Alpha Games

By La_Honey_Blonde

22.9K 1.3K 96

*Completed* Sarah is a Princess of the Ice Wolves Pack, she is the first Female in centuries to be without a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- Ice Wolf-pack
Chapter 4 -Training
Chapter 5- lost in thought
Chapter 6- The Annoncement
Chapter 7-Strolling through the village
Chapter 8 - Late night Ranedevou
Chapter 9- Confessions
Chapter 10-Bell of the Ball
Chapter 11- Choices oh the Choices
Chapter 12- Waking up
Chapter 13-Clarity
Chapter 14-Dreams and Reality
Chapter 15 A loss for words
Chapter- 16 Default Setting
Chapter 17- Stranger Things
Chapter 18- Christmas Announcement
Chapter 19- The Deverouxs
Chapter 20- Breathtaking moments
Chapter 21 Meeting the Monster
Chapter 22 For Me?
Chapter 23 Rising Tempers
Chapter 24- Proper Introductions
Chapter 25-Shadows on the Beach
Chapter 26- Challenging the Beta
Chapter 27- Entering the Desert
Chapter 28-Desert or Dessert?
Chapter 29-Frenamies
Chapter 30- All Riled up
Chapter 31-Golden Party
Chapter 32- Refreshing Views
Chapter- 33 Castle in the Snow
Chapter 34-Confusion
Chapter 35-Lasting Goodbye
Chapter 36-Girls Night
Chapter-37 The Morning After
Chapter 38-Moving Forward
Chapter 39-Bad Moon Rising
Chapter-40 Hypnotic
Chapter 41-Arcadiana
Chapter 42-The Search
Chapter- 43 Dinner with the Devil
Chapter- 44 Calling Home
Chapter 45- Bonding Moment
Chapter- 46 The Dark of You
Chapter- 47 Place of Horrors
Chapter-48 Lookout
Chapter 50- Mistaken Identity
Chapter- 51 The Secrete
Chapter 52-Eyes Closed
Chapter 53-Brotherhood
Chapter -54 Going to War
Chapter- 55 Acceptance
Chapter- 56 Changing Views
Chapter- 57 Accepting Change
Chapter 58 Meet and Greet
Chapter 59- A Marked Mess
Chapter 60-Let the Games Begin
Chapter 61-Blood in the Sand
Chapter 62-Heat
Chapter- 63 The Fight for Fate
Chapter- 64 Yours

Chapter 49-Waiting for you

237 12 1
By La_Honey_Blonde

Kovue's POV~

We arrived home in just under 6 hours, i was a nervous wreck and paced the whole plane. Her father wasn't any calmer, he tapped his leg and mumbled to himself throughout the flight. We had more than enough volunteers to rescue her but i was still apprehensive. I had yet to tell her father why i was so eager to help him, i felt a slight pang of guilt. 

It wasn't enough to push me to explain yet, however i knew i needed to if she was going to accept me. I was currently in my office looking at a map when Kalil burst through the door. He was more than eager for revenge on Ivan for torturing him. 

He told us of the lab he was kept close to, it had jars of organs along with body parts like heads and hands. He said there was a doctor there that reminded him of the Hyde and Jekyll stories. The so called doctor would pump iv's of various chemicals into their victims and monitor the effects though a glass dome. 

He said the screaming was like a never ending sound that made you feel as though you where in a mental hospital. The guards would come by and prod you with an electric rod if they caught you covering your ears or eyes closed. They forced you to watch as they tortured others, some with leaches on there eyes while most had missing body parts.

"We should head out, i want to get as close as we can get to the border. It's time to save my daughter." Samuel was just as on edge as i was, and i agreed it was time to get her back. We filed out of my office and down the stairs to the kitchen. Kitanie was making sandwiches for us to bring with us. 

"Hello everyone! Welcome home Kovue!" Kitanie came over and kissed my cheek as i pulled her into a hug. 

"Thank you Kit for the food, we need to be leaving soon. Is there anything i can do to help you?" I asked her but kept my eyes on Samuel as he stared at us. "Nope it all done dear. I've got Carter coming in to hep Kalil load the backpacks. You both just be careful, i cant loos either of you." 

She hugged me tightly as i kissed her hair "You wont, we will be back soon." She nodded into my shirt and sniffled as i pulled her away to leave out the door following Samuel. Once outside i addressed our warriors "We are going to war wolves. You are the best of the best and there will be bloodshed, after today i want to come back and announce the annihilation of the hunters." 

