Through Our Eyes

Par ThatAGurlBlue

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Interested in the backstory of the characters from Dawn Of A New Age? Let us show you what they went through... Plus

"The Evil One"


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Par ThatAGurlBlue

Survival was a cruel but common thing to every single living thing, and for so many years more it continues to torment all. No matter what day it is , or what time. It constantly haunts both the conscious and the blind beasts that stalk the vast amount of land before them.

As one survives long enough to see the many ongoing days and changes, they are able to live on and actually have something to live and fight for.

This was the case for one behemoth who came to be apart of this wicked survival, at first at a very young age. Like all things, they all start from somewhere. All creatures which was normal start off small, and grow up to be much bigger in time. Becoming successful in their own life they had to learn and adapt, to many different experiences along the way. As such a strong spirited yet small beast would soon become a fearless behemoth, and it first started when he escaped his very first obstacle which was a natural prison to new borns.

The small infant rex who finally escaped from the egg and touched the ground with his little feet, was able to take in his first real breath. So many scents swirled around him, along with new sounds in which he had never heard before. Sunny was the early day in which was his very first visual experience in his life. Curious eyes would soon slowly look around before blinking fast to a large mouth of a powerful predator that brushed against his smaller body. The gesture was careful but equally gentle.

It was then that he first met with his parents.

Both large beasts that towered over him were the height of the trees, and though they were powerful they showed him the utmost care and protection.

Comfortable with both of his parents, he trusted them with his life. Which was key to his survival.

During his birth was when the changes slowly began to surface, and few beasts were actually beginning to wake up from their so called, 'blindness'. As such both of his parents were actually those who had escaped from their primal ways. So to speak, they escaped the darkness of their minds.

And like them, he was also aware that he to was the same.

The small infant would then soon realize that there were many more out there who were extremely different from him. He was not aware of the blind, and both of his parents had to tell him about it.

"So they are like us?", he asked his parents curiously in a squeak.

"Yes. But...", he watched as his mother's expression darkened a bit. Her eyes looked at her mate who then nodded, for he decided to take over. "They look like us, but they are not like us in thought."

Small but curious eyes continued to look up at his parents, as his father's words slowly sunk in.

"Let's go.", grumbled his father who was keen on moving onward. He had a family to protect after all, and since his son was a new born he would have to be extra vigilant.

"My little Devastate please stay close to me.", purred his mother as she made sure that her son was at her side at all times.

"Devastate? Is that my name?", he asked his mother curiously in a interested squeak as his little feet carried him. He was looking up at her with a strong light in his eyes.

"Yes, your father chose that for you. For he believes that you would soon devastate your opponents.", laughed his mother in a humorous way. "Not to mention you will devastate some hearts of some females, seeing you have your father's good looks."

"...!", his father heard her say that and snorted with his eyes closed. He honestly was trying to look tough and not flustered by what she had said.

"Dad are you okay?", squeaked Devastate.

"Yeah. It's just your mother loves to pull my tail at times.", snorted his father.

Devastate looked at his mother who laughed a bit more, her maw was lifted into a kind smile.

The importance of a family was a really strong belief for Devastate, for his parents told him that was what mattered most. Especially seeing that was all that they had, was each other.

Devastate would soon come to meet the blind throughout his life, and both parents protected him with their very lives. He would have to watch with fear in his eyes, as his heart would rattle furiously in his chest as he watched his parents be thrown to danger constantly. All for the sake of protecting him.

It was then at that moment that he was going to do whatever it took to help his parents during such horrifying times. Rexes and those who were like them who were born were then made to be fighters in tribes. For their strength was very important to fight against the blind, that stalked behind them in the shadows. Devastate was aware of that thanks to his parents at a early age. Though scared of the blind when he was younger, would then soon fuel him later in life as he grew up. That fear would soon change into a strong confidence, for his strength would keep him alive throughout the years until he became a teenager.


As a teen, Devastate became an expert fighter who strived to help his parents at all costs. He had heart and swallowed his nagging fear that use to haunt him when he was just a new born.

"Devastate?", grunted his father as he looked at him one night. For the family settled down for the night after a good hunt.

"Yes?", replied the strong teen known as Devastate who helped his parents out during rough times with the blind.

