By glowingreviews

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"Are you wearing Derek's leather jacket?" "Goes with the shoes!" in which buffy is the only werewol... More

Buffy the Werewolf Slayer
― Part One: Not Her Choice
One: Welcome to Beacon Hills
Two: Not the Chosen One
Three: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Four: Deadly Basement

810 66 59
By glowingreviews



"Why do you have so much security on your house?"

Buffy looked at Derek, smiling slightly at his annoyed face. He was currently driving the two so they could patrol the area, despite Buffy doing some patrols earlier that night. He had tried to open her window ( which she had closed and locked this time! ) and gotten a large electric shock due to her security, much like Scott and Stiles had. Her mother had sent her a video of it with a bunch of question marks before Buffy replied that he was another one of her idiot friends, to which Anne replied with many laughing emojis. He was still mad about it, especially since they lost like ten minutes due to the fact that she couldn't stop laughing.

"So creeps like you don't break into my house," Buffy retorted with a grin.

She was slightly annoyed about losing sleep because of patrol again but seeing Derek so annoyed was worth it. She needed him to trust her as well so she might as well patrol with him. It would be worth it in the end if they could catch the alpha and Buffy could finally get back to being a normal teenager.

"I am not a creep," Derek defended himself as he parked his car by a construction site. It was next to a road, which meant if they needed a quick getaway, they could.

"You're a little creepy" Buffy smirked. "Anyways, why didn't you ask me, oh, I don't know, during the day?"

Derek turned his head to look at her and she gave him an innocent smile.

"Do you want to catch the alpha or not?" he asked her, clearly annoyed by the girl.

He wondered how a teenager so annoying like Buffy could be so skilled to be the slayer. Like, she seemed more interested in making sure her shimmery eyeshadow was blended rather than catching the alpha. He hated the fact that if he were to fight her he would lose. He would lose to a girl with glittery eyelids.

"Not with that attitude," Buffy smirked, getting out of the car. Derek rolled his eyes, following her closely.

Buffy held a crossbow in her arms with her quiver slung behind her. She had knives strapped onto her legs outside of her pants and one in her boot to be safe. She also had her electroshock prod in the inside of her jacket pocket, ready to put it on level ten for the alpha if they caught it.

They were quiet as they crept through the construction site, looking around in case they found anything that could help them. Buffy couldn't help but shiver at the harsh winds of the night. She could of dressed better for patrols but she was in a rush due to Derek showing up randomly.

"So, what abilities come with being the slayer?" Derek asked her, curious to know what Buffy could really do. He noticed her shaking slightly, shrugging off his leather jacket and offering it to her.

Buffy quirked a brow at him.

"Take the damn jacket and stop chattering your teeth," Derek grumbled, "And tell me about being the slayer."

"Rude. Well, it's mostly physical enhancements on what normal humans to do rather than abilities. While we are physically stronger than most, training is mostly what gives us the advantage," Buffy told him as she slipped her arms through the jacket. It was bigger than her, but that was to be expected seeing as she was pretty small. "We have increased physical strength but you already knew that."

Buffy sent Derek a cheeky smile, who rolled his eyes in response.

"We're very fast and have very good reflexes. One time I caught crowbar before it hit one of my old watchers. It only gave me a small wound but it was fine," Buffy spoke with a small frown, "Um, we are pretty much just as fast as werewolves. Maybe even faster, depending on the werewolf."

Derek hummed as they made their way through the site. Buffy looked at him, seeing that he was intrigued by what she was saying. She looked at the ground, nodding her head.

"Uh, good agility. I'm very good at jumping. I could jump over you if I wanted. I don't really know what my limit is but its pretty big," Buffy continued, "I'm very durable. I don't bruise easily. I can last a while in a fight. I once got hit by a moving car and just walked off, since it didn't hurt that much."

Derek snorted.

"I don't really know what else. We can recover from severe injuries in short periods of time, great stamina, heightened senses and some weird dreams sometimes. Hospitals love me," Buffy said before snorting, "We're basically the human version of a werewolf. Just we kill them."


"The past slayers. Only one in every generation. The next one will come when I die," Buffy answered slowly, "Another girl will be forced to change her whole life for these people."

Derek went to say something but the sound of a gunshot stopped them. They shared a look before breaking out into a run, trying to get some visual on who it was.

