CNBLUE imagines [Request-Clos...

By jes_del

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You are a lucky fans to experience your own imagination come to live. By requesting and such, you can make it... More

CNBLUE imagines
Love Forever (Minhyuk)
love girl (Yonghwa) part 1 of 2
love girl (Yonghwa)part 2 of 2
JUST LOVE ME (Jonghyun)
Trolling Cnblue members
Ice Cream Is The Best (Cute-Yonghwa)
I don't realize it's you (cute-Jonghyun)
Snowman or Snowwoman (Minhyuk-cute)
Teaching (Jungshin-cute)
Happy Day (Jonghyun)
Mistake I make (Jungshin)
love is full of suprises (Yonghwa) SPECIAL
He's home (Minhyuk)
I love you (Jonghyun)
Cinderella & Prom night (Yonghwa)
Big Ben Clock Tower (Jonghyun) SPECIAL
RUN? (JUNGSHIN)short imagine
Distance Birthday (Jungshin)
You Are Perfect (All Cnblue members)
NEW ROAD [(YONGHWA) special 2/2]
Making the impossible to possible part 1/3 (JUNGSHIN)
Making the impossible to possible part 2/3 (JUNGSHIN)
knock Knock, the secret proposal! (Jonghyun)
I used to (Minhyuk)
Today (Minhyuk)
My idiot boyfriend (Yonghwa)
My Valentine Story (Jonghyun ver.)
One Fine Day [Requested-Yonghwa]
Love Is A Mystery (Your Bias)
Picture (Minhyuk-Short imagine)
Everything in one day (Minhyuk)
Vampire's mate [Requested-Jonghyun]
The confession (Minhyuk)
Unexpected Things (Your Bias)
Request ^_^
First Love, first crush [Requested-Yonghwa]
Vampire's mate [Requested-Jonghyun (Sequel)]

Making the impossible to possible part 3/3

304 7 0
By jes_del

-We are soulmate remember? We are meant to be. We are like a pencil and eraser. Even if it is impossible but I'll make it possible.-


"I'll tell you at school" You said and eat the cake you bake. Jungshin just nodded and eat the cake.

Soon, he leaves. You sighed, You just nearly told him something that you not supposed to tell although it's your responsibility as a friend. F-R-I-E-N-D. You run upstair and wipe your camera.

Suddenly, your camera falled and hit the ground. No sure if it still can be used, you take it and look around. You smile as soon you found that the camera still can be use.

'I thought my picture are going to erased from this cam' You thought.

You sit on the couch at the middle of the afternoon while eating a box of popcorn. You switch on the television. But everytime you trying to switch the channel, your eyes close like it want to sleep itself.

(The next day)


You come early to school today. It was really peaceful. People are still at home. You took the chance of the peaceful atmosphere to walk around the school.

As you stand against a wall, a hard wind blown a paper that you've been holding without you notice. You look at your watch multiple times as if you're waiting for someone.

"Here. It's your paper, right? _______-ah" Someone said and hand your paper.

"Thanks _________-ah (Your friend's name or Y/F)" You took the paper and smiled.

"Anyway why do you came early today. I mean you always go to school a little bit late" Your friend asked.

"Oh. I did came early on purpose. I think I'm in love with school" You said with a poker face.

"Whoah you sure are sick" Your friend said.

"Bye. I'm going to class" You said as you leave your friend.

You looked back, confirming your friend didn't followed you. You felt relieved as you ran to the classroom. Silence atmosphere around you making you urge to play with your camera.

You unzipped your bag and took your camera. The first pic you saw from your gallery was a pic that you took secretly when the first day you notice Jungshin. Yeah it's really a memorable moments, you don't want to loose it.

"Hi!" Someone patted your shoulder.

You lazily glance your back and found Jungshin grinning. You shockingly hide your camera under the table. 'What's that?' Jungshin mouthed. 'Nothing' You mouthed back.

"I came early today" Jungshin said like a hyper little kid just got their balloon. You jokingly rolled your eyes.

"So?" You innocently asked.

"Nothing I just feel like I love school" He said as he sit next to you while smiling. Your heart skipped a beat. Why? Jungshin just said the same reason as yours.

"........." You remained silence. You are thinking about telling him. But you didn't want to ruin his good behaviour this morning.

"________-ah?" Jungshin swing his hand like a pirate ship in the park.

"Waeyo? Want me to ride your pirate ship?" You asked jokingly.

"Hahaha. You can't play it. My hand will break into pieces if you ride it" He said, playing along with you.

"I'll tell you that 'thing' when the recess come" You said as you saw another students entered the classroom. Jungshin just nodded and took the books for the first class.

You are also busy reading a book. It was your chilhood book named Alice in the wonderland. 10 minutes passed, the class started.


You go out from the classroom as Jungshin followed you. Without you notice Yoorim walk passed you and stand against a wall.

"Jungshin oppa, wants to eat with me?" Yoorim said as she take a lollipop from her pocket. Trying to be cute, eh?

