That 1 Chance Out of 14,000,6...

By YoSeBuHaRo

21.7K 691 137

Doctor Strange said that there was only one chance, among millions, that the Avengers can win against Thanos... More

4.9 Years Later
5.A Different Spider
6.New Powers
7.Training, Fighting, and Hobbies
8.Two More Years Later
9.Queen Of The School
10.A Normal Day
11.A Sister's Love
12.The Mangaka And The Novelist
14.The Beginning of the Anomaly
15.We Are Venom

13.The Anomaly

1.1K 36 13
By YoSeBuHaRo

~13.The Anomaly~


Me: "Hi!"
Me: Thanks!
Me: "For!"
Me: "READING!!!"
^~Ear rape
Me: "*Glares* You!" ^~Action while talking
Me: "Grrr."
^~Dark/Evil voice
Me: {Meep.}
^~Phone call>


|Alissa's POV|

Finally! Today, I finally get to meet Anoma1y!!! I'm so excited!

Luckily, I was able to reason with Aunt May and onee-chan to let me go out, alone. Of course, I didn't tell them where I was going. Just lied about going to place with a friend. Though, I did see onee-chan looking a bit skeptical at me.

Hey! I may be a loner and a shut-in, but I have friends, too!

And now, having left the house, I re-checked if I forgot anything. Patting my pockets, I felt my wallet and phone. Twisting my body a bit, I grabbed my backpack and took it off, then put it infront of me. Rummaging through it, I found a can of pepper spray, my mask, an extra mask, a container with a sandwich I made, and more money inside a hidden zipper.

Nodding to myself, I put my bag on my back, then fished my phone out of my pocket. Unlocking it, then typing a number, I hovered it beside my ear.

After a few rings, a familiar voice answered.

Natalie: {Hello, Ero-Sensei. Why did you call me today?}

Natalie Rushman, my manager, who, at first glance, would make you feel like you've seen her somewhere. Ever since I've began my path as a mangaka, she's been there for me, with Anoma1y being the second one to be part of my mangaka life. When I started rising through the ranks of my fellow artists, she was there to help me.

She became my guardian of sorts. And, since neither my aunt nor sister knew of me being a mangaka, Natalie was the one who handled the money and adult related stuff.

Of course, we started off with a rocky start, but because of her somewhat motherly personality, I got to trust her. I obviously met her face-to-face, and her expression when we first met was very funny.

However, I couldn't deny that I've thought of her as my third mother. My biological mother being obviously the first, even though I could barely remember her. But, because of onee-chan, I got to love her from her memories.

Next is aunt May, the woman who raised both me and onee-chan. She was with us, together with out latw uncle, and made us to who we are today. Then, Natalie.

She may look intimidating and strict, but she's still a beautiful woman -Though not as beautiful as onee-chan, surprisingly-, who knows what she wants to do in her life, and she'll do whatever it is to get it.

But, back to the topic.

Me: {Well, I just wanted to inform you that I'm going to the Heroes of Stories today.}

From the other side of the call, I heard a soft gasp.

Natalie: {Oh? Why go now? I asked you to with me last time, but you didn't. Is there something that changed your mind?}

She asks me, to which I just hummed in embarrassment to. With my free hand, I twiddled with my skirt, still embarrassed that I forgot to mention this important deal I made without consulting her.

Me: {We-well....I kinda ma-made a deal with-...without your permission.}

Then, instead of hearing something that says that she was disappointed at me, I just heard her snicker.

Natalie: {Well, well. For you to not consult with me about something? It's surprising, really. However, knowing you, this must be a great one. So, what is it?}

I let out a sigh, happy that she didn't seem disappointed at me, and I was also grateful that she knew me that well.