"Stop!" Buffy hissed, seeing some blood on the floor. Derek stopped as well, putting his fingers in it. He looked around slowly until Buffy hit his shoulder, pointing to were it was.

The alpha scaled the building next to the site, growling at them. Derek and Buffy broke into a sprint, jumping over obstacles that stopped them. The two climbed a building, ending up on top of a roof. Derek stopped, looking for the alpha. Buffy caught sight of it running across a platform by the power lines.

Buffy took her crossbow, aiming it at the alpha. She began to shoot, managing to hit him but it wasn't enough to slow him down. Derek and Buffy shared a look before attempting to make a leap towards where the alpha was heading.

It was fine until there was a shotgun, Derek getting hit and faltering Buffy in her jump. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and flipped over so she would be the one taking the impact of the fall.

It wasn't too big of a fall, but they managed to roll off the side and land even lower on the ground. Buffy groaned slightly, the entire fall being pretty painful as she took all the impact. She looked up, sighing as they successfully lost sight of the alpha. Buffy was pretty sure she knew who's fault it was as well.

Buffy's eyes then lowered to look Derek, who was staring down at her. The two were breathing heavy and in the moment, Buffy noticed that Derek was actually really nice to look at. Without thinking, she glanced down at his lips, unaware that he had done just the same thing.

She blinked as he quickly rolled off of her, the girl sitting up as she ignored her flushed cheeks and the fact that she had thought about kissing him just moments before.

"God, you're heavy," Buffy told him, panting slightly as she attempted to catch her breath after taking the impact of both falls.

"It's muscle," Derek told her with a huff.

"No, I think it was me taking the impact of the fall with your weight on me," Buffy rolled her eyes.

"I didn't ask you to do that," Derek glared at her.

"A thank you would be nice because you are so welcome, Derek!" Buffy said sarcastically before eyeing his arm. It was bleeding from where the bullet had entered the flesh. "Are you okay? That looks pretty bad."

"Bandages?" he asked.

"In the car," Buffy said, putting his arm around her shoulders, "You think you can make it?"

Derek nodded his head weakly, letting Buffy help walk him back to the car. Buffy was on high alert, praying that the Argents left. If she was seen with Derek, she would lose all trust with them and she needs that to get their information on the alpha.

She put him in the passenger seat, making sure to put his seat belt on before getting into the driver seat.

"Okay, don't hate me," Buffy told him as she gripped the steering wheel, "I've actually never driven before."

"If you crash my car, I will kill you," Derek told her through his heavy breathing.

"You couldn't even take me in a fight," Buffy remarked, nervously starting the car. How hard could it be? "Are you okay to go back to your house? Or do you want to stay at mine. I have great security. Also, I live like five minutes away from school so if you need me you can just waltz on in there. Probably should put a bandage on that arm though."

There was silence. Buffy looked to the side as she drove, seeing Derek on the verge of passing out. She sighed, moving her eyes back to the road.

"My house it is."


Buffy didn't know how she felt about having Derek in her house all alone, especially when that's where she kept all her weapons and could easily decide to burn them all if he pleased. But she needed to get to school and Derek was just groaning a lot in his sleep. She assumed he was fine.

She beamed when she saw Isaac at his locker, the memory of Friday night still very fresh in her mind. She walked up to him, holding her books to her chest tightly.

"Hiya," Buffy smiled up at the boy, "Have a good weekend?"

Isaac turned to her and her books slipped out of her grip when she caught sight of the yellow and purple bruise on his cheekbone. She reached to touch his face gently but he flinched back, moving his eyes away from hers.

Isaac leaned down and picked up her books as a way to avoid looking at Buffy. When he collected them all, he stood up straight and handed them back to her. He turned to his locker and did his best to hide the bruise.

"What happened?" Buffy breathed out in shock, "Isaac?"

"I fell," Isaac mumbled, scratching his ear slightly as he avoided her eye.

"Are you sure? No one hit you? If it was someone on the lacrosse team I can take care of them, okay? I'm very strong," Buffy told him, putting her hand on his arm. He didn't respond. "Isaac?"

He shook his head, looking at the girl with a small smile, "I just fell and hit my cheek. I'm fine, really."

"Do you want me to put some makeup on it?" Buffy asked gently, looking upset about him getting hurt.