"No matter how dark the world seems at times, always know that there is light out there. It maybe small at first but if you protect it enough it will surely grow."

Devastate blinked at his father who had said these words, his father's gaze was on his sleeping mate who rested at his side. Devastate could only smile for he knew how much his father cared about his mother. The both of them took on the harshest of environments and obstacles just to protect what was dear to them both. Their family.

"I will remember that.", spoke Devastate as he looked at his father. He watched as his father looked back at him slowly and smiled proudly. Devastate could only smile back, showing great respect for his father.

That night was a serene moment for the three of them as they enjoyed each others company, and little did they know that would be their last night together. 


The sun would soon slowly rise, waking up the small family. Devastate woke up along with his parents as they continued onward, in search of new territories to make their own. As they walked together, into the dense forest around them. An ambush soon happened.

Though he was a teenager, he was still seen as easy prey to experienced predators. "!?!"

"DEVASTATE!?!", roared his mother as she saw a large giganotosaurus grab her son. This beast was completely over Devastate in a second, and before it could bite his throat. His mother recklessly threw herself onto the large beast.

"MOM!?!", yelled Devastate as both his mother and the blind beast were both on the ground. His father ran to help only to be stopped by three more blind beasts of the same kind. Though they were blind, they knew how to form a pack for better hunting odds.

Devastate rushed to stand up and rushed to help his mother who was pinned by the menacing beast. As he rushed in, he was struck powerfully by a large tail. His vision went black as he heard his father yell, "NOOO!?!"

Waking up in a startled way from a terrifying nightmare, Devastate quickly stood up onto his shaking feet. "MOM!?! DAD!?!", he yelled out while looking around frantically. Looking up did he see that the time was much later in the day which meant he had been out for a few hours.

He looked over finally where he saw his mother being pinned, did his eyes went wide seeing her there. "MOM!?!", he yelled again while running to her. Stopping at her side did he see the full extent of her wounds. "N-No..."

His mother had a deep bite wound on her throat, and she was not breathing. He knew then and there that she was gone.

"DEVASTATE!?!", roared his father who was now behind him. Devastate turned to look at his father relieved which changed immediately to a horrified look to what he saw, for his father was a bloody mess. His father had deep wounds throughout his large form, with what looked like a heavily twisted left ankle. It was clear that his father's ankle was badly broken.

"D-Dad....!", spoke Devastate in a painful voice. The burning in his eyes were so great, that tears began to form in them uncontrollably. "N-No way...!"

Devastate watched as his father slowly approached him, limping in such a pitiful way as the ground below him took the dripping of what was his blood. "I killed them bastards...", scoff laughed his father who was definitely crying. He knew that his mate was dead, and feared that his son suffered the same fate. The look of utter relief on his father's face was just so heart wrenching.

Devastate was crying as his father carefully pressed his bloody muzzle into his face, and he closed his eyes as his father spoke hoarsely in relief. "I am so glad that you are alright...!"

"D-Dad...", cried Devastate pressing into his father desperately. He didn't even care if he got blood on him, for he wanted to be close to his father.

"Devastate I need you to listen to me...", spoke his father painfully. "I need you to run."

"What!?! Why!?!", cried Devastate. "I don't want to leave you!?!"

"You have to leave me. I am in no shape to run.", groaned his father.

Devastate blinked hearing movement in the trees from where his father came from, and his father glared despite the severity of his wounds. "Though I killed those who killed your mother, there are others around who could smell the blood."

Devastate shook his head sharply, "Then I can help you fight- ."

"No! I honestly want you to live on and find your light! Live for your mother and I! Make a family and live!?!", snapped his father as he pushed Devastate strongly away with his bleeding nose.

Devastate looked at his father surprised after the push as the tears fell down from his eyes. "..!"

The sounds behind his father continued, becoming more noticeable. The blind beasts were definitely closing in.

His father gave a proud smile as he looked at his son, "I love you son. Your mother and I will always love you, remember that okay!"

Devastate could only nod fast as he cried hard, "I love you both so much! I DO!?!"

After saying that he ran into the bushes quickly, and as he ran did he look back over his shoulder through tear filled eyes. What he saw would forever be in his heart and mind, for his father watched him go with such a proud yet loving smile.

