avengers imagines

By laufeyspilot

16.9K 218 171

a bunch of avengers imagines x reader! will you be travelling to the beautiful realms of asgard, or be out o... More

loki laufeyson x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
steve rogers x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
bucky barnes x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
tony stark x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
peter parker x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
thor x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
meeting & dating tom holland would include ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

dr strange x reader ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  

1.3K 19 12
By laufeyspilot

[ You, (Y/N) were in a car accident just like the doctor himself. You've heard stories about the previous surgeon called Stephen Strange, experiencing the same tragic fate as you, and being healed miraculously. So after weeks of trying everything to help your hands return to their normal health, you decide to locate this doctor once and for all on one rainy weekday in New York. However, things don't go exactly the way you planned ... ]

You sighed once again as you picked up your pen to write down your name, but failed, dropping the pen to your paper with a ' thump ' that resounded around the whole room. Where there once had been a blank piece of paper, there was now a rather large ink blot from where the pen had landed.

You hastily stood up and walked over to your computer, typing in your password with shaking hands. You opened up the word document you were looking for and sighed. It looked like the time was right. You carefully pressed ' print ' on your computer, and was greeted with the whirring sounds of the printer, letting you know that your document was being printed. While it was doing it's thing, you grabbed your (favourite colour) raincoat off of your coat hook, zipping it up with shaking hands, before grabbing your pair of black boots, and lacing them up as best as you could, considering your condition. You grabbed the paper that had just been printed off your printer, and with that you prepared yourself for the walk through the harsh New York rain.

As you trekked through the rain, you realised that there was no way that you could check the address of your destination without getting the paper soaking wet, so you took cover inside a deserted bus stop, and pulled out, with your hands still shaking, the piece of paper that you had hurriedly stuffed inside your coat pocket.

The address still looked completely foreign to you, so you stopped a passerby and asked them if they could direct you in the direction of the address, but to no avail. They were just as clueless as you. You decided to wait in the shelter of the bus stop and stop more people walking by, but alas, everyone was as clueless as the person you had asked previously.

Just as you were about to give up hope a lady, well, based upon her figure, and the way she held herself, you guessed she was a lady, walked past. She wore a large brown cloak which covered her face, so you were unable to see her face. " Excuse me? " You asked, trying to be as polite as possible, despite your desperation. " Yes? " Her voice was feminine, so your assumptions were right. You held out the piece of paper that was now slightly crumbled due to you stuffing it continually in your pocket. " Do you have any idea where I may find this place? " You had prepared yourself for the answer of, " no sorry " or " I can't help you " so you were surprised when the female pointed pointed you in the direction of North. " Walk to the end of the road, then turn left, then keep on walking, it's on the corner of Bleecker Street, so when you see Bleecker Street you know you're almost there. "
" Thank you so much! " You said, a grin plastered upon your face. " I hope the sanctum holds the answers you're looking for. " She placed a hand on your own shaking hands, and you were amazed to see them stop shaking for a brief moment. However, before you had time to ask her what the heck happened, she had quite literally vanished, making you question all that had happened in the last 5 minutes.

After following the lady's instructions it seemed you had indeed come across the place you were looking for.

You carefully walked up to the big doors of the sanctum. Taking a deep breath, you knocked loudly. A bold, slightly chubby man opened the door, he looked at you with a judgemental glare. " What do you want? " He asked. They rarely got visitors at the sanctum. " I'm here for Doctor Stephen Strange, is he here? " You asked. " What do you want with Strange? " The man in front of you asked.
" Well, you see my hands, they— "
" I can take it from here Wong thank you " said a deep monotone voice. The man who opened the door, who you now presumed went by the name Wong, nodded his head, and scurried inside to make way for the man with the deep monotone voice. Shocked by the man's handsomeness that now stood in front of you was a complete understatement. He looked to be around your age, his face structured as if it had been carved out of stone. His cheekbones were extremely sharp, making you wonder if you could cut yourself slapping that face. (A/N : if anyone get's that reference, ily) his hair was black with streaks of grey, which looked very attractive in your eyes. Most of his outfit consisted of blues and browns, however his red cloak, and the golden chain he wore around his neck stood out. You knew this was Stephen Strange before he even introduced himself.

The man in front of you coughed awkwardly, clearly wondering why you had been studying him so intently for the last 30 seconds. You blushed. The doctor found this cute. He wouldn't be lying if he said he was slightly mesmerised by your beauty. " So, what can I do for you? " He asked, gesturing you to come into the sanctum, to which you only just realised that you had been standing outside for the past 5 minutes in the rain.

" Well you see, about 2 months ago I was in a car crash, I was driving back from a friends house, late at night, in a storm, which probably wasn't the best idea. The rain was coming down so hard that I didn't see the car in front of me before it was too late. " You looked down, and Strange gave you a sympathetic look, while removing your coat, and placing it on the coat rack. " The person I crashed into was fine, it was me that suffered the damage, well, mainly my hands. " You looked down at your shaking hands, they had become an embarrassment to you now.

