The Tik Tok House

By Jacoblexfan

85 4 2

This is a fan fiction about Alejandro Rosario and his friends moving into a house in a LA with a bunch of oth... More

Moving to L.A
Its Just the Beginning

Saying goodbye to Texas

15 1 0
By Jacoblexfan

It was now Sunday and time to go back home to Texas. At the airport this girl recognized me from Jeremy's Tik Tok and asked for a picture. It was kinda cool but weird since this was the first time that this has happened to me. It was about 5 pm when I got back home and it seemed so quiet in my house since I was the only child. Although I was only there for two days I got use to having a lot of people around me. It was now 7 pm when I decided to do homework and FaceTime my best friend Nathalie to tell her everything that happened in L.A. It was now 9:30 when I decided to take a shower and go to bed but I got a snap notification. When I looked at the notification I noticed that Jeremy added me and sent me a message. 

J- Jeremy A- Alexia 

J- Hey, how is it back in Texas? 

A- Pretty Quiet not gonna lie :( How is it back at the house?

J- Not the same without you 

A- I doubt that.... Y'all have so much to do and I have to go back to school tomorrow :|

J- Oooo public school, that must suck

A- Its not that bad. I have my best friend to get me through it 

J- Thats good. Well I guess you are going to get homeschooled when you move over here

A- I don't know I have to talk to my counselors and my parents. They might want me to go to public school there 

J- You won't have time for anything especially since we are always working 

We continued to text until I realized that it was late and I needed to go to bed.

In the morning I just did small waves on my hair and got dressed in a white crop top with light jeans and my white slip on vans. I grabbed a quick breakfast before going to my car. I then went to go pick up Nathalie from her house. When I got there she came running out of her house and when she got in the car she made me tell her everything about L.A again. When we got to school we went to our lockers before going to homeroom which was chemistry. I honestly loved my homeroom everyone was pretty chill and the teacher was really funny. The first four periods went by  extremely  fast. When I got to 5th period my college counselor called me into her office.  We talked about what I would do and what my future looked like. She wanted to try a new program with me that my school was creating. I would be homeschooled and still be apart of the district so I would be allowed to go to school functions like prom. I quickly said yes and rushed to lunch to tell Nathalie. Lunch rushed by quick and I went to 6th period and this class was boring. I normally sat in the back of the class with some of my friends and just used my phone. I saw that I had a 80 missed messages. Turns out I was added to a group chat with everyone in the house. I continued to read the messages and I silently laughed because they were all complaining about how they did not want to get out of bed. I then got a message from a unknown number. 

Ale: Alejandro              A: Alexia

Ale: Hey this is Alejandro... We didn't get to talk much when you were here.... I got your number from the group chat your number was the only one I didn't have so i assumed it was you

A: Ohhh hey.... ya we didn't get to talk much 

Ale: Do you miss us?

A: Ive only known ya'll for three days but ya I do

Ale: Yeah we miss you too.... when do you come back?

A: On Friday but I am going to get in late because I have school 

Ale: maybe we can go out for a midnight snack when you get here

A: I am down... as long as its not taco bell 

Ale: Ewww taco bell is gross... I was thinking in and out 

A: That sounds good... Hey I gotta go I have another class

Ale: alright have fun at school...I cant wait for our date

The end of the day passed by and after school I went to the mall to go and hangout with my friends before I left to California. I was going to miss all my friends but I was excited for the opportunities that would come my way. 

The week pasted by fast. I said all my goodbyes and got on the plane to California  

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