Devastate continued running until he couldn't see his father anymore.

By the time he finally stopped running was when nightfall had fallen, he however continued to cry until the very next morning once he collapsed to the ground. Such a horrible pain to experience at such a sensitive age, but he knew that his parents loved him. Devastate would live on for his parents, for that was what his father wanted. His father and mother went out fighting while protecting him one last time.

"I will find that little light! I won't stop until I do!", was what Devastate said as his tears slowly stopped.

Devastate would then continue to live and fight any who stood in his way since that day. Though it hurt to think about his parents, he had to continue to live on for his parents who had done so much for him. Focusing so much on what he promised to his parents, did he grow up to being a young yet successful young adult. His strength easily doubled to where he was able to take on the blind, all on his own.

Slowly but surely Devastate would only increase more in his fighting skills every single day. All the way up until he finally meets another rex, who would  soon be his light.



Devastate blinked hearing a frantic voice in fear, he quickly ran into that direction with that very strong light in his eyes. It was in the middle of the day, for the breeze held a firm heat to it.

He came onto a uncomfortable sight for two male rexes had trapped a female who was around the same age as him. Both males were both adults as they tried to force themselves onto the female. Speaking of the female, she had a few small wounds on her face and tail. Probably due to both males biting her into submission.

Some males would do that to females, for they only cared about themselves. Then there were moments where the blind beasts would try taking advantage of females. The blind would even kill females who were conscious due to their viciousness and aggression. That was only cause they were different, both in mind and instinct.

"Leave her alone!", snapped Devastate as he approached them with anger in his eyes. His teeth were bared to show that he meant business.

Both males looked at him rather sharply and flashed their fangs, it was then he knew that they were blind. Devastate didn't let that scare him as he rushed in with his mouth open wide as he got close to one blind rex did he grab the rex on the face.

Powerfully he chomped onto its face as it released a painful roar. Devastate would then quickly throw the animal away to the side fast, for the other blind rex rushed in to attack.

The other blind rex went to bite his face, and he was quick enough to dodge its attack by moving out of the way. Devastate would quickly rush in and bite the other blind beast by the throat and rip its throat out without remorse. After he did that, did he watch the beast fall on the floor and kick its feet around as it gurgled loudly on its own blood for blood flowed from its mouth.

Devastate looked at the one who he threw away and approached it while glaring. Behind him was the female who he saved, for she was quick to stay near him. "Thank you for saving me!", she finally said to him after he finished the other blind rex off.

"You're welcome.", replied Devastate who looked at her curiously. "Are you hurt?", he soon asked.

"Oh I have a few bites on my face and tail, but other than that I am okay!", she was honest in her reply.

Devastate looked at her, for her eyes of soft green caught his attention. Her hide was equally pleasing for it was a pretty light caramel color. "Okay, I am glad that you are okay.", he said while lowering his gaze.

"Um what is your name if you don't mind me asking?", asked the she rex curiously with a little smile.

Devastate replied as he looked at her, "Devastate."

"Mine is Sepia. My father liked that name while my mother argued with him for she wanted my name to be Amber.", spoke Sepia who laughed at the memory of her parents fighting over her name.

Devastate gave her a bit of a smile, "My father liked my name for he honestly believed that I would devastate my foes."

Sepia giggled, "You sure did show the two of them brutes a devastating time!"

Devastate chuckled a bit, "Heh yeah I guess?"

Sepia tilted her head looking interested as to what his mother had to say about his name, "Did your mother agree or did she want to call you something else?"

Devastate chuckled with his eyes closed, for the memory of his parents was a good one. "My mother believed that I would devastate some female hearts with my good looks.

Sepia blinked and smiled as she giggled. "I don't doubt that!"

Devastate stopped laughing and he looked at her silently, as Sepia stopped laughing did she look at him. The both of them stared at each other for a little bit before looking away suddenly in embarrassment.

"I better go.", was the words out of Devastate's mouth. "Be safe, Sepia"

Sepia blinked surprised for he was walking away from her, and she felt her heart race in uncertainty. It was then she closed her eyes and said strongly moving after him quickly, "Don't go!"