" I've heard stories about your recovery doctor, what happened to you has happened to me. I want to become normal again, I want to be able to use my hands again properly. I'll do whatever it takes. " Strange gave you a look, wondering how you knew who he was without having to introduce himself. However that was quickly replaced with a look of determination, as he looked into your eyes, taking your shaking scarred hands in his own scarred hands. " I see a lot of potential in you (Y/N) it takes a lot of work and time to recover, and I must warn you that it means giving up everything. " You sighed. You had prepared yourself for this. " Okay. " Was all you said. Strange smiled at you. " Well it looks like you've got yourself a new teacher. "
" And it looks like you've got yourself a new student. " You smirked at him.


Stephen had been training you for about 3 months now, and you were on your way to recovery. You were becoming a sorcerer like Stephen, and you were learning more about the mystic arts. You had learnt most of the things you needed to know, including information about your astral form, and how to control it.

As well as recovering, and learning more about becoming a sorcerer, and being strong in the powers they possessed, your bond with Stephen had also grown stronger. You had opened up to him about how your parents had died when you were young, and you were left to live with an Aunt and Uncle who didn't care about your well being, and had moved out when you had enough money to support yourself. He also knew how your dreams of becoming a famous (dream job) had collapsed after your accident.

You also knew about Stephen's life as a surgeon before his accident, and about Christine. You felt a pang of jealously whenever Stephen mentioned Christine. You would be lying to yourself if you said that you had developed feelings for your teacher. But you knew it was against the rules, even if you were roughly the same age, he was your teacher and you were his student.

You smiled, as you stretched and got out of bed. You had decided to move to the sanctum, as it was more convenient, and Stephen had told you that you needed to do so, if you were serious about a full recovery. You occasionally stayed at the other sanctum's that were scattered about, but the New York sanctum was your main base.

Your smile only grew as you remembered you were training with Stephen today, and you would be learning about how to form portals.


" (Y/N!) " You looked over at Stephen, blushing at the way that he pronounced your name.
" Well hello there. " You smirked at your teacher, satisfied with the pink blush that creeped up his face as you smirked at him.
" Right. " He clapped his hands together. " Today's lesson is about how to form portals. As you know portals are an important element in a sorcerers everyday life, so it's important you know how to make one. " He slid a ring which went over 2 fingers onto your fingers. " This is a sling ring, it's the most important thing when summoning a portal. "

Stephen stood behind you and held your hands gently, moving them in the correct position to show you how you would summon a portal. Stephen was so close to you that you could feel his breath on your neck. It was hard to concentrate, but within 35 minutes you had got a pretty strong portal going.

You beamed, happy with your progress. You walked over to where Stephen was seated. He was looking out into the distance. " Hey. " You walked over to him. You hesitated before placing your hand over his own, the shakiness of your hands had slowly started going away. You had no idea where this sudden burst of confidence came from.

Stephen then turned around, his piercing grey eyes staring into your own (E/C) ones. " (Y/N) there's something I need to tell you, something I need to get off of my chest. I don't know if it will affect the way you look at me, or if anything can happen because of it, but (Y/N) I— " However he was cut off by a hand grabbing you by the collar of your cloak, and pulling you into a portal. He tried grabbing you desperately, but it was too late. The last thing he heard was you screaming out his name, as he fell to the floor, defeated. He wasn't strong enough to save you.


You awoke, a certain metallic taste in your mouth. You tried to wipe away the hair that was covering your face, but found that your hands were tied behind your back, and a cloth was tied around your mouth.
" Great " you thought to yourself, some great situation you had gotten yourself into, and just as Strange was about to tell you something important.

You sighed, drawing attention to yourself as a man
entered your cell. Your cell was covered in a thin layer of dirt, and was about half the size as your kitchen at home, you could say you'd been in better situations.

" Ahhh glad to see you have awoken. " You jumped and looked towards the sound of the voice, and saw a man approach you, you felt extremely vulnerable. The man had short, jet black hair. He was extremely lean, and tall, and his yellow, crooked teeth grinned at you. He was exactly like an evil villain you read about in story books.

You moved away from him, disgusted, as he grazed his fingers across your cheek. " What do you want with me " you spat, venom laced in your voice, your voice slightly muffled, due to the cloth covering your mouth. " Well you see (Y/N) we've been watching you for a while now. " At the mention of this you shivered. That was totally not creepy at all. " And we've realised how much of a threat you can be to us, you're more powerful then you know, and with the right amount of training, you may even become more powerful than Doctor Stephen Strange himself. " Well that shut you up for sure. " So it's in our best intentions to keep you here, to die, we won't let you get in our way. No one's here to save you. We won't be threatened by you. "

" You're wrong Stephen will come to save me, I know he will! " Tears gathered in your eyes, but you refused to let them spill, you wouldn't show this evil man weakness, whoever the hell he was. The man in front of you chuckled. " You think a man that's fallen for someone like you is going to come and rescue you, like a prince in shining amour? I don't think so. " And with that he turned on his heel and left. Leaving you with your miserable thoughts, and a punch in the gut about the reality of what was happening.


