The Street (English) - Bradle...

By claireverms

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A simple girl who will see her life take a big turn following a family drama. She will meet the right people... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (last one)
New FanFic

Chapter 26

576 14 6
By claireverms

I don't know how to take the fact that he decided to sing Million Words tonight. Does that mean he wants us to retry something? He knows very well that this song is heavy with meaning so I can't believe that he wanted to add it to the setlist by chance. In any case when they left the stage no one broached the subject and we acted as if nothing had happened.

As soon as the concert was over, we got back on the bus to our next destination, Paris. I was apprehensive because I knew I would have to get back in touch with my brother who normally still lives here. Unfortunately for me we would be there in a few hours.

The bus started and I went to sit in the back while the guys were chatting and watching TV in the front. I made up my mind to send a message to my brother to suggest we see each other, and barely had I sent the message when Brad entered.

" - I need to talk to you. He told me quickly

- oh go ahead

- I know everyone thinks that, but I didn't add Million Words for you. It's just that fans like it a lot and I thought it would make them happy.

- Oh...

- I'm sorry if you thought that meant something between us. He said

- Oh no don't worry ...

- Julia will come for 3 days tonight. I wanted to warn you. He confessed to me

- Oh you got back together? I asked with a smile, fake, obviously

- No, she just wants to talk about all this. But she will live on the tour bus.

- But there are no more beds available. I pointed out to him and that's when he lowered his head

- Actually ... I thought that ... Since we will be in Paris ... You ...

- Brad, come on, please. I said because i lost my patience

- I thought that you could go to sleep at your brother's place to leave her your bed...

- But Brad... I said shocked

- I know that I am abusing but I thought that since you wanted to go see your brother, this was the occasion ...

- I see ... I shut my mouth for a few seconds. It's OK.

- Really ? Thank you I really have important things to say to her! He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went out »

I was shocked. How can he ask me that? I know that I am less important than his girlfriend but still. I should have refused but as usual, facing him I am weak.

I went near my bed to collect my things in a bag, my brother still hadn't answered me but luckily I knew his address. We will arrive in Paris in 1 hour, it will be 8 p.m. and I'm thinking of going straight to Martin's house, I don't want to meet Julia this evening.

" - What are you doing ? I turned to see James

- My stuff

- You're going back to England what did Brad do this time?

- No, I'm just going to sleep at my brother's house during our stay in Paris.

- Why ?

- Because I miss him. I said

- Mia, stop lying, you would not have gone to impose yourself at him of your own free will

- Ok, Julia is going to stay here for 3 days and she needs a bed... I confessed

- But you're not going to force yourself to go to sleep elsewhere just to please Brad and Julia!

- It's okay it'll do me good to spend time with my brother.

- If you say so ... Are you coming? We're going to play cards with the guys. He proposed to me "

I followed him into the small living room and we played during the remaining hour of travel. The closer we got to Paris, the more stressed I became. I was finally going to see my brother again after almost 1 year. As for Brad, I heard him tell the guys that he was afraid to see Julia again and afraid of his conversation with her. I admit that I quickly stopped listening the conversation when I heard the name of his "girlfriend".

The driver parked next to the hall where they were going to perform tomorrow and announced that we had arrived in Paris. I went to collect my backpack before placing myself in front of the boys

"- Well, I'm going to join my brother, I'll meet you tomorrow for rehearsals. I said and Brad didn't even deny looking at me. "

I was proud in front of them but I was not delighted to have to leave. I went down the steps of the bus before going to the nearest subway station. Martin lived far enough from the concert hall and I had at least 30 minutes by subway. But honestly the journey passed rather quickly, to my great misfortune because I was approaching the fateful moment. I crossed a few streets, asked passersby for help before finally arriving in front of his apartment around 9 p.m. I put a few seconds before I decided to knock. I heard footsteps approaching the door and it opened on my brother.

"Mia? He said

- Hi ... I was shyly waving my hand

- What are you doing here ?

- You ... You weren't responding to my messages so I figured I was going to come see you.

- And don't you think there was a reason why I shouldn't answer you?

- I told myself that you may not have seen my message ... I said at the beginning while I realized that he was not very happy to see me

- Go home Mia, I don't want to see you. He said starting to close the door but I blocked it with my foot

- Please ... Tell me at least what I did ...