Devastate stopped and as he looked back curiously to her did his eyes go wide for Sepia pressed her head up under his quickly. "!?!"

"I haven't met another like me in so long! After my parents died I hadn't seen another like us in so long! Can I go with you!?! Please!?!", Sepia's words were so fragile and full of fear. He also realized what she must of went through alone. "Okay.", was his response.

Sepia blinked in shock before closing her eyes and saying honestly relieved. "Thank you!?! Thank you so much!?!"

Devastate could feel the gratitude coming from her, and honestly he was glad to have her along with him. For he to could not find another who was like him. "Let's go. Be sure to stay close."

Sepia smiled at him as she followed him obediently, "Okay!"

Devastate and Sepia were quick to rely on each other ever since that day, for everything they went through brought them closer. He even taught her how to defend herself, for Sepia had told him that she was scared to fight against the blind. Instead of fighting them, she fled from them.

Sepia was raised rather differently from him, and he took it upon himself to help her get over her fear. He would even protect her from danger when it was necessary, and by him doing that enough did Sepia want to help him out in anyway she could. With Devastate taking the time to help her, Sepia was able to grow in confidence and become a good fighter.

Throughout this time together, the both of them began to depend on each other strongly. Soon their feelings made it so that they became inseparable.

Devastate and Sepia became mates soon after, as they traveled together in hopes of finding a safe place to raise offspring for they would soon become parents. But after sometime in their journey the both of them actually found a relatively small tribe. The very first known tribe that they had found where they met others like them in thought.

Devastate was extremely protective of Sepia due to her condition and wanted to do everything he could to provide for her. This tribe was made up of three more rexes and four raptors. The tribe was in a cave for the time being, for they waited there for others who would probably join.


"Sepia I will be doing watch, will you be okay?", asked Devastate.

"Of course.", smiled Sepia.

The both of them pressed their noses together for a little bit, before Devastate moved away to the mouth of the cave. Sepia watched him go with a content look on her features before laying her head down to rest.

Devastate continued to work in the tribe for many days constantly, up until the faithful day that Sepia laid her eggs. That moment in time was a wonderful experience for the behemoth as he looked at the three eggs next to Sepia. "They are beautiful.", smiled Devastate.

Sepia grinned at him, "Our family is beautiful."

Devastate and Sepia pressed their heads together, enjoying each other's company. He stayed with her for a whole day before returning to his tasked job in the tribe the next morning. Leaving her side as she slept, Devastate walked to the mouth of the cave feeling incredibly happy.

The three rexes of the tribe congratulated Devastate, for it was clear that they fully accepted him in their tribe. Devastate actually felt like he was apart of the tribe, so he worked very hard to protect them.

"DEVASTATE!?!", suddenly yelled Sepia in utter fear and heartache within the cave.

"SEPIA!?!", roared Devastate running into the cave quickly leaving the other rexes who were confused. One even ran after Devastate concerned.

Devastate stopped in front of Sepia and blinked taking notice that one of the three eggs was missing at her side. "!?!"

Sepia was a sobbing mess, "I just woke up and noticed that one of our eggs was gone!?!"

Devastate looked around and his eyes landed on where the raptors use to be. The four raptors were gone. "TCH!", snarled Devastate as he ran to the mouth of the cave fast. The rex who was following him, yelled loudly. "UP AHEAD!?!"

Sure enough the four raptors were running out of the cave, one raptor even had his egg in his claws.

"STOP THEM!?!", roared Devastate in pure rage.

Before the two rexes at the front of the cave could intervene the thieving raptors, did the raptors do a quick spilt up and separated into different directions fast. The two rexes standing outside of the cave looked around the bushes and sadly saw nothing move.

Devastate stopped outside as well with such a look of pain mixed with rage. "Damn raptors!", hissed Devastate venomously. That day would forever remain on his mind, to him raptors could not be trusted. Not ever after the pain they caused his mate.

The rex who was following him stopped at his side and frowned, for he felt bad for him. "I'm so sorry."

Devastate looked at him and sighed trying to ease his anger. "It is not your fault. At least you tried to help me."

"Go back to your mate, we will keep watch.", spoke the rex at his side.

"Thanks...", replied Devastate as he walked back into the cave while the three rexes went back to work keeping watch.