Me: { you know Anoma1y? As in A-n-o-m-a-one-y Anoma1y?}

Natalie: {The novelist from WATTPAD and some other places I couldn't remember?}

Me: {Yes.}

Natalie: {Of course I do. What, you made a deal with him?}

Hearing what she said, I playfully rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see it. Containing a giggle for her ignorance, I answered,

Me: {Natalie. Anoma1y's a she. And we've been online friends for a long time now. Sorry for not telling you.}

Natalie: {Oooh~! You've been keeping secrets from me, baby girl. That's not nice.}

Also, I forgot to mention that Natalie sometimes reminds me of onee-chan, because of the way she teases me with the "baby girl" thing.

Fighting away a blush, I shook my head as I heard her giggle, knowing that she somehow knew I became flustered from that.

Me: {God you act like my sister sometimes. But! Back to the topic. Anoma1y and I talked about making a manga, with her making the plot, story, and dialog, while I, will obviously be the one to draw.}

This got Natalie thinking a bit, but, after calculating everything im her mind, I think, she answered me.

Natalie: {Hmm~. With the fame the both of you have, and from your progress now, I'm sure that whatever you make will be a huge success. I'm in! Haha! And, from what you said earlier, you two will be meeting at the Heroes of Stories venue today?}

Knowing that she was fine with it, I sighed in relief, before donning a happy smile.

Me: {Yep.}

Natalie: {Then, where are you now?}

Confused as to why, I asked,

Me: {Why?}

Then, from here, I could tell that she was raising an eyebrow.

Natalie: {Really? Alissa, you do realize that you just turned 12 not that long ago, and your going to a place filled with adults, and some being obviously perverts, and from what I know from you, alone. So, I'm picking you up and follow you.}

Honestly, I didn't think about that. I did turn 12 just a month ago, and I'm practically going into a wolves' den. I'm sure that some perverts would be there, and I am practically defenseless.

Me: {Well...hehe. Thanks, then. Do you know where I live?}

Natalie: {Not really. But, I do know your address. So, just stay there and wait for me, okay, baby girl?}

With a slight blush, I just nodded, but immediately realized that she obviously wouldn't see it, and just replied,

Me: {Ye-yeah. I'll wait for you.}

Natalie: {Okay, then. Just wait for about an hour, okay? The event is still 3 hours away.}

Me: {Okay, bye.}

|"Natalie's" POV|

Me: {Bye, baby girl}

Cutting off the call, I slightly smiled with the interaction I had with my artist. She's just so~ adorable, even over the phone.

I've teased a lot of shy and timid women before, but Alissa just wins the trophy. She's adorable, shy, not-so-confident, cute, and just cute!

Honestly, if I didn't abide to the laws like I do now, I would've eaten her up, not caring about her being a minor. Though, I still can't believe she has that kind of talent!

I'm glad that I use one of my fake identities as a talent manager. If I didn't, then I wouldn't have met the little cinnamon roll.

However, even though I know she's a prodigy at art, but I just couldn't believe that someone as young as her would make some kinky stuff. I got to say, I want to meet that sister of hers. It's all thanks to her that Alissa got into making incest, and, to be honest, it's really hot.

Though Alissa kept on denying that she didn't love her sister like that way, I could see the way she tries to hide it, and the thought of her and her possibly cute older sister just making out just excites me.

However, getting back to what was happening earlier, I put my phone into my pocket, and went back to the meeting room.

Once I entered, all eyes were on me, with the exception of one, as he only had one eye.

Fury: "Miss Romanoff. I would like to know, what was so important that you had to leave, in the middle of a important meeting."

Raising a eyebrow, I nearly sighed because he could sometimes overexaggerate the most simplest of things, making him annoying.

Me: "Well, Fury...I just received a call from someone, a partner, you could say, from my side job. She's a really important person to the world, so, I had to take the call."

This time, it was him who rose a brow, in turn. Placing his hand on the table, then putting his weight on it, he looked at me with a stern gaze.

Fury: "Do enlighten me on who this...important person is."

To his demand, I simply...chuckled. Slightly surprising everyone in the room, even Fury.

