered annoyed.

"We'll cut your debt by one-third,"

"Well, as long as its a peck on the cheek..." Haruhi started to walk down the stairs to give Kanako a quick kiss to her cheek. Then Honey just had to ask if it might be Haruhi's first kiss in front of the King of the Hosts, which sent him into a frenzy. Just as Haruhi was about to press a peck onto Kanako's cheek, Tamaki launched himself down the stairs.

"Hold that kiss!" he screamed before slipping on an oddly out of place banana peel and pushing Haruhi forward. Because of this, she ended up planting a kiss on Kanako's lips. Tamaki landed on the ground, shocked and devastated. They quickly broke apart with a hand covering their mouths. The girls watching squealed aloud as the hosts watched on in amusement. The night ended soon after that, the clock tower alight as the cherry blossoms swirled in the sky. The things that occurred this night not to be forgotten anytime soon.

A/N: This story is going to have some romance in it, so tell me who you might want Kain to end up with! I would appreciate it if you would give me your opinion (if you want her to end up with someone other than one of the hosts, please PM me so I can add it to the tally)! Don't forget to rate and review! Thank you for bearing with me, lovies!

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