You chocked a little due her failed cuteness. Jungshin shook his head and whispered right to Yoorim left ear. Although it was really quiet but you still can hear it.

"I'll go with you after my important talk with ________. Saranghae jagi" Jungshin whispered as he quickly pecked Yoorim cheek. You hurt a little but you just kept quiet.

You saw Yoorim lick and suck her lolipop. She smile and nodded but it seems the smile almost like a smirk.You grab Jungshin hand and walk away from scene as fast as you could.

"Whoah take it easy ma'am" Jungshin said as he slows down. You stare blankly and start to talk.

"You know Jungshin-ah... I just came to a park near my home yesterday.. and...-" You stopped as you catch your breath.

"And what?" Jungshin asked and raised his right eyebrow. You sighed and start playing with your finger because you're nervous.

"-And.. I saw Yoorim with a guy. Yoorim are talking about you..." You continued. Jungshin playfully caressed your hair while you are beating faster.

"That's good. The guy wouldn't court Yoorim since he knew Yoorim is mine" Jungshin said confidently, making you feel guilty. You sit on a wooden bench and continued to say,

"Yoorim said she wants to break up with you on the prom night. I heard their conversation accidentally."

Jungshin frowned mentally and said, "You are joking, right?"

You get up and stand right next to Jungshin. You tapped his shoulder and said, "I'm your friend. How in the world I would lie to you"

Jungshin eyes get teary. "Why she would said that..." Jungshin began to spoke after a long long silence.

"I'm sorry to tell you that" You said more like regretting. Jungshin just faintly smile and said, "No. I shouldn't untrusted you awhile ago.." He said.

You caressed his hair with your right hand while your left left hand rubbing Jungshin tears.

"Go and spend your recess with her. Just act like usual if you still love her. Don't cry over a person that not worth you." You mumbled the last part quietly and walk away with a guilty. You give one more glance before you walk away. There you saw Jungshin crying.

You walk to the washroom and wash your hand. Someone grab your hand and hit your head several times. You groaned in pain.

"W-who a-are y-you?" You asked while your mouth are already full of blood.

"I'm Yoorim. Stay away from Jungshin fat ugly b*tch" Yoorim said and scratch your face with her sharp nails.

"I-I'm s-sorry" You said. 'Your in luck today. Don't ever tell Jungshin about this or I'll show you how's life like hell' Yoorim mouthed as she leaved. You walk to the sink and wash your mouth clearly, leaving a scar.

"Whoah. Are you okay ______-ah? Who did this to you?" Your friend ask as she hold your face.

"It's okay. It's just an accident. Don't worry" You said and smile. But as your bestfriend, she know when you telling truth or not. You look at her curious face and finally got an urge to say..

You told your friend everything. From the park and the thing just happen awhile ago. Your friend nodded in understand but in the same time she frown.

"Just stay away from Jungshin" Your friend said. You raise your eyebrow as if you are in confusion. "It's for your own good. So stay away from him" Your friend said. You just nodded but inside you feel broken.

You walk outside the washroom to the class. You're focusing on your study without even bothered to greet Jungshin. He asked you many times what wrong. But it seems useless. He just put on a faint smile as if he was give up.


It was after the class, you hurriedly leave the classroom without even saying goodbye to Jungshin. After the running away thing, you arrived home safely.

You sit on your bed as you look at Jungshin pictures. He was so adorable back when you close with him. But now you must stayed away from him. Maybe, you both weren't meant to be together.

You take your ipod that have been in your desk for three months. You played a music that describe how you felt now. You tears drop down to your cheek. You put your fake smile on your face as you close your eyes, ready to sleep.

(3 months later)

You thought it would be easy to stay away from him. Guilt has overcome you. Everytime you saw Jungshin smile because of others, you have an urge to make him smile because of you.

He always ask you what's wrong but you always felt like Yoorim eyeing you from far, so you couldn't tell anything at all.

Today, there was an announcement in the notification board. You hurriedly went there to see the notification. Great! It was about the prom night that will held tomorrow night. Of course Yoorim would know when, it's because she always became the prom queen.

"So, you're going with whom. ________-ah" Your friend asked. You are also busy thinking, who would go with you. Maybe, the whole school already have their partners. Which means, a nerd with a nerd. A gorgeous one with a handsome one. A normal one also with their own partner. But who would be with you?

You just sighed and said, "I will be with myself".

"Don't be sad. I know you will have your own partner" Your friend said and hugged you, more like comforting you. You chuckled and said, "Haha I'm not sad. I'm just upset"

"Haha it's the same" Your friend said and laughed. "It is?" You asked innocently. "Yup" Your friend said and she went to her boyfriend.

You walk away but bumped with a person. "I'm sorry" You said while looking down. "_________-ah I miss your voice" The person said and hugged you.

You jump a little. "J-Jungshin...." You mumbled. You still feel the same way as before. Your heart still beating around him. Jungshin release the hugs as you took the change to breath.

You walk away again, ignoring his presence. 'Am I really special to him? Why would he cares for me?' You thought.