Isaac felt guilty for lying but he just wasn't ready to admit the truth to her. He didn't want to scare her off right when she actually started to like him. He just smiled softly at her, shaking his head.

"Okay," Buffy said quietly, "I'll see you in chemistry?"

Isaac nodded his head, looking down at the ground shyly. Buffy took a step forward, wrapping her arms around the boy, hugging him tightly. Her cheek was pressed against the soft fabric of his shirt as she wondered if he was really telling the truth.

She ignored the thought when he hugged her back, his chin resting on top of her head. She smiled, letting go of him and looking up. She pressed a kiss to his lips softly before taking a step back.

"Chemistry," she said with a smile.

"Chemistry," he confirmed, looking surprised at her action.

It wasn't that he expected her to forget about everything. She wouldn't do that. But Buffy was popular. And not like Lydia Martin popular. The kind where people actually liked Buffy because she was likable. She was sweet, bright and there was no denying that she was pretty.

So, Isaac wouldn't have been surprised if she wanted to keep their 'thing' on the down low. Isaac wasn't popular. He wasn't cool. He was a loner. If Buffy was with him, her status would surely go down.

Seeing her be so open about being with him surprised him. He was not expecting it at all.

She wasn't embarrassed to be with him and it was the best feeling ever.

Buffy turned around, blushing when she saw Allison standing there with a smirk. Buffy continued walking, ignoring the dark haired girl.

"What was that all about?" Allison asked and Buffy remembered that she never got to texting Allison all about Friday night.

"Oh nothing," Buffy drawled out, fiddling with her dark pink jacket, "Just picking up where we left off on Friday."

Allison gasped, hitting Buffy's shoulder, "And you didn't tell me?!"

"I forgot," Buffy spoke before turning to the girl with an excited smile, "He's so cute, Alli. He's the sweetest thing and he likes me too!"

"Of course he does," Allison grinned at the blonde, "I'm so happy for you."

Buffy looked at Allison, her smile faltering. She could tell something was wrong. Allison hid it well but Buffy was very good at reading people.

"Is everything okay?" Buffy asked her.

This then launched Allison into an unnecessarily long rant about how her dad and aunt lied about her car troubles, since they had different stories. She was going on about how they're hiding something because none of it added up.

Buffy wished she could tell Allison about how her family was out trying to kill a werewolf but knew she would only cause trouble if she did.

"I don't know what to say," Buffy let out, smiling at her friend sadly.

"It's nothing," Allison said shaking her head as they walked into the French classroom together, "Thanks for listening though. Lydia isn't nearly as understanding as you."

Buffy snorted, "Are we surprised?"


"You went patrolling last night with Derek Hale?"

Buffy was sat in the library with Giles, awaiting Scott's arrival in order for her to give him her notebook so he could use it while studying with Allison. She had told Giles what had gone down while patrolling and mentioned Derek. Giles, like Scott and Stiles, didn't trust Derek at all despite him not being the alpha and warned the blonde to stay away from him.

"Yes," Buffy nodded her head.

"When you assured me you would stay away from him?" Giles raised his eyebrows at her.

Buffy rolled her eyes, "Yes, I lied, I'm a bad person, let's move on."

"So, Derek was shot?" Giles asked.

"Allison's aunt is in town," Buffy responded, "Which could be convenient for me. But also Derek and I were so close to catching the alpha before she shot Derek."

"You could of been hurt," Giles told her sternly.

"I was. Got this nasty bruise from falling off a roof," Buffy showed Giles the small bruise on her lower back. The watcher doesn't know if he would use the word 'nasty' seeing as it was small and barley showing any colouring.

Giles poked it and Buffy jumped.

"Hey, watch it creep!" Buffy grinned.

"Very funny," Giles rolled his eyes.

Before the two could begin bickering, Scott rushed into the room with wide eyes. He calmed down when he saw Buffy, smiling happily as she reached for her bag and pulled out her notebooks.

"Allison knows your using my books right?" Buffy asked.

"You don't think she'd believe these were mine?" Scott grinned as he held up the pink notebooks, decorated with stickers and glitter. Buffy blushed, forgetting how girly her notebooks truly were. "She told me that you tutored Isaac with these notes and got him a B- on the quiz. I need all the help I can get."

