Blood Tiger (Kakashi Love Sto...

kawaiifoxx77 द्वारा

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Mala Matzu is no ordinary Ninja... She is an Akatsuki and has been since the age of seven. But what will she... अधिक

Blood Tiger (Kakashi Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 New Genin!
Chapter 3 - Stupid Leaf Shinobi!
Chapter 4 - I Hate Drunk Bridge Builders
Chapter 5 - I Hate you MooMoo!
Chapter 6 For the Record, I Will Always Care.
Chapter 7 You Don't Know Me
Chapter 8 An Unlovable Beast
Chapter 9 Much More Then A Tool
Chapter 10 Training Is Never Easy
Chapter 11 Why Am I Crying?!
Chapter 12 Just Be Friends
Chapter 13 New Roomie
Chapter 14 Decisions
Chapter 15 I am going to kill the man I love, how wonderful.
Chapter 16 Blood Tears
Chapter 17 Give It To Me Straight
Chapter 18 - Betrayed and Heart Broken
Chapter 19 - Immortality Comes with a Price
Chapter 20 - Blood Field
Chapter 21 - An Eternity Without You
Chapter 22 - What if I Forget?
Chapter 23 - Forever bound, Never free
Chapter 24 - Blood Tiger Awakens
Chapter 25 - Everything Will Go Dark
Chapter 26 - Light up the Darkness
Chapter 27 - Reborn
Possibility of a rewrite.

Chapter 28 - Scattered Love

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kawaiifoxx77 द्वारा

Alrighty sooo here is chapter 28!! ^.^ This is the last chapter of Blood Tiger! The sequel is already posted and is called Blood Memories!! Even though Mala is dead the sequel is about her and the other characters also you will get a lot more explanations in the sequel then in this book about Chi Tora and Mala.

I really hope you have loved this story and I really hope you read the sequel since I have been working very very hard on it and coming up with pretty much my own storyline for it. :3 leave me a comment to let me know what you think!!

Also if you love my story you might like my other works too! Please make sure to follow me so you can receive notifications when I update as there is the possibility of a rewrite for the sequel. Thanks so much for reading! <3


I lay on my bed feeling stranger than usual. Why do I feel uneasy like something bad is heading my way? Well, something worse than being raised in a jail cell at least.

I'm not an idiot I know exactly what they are doing to me.

"Tora you have a visitor." A cold male voice says and I jump to the window on the door to try and see who the cold voice belongs to but like every other time he is already gone.

"Damn it." I whisper to myself and I slump back on my bed as the door opens and two ANBU enter followed by Kakashi. The ANBU then leave us alone, I run over and hug him then look up and beam at him.

"Wow, you have grown a lot." He says taking in my new features and I smirk at him proudly.

"What? Don't know what to say now that I am all beautiful?" I purr and I can see the part of his face showing turn red.

"So why are you here? I thought you were only supposed to visit me once a year on my birthday, you are three months early." I say changing the subject and he sighs in response while sitting down on my bed and I just stand and watch him.

"Someone very dear to me has returned to the village, but she has lost all her memories and she looks different." He says and I feel angry from these words.

SHE?! I know it was stupid to believe I could be special to him since I'm locked in here but I didn't know he had a girlfriend...

"You are in love with this woman?" I ask acting as though I don't care but I know he sees right through my act.

"Yes, well I love who she was. I don't know who she is now though." He says slouching and I smile to myself.

I have a chance then.

I sit beside him and put my hand on his leg and the other I use to rub his back. He looks at me for a moment then accepts my touch and goes back to slouching.

I begin to slide down his mask but he grabs my wrists as I reach his nose and I stare at him with shock.

"What are you doing?" He asks and I go red as his eyes linger on my lips.

"I-I just wanted to see your face again." I say and he closes his eyes and nods, I smile as he releases my wrists and I pull down his mask the rest of the way.

His face is smooth and white with the scars rippling across his cheek in an intricate pattern.

"How did you get these scars anyways?" I ask stroking them and he shivers and looks at me.

"When I was very young, I was staying in a temporary home on a mission when the place set on fire. My team got out fine but I was trapped in my room when I was saved by a girl my age with long flowing red hair that at first I had mistook for the fire. She saved me but not before I was horribly burnt. I never forgot that girl." He says and in his eye I can see that he is replaying the memories over in his head.

"Did you ever see her again?" I ask curiously and he nods with his eyes slightly watering.

"She came to this village, we fell in love with each other... Then she died." He says and he goes to put his head down but I grab it and force him to look at me.

 "You shouldn't dwell on the past Kakashi, you should look toward the future." I say softly and he stares into my eyes and I blush but keep making eye contact.

"Please Kakashi, set me free." I say and he sighs and turns his head.

"You know I can't do that Tora. Tsunade needs to give permission for you to come out." He says and I shake my head with angry tears in my eyes.