Me: "Well, she's the one who made the best manga in the whole world, and is the one responsible for the approval of making cat girls."

This most definitely shocked most people in the room, and those who weren't, were Steve and Thor. With a look of realization, Fury excitedly chirped.

Fury: "You mean EroManga-Sensei!?"

Much to the confusion of the god and America's ass, I nodded, which caused Fury to let out a manly squeal.

Fury: "Ooooh~~!! I love her work! Why didn't you tell me you worked with her!? Surprisingly, I have a hard time finding the girl. She's like a ghost! I really want her autograph."

The rest, hearing that the Nick Fury had a hard time finding someone famous, greatly surprised them, which led to many questions, with the two guys still confused.

Deciding to be the mature one in the group, I got them to clm down.

Me: "People, people. Be civil. Okay, Cap, what's your question."

While scratching his neck, he shyly asked,

Steve: "Yeah, sorry, but, this...Hehromangasensai seems to be really famous with you guys knowing her. Just, curious, who is she?"

Another gasp of shock was ensued, with Fury looking ready to kill the man with his gun cocked and ready to blow his brains out.

Fury: "Blasphemous! How could you not know the Goddess of Art that is EroManga-Sensei!!? Heathens!!"

Bruce, Clint, and Tony, having been the closest, went to calm the man down, trying to explain that Captain America was a sad boomer, with the said hero looking at them in confusion. Before he could ask what they meant, Thor cut in.

Thor: "Excuse me, but which mythology is this Eromangasensei from? The only Goddess of Art I know of is Muses."

Slapping my forehead with my palm, I groaned in annoyance as Thor took the title too far, but he couldn't be blamed, as he is a God.

Me: "Thor. It's Ero, Manga, -Sensei. And, she's not a real goddess. Just a title given to the girl because of her prodigal talent in drawing."

Nodding in understanding, Thor blayed with his beard.

Thor: "Oh. Then what does she make? Paintings?"

Sighing once more, I just looked at Fury, who has calmed down a bit, but he was glaring holes at Captain and Thor.

Me: "Fury. Don't we can talk about Ero-Sensei later. We still habe a meeting. I want this to end, because I have to pick her up and guard her at the Heroes of Stories. If things go well, I could get you an autograph from her, okay?"

With a huge smile, Fury jumped in front of the huge holographic computer.

Fury: "Kuhum. Okay. Continuing on our discussion on our possible superhuman friends, we-"

Before I was called by Alissa, we were in the middle of discussing about humans who possibly have powers, since sightings of people being...well, having supernatural abilities have been spotted, and we're here to check if they do have said powers. However, we've come a bust with everyone so far. We confirmed that all they had were skills in editing and "magic tricks".

Then, from my left, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking at who it was from, I saw that it was from Tony.

Me: "What?"

Scratching his cheek, Tony barely made eye contact with me as he answered,

Tony: " you get me an autograph from her?"

This surprised me, as the all mighty Iron-Man would never do something like asking someone politely for something like an autograph. So, with a grin forming up my face, I decided to tease the man.

Me: "Hmmm...I'll try. But that's kinda hard. She's not someone who likes doing things that would bring attention towards herself. That's why no one knows who she really is. Not her name, her age, and how she looks. I made sure of that."

To this, Tony acted like a spoiled brat, which he usually is, and whined, though not loud enough to disturb Fury.

Tony: "But you said you'll get one for Fury!"

He whisper shouted at me, which nearly made me laugh as he started looking desperate for an autograph.

Me: "Well, Fury's a secretive man, and I'm sure he wouldn't brag about getting an autograph from a famous mangaka, unlike you."

With a fake look of hurt, Tony out a hand on his heart.

Tony: "I-I would never!"

Me: "*Crossing my arms* I know you, Stark. You're a snarky bastard that wouldn't let go of a chance to brag about something."

Rolling my eyes, I lightly kicked his leg from under the table. He was about to say more, but Bruce beat him to it.