Devastate looked at Sepia with a painful look in his eyes, "I am sorry I..."

Sepia could only smile at him, "Shh, it will be okay. Besides..." She looked at the two eggs at her side as she continued, "We still have two."

Devastate eased down beside her in order to give her comfort, "Yeah, but it still hurts that we lost one."

Sepia nodded softly while pressing her head against his. "I know. At least we can share in this pain and comfort each other right?"

Devastate some what smiled for she knew what to say to him, if it was not for her he didn't know what he would do. She was his light much like how his mother was his father's light. He would protect her and his family until the end.

"So what do you think we will have?", asked Sepia as her eyes of green rested on the two eggs at her side.

"A boy and a girl.", smiled Devastate. "That way I get my son and you get your daughter."

Sepia smiled brightly while closing her eyes, "Don't you mean I get a momma's boy and you get a daddy's girl?"

Devastate couldn't help but laugh after she said that, "I suppose?"

As the two of them enjoyed the thought of being parents, did they work their hardest to ensure the safety of their eggs up until they finally hatched.

"Well so much for a boy and a girl?", chuckled Devastate for the eggs hatched revealing two boys.

Sepia giggled after nuzzling her two beautiful sons who enjoyed the affection right away. "I'm just glad that the both of them are healthy!"

Devastate nodded for he agreed with her, "Of course."

The three rexes were pleased to see that the eggs hatched, and the offspring were alive and well. Both sons were very active right away as they played about in the cave while being watched.

Devastate figured it would be best for him to name one while Sepia named the other. By watching them play, did both parents see the personalities that both sons had. "Gnash.", smirked Devastate after seeing his oldest son have a bit of a rowdy temper. He even loved to rough house with his father when he laid down to rest, by at times nipping him on the nose.

Sepia couldn't help but laugh before naming their youngest son, Saffron. Seeing that he shared his mother's colors.

Devastate would even take the time to show his two sons how to hunt as well as hide behind bushes, when the coast was clear outside did he do this with them every day.

"I will kick the teeth out of any baddie who comes my way!", gloated Gnash with his tail up trying to look intimidating.

Saffron on the other hand teased him saying, "You are to small to knock out any teeth!"

"Why you!?!", hissed Gnash as he chased his brother around while laughing.

Devastate could only watch them amused while shaking his head, for he enjoyed the time with his children. He stayed with them up until it was time to go back into the cave to sleep.

Sepia and Devastate laid down that night with their kids in between them.


During the night as they slept it was oddly quiet, for no sounds of insects could be heard while the moon was lightly covered by late clouds. Devastate slowly opened his eyes while taking notice of a ominous shadow at the mouth of the cave.

"!?!", snapping his head up did his eyes open wide as he stared at this very same shadow whose eyes took on the glow of the moon in the sky. Devastate watched it as the shadow silently ran away from view, and just that alone made his blood run cold. As he slowly stood up did he see more shadows moving about outside in a sneaky fashion. The next thing he saw was more shadows running into the cave in a desperate attempt to ambush them. It was a full on reckless attack.

"EVERYONE WAKE UP!?!", roared Devastate.

As Sepia woke up along with their sons, did the sounds of snarling and roaring pain came from the three rexes who were fighting for their lives.

The cave was proving to be against them, for they were literally trapped inside. The only way out was to fight their way to the mouth of the cave which was now steadily full of blind beasts. These beasts knew they were trapped which was why they reacted recklessly as well as aggressively.

Devastate fought against these beasts, for he was making a path for Sepia and their two sons to escape. He only cared about getting them to safety, for that was his main priority.

Sepia made sure that her sons were close to her, as she defended them as best as she could. With teamwork they believed that they were going to get out of this alive. They had to hold onto that belief at this very terrifying moment. That belief became a heart sinking moment as Gnash was grabbed from the side suddenly once he, his brother and his mother escaped the cave. "AHHH!?!"

"GNASH!?!", yelled Sepia in terror as she tried to go after him only to remember Saffron. If she was to leave she would leave Saffron exposed. The blind nanotyrannus ran away quickly with Gnash in its jaws.

