Once Upon A Story

By AlexBrant18

68K 2.3K 1.7K

We all know that story of the Destroyer and Creator, but for the sake of this story, let's say the Destroyer... More

There Was No Fluffy Bunny
There Was No Buttercup
There Was No Wish
There Was No Star
Woah Bro
There Was No Constellation
There Was No Lantanas
There Was No Cat or Rat
There Was No Cop or Victim
There Was No Baker
There Was No Hero Only A Villain
There Was No CoSmO cOsMo Co-
There Was No- I WANT MAMA!
Hey Peeps
There Once Were Two Birds
Can I ask you do something for me?
Q/A with Once Upon a Story Cast
Once There Were Two Friends
Yes, No, Cheese?

There Was No Error

5.4K 194 218
By AlexBrant18

Error had been fighting for how long? A couple hours, had it been more than that? He wasn't sure how time worked. The Anti-void didn't have time. He was tired and his magic was low. Ink, amongst other skeletons, were tired. Some, however, were dead. Dust was flying everywhere stinging the eyes of the human versions and settling in the skulls of the skeletons. Error didn't see any point in why he fought Ink to begin with. No matter what Error did or where he went, there was Ink and a fight. He felt lines upon lines of marrow and blood drooling down his body. He had strings wrapped and hanging everywhere.

Ink was not one to kneel, but he was tired and so used his paintbrush for support. He never took his eyes off Error who was weak. He clicked his tongue and two Sans' looked up. Underfell Sans copy #34 and Swapfell Sans copy #56. They both nodded and rushed towards Error grabbing him by the arms and holding him down. Error pulled and struggled with what little strength he had to no avail. Error noticed Ink was towering over him, and looked both unimpressed with Errors attempt to get away and hateful eye lights. Error haphephobia was taking hold as he no longer was thinking straight. His only thought, get out of these skeletons hold, and so he tried. Ink pulled out a small vile with a sickly sweet color with a dangerous glow to it. Ink slowly screwed the top off. "Pull his shirt up." He said. He looked to be not even caring. Error struggled harder as now everyone saw his mangled soul.

Error hated how his soul looked and though he never let others see it, he'd ask for others to show theirs. His family, for example.

Error watched as Ink tipped the vile ever so slowly and had it right above his soul. He squirmed in the skeletons grip until a sudden strike of pain had him by the soul. He let out a blood curling scream and when his soul started to rip apart, magic was released. It flew and swimmed filling the souls of others, letting them feel his unimaginable pain. Ink didn't have a soul, but the sound his soul sang was enough to have him in tears.


'Please, anyone!'


'I don't want to hurt anyone!'

'I'm sorry!'

'Help me!'

Error continued to scream until he heard a sound he never thought he'd hear. His soul cracking. He felt himself dusting and he cried. For once, he didn't want to die. Much less die around his enemies. He looked up at Inks tear streaming face. He glared at him before saying his last words:

"Are you proud you killed a skeleton that didn't even want to destroy AUs to begin with?"


Whether is were a dead AU or not, a tombstone sat patiently for someone to visit it. Two years now... two years since Error died. But...

No one knew.

It was like Error was forgotten by everyone. Every Orginal AU, every copy of the originals, the Star Sanses, even his family. It seemed like everything was fine with Error dying. Like it didn't matter, like it wasn't a problem. And it wasn't, this was suppose to happen. Destiny wanted this, even if Fate hurt and killed their formed child, it was Destiny's chosen child. Destiny was a very smart God for her age and magic.

As every being with magic knows, it's the magic you have that makes you the person you are, your age defines your maturity. Although, magic is more commonly known to cancel age out and take full control over the power a being with magic has. Magic will decide how old that person shall be. Destiny, her magic had defined her to be only 550 years old. In short, she's still young.

Fate, however, had suppressed her magic to define her whole being. So, not only does she not have a life without magic, she has a life that depends on magic to do everything for her. Whether she thought this was better or to have fun with torturing Error, Destiny wasn't sure.

Destiny used her magic to feel Fates presence and until it was far enough she could go down to Errors grave and let him start over. After all, faze one was already done, erase every memory of Error. Destiny knew Fate had a meeting with Luck, Karma, and Judge. She was so eager to finally see her child, her beloved child. Fate was to leave in... 3... 2... 1.

Destiny wasted no time to see him. Fates presences was no longer sensed in the castle so Destiny knew she was gone. Unfortunately, She didn't have much time, so this had to be quick.