Stephen ran a hand through this already messed up hair. It had now been 2 weeks since you had gone missing, and he'd tried everything to get you back. His first thought was of course to use the time stone, but he had been warned that the time stone could not be used for a situation like this, he had to rescue you by himself. (A/N : I know that you probably could use it for something like that, but for the sake of this imagine, Strange can't) So that's where he stood now, in the mindset of trying to rescue you, surviving on a little amount of sleep, with several books open. Wong entered the library, and sighed, seeing his friend in the same state that he was in last night. You must mean an awful lot to Stephen.

" Strange you need to sleep, then maybe you'll have more energy to come up with a more thought out plan to rescue— " However he was cut off by his friends face looking at him, his eyes dancing. I know how to do it Wong! I know how to rescue (Y/N!) "


You sat in your cell, swallowing, trying to clear your head that was spinning. You didn't know how long you had been here, but it felt like forever. They gave you one meal here a day, a piece of stale bread, and some sloppy mixture that tasted vaguely like porridge, as well as a cup of water. Each day you were clouded by more sadness, awaiting your death, you knew soon the meals would stop coming, and that you would be left to die, but you tried to surround your mind with the happy moments you had spent with Stephen, remembering how his face would light up when you said his name, or how he would blush a deep red when you flirted with him. You hoped that he was coming soon.


You could feel your body giving into the tiredness, and pain, so you shut your eyes and willed yourself to sleep, just to be free of the pain for a couple of hours. However, your eyes burst wide open when a loud ' thump ' was heard, and a key scrambling to unlock your cell door. Your eyes filled with tears, as you were met with the face of the one person you adored more than anyone on this earth. " Stephen you came back. "
" Of course I did (Y/N) " He looked at you with so much emotion, adoration, guilt, happiness, sadness, and something else. He fumbled to get your chains undone, and ripped your cloth off your mouth. " I'm so sorry I took so long, I couldn't use the time stone, they said I had to do it myself and I— "
" Stephen. " You placed a trembling finger to his lips, silencing him as he looked at you with big eyes. " You came back for me, and that's all that matters. " You hesitantly leaned forward, and placed your lips on his. Stephen was startled at first, but kissed back, turning the kiss into a more passionate one, as he snaked his hands around your waist that had got a lot slimmer in the past 2 weeks. He pulled away. " We've got to get you back to the sanctum. There'll be time for this later. " He picked you up bridal style, as you could feel your eyelids closing. You nuzzled into his warm chest. Content in his arms.  You were weak, and were bound to forget most things, but one thing was for sure. You wouldn't forget that kiss.


It had now been a month since Stephen had rescued you, your prince in shining armour, and you were now fully recovered. Your hands were also on the way to full recovery. You had now learnt most of the skills required to become a sorcerer, and you now knew how to conjure portals, using the sling ring, so as to prevent the same thing happening again.

You snuggled into your boyfriends side. Content in his embrace, and you smiled as he kissed the top of your head. Both of you gazing at the stars as you sat on the roof of the sanctum. " Stephen. " You placed a hand on his chest looking into his eyes. " The people that captured me. They said I was a threat to them, and that with the right amount of training I'd be more powerful than you. " Stephen sighed. Pulling you even closer to his side, if that was even possible. " They're not wrong (Y/N) I've seen your potential, that's why I took you in, you really stood out to me, and not just because of your potential. " You blushed, Stephen still managed to do that to you, even 1 month into your relationship. " We will train you to become as gifted as myself, " he smirked, " but only if you want to. " You sighed.
" I want to Stephen, and then I can kick your ass. " He chuckled, then looked at you with a serious expression. " I won't let anything like that happen you ever again. I know this is pretty early still into our relationship, but I love you (Y/N) " you were slightly shocked by his words, but you couldn't deny the strong feelings that you returned for the man in front of you. " I love you too Stephen. " You pulled him into a passionate kiss, full of the love and adoration you both felt for each other.

{ Word count 3205 }

Holy heck, this imagine was a lot longer than I intended it to be, but I'm happy with the result! I wrote this on a 11 hour plane journey, with no working tv on the plane, and my tablet wouldn't let me download any episodes to watch on netflix, so I thought I would spend the time to write a new imagine! I've planned to write a Dr Strange x reader imagine for a while, so what better way to update when on a 11 hour plane journey :') Sorry I haven't updated for a while, life has been hectic af recently, and I have another book to update too. I'll try and update again as soon as I can, so let me know if you have any requests <3

(Y/N) means, your name
(L/N) means, your last name
(E/C) means, your eye colour
(H/C) means, your hair colour
(H/L) means, your hair length

bye for now :)

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