"Will you come to the prom night?" Jungshin asked. You just nodded and he hold your hand in a happy way. "Great" He said. You just raise your eyebrow about his hyper behaviour. He still same as the old one. Still childish.

You walk to the classroom but ended frowning because the sudden class break. You read your book and seems to forget surround you.

(The night of the prom)

You walk on the hallway with your end gown touching the ground. Yeah, you decided to go there to see something new. At least, to have fun and breath a fresh air.

You sit on a couch in one of the hallway corner alone. You're waiting for your friend but it seems she's already with her boyfriend. You drink an orange juice that been serve on a table next to you.

Someone tapped your shoulder. "What?" You said softly. "Hmm... I've been wondering. If you could. You know. Dance with me. _______-ah?" The person asked.

"Jungshin-ah... I would like to but isn't you're partner with Yoorim?" You asked and smiled warmly.

"Hahaha. I and her already break up. I follow my heart. I know my heart will go on" He sais as he grab your hand.

"Why? How? Did she-" Jungshin cuts your word by saying, "Stop questioning me and just dance". You nodded as the music start playing. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri.

Heart beats fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave. How can I

love when I'm afraid. To fall. But watching you stand alone. All of

my doubt. Suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer. I have

died every day waiting for you. Darlin' don't be afraid. I have loved

you for a Thousand years. I'll love you for a Thousand more. Time

stands still beauty in all she is. I will be brave. I will not let anything.
Take away. What's standing in front of me. Every breath, Every hour

has come to this. One step closer. I have died every day Waiting for

you. Darlin' don't be afraid. I have loved you for a Thousand years.

I'll love you for a Thousand more. And all along I believed I would

find you. Time has brought Your heart to me. I have loved you for a

Thousand years. I'll love you for a Thousand more. One step closer.

One step closer. I have died every day Waiting for you. Darlin' don't

be afraid, I have loved you for aThousand years. I'll love you for a

Thousand more. And all along I believed. I would find you. Time has
brought. Your heart to me. I have loved you for aThousand years. I'll
love you for a Thousand more.

And there he leaned closer to you. Your lips and his touch. Your heart are beating faster. Butterflies are playing in your stomach. You kissed him back and smile crept on your face.

"So, __________-ah. Would you be my special one" Jungshin said after he part away from you. You can't uttered any word. You've never been this happy. Tears are dropping from eyes. Not because of sad, because of the happiness.

You just found your head nodded itself and all of sudden Jungshin pulled you into a hugs. A warm hugs. It was like there are only both of you in the hall.

"Saranghae __________-ah" Jungshin said between the hugs. "Nado.. Saranghae" You said and smile.

(The next day)

You walk outside your house to a park. Yeah, Jungshin just asked you for a date, your first date. You are wearing your mom's clothes on her first date. Your friend recommend it to you.

You sat on a grass with your hand on the ground. It has been five minutes, no shadow of Jungshin can be seen. You felt tired. And soon, you went to sleep.


"Jagi. Mianhae for being late. I came across a flower shop, so I buy a flower for you. Here" Jungshin said as he caressed your hair and hand a flower.

You yawned, "umm... Thanks Jungshin-ah" You said. "Call me oppa. I'm older than you beside I'm officially your boyfriend" he said and pecked your cheek. You can't help but blushed.

"I once thought it would be impossible to be together with you" You said and place your head on his chest. "Why?" Jungshin asked. "Because before you know me. I'm your fans." You said and giggle. "You were?" Jungshin raise his eyebrow.

"Yes.. I am. I have many stolen pictures of you in my camera" You told him. Jungshin chuckle and said, "Can I see one or many?". You just nodded.

"You know jagi. I have a little crush on you since I know you. But I just didn't realise it until your birthday in your house." Jungshin said and smile. "But I'm not as beatiful as Yoorim. And I'm not as perfect as her" You said playing with Jungshin hair.

"I don't need a perfect one. I just need someone who make me feel that I'm the one" Jungshin compliment and you blushed. "So, can I ask you a few question?" You asked. Jungshin nodded and caressed your hair slowly.

"Am I pretty?" You asked and Jungshin said, "No". "Am I fat?" You asked again. You were expecting him to said no but Jungshin said, "Yes of course".

"Do you want to be with me forever?" You asked and Jungshin just shook his head. You sighed and ask the last question, "Would you cry if I walked away". Jungshin chuckle and shook his head.

You heard to much and need to leave, as you get up and walk away. Jungshin grabbed your hand and told you to stay. He said,

"You're not pretty, you're beautiful. The only thing that fat or, big, about you is your heart. I don't want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. And jagi, I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die" He said and went closer to you.

He kissed you. He sure know how to make you blushed. "I love you Jungshin oppa" You said between the kiss. He parted away and said, "Finally you called me oppa. I love you too".

And that's how your love ended. Happily ever after.

-The end-


So guys. Did you like this? It looks like I'm making a fan fiction. Anyway I'm not good at making fanfiction. Give a comment about your thought. Is this story good? Thanks for voting tho.

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