Bruce: "He-hey Nat? *I look to him* Could you get me an autograph from her? I promise I wouldn't tell anyone!"

Letting a smile appear on my face, I patted his shoulder.

Me: "Sure, big guy."

Having told him that, a shocked gasp came from behind me. Looking back to Tony, I saw his eyes were wide from disbelief. Thinking that I teased him enough, I tood him,

Me: "Okay, okay. I'll get You an autograph from her, too. Just give me what you want me to have her sign for you before you leave."

Tony: "Yes! *Puts his watch in front of his mouth* Jarvis, get my red and gold newest Lamborghini Aventador...yes, my favorite one.... Have it parked outside the base... Good."

Having finished calling JARVIS, Tony looked at me with a smug grin while I shot him back with a "what-the-fuck" face. Sighing, then massaging my head, I put my attention back to Fury, but not before grabbing Clint's quiver, which he put in front of me as I spoke with Bruce, already knowing what he meant by doing that.

Fury: "-t's a no then. Okay. Next up, we have a teenager who we believe is Aphrodite's mortal daughter, creation, or Aphrodite herself."

This caught everyone's attention, especially Thor at the mention of Aphrodite, a fellow god. Looking at the screen, everyone was baffled at the incarnation of beauty.

[A/N: -_-.... Just roll with it. Don't own the pic, obviously.]

Fury: "Yeah. That's was my first reaction, too. She's a beautiful- no, a young woman without a right word to describe her beauty. Sorry about the pictures. It's the only thing my team got. Most who tried to get even one look at her face just passes out. Hmph. Weak willed plebs. Now, moving on. What do you guys think?"

He asked with a stern tone, which was quite funny with the pictures behind him.

Thor: "*Cough* I would just like to say that, most gods like to keep to themselves, so I don't think Aphrodite would come to earth with mortal forms, any god for that matter, will not do that. If they did, we would have had an easier time in our battles if they have gotten themselves involved. So I don't think this gorgeous woman would would be Aphrodite herself. And, if she did have any type of relationship with the goddess, then maybe by blood."

Hearing Thor say that, Fury nodded, as he has more knowledge about gods than us, which is understandable, with him being a god himself.

Fury: "Well, in that case, it's either she's related by blood with a goddess, she has powers related with beauty, or she's just a normal human with beauty that rival's a goddess."

Thinking carefully about the options, I raised a hand, catching Fury's attention.

Me: "Any data on her?"

This question caused the one-eyed man to scoff, not believing that I had to ask him that.

Fury: "Of course I do. Who do you think I am?"

From underneath the table, he pulled out a folder, then slid it towards me. Catching it easily, I opened it immediately and began to read.

Me: Age.... 14? Shit she's young. Height... 5'7... Lives with aunt and cute little sister. Really Fury?... Parents died in a plane crash. Parents are....the Parkers!? Wait... The girl's name is....holy shit. Phyrie Parker. But, if she's a Parker....then....little sister is....shit. Alissa Parker.
Damn that coincidence.

Closing the folder, I slid it back to Fury, who had a questioning look directed at me.

Fury: "What's with that look, Ramonoff. Surprised the kid got bigger boobs than you."

Normally, I'd snap back at him with a snarky remark, but I was just too focused on the new information.

Me: "No....just surprised that Ero-Sensei has such a beautiful sister. I mean, she kept telling me her sister was beautiful, but, wow."

Fury: "Huh? The hell you talking about?"

Shaking my head, I pushed myself from the table and stood up.

Me: "Nothing. I promise Ero-Sensei that I'll pick her up in an hour, and I've already wasted nearly 20 minutes here. I gotta go. Continue the meeting without me."

Leaving quickly, I immediately made my way down to go get my ride, until I was stopped by four rapid footsteps. Looking behind me, I saw Fury, Tony, Clint, and Bruce.

Bruce: "Yo Nat! Wait up! You forgot this!"