Buffy smiled, "Well, as long as you get them back to me in perfect condition you can have them for as long as you'd like."

"Thanks Buffy," Scott smiled. "Hey, I'll scope out Allison's aunt for you, if you want. I know you're doing the whole double agent thing with the Argents so I'll tell you if she's hardcore and scary or fun like you."

"You think I'm fun?" Buffy cooed, "You're too cute, Scott McCall. Now, go study and make sure you bring condoms!"

"Both of you, out!"

"Forgot this was Giles' library."


"Scott's coming over? Tonight?" Lydia asked Allison as they walked down the halls together. Buffy linked her arm through Allison's resting her head on her shoulder.

"We're just studying together," Allison tells her.

Buffy snorted. Yeah right.

Lydia had the same idea, ""Just studying" never ends with just studying. It's like - Getting into a hot tub - Somebody eventually cops a feel."

"Well, so what are you saying?" Allison blanched, hurrying up the stairs to follow Lydia.

"I'm just saying, you know," Lydia began slyly, "Make sure he covers up."

Allison blinked. She looked at Buffy, who was staring at her expectantly. Was she seriously not getting this?

"Hello, snow white!" Lydia giggled, hitting Allison slightly, "I'm talking about a condom."

"Are you kidding?" Allison laughed, "After one date?"

"Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste," Lydia told her.

"Well, I - I mean," Allison blushed as she avoided eye contact with Lydia, "How much is "a little taste"?"

"Oh, God. You really like him, don't you?" Lydia asked, like she never heard of the idea of two people genuinely liking each other. Considering she was dating Jackson, Buffy wouldn't be surprised.

"Well - He's just different," Allison sighed, "When I first moved here, I had a plan - no boyfriends till college. I just move too much. But - Then I met him, and - He was different. I - I don't know. Can't explain it."

"I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine," Lydia told her and Buffy smirked.

"What?" Allison asked, confused.

"You'd understand if you were smart," Buffy told Allison, sending her a wink. Allison rolled her eyes at the blonde, pushing her slightly.

"I'll tell you what to do. When's he coming over?" Lydia asked her.

"Right after school," Allison told her.

"Hmm," Lydia hummed before leaning towards Allison and whispering some sort of sin.

"Oh my god," Allison said before looking at Buffy, "Are you going to do this with Isaac?"

"Isaac?" Lydia questioned, a smirk coming to her lips, "Was Friday night fun with him? You were studying, weren't you?"

"We were," Buffy said, "And it was fine. We studied, I kissed him, he went home. That's it."

Lydia gasped, grabbing onto Allison for support, "My best friend and her friend are dating the two losers on the lacrosse team. What has my life come to?"

Buffy forced herself to not roll her eyes at Lydia's comment. The strawberry blonde had mixed feelings about the blonde and decided that she would tolerate Buffy for Allison's sake. It was no issue, seeing as Buffy told Allison she was tolerating Lydia for her sake as well.

"Isaac is cute and has been first line since freshman year," Buffy told Lydia.

"Scott's cute too," Allison added.

"Just because we prefer personality over whatever Jackson has," Buffy added, pointing a finger at Lydia. Lydia smirked, wiggling Buffy's finger before strutting down the hall to her next class.


Buffy was walking down the halls when Isaac pulled her aside. He looked at her nervously and the blonde girl felt panicked. Maybe she read into things wrong. Maybe Isaac didn't like her as much as she thought. Oh god, this was going to be humiliating.

"You don't have to do this," Isaac told her.

Buffy blinked in confusion, "Do what?"

"Be with me," Isaac told her, "I don't want to hold you down. You're already popular and smart and I would just make you look like a loser. I don't want you to be a loser."

"Why would you think that?" Buffy asked, looking at him in confusion.

"Because I'm not smart like you. I have one friend. I eat lunches alone and, well, I work in a cemetery," Isaac sighed, "I'm just giving you an out before you realise how pathetic I am."

Buffy stared at him before pulling the boy in for a kiss. He froze in his spot, clearly not expecting this but eventually began to kiss her back. When they pulled away, Isaac stared at her in shock, feeling many eyes on the two.

"I don't think you're pathetic. I think you're the only person that's keeping me sane right now," Buffy shrugged, "You wanna give me your lacrosse jersey or is it too early in the relationship?"