"What a bitch! She has no idea what it is like! I have never been outside before! I don't even know what grass smells like, I don't know what a breeze feels like." I say getting angrier by the minute but I stop when I feel Kakashi's hand on my arm and I turn to him.

"I will see what I can do Tora, please just stay strong and don't be angry." He says and I give him a small smile and nod my head.

"What are you going to do about your friend?" I ask not really caring but I know it means a lot to him.

"I don't know... Tsunade has given her a place maybe I will try and be friends with her... For now." He says looking upset and I roll my eyes.

"Because being her friend is more important then getting me out of this prison." I say coldly and he looks at me with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry Tora you know I didn't mean it that way." He says and I sigh and nod, feeling guilty for being rude to him.

"See you in three months? Hopefully sooner?" I ask and he smiles and nods picking up his mask from my bed and making his way to the door.

"Kakashi?" I say quietly but he turns around. I run over to him and I throw my arms around him hugging him tightly. I smile as I feel him embrace me back causing me to feel warm and safe.

I let go and I grin up at his red face. But I gasp as his lips press against mine for a moment with a soft and warm feeling. Then he is gone from the cell and I am left alone, wishing for more.

Did that really just happen? Or am I finally going insane? I brush my fingers against my lips and recall the brief feeling of his lips.

Footsteps begin to approach making me forget about the kiss and get excited so I stand by the door hoping to see the man who always talks to me.

the door shuts and I press myself against it to see out the barred window.

"Wait!" I shout and he turns, I am slightly shocked at his features but I feel as though they suit him. He has long scars running down his face and he looks as though he has never relaxed in his life.

"What's your name?" I ask and he narrows his eyes only for a moment before going serious again.

"Ibiki." He says and he walks away leaving me smiling.

"Ibiki." I say quietly while I walk over and sit on my bed letting everything that happened today go through my brain.

I have been trapped in this cell for two years, I don't remember what happened before that. I just woke up fully grown one morning and all I could remember was my name...

What secrets is Tsunade keeping from me? Why am I trapped in here? I hope Kakashi kisses me again...


"Tsunade please, you need to let her go. Any evil that was in Chi Tora is not in that girl. She just wants to be free. Keep her in the village under surveillance if you must but you can't let her rot in that cell forever." Kakashi says and I groan and take a swig from my bottle.

"The moment she is free she will turn on us!" I shout and he shakes his head.

"If you keep her locked up she will turn on us!" He shouts back and I sigh, rubbing my fingers on the bridge of my nose.

"What do you want me to do Kakashi? Who would keep an eye on her constantly? I will not let her stay in your house with you and your son." I say getting grumpy and he shakes his head.

"I will watch over her Lady Tsunade." A voice says behind me and I turn to see Ibiki arrive.

"You?! Why on earth would you want to take care of her?" I ask and he looks down.

"I agree with Kakashi, and she trusts me as well." He says and I sigh and shake my head.

"Fine! She will stay with you and be under supervision at all times! But if anything happens she goes straight back to that cell. She is also under no circumstances allowed to use chakra or do any kind of training do I make myself clear?" I command and he nods and Kakashi smirks causing me to growl inside my head.

 "I will be there in a moment to unlock the seal on her cell. Ibiki meet me there, Kakashi I need to talk to you for a moment." I say dreading the conversation soon to come. But he sighs and sits while Ibiki leaves through the window and I catch a glint in his eye that almost looks like happiness. 

Is Ibiki getting lonely? Who would have ever thought that would happen.

I flop down on my chair and look at Kakashi not really knowing where to start.

"So I hear you brought a girl to the hospital today... How come? The Shinobi told me you were very concerned, so concerned that you left your son with the neighbor." I say and he avoids my gaze.

"Well she snuck into my apartment, I found out later she was running from a couple of ninja who were trying to get her on a date with them. I of course assumed she was an enemy but we started talking and I could tell she wasn't but then she collapsed so I brought her to the hospital." He says as if it is no big deal and I snort at his bull shit story.

"Kakashi why didn't you just teleport back to your apartment instead of leaving your son with the neighbor? You obviously waited around the hospital to hear if she was going to be okay and I know you don't do that for strangers... Not anymore." I say and he looks down at his feet and I can tell he doesn't want to breathe a word of the truth from me so I slam my hands on the table causing him to jump slightly.

"Damn it Kakashi tell me the truth now! I am sick of everyone around here not telling me what the hell is going on!!" I shout and he sighs and his shoulders slump.

"Well you notice that Chi Tora was reborn but Mala wasn't?" He says and I nod getting annoyed with all the talk about them.

"I found Mala's reborn form. I don't know how she managed to get her self into this full grown body but she did and she only slightly remembers who she is, but right now she belives her name is Kaori." He says looking sad and I groan in frustration.