Curious, I stopped and waited for the four men to catche up. Bruce was the first, and he handed me a book. Looking at it, I found out that it was one of Alissa's published manga. "Love in A Forsaken World", a manga about two girls in a world that was ruined by pollution, human arrogance, and war. The two were friends, the older one being adventurous and free-spirited, while the younger one was timid and weak. It may seem like a story filled with generic and cliché romance, but because it was a lesbian story, it was different than the rest, especially because of Alissa's unique art style and way of thinking. It was also awarded for the best romance genre for 2014, where I had to receive the reward, because, like I said earlier, Alissa doesn't like being the center of attention.

Grabbing the book, I looked at Clint, who gave me his quiver, which I forgot, then Fury, who handed me an eyepatch. Raising a brow, I looked at the man with questioning gaze, as did the other three.

Fury: "What? The eyepatch doesn't clean itself you know? That's why I have spares. Ooh! Be sure to have her sign the front."

Shaking my head, I decided to roll with it and pocketed the eyepatch. Then, moving my gaze to Tony, he immediately put two fingers into his mouth, then whistled loudly. Immediately after, a low roar was heard from the other side of the outside the parking lot, and after a few seconds, a expensive car came in, adorned with Iron-Man's color scheme.

Tony: "Please get her to sign the hood. Ask her to make it big, too. So that everyone can see it. And, be careful when you drive it!"

I felt my eye twitch at Tony's request, but with the time ticking, I let it be.

Me: "Anything else?"

The four shake their head no, so I turned around and was about to enter the car, until I stopped as I saw something from the corner of my eye.

Me: "Hey, Bruce. What's that? *Points at his pocket*"

Bruce: "Hmmm? *Looks to where I am pointing at* Ah! This? *Pulls a book out" This is book made by Anoma1y! The latest one, too! Well, the published book. The newest book he made isn't out, yet. And I rather read it straight from the book, not in an app."

Before I could nod and go back to entering the car, Clint suddenly spoke.

Clint: "Wait! Is that "A World of Harmony"? Shit that's good!"

Bruce: "You know Anoma1y?"

Clint: "Of course I do. He's the best novelist, ever. But, personally, I love his seventh work, "Life as of an Broken Princess". Haa~. Snow that sly bastard."

Then, Tony suddenly quipped into their conversation.

Tony: "That's a great story, but for me, I think "The Poor Billionaire" is better. God the contrast of the characters are unbelievable."

Interested in their conversation, and forgetting about the time, I remained in place, as conversations between fans of Anoma1y would sometimes lead to many funny shit. I could still remember how some random man made it into the news after he tried to prove that Anoma1y was the best novelist the world has brought.

Fury: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh you poor mortals. Every novel and story made by Anoma1y are great, but the best out of them all is "Vengeance in Sadness", the greatest drama genre out of everything in this world."

After a while, their simple conversation turned into a full on argument to which novel Anoma1y made was the best. Being the voice of reason, I decided to stop laughing, and butt in. However, with a sudden thought, I changed what I was about to do.

Me: "Children, children, stop. From what I could hear, your fans of Anoma1y, too?"

The boys: "Yeah."

Me: "Well, give me that book."

With a confused look, Bruce complied and handed me the book.

Bruce: "Okay?"

I, then, enter the car and begin to rev up the engine.

Me: "Well, then. You four stop, and do a good job on your mission today, cause if you do, I'll get you not only an autograph from Ero-Sensei, but from Anoma1y, too."

Before they could do anything else, I sped through the parking lot, and left the base.

|Phyrie's POV|

Earlier today, Alissa acted weird. Like she was lying, and I knew she was. But, I also knew that it wouldn't lead into anything bad, so I let it be, as I too, have something to do today.

Wearing a maroon colored, shoulderless, tight fitting crop top, a pair of golden wrap shorps with thin violet stripes, together with beige pantyhose, and a warm zip up dark orange and violet hoodie, I, then, checked if I had all the things I needed to bring in my beige backpack purse.