- What you did ? I came to Los Angeles to come back to see you and you left me because I wanted to give our parent a chance!

- But I had my reasons ... I said in a low voice.

- Yes like me I have my reasons for not wanting to welcome you with open arms to my home. He said and slammed the door in my face.

- Martin please ... We need to talk ... I was begging him through the door

- I do not want to see you anymore !

- But you're still my brother ...

- Go away Mia! He screamed through the door before I heard his steps go away "

I remained motionless in front of this apartment. What was I supposed to do now? He is the last member of my family and he doesn't want to see me anymore? I don't understand how we got there. We got along so well before, he was more than my brother, he was my best friend. I know it's my fault, I shouldn't have rejected him in L.A. but fuck he wanted me to forgive our father! What I was hoping by coming here? Was he going to forget everything that happened? I am stupid.

It was almost 9:30 p.m. and I decided to return to the bus, which was at least 1 hour from here. I cried all the tears of my body on the way, I was devastated but I kept walking because I wanted to get to the bus quickly.

It was 10:30 p.m. when I finally arrived in front of the fenced parking lot. I could see the bus in the distance, I stood in front of the entrance where a man stood guard.

"- Your badge miss please. The man asked me and I rummaged in my purse to find my wallet. I couldn't find it so I turned on my phone lamp to help me and that's when panic took over my body. I forgot it on the bus.

- I ... I forgot it on the bus ...

- Go home, miss. You're gonna see them at the concert tomorrow. Wait, did he really take me for a fan?

- But I promise you that I forgot it! I am their technician!

- Well, in that case call them. This man was not taking me seriously and it was starting to get on my nerves "

I took my phone and dialed James' number, no answer, I tried Connor, no answer, same for Tristan, Joe and the rest of the staff whose number I had. They all slept. Despair I decided to call Brad. Fortunately for me he answered after 3 rings

"- I don't have time Mia. He said in a sleepy voice and hung up. "

I tried to call him several times but he did not deign to answer. I turned to the guard who gave me a look that I understood very well. I was on the street for the night, I had no money and I only had a simple jacket in the middle of December.

I was walking the streets of Paris, I was frozen, exhausted and desperate. I wasn't mad at the guys, I knew they needed sleep during this tour. It was bad luck for me. Not knowing what to do, I went down to a subway station, telling myself that it would be hotter than on the street. My stomach was making noise, I was horribly hungry. I knew I was not going to have the best night of my life.

I saw a bench in the station and decided to sit there. I was physically and mentally exhausted, my feet were aching and I just wanted to go home at that time. I tried to call James one last time. But again he did not answer. I decided this time to leave him a message in case he wakes up in the night "James if you have this message please call me back ... Martin did not want to accommodate me and the guard does not want to leave me enter. I'm all alone ... "I finished the voice message before putting my phone back in my pocket.

The station was almost deserted. So I decided to lie down on a bench, hugging my jacket tightly to try to warm myself up. And it was exhausted that I finally managed to doze off in this big Parisian subway station.

I was awakened with a start by the ringing of my phone. Without really understanding what was going on, I brought it to my ear

*phone call*

"- Mia ?! Mia where are you. It was James' voice

- Uh I ... I said with difficulty being always so tired and frozen

- You're okay ? Tell me where you are.

- I ... I'm in the subway station ... The one near the hall ... I said

- I'm coming very soon. He told me before hanging up "

I was gradually starting to remember my evening and my night, I turned my phone to see that it was almost 9 o'clock. I waited a few minutes, sitting on the bench, completely in the vape before seeing a blond head looking all around him. He finally laid eyes on me and breathed, relieved before running towards me. He came up to me and took me in his arms

"- God Mia, I was so scared... He said, putting his head on top of mine

- I ... I'm sorry ... I said, trembling

- You're completely frozen ... Come on, I'll take you back to the bus. He gave me his sweatshirt, and motioned for me to get on his back. "

I fell asleep on him, the hood of his sweatshirt folded over my head and my cheek stuck against his shoulder. He woke me up gently a few minutes later so that I got off his back. We had arrived in front of the bus. The door opened and we both got in. The warm air that took hold of me made me feel good and I was going to sit directly on one of the benches

"- Guys, wake up, I need your blankets, it's urgent! Yelled James.