Multiple cheers rang out and 'yes alphas' as we gathered the last of our supplies to head towards the mountains. The terrain was curved, edgy and dangerous but our wolves where used to it. We would stay in human form until we reached the base that way we could conserve as much energy as we could. 

Kaine was scratching at my mind and has been since we found out Sarah was missing. He wanted her and so did I, he was pushing for me to tell him she was ours. But how was i going to do that, i know how it looks. I am already supposed to be mated with three kids along with i am already a king. 

"Okay we are at the base lets shift, we will run the rest in wolf form until dark and set up camp" I called out as we all began to undress to shift into our wolves. My thoughts where all jumbled as i shifted to let Kaine free, he shook out his fur looking around at the warriors. Our wolf was one of the largest but matched Samuel's white with size. Kalil was a close second to us with Carter and the rest coming in behind. 

Our typical wolves were the size of a Grizzly bear, however the alpha blood gave you a boost and the Kodiak bear was a close size to us. Moving though the trees i enjoyed the wind through my fur and the snow against my feet. Running with the pack i always got extra adrenaline boost with the sound of all the paws hitting behind me. 

A slid to a stop when i heard a yelp, it wasn't close but i looked around mind-linking Kalil "did you hear that?" He nodded to me and quieted the pack as we held our heads high listening. I sniffed but couldn't pinpoint a specific scent. Kalil answered the call and we heard another pained one rang out. 

Samuel turned to the sound and howled as well with Kalil and Carter. I listened as i heard it again this time it was pained and desperate, Kaine yelped in my mind. 


He roared at me and i he took over long enough to let out a long loud howl of our own, he was telling her we were coming. It wouldn't be long and she would be safe in our arms.   Our feet carried us towards her cries for help faster than the others could catch up. 

When a white wolf slammed into my side i turned on him growling and flashing my teeth no one was going to stop me from getting her. Samuel growled back at me and shifted to his skin. "Kovue think logically, we have to follow them back and get a plan together. We can't just run in, we could get her killed." 

I growled but knew he was right, i nodded at him and turned to head back to the others. "Now why don't you explain how my daughter is your mate when you already have one." 


'Thanks Kaine, your a great help.' 

He scoffed at me as i looked back up to Samuel he had shifted back to wolf form and was walking beside me. Guess it was time i explained myself, while we came up with a plan to save Sarah. 


Sarah POV~ 

I couldn't sleep at all, i listened to the light snores of Blade and Cecelia but i could only stare out the window. I hoped to see that beautiful mercury wolf run in teeth bared with blood and body parts strewn. Yeah, it was a graphic thought but it was not like he was going to show up on a white horse. No that was not what we where, i could imagine Sebastian doing that however. 

I could feel myself tearing up at him, i missed my friend. He could have been more and i certainly wouldn't have objected. He was sweet and straight forward about what he wanted, unlike my mystery wolf. Sadie wanted our mate, i was still reluctant to want anyone now after Max. 

His name made Sadie growl in annoyance, i couldn't be upset with her after all i did try to kill myself over him. The sun was starting to set again and i sighed, i was tired but restless. Apparently the hunters where opposite from the rest of the world and preferred to conduct business all night and throughout the mornings. 

I looked out the window again for the hundredth time so far. "You know if you keep staring out there your mind will start to play tricks on you. Who knows maybe the Blair witch will surprise us with her presence." I rolled my eyes as Blade yawned loudly. 

"Yeah well it would be just the topper on my cake then." i shrugged at him as i turned to look at him in the dark. Sadie was alert now and was eyeing him suspiciously. She had a right to do that, he was being nice and around here that meant he wanted something. 

"Blade cut the shit, why are you really being nice to me? Everyone has a reason and i want to know yours." I stared at him as i sat down on the desk. 

He looked up at me raising his eyebrow, even in the dark i could still see his face lit up by the fading sun. He thin jawline and curved thick lips along with the darkness of his eyes was beautiful. The makeshift curtains did nothing to block it out as i stared at him watching his eyes study me. 

"I..." He started when Cecelia woke up stretching and called out to us "Hey ladies, good evening! what i miss while i was dead to the world?" I shook my head at her and looked back to Blade who straightened up on his couch and walked into the bathroom closing the door. 