My marker was there for when someone asks for an autograph -if they even realize who I am-, a bundle of small papers, a normal pen, my I.D., extra money, a pepper spray, and lastly, a pocket knife.

With everything I needed all in their, I nodded and grabbed a normal black face mask and wore it. Walking up to my mirror, I took some time to admire myself.

Me: God I'm HOT!

Well, throughout the years, I've gotten a bit narcissistic. I mean, who wouldn't with a face and body like mine. Twisting my nody so that I could see my own ass in the mirror, I slapped it and felt satisfied, so I left.

However, before I could reach the door, a car suddenly parked in front of the house, then honked. Curious, I went out my room, only to see my sister suddenly rush out her room, not even noticing me.

Alissa: "May! Onee-chan! My ride's here! Bye!!"

Shouting loud enough for everyone in the house to here, Alissa quickly ran to the stairs, still not noticing me.

Me: Is that her friend's parent then?

Following my curiosity, which led me outside, I saw Alissa enter a very expensive looking car, whicj kind of reminded me of Mr. Stark's suit because of it's colors. Thinking fast, I jogged to the car, stopped about a foot from it, and knocked on the passenger's window, and from there, I saw my sister flinch before seeing that it was me.

I gestured her to roll down the window, which she did, after a bit of fumbling, then I could now talk with Alissa.

Alissa: "He-hey, onee-chan."

She greeted me, a bit nervously, too. Having the need to check who the person driving the car was, and if there were other people in it, I didn't answer her, but I was most definitely surprised at to who I saw at the driver's seat, who, in turn, was also as surprised as I am.

There, with her hands on the wheel, was Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, who had her hair dyed black and wore blue eye contacts. With her sudden appearance, I became greatly confused, but also curious. Why would Alissa be with her?

Deciding to not know who she is to gather more information, I acted.

Me: "Alissa, who is this gorgeous woman?"

I asked my little sister with a smile, who, in turn, gave me a shaky one and replied,

Alissa: "She...she-...she's my friend's mom! That's it! My friend didn't want me to go to her there all alone, since she's close to the place we were supposed to go to, so she had her mom drive me their, because it was safer, and Mrs. Rushman was coming home from work! *Turns to Natasha* Right, aunty? *Pinches her thigh*"

I could see what my sister did, but I acted that I didn't notice as I focused on Natasha, who didn't even flinch from Alissa's flinch, as she stayed a blushing mess, to which a was confused from, but somehow knew why.

Then, Natasha, being pulled out from her stupor, stealthily glared at Alissa, before giving me an award-winning smile.

Natasha: "That's right. Oh! I'm Natas- *Kuhum* Natalie Rushman. My...daughter didn't want Alissa here to come by alone, so, since I was passing by, I decided to pick her up."

Outside, I was gently smiling, but inside, I was giggling like a school girl who got confessed to by her crush, as I never didn't get to talk to Black Widow much as Peter.

Me: "Well, I'm Phyrie. Alissa's big sister. Thank you very much for taking some of your time to do this. I'm really grateful for this, as my sister doesn't go out much with friends."

|Natasha's POV|

When my eyes met her unique purple-pinkish eyes, I was immediately entranced. I've met many handsome men and gorgeous women in my life, even slept with some of them due to stress, but none of them made me feel how I feel right now looking at this younger girl's eyes.

We talked for a bit, going with the flow to what Alissa said, and with my profession, I easily made the lie into truth, but looking at those eyes, I would sometimes nearly slip up and tell her the truth. God the pictures showed us doesn't do justice to the girl in front of me.

Time seemed to slow down, until we went into a full-blown conversation, with us knowing each other little by little, until Alissa intervened with an adorable pout.

Alissa: "Uhh. You guys seem to be having a interesting conversation, but we have to go."

Not realizing how rude rhat sounded, Alissa began to lightly push me.