- James don't scream like that it's early ... Said Connor entering the small room. Mia? You have a bad head. He said laughing but calmed down when he saw James' serious face

- What is happening ? Asked Tris

- Where's Brad? James asked ignoring his question

- In the shower I think, and Julia is still sleeping. He answered

- Brad! Get out of there right away! James knocked on the bathroom door »

Brad replied that he was going out soon and the guys put their blankets around me which made me stop shaking. The bathroom door opened a while later on a rather angry Brad but he calmed down when he saw my condition

"Come on Mia, you're going to take a nice hot shower. Said James, giving me a towel and accompanying me to the shower "

He left me and I undressed before I got into the shower. The hot water on my skin did me a lot of good. All my muscles which were previously tense by the cold, gradually relaxed. I stayed a good fifteen minutes under hot water before going out. I put on some big warm clothes and left to join the guys in the small living room. There were the boys as well as Julia and Joe.

"- So Mia, what happened? James asked when all eyes were on me

- I ... I went to my brother's house but he pushed me away saying he didn't want to see me anymore ... Tears appeared in the corner of my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. It was late but I decided to come back here. Except that I forgot my wallet on the bus and the security guard wouldn't let me in. So I called you all but no one answered. I looked at Brad who lowered his head. So I went to this station telling myself it would be hotter than on the street and I fell asleep and that's it. I finshed

- Oh damn but you could have been assaulted! Exclaimed Tris

- We're really sorry... Said Connor and they came to hug me

- It doesn't matter, I'm alive. I said laughing slightly

- We'll find you a good hotel room for the next two days Mia. Said Joe smiling

- How nice. I'm going to go catch up on my night now. I said before leaving for the back of the bus where there were couches. "

I set to charge my phone before lying down when I heard the door open and Brad appeared in the doorway

"- Hey... He said shyly

- A problem ?

- You ... You can take my bed to rest if you want, it's more comfortable than a sofa ...

- Really ? Thank you very much ... I said before taking my things to head to his bed. I walked past him and he grabbed my arm so I could stay with him in the room.

- I'm really sorry ... I feel so bad for hanging up on you yesterday ...

- Hey, it's okay, you were tired, that's normal. I don't hold it against you at all. I reassured him

- I'm sorry for your brother ... I know it was important to you to reconcile with him. He said before taking me in his arms

- Thank you for caring about me Brad... Is that ok with Julia?

- I think so. He smiled shyly at me. Go catch up on your night, you need it, you're really bad looking. He winked at me as I hit him on the shoulder "

So I went to settle in his bed before falling asleep quickly, surrounded by his smell.

I was woken up two hours later by Joe

"Are you feeling better Mia? He asked me

- I think so. I smiled at him

- I found you a hotel room two minutes from here. You can go there now to rest and don't worry, we'll manage without you tonight, you don't have to come to the concert.

- Thank you very much Joe! "

I took my things again before he took me to the reception of the hotel where I was going to stay for 2 days. Joe left me so he could join the boys in rehearsals as I went up to my room. It was beautiful, I was going to sleep much better than on the bus. I had a large king size bed, a bathroom that I didn't need to share with the guys, and a big TV. But honestly I did not take the time to more fully admire the room and the view which it gave on Paris because for the 3rd time of the day I fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later. It was 9:30 p.m. The concert ended in about ½ hour. So I decided to dress to go and attend.

I left the hotel to go to the concert hall. This time I had my badge and I was able to enter easily. The guys had started a while ago. I said hello to all the staff before going to stand on the side of the stage as usual. The boys noticed me and smiled at me.

I'll not gonna give you the details of the concert. When it was finished the guys went back to the lodges where we all met. It was at this point that I noticed the presence of Julia who was watching Brad with sparkling eyes. Tristan cut me off from my thoughts.

"Would you like to go out together tonight? He proposed

- Why not. Said Brad

- I think I'll go back to the hotel. I said

- Oh no Mia please! You slept all day. You can come one or two hours with us!

- Good ok but no more! I gave in. I always give in with them anyway. "

The guys and Julia left for the bus while I was going to my hotel room. I put on a pretty simple dress and left my hair as it was before receiving a message from James telling me that they were waiting for me downstairs.

So I went downstairs and saw them all in the hall.

" - We can go ? Asked Tris

- I think so. I answered "

We set out on the streets of Paris. I was chatting with James and Connor when I saw Julia approach Brad, take him by the arm and stick to him.

It was going to be a hell of an evening.

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