She felt her leather slippers touch the dust covered AU. It sat stale and unmoving. There was nothing moving here, but there was air. Air that sat there almost suffocating. She stood towering over a grave with a jacket draped over it. Just how she left it. She smiled nonetheless and sat done with her legs under her. "Don't worry little destroyer, your mother is here to help." Destiny said and opened her arms. She grabbed his jacket and started to slow her breathing. If she could use his jacket to bring him back then that was enough, but she didn't have his dust. If she did, he'd have his memories before he died. She didn't want him to start off like that. She concentrated remembering every little detail he had on his physical form. She was going to rebuilt him and now... she needed a soul. Not like his old mangled one, a fresh soul. She thought of one full of kindness and full of positivity so that he could always find a way to look on the bright side of a situation. His patience and honesty wouldn't go to waste, she knew those two traits made Error what he was as a monster. He never lied to Ink when asked why he did something. Why he destroyed AUs, for example. Destiny added one last touch... love and care. As he needed friends that he could give back to. "I do apologize for not being to make you any older than a couple months old, but I do not apologize for taking you away from Fates grasp. I've made sure to ask War to get rid of AUs for you." Destiny explained. She waved her hands up and then down. She moved her right hand left under her left arm. Error now had arms and a head. She moved her left arm in a upwards semicircle giving Error a torso. She moved her right hand down and her left hand up giving him legs. Then, his little touches. The black bones, the blue tear streaks, the multiple different colors of certain bones. The only think she left out we're the thousands of injuries. She was finished with her creation and so she gave it life. She needed to give him a new name. She watched closely as a bright ball of light turned to a small baby skeleton. She dusted the jacket off and wrapped it around the baby who slept silently. If there was one name she knew would go perfect with him is would have to describe his wanting to help people. After all, even in fights he healed certain Sanses when Ink wasn't looking. It was no wonder everyone had mixed feelings about Error. "How about we name you... Cosmo, it's the name of a flower you liked so much." She stated only to get him to snore quietly.

Destiny was running out of time. She summoned a small piece of paper and pencil, she quickly wrote Cosmo on it and then a small note. She tucked it into the jacket and cradled Cosmo. "I know exactly who to take you to." She said and summoned a portal to Underswap. She walked up to his old friend's house and smiled. "I can't do everything for you but I can give you something you didn't get to save." She made a medium sized pot with a small Cosmo in it. This was his Cosmo. She laid Cosmo and his flower beside him. "I hope they take good care of you." She said and kissed his forehead.

He felt her presence leave and it made him cry wanting her to stay. His cries were loud.

"What the hell?"

Cosmo quieted his cries when he saw a tall towering skeleton in a white t-shirt and stained sweatpants. He cried wanting them to notice him (NOTICE ME SENPAI). The skeleton looked down to see him and looked confused. He picked up the baby bones and plant. What was a baby doing outside on his doorstep? Better question, why his when there were better people then himself they could have chosen? He carefully sat the baby on the couch and put the plant on the table sitting beside it. He rubbed his eye socket and scratched his chin. The tall skeleton stared at the baby was both curiosity and admiration. It was cute, that he'd admit, but why would a baby give him in the same look back?

"Brother, why are you up, did you have a- what's that on the couch?"

A slightly loud voice with hints of being tired made the baby cry. The tall skeleton quickly picked up the baby and started to cradle him. Then he saw a note, it was hidden away in the jacket the baby was wrapped in. The name on it read Cosmo, like the flower that came with the baby? The tall skeleton thought that it was weird that a baby skeleton didn't have a font name.

"Bro, hold him for a minute."

The tall skeleton carefully sat down on the couch, which was odd since his older brother knew that he'd take the chance to throw himself on the couch. This resulted in it being worn and very broken. He turned the paper over to see lovely hand writing.

It said: Dear Papyrus and Sans,

I am the mother of the small baby that I left on your doorstep, Cosmo. However, because of where I have gotten myself I can't care for him. He would be in danger if I had kept him and mostly likely dead. I left him with you because who better than fellow skeletons. I leave him in your care and hope he grows up wonderfully. When you read this, I will be long gone.

Papyrus was baffled to say the least. The baby's mother said 'long gone' so she was most likely dead, Papyrus wondered what this monster did to end up at their door. However, Papyrus wondered, if there was another skeleton, how had he and his brother never seem her? Nonetheless, she trusted them with her child. He sighed and looked up to see his brother cradling the baby who had fallen asleep.

"Hey bro, how do you feel about having a little brother?"

"I would love a little brother, what's his name?" They asked keeping their voice down. Papyrus chuckled and looked down at the sleeping baby. How innocent it looked. He could only imagine the things he could teach them. "His name is Cosmo, I got a feeling he's going to be an awesome brother."

"Hello little brother, my name is Sans and the skeleton beside me, he's my little brother, Papyrus."

Papyrus, the tall skeleton, had the wonderful idea to read a story so not only would the baby stay asleep, but so his brother would go back to sleep. He smiled and took both his brothers back upstairs. He put them in bed, picked a book from the bookshelf, and started reading.

"Once upon a time, there was a God named Fate..."


Hi author here! So, I picked Underswap because not only did Error have a crush on Blueberry before but Papyrus picked people out by actions but never reasoning. I thought if I picked this AU then Papyrus and Error could not only live together, but start over. Error had a crush on Blueberry and vice versa, so I thought it would be better if they had brotherly love instead. As some kind of substitute. Anyway, I just wanted to explain why.


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