Phyrie: "Haha. Seems like I've held you two up. I gotta go somewhere else, too. Bye! Sorry for the delay."

As the beauty in front of me was about to leave, I unconsciously blurted out,

Me: "Where are you going?"

I was surprised at my sudden question, but it was a welcomed one, as I got a answer I didn't expect.

Phyrie: "I'm going to Heroes of Stories in Harlem."

She says, and I could feel my smile widening as I didn't realize that I was ruining Alissa's hidden identity.

Me: "Oh! Why don't you come with us! That's where we're going!"

This caught Phyrie's interest as she scrutinized her little sister, but I couldn't care less if her identity was found out, as long as Phyrie's here, and it isn't that bad if she found out, because she's her sister.

Phyrie: "Oh~ really~? Well, isn't Harlem about 29 minutes away from here? That's a long ride to get to your friend's place. Does she even go to your school?"

Phyrie began to pry answers from Alissa, but she decided to drop it.

Phyrie: "I'd love to, but I don't think there's be any space for me."

Though her concern was understandable, I have an answer for that.

Me: "Oh don't worry. This car's been customized to have more than two people. Watch."

Pressing a buttom fr the panel, the room suddenly rose up and compressed amd hid itself, the windows rolled down, and a hidden compartment showed itself and revealed a seat for four.

Me: As long as it's Tony's, you get advantages.

With a goofy smile, I gave the dumbfounded girls a thumbs-up.

|Natasha's POV|

The ride, was by far, the greatest relaxing time I had. Phyrie was not only a gorgeous girl, but also a great person to talk to.

I also noticed that Alissa was more talkative when her sister was around, and she called Phyrie "Onee-chan", which I knew was big sister from reading most of Alissa's mangas.

I also grabbed the chance to ask Phyrie's favorite mangaka, since she showed interest in them, and she instantly answered with Alissa's pen name, much to the smaller girl's surprise, embarrassment, and appreciation. I also asked questions about her newest genre, the incest one, much to Alissa's horror, but, surprisingly, Phyrie had only said postive things about it, and both of us teased Alissa, since she was the only possible target here.

I, then, thought about the possibility of Alissa actually loving her sister in that way, as, from what she told me herself, her new genre was inspired from her sister. And, I couldn't exactly blame Alissa for that. Because, I, the oldest one here, get the girl out of my head.

It was definitely the best 35 minutes of my life, even with the slight traffic.

Finally reaching Harlem, I suddenly realized that Alissa and Phyrie would be going to the same place. But, I also remembered that Alissa would be wearing a mask, so I don't think Phyrie would realize that.

Entering the building where the event was held, I drove to the parking lot, looked for a space, and parked. Asking the two to get out of the car, I pressed the same button I pushed earlier, and the car reverted back to its old self.

Leaving the car, I locked it before going to Alissa's side.

Me: "So, where are you going now?"

I asked her, and with a beautiful smile, she said,

Phyrie: "Well, I'm going to meet up with some authors to get some autographs. After that, I'll look for a friend of mine."

Me: "Well, okay. The two of us have something to do, and though I wouldn't want you to go, this is where we part ways for now. I really enjoyed the time we spent together, but, goodbye. Hope we meet again."

Phyrie, covering her mouth with one hand, giggled cutely, making my heart skip a beat and my cheeks redden.

Phyrie: "Don't worry. We'll definitely meet again. Bye. I'll see you later, Alissa. And, if you look hard enough, you two might find a great surprise."

Leaving as she said those, I just watched as her hips swayed with every step, the wrapped cloth swinging with it, entrancing me. I was only able to get out of my stupor by a light punch to my shoulder.

Looking to my left, I saw a pouting Alissa, to which I laughed at and ruffled her soft, silver hair. Sighing, she grabbed her mask from her bag, and wore it, while I put on my sunglasses.

|Phyrie's POV|

After saying my goodbyes to the two, I left and entered the elevator. Grabbing my mask, which I took off when I checked on Alissa earlier, I wore it and covered my head with my hood.

