The Lady of Rivendell

بواسطة hamhamilgay

23.1K 525 55

Lord Elrond x OC It's the third age, and the battle for middle-earth is about to begin. The council has been... المزيد

Chapter 1 - The Council
Chapter 2 - Goodbye Rivendell
Chapter 3 - Pass of Caradhras
Chapter 4 - The Mines of Moria
Chapter 5 - The Woods of Lothlorien
Chapter 6 - The Fellowship Of The Ring
Chapter 7 - Fangorn Forest
Chapter 8 - Edoras
Chapter 9 - To Helms Deep It Is
Chapter 10 - Calm before the Storm
Chapter 11 - The Battle for Helms Deep
Chapter 12 - Saruman's Tower
Chapter 13 - A Longing Celebration
Chapter 14 - Minas Tirith
Chapter 15 - The lighting of the Beacons
Chapter 17 - Army of The Dead

Chapter 16 - Forging of New Paths

1.3K 31 6
بواسطة hamhamilgay

I had been waiting for Theoden as he rode up to his camp with his Men, his face becoming more grim as he hears how few our numbers were to be in the upcoming battle. I can hear his grumbles as Aragorn and I make our way over.

"Six-thousand spears..." He huffs, "Less than half of what I'd hope for."

We stood at his side, gazing at the smoking fields below.

"Six-thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor." 

"More will come," Theoden said, though his voice was filled with doubt. 

"We must have hope," I said, praying to all Valar that it would provide and show us the way.

"Every hour hastens Gondor's defeat." Aragorn muttered, "We have till dawn. Then we must ride."

Theoden nods, before parting with us. I go and sit by a campfire near my tent. An eerie atmosphere works its way into the camp, trickling though the shadows of the mountain. The horse whinny and whine, rearing back occasionally, however the Men remain quiet. Distantly, Legolas and Gimli are talking, but I pay them no mind, occupied with the flickering and sparkling of the flame in front of me. It isn't long before the sun has set, and the crickets have emerged. Gimli had sat beside me a while back, Legolas and Aragorn joining not soon after. My legs itch, having adopted a steady bounce.

I sigh, heading from the campfire...

"Where are you going Lass?" I turn to Gimli, smiling gently.

"Just for a walk, be back soon." 

I walk between tents, just wondering, and am nearly knocked over suddenly, after Merry shoots past me.

"Woah Merry! Careful!" I call out playfully as he keeps going.

"Sorry Aloryssa!" I smile, shaking my head at the Hobbit. My smile lasts for a second longer, as I overhear Eomer and Eowyn. Silently I approach, though I stay under the cover of shadows.

"I do not doubt him... Only the reach of his arm." Gamling lets out a snort of laughter.

"Why should Merry be left behind? He has as much cause to go to war as you! Why can he not fight for those he loves?"

Eomer moves towards her, preventing her from walking away.

"You know as little of war as that Hobbit. When the fear takes him, and the blood and the screams and the horror of battle take hold, do you think he would stand and fight?  He would flee... and he would be right to do so." There was a pause before he spoke again. "War is the province of men Eowyn."

I choose now, to leave my cover.

"I must disagree, I'm afraid." I said, evoking a look of surprise from Eomer, as he turned to face me. "A person's ability in battle does not come from the basis of sex, no, it comes from the opportunities a person has been given in life, and their own courage." 

A huff fell from the man in front of me, as I delivered a gentle smile, and nod of the head. 

"You have a kind and caring soul Eomer, but you judge others without giving them a chance... Goodnight gentlemen," I turned to Eowyn, "My Lady..."

I turned, and glided away, walking towards the cliff edge, oblivious to the rider only a few feet below me. I walked along the edge of the cliff, gazing over the glowing spots in the camps down below. The end of the cliff was coming up, where the path to the fields below began.

That was when I saw him, a rider on a white horse, his hood drawn and his face invisible. He made his way around the edge of the camp slowly, trying to move with stealth around the sleeping soldiers. I followed him, until he stopped, close to Theoden's tent.

He dismounted his horse, as I moved closer.

He pulled something wrapped in cloth away from the saddle.

"I've missed you." I said, causing the figure to freeze. He threw his hood back, showing the face of the Elf I held closest to my heart. A smile graced his face. I walked towards him, fast and determined.

Upon reaching him, I gently cupped his cheeks, pulling his face towards mine, and kissing him for the first time in what felt like a millennium. 

"I missed you too, my love..." He pulled me closer wrapping his arms around my waist, as mine circled his neck, hugging tightly, with a wish to never part again. 

Our tender moment could not last forever, however, as there was a war going on, and urgent business to attend to. He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I wish for nothing more, than to be able to just be alone with you at the moment, my dear, but I need to see Aragorn urgently." I nodded.

"Would it be safe to assume that it was Arwen that pushed you to this visit?" I asked with a gentle smile, despite the throb in my heart at the thought of Arwen, knowing that she would be in pain, that her light would be dying through just remaining on Middle Earth in this era of darkness. From the grimace on Elrond's face, there was no need for him to answer. 

"I'll show you to King Theoden's tent, where you will be able to talk to him in private," I offered him my arm, which he took. "Come one."

Elrond lifted his hood again, to hide his presence in the camp, wishing to avoid any unnecessary confrontations.

Approaching the tent, I spoke to the guard on watch.

"We need to see the King, urgently. Please go fetch Lord Aragorn and bring him here." He nodded, walking towards the tents of our remaining fellowship. The remaining guards hold open the tent flaps as I enter Theoden's tent with my husband.