"Guess he woke up on the couch." We both laughed as she said it. I liked her and hoped we could escape together, apparently i was making my own pack now. "Well i hate to go but i have dinner duty as well so ill see you later, be safe." She saluted me as she left the room after patting her hair down and wiping her eyes with the hem of her shirt. 

I was still in the dress from earlier, since i hadn't laid down it was still in decent shape. Blade came out dressed in his usual combat gear. "Sarah, honestly i am just sick of the bullshit here. There seems to always be one more job or one more girl and i have been here so long i feel like i lost myself. Seeing you i don't know, it struck a nerve and i want to get out." 

I stared at him but didn't make a move or utter a word, he seemed to not be finished. "Sarah, i want to help you escape.I can't be free here, i also want to take Cecilia with us. " 

"Yo B, you finished with her yet? The guys want a taste too!" the guy from earlier banged on his door interrupting us.  Blade looked like he was going to murder someone as he stood up walking to the door. 

He opened the door and shoved the guy out, as he closed the door behind him. I could hear them walking but there voices were just quiet enough i couldn't hear the conversation. I huffed in annoyance and turned back around to look out the window. 

I jumped up before to long realizing he didn't lock the door, i ran over and locked it then went back to the window. I popped the latch and opened it, only it only went about two inches wide. There was no way i was going to fit out of it, i growled again looking around for something to pry it open with. 

I didn't find anything but did manage to open in enough i could stick my nose out, taking a large breath in of the cold i smiled. My smile soon turned into a shit eating grin when i smelled them, the chocolate and marshmallows mixed with my father's spice and cedar scent overwhelmed me and i couldn't stop crying. 

I controlled myself and focused on my mind-link searching for my father. Once i found him i locked in "Daddy?" 

"Troublemaker! thank the moon you are alright! Have they hurt you?" I smiled sadly at his worried voice. 

"Not exactly, but daddy listen i don't have long, i am in the main house. Well what i think is the main house, there are tons of innocent girls here. From what i understand speaking with a werewolf girl here she says its like a brothel." I searched the treeline hoping to see him as i spoke. 

He growled through the link and i knew he was getting upset and more anxious by the minute. "Daddy, the leader Ivan he um he is selling me to the highest bidder in the morning. I don't know what will happen but daddy i am scared." 

Silence...Deafening silence through the link. 

"Daddy" i tried again. 

"Sarah, we will have you out of there soon." He growled through the link. 

"Sarah, open the door. Don't make me break it down" Blade was banging on the door and i ran over to unlock it. 

"Sorry," i smiled sheepishly "I was worried someone would come in. I shrugged as he came in closing the door behind him. He nodded at me and noticed the window open behind me and went over to inspect it. 

He turned to me with a glare "Trying to escape? I thought i told you earlier we where going together with Cecelia?" He almost looked hurt as he gestured to the window. 

I shook my head no, but could i trust him enough to tell him the truth? I was looking for an escape but knew i wouldn't get far right now. I was mainly wanting to scent my saviors. 

'I TRUST HIM, TELL HIM' Sadie nodded and sat back to wait for me to tell Blade the truth. 

I gestured to the couch with my hand as i sat back down on the desk. "The truth is, my mate is coming. He and my father are outside the walls now and are going to attack soon." 

Blade face turned to fury then to relief then back to fury "Great, now innocent people will die in this stupid war." He stood up and started to pace like he was deep in thought. "Okay, how long do we have? i can try and get as many as we can to the escape tunnel under the house. It leads to under the Blue Lagoon, does your family have men to help them? They will have to swim underwater to make it out." 

I shrugged i wasn't sure" Ill ask," I sat back and searched for my dad again. "Daddy, do you have any men to spare? My protector here is going to help me get as many of the women out as we can. The exit will be through a underground cave that will lead to the Blue Lagoon, the men will have to swim for them." 

I waited impatiently as i felt him stir on the other side of the link. "Yes, Sarah we will have wolves positioned their to help. I want you to be one of the first out, understand?" His voice was stern over the link but he knew me better i was not going to sit back and watch the others die because i was selfish with my own life. 

"Yes father, how long do you think it will be?" I decided against arguing with him. "Blade is there anything like shift changes coming soon?" 