"Well what the hell do I do with her then? Lock her up? Get Ibiki to unlock the memories?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Just let her live here... Let her be happy please." He pleads with his eye watering and I nod curtly.

"You will not go near her Kakashi, if you are a trigger to unlock those memories then stay as far away as possible. We don't need her new life to be ruined by horrible memories of killing her own family and younger brother." I say and he nods with a tear escaping his eye and being absorbed into his mask, I feel my face soften when I see this.

"I am sorry Kakashi, you can see Tora but only if Karasu is not with you, understand?" I ask and he nods and he leaves without waiting me to tell him to go.

I sigh and head out the door to go and release Tora, the wild beast. 


I open my eyes and I frown at the sticky feeling in my mouth. Hearing beeping I look around to see I am laying in a hospital room and a shinobi standing guard in the corner but I feel disappointment to see it isn't Kakashi.

"Oh you're finally awake." He says smiling at me while rubbing the back of his head and I see the unlit cigarette in his mouth and frown.

I hate smoking...

"Where is Kakashi?" I ask trying to be polite and he goes serious.

"He left after he brought you here so we could take care of you and get you settled into the village. The Hokage has already given me money for you and I am going to take you to your new home." He says with a smile and I smile thankfully but feel something else... Hurt? Because a man I don't even know decided to leave after bringing me to the hospital? Don't be stupid Kaori.

"Don't I have to wait for the doctor to say I can leave? I also want to talk to the Hokage about sending for a boy and his mother to live here with me, if I could maybe get some shinobi escorts for them that would be great!" I say and he nods with a smile and I wonder if Kakashi would be willing so I can talk to him about my past.

He knows something... Why did he call me Mala? Why do I have bits of shattered memories involving him?

"Don't worry the doctors already said once you wake up you can leave so get ready, I will wait outside the front doors while you change." He says and he leaves me alone and I jump out of bed excitedly get changed and run to the window and smile at the village.

Finally I am here and I am going to find out about Kakashi and those red eyes.

I leave the hospital and begin to walk with the man but I keep a slight distance as he lights his smoke.

"So maybe Kakashi could come to escort my friends? It would be nice if I knew someone who was going." I say casually and he gives me an awkward look.

"He is a very busy man, I doubt he has time for you." He says and I frown feeling confused.

Then why did he act the way he did around me?

"You don't even know when the escort will happen." I say narrowing my eyes at him and he chuckles nervously.

"W-Well you know, he is one of the most renowned ninjas in the village and he is always on classified missions that take him far away." He says and I frown even more.

"Even with his son?" I ask and he stops in his tracks and stares at me looking nervous.

"Look Ma-Kaori, it would be best if you just stayed away from him from now on. He has been through a lot and he doesn't need someone else jumping into his life and bringing more onto his shoulders." He says seriously and he continues to walk I follow him and try to get more out of him but he just ignores me until we arrive at an apartment building I am positive is on the opposite side of the village from Kakashi's.

"Alright so your apartment is on the second floor, number 7. Here is some money and the fridge is already stocked. The Hokage wants to see you in her office at 8 AM tomorrow." He says and he starts to walk away after handing me the heavy pouch of money.

"You almost called me Mala? Didn't you?" I shout after him and he turns around looking serious.

"Just try not to get involved in the Shinobi world too much Kaori." He says and I feel insulted but curious at what he says as I watch him disappear.

Had I come here before and caused trouble with Kakashi? Why was that man constantly in my head?!

I sigh and walk up to my apartment but smile as I enter it. It was the biggest room I was ever going to sleep in. (That I could remember at least) I walk around it and flop down on the large queen size bed in the only bedroom and smile at the warmth and comfortable mattress but soon find myself falling into dreams with red eyes everywhere...


The man stalks through the village with a sick smile on his face and laughs to himself quietly.

 He had waited a long time for this moment, finally his true love was free and he would be able to take her for his own. He didn't mean to hurt her the last time they met but sometimes he can't help himself... He wants to hurt her but love her at the same time. He finds pleasure by doing both.

He smiles at the thought of cutting into her flesh again and then kissing it better. Oh his sweet, sweet flower was finally going to go home with him.

"Kaori." He whispers to himself and he walks down the street with his cloak blowing in the wind not realizing that a white haired man sitting on one of the nearby rooftops hears the man whisper her name.

I will have my love back! - They think at the exact same time.

Yes this is the end of Blood Tiger but do not worry the sequel is already on my profile.

Oh yea Tora's powers kicked in and they caused her to grow to full maturity (the same age as mala) over night. You will understand more in the next book.

What do you think of the creeper at the end? hehe btw Tora is the girl on the side.

Blood Memories (Sequel) link

If you like my works please don't forget to follow me! ^^ thanks so much ! <3

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