I let Elrond explain his purpose to the King, waiting to the side of the tent. Theoden and I turn as the tent flaps are again pushed open, and Aragorn comes in.

"I take my leave..." Theoden states, walking out with a strange look to Aragorn as he moves past. I smile at Aragorn lightly.

"I might leave you two as well..." I say, about to turn and leave, but Elrond holds up his hand. I remain where I am.

Elrond casts his hood off, shocking Aragorn. The Ranger bows.

"My Lord Elrond." With a quick glance to me Elrond speaks to Aragorn.

"I come on behalf of those whom I love." My face gentles at the sight of Elrond's pained one. "Arwen is dying..." 

I resist the urge to comfort him. With a quick glance to Aragron, I can see the despair on his face as well, clear as anything. 

"She stayed?" His eyes flickered to me for the slightest moment, remembering our conversation after the events of Fangorn Forest. 

"She will not long survive the evil that now spreads from Mordor..." Elrond's eyes flicker to Aragorn's chest, where the Evenstar rests, "The light of the Evenstar is failing."

I felt a tear begin to build in my eyes, as I listened to Arwen's potential fate, fearing even more for the consequences of loosing. 

"As Sauron's power grows, her strength wanes. Arwen's life is now tied to the fate of the ring... The shadow is upon us, Aragorn. The end has come."

"It will not be our end, but his."

"You ride to war..." Elrond said, taking a step closer to the Ranger, "but not to victory. Sauron's armies march on Minas Tirith - this you know, but in secret he sends another force which will attack from the river."

"Oh no..." I mutter weakly.

"A fleet of Corsair ships sail from the south," The lord of Rivendell continued. "They'll be in the city in two days... You are outnumbered Aragorn, you need more men."

Aragorn shook his head gravely.

"There are none."

A moment of hesitation passes through Elrond, before he quietly addresses Aragorn, leaning in closer...

"There are those who dwell in the mountain..."

I shiver as a sudden wind blasts through the tent, and maps fly knocking over goblets. Aragorn seems to ignore it, though Elrond's eyes flash to me in concern slightly. 

"Murderers, traitors? You would call upon them to fight? They believe in nothing. They answer to no-one."

Elrond shook his head walking closer to Aragorn, reaching underneath his cloak.

"They will answer to the King of Gondor." Aragorn's eyes went wide as Elrond pulled a long scabbard from beneath his cloak. He holds in in his hands, walking towards Aragorn, holding it out for him to take. "Anduril, flame of the West, forged from the shards of Narsil."

Eyes filled with wonder, Aragorn takes the sword.

"Sauron will not have forgotten the Sword of Elendil..." He draws the blade, and gazes up at it in wonder. "The blade that was broken, shall return to Minas Tirith."

"The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this Earth," Elrond's eyes become hard and pointed. "Put aside the Ranger. Become who you were born to be, take the Dimholt road..."

A silence falls over the room...

"Ónen i-Estel Edain." Elrond says. Aragorn looks down at the sword in his hands, before looking up at Elrond again.

"Ú-chebin estel anim." He re-sheathes the sword. Turning towards me, he speaks again. "Tell Legolas and Gimli  to follow Theoden into battle-"

I hold up a hand, halting his request.

"I am afraid I will be unable to do that," I stated, ignoring his confusion, "As I will be going with you. No arguments."

Tightening his mouth, Aragorn nodded roughly.

"Now, I'll meet you at the entrance to the Dimholt road... First I wish to talk with my husband alone..." 

I waited till the flaps of the tent stopped swaying, then turned towards Elrond. I looked down, heart heavy as I thought back to my vision in the Woods of Lothlorien

"I need you to promise me something..." A hand gently grasped my chin, tilting it up, allowing shimmering eyes to gaze back into my own tearful ones.

"What is it my love?"

I take a deep breath.

"If we fail in our mission, I need you to promise, that you will leave. Leave for the Undying Lands, and never look back. I do not want for you to die in search of revenge. Just please... Promise me this." My voice wavered as I bit back bitter tears.

A hand brushed over my hair, gently calming me and bringing me closer to the Elf in front of me.

"I wish I could promise you such a thing, but I would not dare do such, under the possibility that I may break it." His hands pull me back in order to look me in the eye, "Gi Mel, and if i were to loose you, I do not know what I would do..."

A kiss was laid upon my forehead, before Elrond placed his cheek there.

"You must get ready my love, if you do not want Aragorn to leave without you..." 

Nodding slightly, I sighed. "I feel as though this journey is nearly complete, but the most difficult battle is yet to come..."

"Please be careful."

"I will... Guren níniatha n'i lû n'i a-govenitham..." A smile graced his face as he heard the words that he had whispered to me all that time ago.

I give him one last kiss, before leaving. I didn't look back, in fear that I would not be able to leave him again if I did.

Stealthily I make my way over to my tent, quickly ensuring I had all my weapons. I placed my chainmail and leathers on, the armour would be too bulky for this trip through the Dimholt road. I brought it with me anyway, carefully wrapped up and attached it to Arloon, already waiting and saddled.

I lead the horse silently through the camp, before mounting him and leading him to the entrance of the Dimholt.

Aragorn approached on Brego, with Legolas and Gimli behind him.

"Looks like we won't have to say goodbye."

The three smiled, before turning to the narrow and foremost path. I let Aragorn lead the way, following close behind him. We ignore the voices of the Men. We had a task at hand.


Ónen i-Estel Edain - I give hope to Men

Ú-chebin estel anim - I keep non for myself

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