He nodded at me "Yes there will be a shift change in the towers and surrounding grounds in forty five min. That would be the best time to attack as everyone guards will be down and most wont have weapons then." He looked down at his watch then the door to the bedroom. "Come on lets get to dinner and spread the word to the females." He stood up and opened the door for me. 

"Daddy their will be a shift change from towers and surrounding area in forty five minutes. Blade says that is the best time to attack since the guards will be unaware and most unarmed." I called though the link as i walked to the door. 

"Well see you soon, I love you troublemaker." I smiled at him, gosh i couldn't wait to see my dad. 

"I love you too, see you soon." I called back but before he left he called out again to me. 

"By the way Sarah, your mate is here." I stopped at his words, how did he know that? Blade tugged me along before i could link him back. The room was crowded with males and few females that where seated, most of the females where serving food. I searched for Cecilia but couldn't locate her through all the different scents, i almost regretted having Sadie at full force now. 

The smells of the arousal from the males looking at me was making me sick, i didn't know if i could eat now. Once a larger women brought out a plate with roast, potatoes and vegetables i forgot the males and my stomach growled. 

Blade sat beside me with his arm around my chair and my thighs pressed against his, i knew this was just a show for the others. I wasn't uncomfortable knowing i had the wrong plumbing for him so i settled with my back pressed to his side. We ate in silence but the others where constantly talking, i wished i had a mindlink to warn the others. 

Alot of the girls where vampires or werewolves, i only noticed two humans in the mix but they where not paying attention to anyone. They where sitting at at table with multiple men and laughing along with them. I looked to Blade who shook his head at me, a silent don't bother with them. 

Once i found Cecilia i followed her to the kitchen and grabbed her from behind sliding into what i assumed was a pantry. She stilled in my arms and didn't try to fight me, this poor girl. I knew she had been raped multiple times and this was what she was thinking was about to happen. I turned her around to face me after i shut the door and hugged her to me. 

She slapped my arm "Dammit Sarah, don't do that! Ugh i have had more than enough of that from the vultures here." I felt ashamed to do that now, but no matter this was important. 

"Cecelia, listen to me closely. My family is here and will attack in about 25 minuets now, Blade says to save as many women as we can, to lead them through the tunnels below us that lead to the Blue Lagoon." I whispered to her as i held her hands in mine. 

"Shit okay, um i don't know what a Blue Lagoon is but alot of us can't swim. This should be interesting, ill spread the word but if all of us start leaving it will rouse suspicion. The men expect us to entertain them after dinner." She looked around the room and smiled sadly. 

"I will cause a distraction, you just get as many out as you can. Leave the rest to me okay?" I hugged her again as i shoved her out the pantry. I had no clue how to keep their focus on me but i was damn sure going to try. 

Leaving out of the pantry i ran into Blade who held me close in a hug "Stupid girl, do not leave my sight! Do you realize what could have happened to you?"  

His pear and vanilla scent surrounded me and i laughed, of course he would smell this sweet. I shook my head into his chest "I am sorry Blade but i had to let Cecelia know. We don't have much time left, she said we need a distraction for the men since the girls always do after dinner. Any ideas?" 

He stilled at my words and looked down at me "No, i will not allow you to do that. I am supposed to protect you and if you do what they want my life will be pointless." 

I shook my head smacking his shoulder "I am not having sex with anyone stupid. I was going to maybe sing, i have a decent voice and well i am sure it would attract them to focus on me. Is there a piano or guitar around?"

He smiled at me and nodded "I actually play guitar so yeah i will go get it from my room. Come with me and change, we need something sexier than this to keep their attention." I growled but followed him anyway. 

"I am not wearing this! I will look like a prostitute!" I growled in annoyance at him. Once we got back to his room he had a Red lace push-up bra with the matching thong and tights that clips to the belt around my waist. He also had Red heels brought in and a white sheer camisole to cover me. 

"No sweetie you look like a Victoria Secret model. Hell you look good enough to make me consider changing  my preference! " I stared at him mouth agape, was he seriously going to make me wear this? 

He laughed "Close your mouth Sarah, it isn't wide enough for me to fit anyway." 

I growled again but closed my mouth. He looped our arms and led me out the door while whispering lets get into their heads. I laughed at him but walked down the hallway, carefully not to fall on my face. 

We entered the dining room and he walked me to the front of the room onto a small platform as he sat in a chair to the side. He set his amp up to the front facing the crowd, his Ibanez Roadcore Rc365h was black with white shine to it. The males quieted down as did the females in there laps, Blade handed me a microphone and i cleared my throat. 

