
By variestae

663K 37.6K 9.6K

It was inevitable. It always has been. From the rumors at his school to his taunting parents behind closed do... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five

Chapter Fifteen

9.9K 632 69
By variestae

"How's your shoulder?" Taehyung asked as he looked over at the older man, eyes filled with worry, eyebrows creased with concern. The raven-haired boy looked over at him, chuckling and shaking his head. He would've wrapped an arm around the younger's shoulders and give him a firm side hug, but his current uninjured shoulder had his bag slung over it and hand holding his football gear.

"It's throbbing a little, but nothing I can't handle," Jungkook answered with a small grin, looking ahead so they could see where they were going. It was dark-nine o'clock at night-both males walking home together after a football game that resulted in a player's injury. Taehyung threw the hood over his head just as a cold breeze passed by as he nodded a little.

"Does it hurt?"

Jungkook looked back over at the smaller boy, seeing how the whole hood of his hoodie swallowed his head, and he had to keep himself from melting right then and there, so, instead, he just nodded a little as well. "Well, kinda. The throbbing is a little annoying and it hurts just a little-not as bad as it was out on the field, though. I really thought I dislocated it, it hurt that fucking bad."

"You sure it's just a sprain?"

"I'm positive, Tae," Jungkook reassured the smaller man, looking down at him with a soft and caring smile on his features, but he could see how unsure Taehyung seemed, and it made his heart clench and flutter all at the same time. It clenched because he didn't like seeing the boy worry about him-or worry about anything or anyone in general. It fluttered because of how genuinely caring Taehyung was to him, and it made him feel so many different kinds of feelings he didn't truly understand. "Look, the doctor guy out on the field said that if I can move it without feeling excruciating pain, then I'm fine and there's nothing to worry about."

"I still think you should at least get it checked out at a doctor or at the hospital," Taehyung stated, a little afraid Jungkook would end up getting mad at him for not trusting his word. It wasn't because Taehyung didn't trust him, it was because he was worried the medic out on the field might've accidentally missed something-especially since they couldn't X-ray it out there. His eyes grew wide once he realized what he just said, afraid he was being a little too pushy or pushy in general.

He heard Jungkook sigh, his eyes snapping over and looking at the raven-haired man beside him, "Alright. How about after school tomorrow, I'll go to the doctor and get it checked out-" Taehyung immediately smiled at this, feeling happy he was getting through to Jungkook and that the man wasn't made at him for worrying and caring. "But only if you stop worrying about it and let me take care of the rest, okay?"

Jungkook had stopped walking by now, making Taehyung stop as well as he looked down at the younger brunette boy, eyes holding so much seriousness, but they were soft at the same time. Taehyung bit the inside of his lower lip, slowly nodding his head as a response, their eyes boring into each other's. The atmosphere around them changed, and Taehyung couldn't make out what it was that he suddenly felt.

Their eyes were looked and their gazes were hooked, as if neither one of them could look away. Taehyung didn't even want to look away from this boy, and he took this chance to silently admire and appreciate him. He was beautiful-something Taehyung would admit to-and he was so sweet and caring-always protecting Taehyung from Bogum and whoever else was a part of the whole bullying thing.

He always made sure to make Taehyung feel comfortable, and that was something the small brunette boy appreciated the most about him. He couldn't fight off Bogum and the others, that was for sure, even if he tried he just couldn't do it. He hated the fact that he had to have his own 'personal bodyguards' to always look out for him. He wanted to be able to fight back against the people who were always targeting him, but he didn't think he could possess such a strong power to do so.

So, instead, he was stuck having Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook to protect him from everyone at school. He hated it because it made him feel weak-like he couldn't do anything to protect and stand up for himself, and he hated that he was practically getting all of his friends into fights because he just couldn't muster up enough courage to stand up for himself. He hoped none of this would come back and bite him in the ass laster on, and it scared to think that his friends were getting tired, annoyed, and frustrated for always having to stick up for him.

But he would always be thankful for them.

"Did you have fun at the game?" Jungkook asked as they began to walk again, looking over at the small brunette boy beside him. He saw him playing with the strings of his dark grey hoodie-like a little kid would do when they were nervous or being scolded by their parents, and he found it cute because Taehyung looked like he was that little kid.