"NOOO!?!", roared Devastate running through the remaining blind to get to Sepia and Saffron. He didn't care if he was getting attacked by the blind or not for he only cared about his family. Only then did his eyes go wide seeing two blind nanotyrannus jump onto Sepia's back from the top of the cave. "SEPIAAAA!?!"

"MOM!?!", screamed Saffron in fear for his focus was on his mother who was savagely being covered by two more blind beasts as they wickedly bite the back of her neck. This focus on his mother left him exposed long enough for he was soon grabbed by a blind beast as it ran by.

Devastate rushed forward as fast as he could while crying painfully. The very first mistake that was made was by staying in a cave with no other exits. Mistakes like these were very costly, and it was far to late to do anything to change it. "NOOOO!?!"

His cries soon fused into the night breeze, holding the pain which was his firmly in place.

That night went on for what seemed like hours to Devastate for his family were all taken from him. When the sun finally rose up from a nightmarish night, Devastate was laying next to Sepia who was no longer with him. Large gaping wounds covered her back and neck from that horrible night. Countless blind bodies were scattered around them in bloody pools.

His light all at once left from him, Devastate was very deep in his pain and heartache to notice anything or any other conscious who was approaching him. His once strong eyes were dull in pain and sorrow as he laid next to the love of his life.

How could he possibly move on at this point? His family was gone, everything was gone.
His heart was so full of rips and tears of that horrible night, that he felt completely numb yet empty. He didn't even care if the blind beasts killed him at this moment.

However it would seem that fate had different plans for him, not that he was aware of it.


An unfamiliar voice caught his attention, the heartbroken behemoth looked up to see an allosaurus whose face held different sized scars. This allosaurus had armor on which was a completely new look to Devastate.

"You did this all by yourself?", asked the allosaurus as he cautiously approached him.

Devastate merely looked down not at all saying a word.

"...", the allosaurus took notice of his silence as he slowly looked at his side to the dead body of his fallen mate. "..! I am so sorry!", painfully spoke the allosaurus once he figured it out.

No beast would lay next to a dead body unless it was very important to them.

That tone from a total stranger made Devastate feel even worse, for he didn't want to be pitied. "Just leave me a...", before he could finish his words did he take notice of a large shadow behind the allosaurus. He was to focused on him to notice the danger coming up behind him.

"MOM!?!", the voice of his son who was focused on his mother didn't see the danger either before being taken. That image flashed in the behemoth's head all at once in that moment.

"NOOOO!?!", roared Devastate loudly rushing at the now surprised allosaurus who was extremely confused and scared at the reckless yet desperate rage that erupted from him all of a sudden.

"!?!", the allosaurus was pushed down and when he looked did he see that his aggression was not directed at him but it was at a blind beast that he didn't notice was behind him.

Devastate in his desperation to stop the attack, tore the throat out of the screaming blind beast while throwing it onto the ground where he pulled its head off. Using his large feet and strength to hold the beast down, made it easy for him to decapitate it.

Panting loudly with a bloody mouth after killing the beast, Devastate didn't even notice he was crying uncontrollably either afterwards. The shock of losing his family, definitely haunted him and his mind.

"Thank you...!", the allosaurus approached him in gratitude only to look at his face in utter pain. "Hey it is okay...! Come with me okay? This place isn't good for you from the looks of it?"

Devastate didn't really fight against him or his offer, probably cause the allosaurus was right. The longer he stayed there, the more he would be haunted.

Joining Crusher's tribe not long after that, and learning the allosaurus's name as Scarface was he able to continue living. Though his heart wore countless scars of the heavy loss of his first wife and his two sons.

Clouded by his losses which changed him, Devastate closed himself off entirely in turn becoming a distant rex who fought against the blind viciously. All the events from the raptors stealing his eggs, to the blind killing his family made him hate them from the bottom of his clouded heart. This judgement would then haunt him later, for he helped Baldur take over the tribe of Crusher. The first real tribe which accepted him with open arms. It wasn't until Baldur changed everything and caused so much pain to others, did it open his eyes finally to his grave mistakes.

But once he saved Belle from Baldur, his heart would soon slowly recover from the painful trauma from his past. He vows to protect Belle with his life, and he won't let her die the same way his family did. It would seem that he would find a second chance to fight, for Belle became his light. Another light he didn't think was possible.

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