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special treat for you all for working so hard in keeping the camp safe." I internally groaned at myself, i was a bad liar. "Ladies if you will all follow Ms. Cecelia she will get you changed for our performance." The girls all looked around but slid out of the arms of the men and followed Cecelia. 

I looked at Blade and took a deep breath i was scared sick right now. There was no way of knowing how they would react or if they would sit still which we hoped would be the case. He nodded to me and looked down 5 minutes he mouthed to me. 

I turned back to the crowd as he began to play his guitar, i swayed my hips the beat and another man started to tap the table giving me a little more. I smiled at him and winked as i let out he words i had been thinking of Red Light Special by TLC was the decided chorus. 

Most of the men listened to me but seemed to get bored quickly so i amped it up and slid the camisole from my shoulder giving them a view of my cleavage as i sang a little softer. I spun around and rolled my hips getting whistles. I looked to the kitchen and seen Cecelia nod to me as she disappeared. 

"Take it off!" Multiple males where hollering at me, i knew this was a bad idea. I had to keep there attention so i did as instructed let the camisole pool at my feet as i did a little shake. 

Thankfully a loud roar and sirens went off before they could insist more. Men jumped from there seats and raced to the doorways and outside while others ran to what Blade said was the armory. "Come on princess, we got to go now" 

Blade grabbed my hand as i snatched the camisole and slipped it on. I wasn't going very fast in these heels so he picked me up racing toward the door leading downstairs. "Blade, what the hell are you doing! Get out here we need backup!" a man hollered at him as he passed by him with me. 

He set me down and kissed my hair "Follow this wall down to the stone hallway, turn left then ran as fast as you can. Do not stop til you reach the water, dive in and swim as hard as you can." I shook my head at him, i didn't want to leave him. He was a light in the darkness here and he needed to be with us and free. 

He shoved me "Go princess, i will see you on the other side" he smiled at me as i stepped out of my heels and ran down the hallway. I slid to the side in the tights and almost fell but kept my footing as i ran. I could hear guns firing, growls, snarls along with screaming. The loud blaring alarm did nothing but elevate the panic around here. 

Men and a few women where running as well, i could tell some of the males picked up on the escape route and followed. The smell of blood hits me hard as i came to a stop in the tunnel, there was multiple females laying with blood from there mouths and eyes.  I could hear screaming and my feet carried me down the way. I stopped again as i noticed Ivan, he was holding one of the girls by her throat. 

I looked closer and it was Cecelia, he yelled at her and slammed her into the wall. "You stupid bitch! where is she! Tell me now or i will kill each one slowly!" 

She whimpered "I...i i don't know, she was in the main house with Blade, i haven't seen her. Please don't hurt them, they only followed my instructions!" 

He dropped her to the ground and pulled another girl by her hair slicing her throat. The blood pooled under her as she gagged a few times and the life drained from her eyes. I growled "Stop this! I am who you want. Here i am" 

He dropped the girl and three more men came from the shadows grabbing my arms and the other grabbed the back of my neck. "Ah i see you even dressed up for this occasion." Ivan came over to me sliding his filthy blood stained hands down my exposed skin. I shivered in disgust and tried to pull away only for the guys holding me to tighten there grips. 

I growled at him in warning, Sadie coming forward. We where not going to be taken without a fight and she was ready to tear them apart, how dare he touch what isn't his. "Touch me again and you will not have the pleasure to touch another." I gritted out as he grabbed my throat. 

He looked to the guys as he laughed "This should be fun, i love when they fight. It only increases my apatite. Darryl grab the blonde over there hold her on her knees with the knife at her throat. James you do the same to her," He pointed to Cecelia and another girl with big blue eyes. I growled as they grabbed them forcing them to there knees as they cried. 

"Now you shift and they die, one by one." He grabbed my face as he kissed my lips. I spit in his face and he backhanded me laughing. "Keep up girly, i've got to many men fighting upstairs they will never get to you in time." 

"Daddy, Daddy, i tried to save them all. Tell mom and my sister i love them, I am so sorry." I cried out into the link as Ivan pulled me to him kissing my neck and roaming my body with his hands again. He tore the camisole from my body as the men holding me groaned there approval. 


Hopefully someone can get to her in time! 

Comments and Votes appreciated! 

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