"Yeah, didn't think I would actually like it or have any fun, to be honest with you," Taehyung responded with a small grin, looking up at the older man, hearing the other nod with a hum, smiling as well. "I think Yoongs had a really good time, too. He was cursing a lot as he watched the game, and it got worse when they brought Bogum out."

Jungkook laughed at that, throwing his head back with bouncing shoulders, his bunny smile on full display, and the sights and sounds caused Taehyung to laugh as well. The smaller's voice was much deeper than the older's, while Jungkook's was much more higher pitched, but the sounds mixed well together, something Taehyung and Jungkook took note on when their laughter died down.

"Too bad I missed it. That would've been great to watch."

"Can I just say how much Bogum sucks at football?" Taehyung didn't know where the sudden courage came from when he asked the question, and he was a little shocked with himself for being able to ask something like that, and he really didn't want to offend Jungkook in any way, because Bogum was a jock just like the older, so he couldn't help but feel a little scared of the reaction he would get.

But when Jungkook just nodded with a wide bunny-like grin, he felt his nerves and whole body relax, causing him to release a puff of air he didn't even know he was holding, "Yes, you may. We all know Bogum isn't the best at football-or any other kind of sport-but we have him around because he's a backup. Just in case if someone on the field gets hurt-just like what happened to me tonight."

Taehyung giggled cutely at that, but he still felt bad and was worrying about the other's shoulder quite a lot. He didn't know if he was in any kind of pain, even if Jungkook told him he was okay and wasn't feeling anything besides the annoying throbbing sensation he felt within his joints, he just couldn't help but worry and feel bad he had to go through any kind of pain. He didn't know how to make things better, and he didn't want to keep bringing it up either, so he kept his mouth shut and continued on with their walk home.

"Does Bogum himself know he isn't good at football?" Taehyung questioned with a grin, looking up at Jungkook beside him, seeing the other look his way, their eyes meeting and gazes locking once again. The raven-haired boy let out a laugh through his nose with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"I think he has an idea."

The rest of the walk was a little quiet, both males sharing a little bit of small talk when Taehyung's house came into view. He felt his smile falter a little when his eyes landed on the two story white house at the end of the road. He didn't want his night to come to an end yet, but he knew he had to leave the other behind and get read for bed since they all had school the next morning.

He tried not to seem sad when they walked up the stairs to his front porch, as he took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door so slowly, not really wanting to go into the house that held nothing but haunting memories. Once the door was unlocked, he turned to Jungkook and gave him a small smile, sticking his hands in his hoodie pockets as he faced him, "Thanks for walking me home again."

"It's not a problem," the raven-haired man replied back, smiling gently at him as he set his football gear down on the porch, giving his hand a break from carrying the gear around for three miles straight. He rolled his shoulders slowly, feeling the ache within his left one, his face contorting into slight pain, "I'll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep."

The brunette could only nod as he watched the other bend down and pick up his gear, straightening his posture as he lolled his neck to loosen up the muscles. He was exhausted from playing more than half the game the night, but he wasn't as tired when he played a full game and wasn't injured, and it felt weird not being able to finish the game for once.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Jungkook replied back, smiling as he watched Taehyung walk inside the house, closing and disappearing behind the door with his own boxy grin. He turned around and began walking down the porch, patting around for his phone and taking it out of his front pocket. He checked the time, seeing he had gotten a message from his parents, saying they wouldn't be home that night due to a business meeting running late.

Jungkook began to panic because his parents had dropped him off at his game before they left for the business meeting, and saying they would be back in time for him to come home from walking a friend to their house. He didn't grab his keys because his parents had told him they would be home later that night-before his game would even end-and now they had informed him they wouldn't be back home until early the next morning.

He stopped in his tracks without even knowing, looking around in the dark to see the road lined up with houses. Subconsciously, he turned around and his gaze fell onto the house he was just at dropping off Taehyung. He bit his bottom lip, debating with himself if he should even ask the male for such a favor. He had nowhere to go and his parents weren't even in Seoul at the moment, but in Busan for their meeting that was running later than usual.

It felt like hours before he finally gave in and began to slowly make his way back to the house, walking up the steps and hesitantly bring up his fist and softly knocking on the door with his knuckles.

It took awhile before the door opened, almost resorting into Jungkook leaving and just camping out on his own porch back at his house. But when the door opened and revealed Taehyung who was looking up at him confusedly, he couldn't help but feel at ease and relaxed that he opened the door for him.

"So, funny story."

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