I wasn't sure if anyone would notice me, as every picture taken for the novels and books were of me with the same mask and a hood on.

Shrugging my shoulders, I just waited for a few seconds, until I finally arrived to the designated floor for the event. The elevator door opened, and I was immediately met with soothing music, fit for a library, if they didn't ban noise.

Stepping out of the elevator, I looked around me, and saw stalls filled with books and other literature related things.

Heroes of Stories isn't only a meet-and-greet thing, but also a place for different kinds of authors to advertise and sell their work and materials. And, because of that, other people were allowed to come and buy the things that were sold here, and get autographs from them.

There were many stalls and people, but didn't make the place cramped, as even though the place was only three floors, it waa very wide, like three football fields connected to each other.

And speaking of stalls, I had my own, which was currently being handled by my manager and his men.

Weaving through the crowd, I finally reached my stall, and there I saw my Manager, Odin Borson, the King of Asgard, or as he introduced himself to me, King Allfather. A funny name, but eh, it works.

You'd think the King of Gods would be in Asgard taking care of his people, but no. He's here, acting as my manager.

I don't know why, but he said that he saw potential in me that would change the world, without even revealing his identity. But, he is considered to be very wise, so he somehow managed it.

So, here he is, the King of Asgard, helping me out with my books.

Odin: "Hahaha! There you are, Anoma1y! I've been waiting for you! Look! There are already tons of people lined up to get your autograph! Don't keep them waiting now!"

And, like he said, there was already a long line waiting for me. From Odin's booming voice, they looked to see me, and they began to chatter quite loudly.

Readying myself for a long day, I entered my booth, and began to sign autographs.

|Alissa's POV|

After a long, arduous time, sitting on a chair, signing authograps, dealing with perverts, and anxiously waiting for my time at the stall to finish, the time finally came. With no more people asking for authograps, it was time for the meet-and-greet.

The different types of authors finally get to know each other, but all I care about is Anoma1y. Feeling my excitement build up, I immediately went to Natalie.

Pulling the hem of her business shirt, I got her to notice me. Moving her gaze to meet mine, she raised a brow.

Natalie: "What is it?"

Letting go of her shirt, I twiddled my thumbs as I watched different kinds of authors walk pass me and speak with their fellow people.

Me: "I need to meet up with Anoma1y now."

This caused Natalie to smack her forehead before massaging her temples.

Natalie: "Uh. How could I forget. Sorry, Sensei, just had....some things occupying my mind."

To this, I looked at her with a scrutinizing gaze, which I knew she somehow knew even with the mask covering my face.

Me: "You mean my onee-chan?"

She, then, became flustered at to what I said and sported a deep red blush. Trying to deny my accusation, I didn't even bother as I pulled out my phone and read the latest massage I received from Anoma1y, which told me where she was.

Pulling the older woman, who was still trying to deny what I said, I began to weave through the small crowd.

Passing by many stalls and people, I finally reached the middle of the floor, which had a small garden and chairs and tables to rest on. I saw many of them being occupied by different people, but I soon noticed one table only having one person.

Walking closer towards the person, I noticed that she seemed very familiar, but I just couldn't get why.

Finally reaching the table, I tapped on it, catching the person's attention. Looking up from her phone, my eyes widened from surprise as I saw-

Phyrie: "Well isn't this a surprise, Ero-Sensei. Or should I say, little sis?"

-my sister, resembling Anoma1y's signature look.

¦Word count: 6,196+4¦

[A/N: HAHAHAHA! You thought it would be a 5,000+ chapter! Ha! No! For I skipped it and it became 6,000+!

Fuck yeah! But, sorry for to late update. Supposed to finish it and publish it on Friday, but I got too preoccupied with Summertime and Mobile Legends!

Hoped you liked the chap, cause the next one finally has action in it!]


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