"You can have whatever you want," Isaac spoke, still staring at her in shock.

She winked, "I'd give you my jacket but something tells me you're a little too big for it. Plus, it looks super cute with my dress."

"Did you just call me fat?"

"Well, I didn't call you skinny."

Buffy grabbed his hand, ready to finally go home. Their fingers were loosely wrapped around each other as they walked down the hall together.

Isaac was still very shy, Buffy could tell by the way he walked beside her. His head was hung low, eyes only really meeting hers or the floor. He wasn't embarrassed to be with her. He just didn't like the attention that was brought onto him. Of course there was attention on him.

Isaac Lahey scored one of the hot new girls.

Buffy smiled up at the tall boy as they turned the corner to leave the school. Buffy quickly let go of Isaac, turning to the side and catching Derek who was stumbled towards them.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Buffy asked him, making sure his arm was covered enough that no one would see the bullet wound. It was, thank god.

"I need... Scott," Derek breathed out heavily.

"D-d-do you know this guy?" Isaac asked, looking very worried and unsure.

Buffy felt her stomach drop because she was going to have to lie to Isaac and she really didn't want to.

"Yeah," Buffy nodded, brushing some hair out of her face, "This is my cousin... Miguel."

"Miguel?" Isaac questioned, seeming more confused than worried now.

"Miguel," Buffy confirmed with a nod.

Isaac didn't look convinced.

"Weird names run in the family. He's really sick," Buffy explained as she wrapped an arm around Derek, tucking some of her hair behind her ear as it continued to get in her face. Her tone was a lot harsher as she glanced at the dark haired man. "He shouldn't of left the house."

"Scott," Derek breathes out angrily, almost growling.

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to take a rain check on our date, okay? This is just really important," Buffy said with an apologetic smile, "He's, uh.... dying?"

Isaac blinked. Before she could make the situation any worse, she turned around and walked out of the school. She held Derek up, searching for a familiar blue jeep.

She spotted it and quickly made her way towards it but Derek had fallen as he was too weak. She groaned, watching Stiles get out of the jeep as Scott rushed over.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"I was shot," Derek breathed out.

"Can we not be doing this in the middle of the road?" Buffy mumbled, glaring at the boys. Derek grabbed her arm tightly, trying to sit up but he was far too weak.

"He's not looking so good, dude," Stiles said, making Buffy glare at him. He took a step back, feeling uncomfortable under her cold gaze.

Buffy pressed her hand against Derek's forehead, grimacing. It was sweaty, but also very hot. She began to subconsciously hum a tune, as she tried to think of something they could do.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked.

"I can't," Derek breathed out, "It was - it was a different kind of bullet."

"A silver bullet?" Stiles asked causing Derek and Buffy to shoot him glares.

"No, you idiot," Derek breathed out, leaning into Buffy. He did his best to focus on Buffy's heartbeat, finding it calming to listen to in the moment.

"Wait, wait. That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours," Scott said, thinking about something.

"What?" Derek breathed out confused, "Who - who said 48 hours?"

"The one who shot you," Scott said as though it was obvious.

Derek's eyes flashed an icy blue before he squeezed them shut, pushing his head into Buffy's shoulder. She could tell he was in pain and bit back her comment about him getting blood on her super cute dress. She looked down as he blinked, seeing his eyes flashing from icy blue to his normal green.

"What are you doing?" Scott said in a panic, "Stop that!"

"I'm trying to tell you, I can't!" Derek growled, his eyes still flashing.

"Oh my god," Buffy groaned as the beeping from other cars continued. She took a deep breath before pulling Derek up with all her strength. Scott rushed to open the door for her, watching her lift Derek into the seat. She climbed over him swiftly, getting into the back.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used," Derek told Scott, looking at him in desperation.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Scott asked.

"'Cause she's an Argent. She's with them," Derek told him.

"Why should I help you?" Scott asked.

"Because you need me," Derek told him genuinely.

Scott hesitated before Buffy let out a quiet, "Scott, please."

"Fine. I'll try," Scott said as Stiles got into the Jeep, "Hey get him out of here."

"I hate you for this so much," Stiles said before driving off.


"Hey," Buffy snapped, taking the phone out of Stiles' hand, "No texting and driving. We have a dying werewolf here the last thing we need is two dead teenagers."

"Alright, geez," Stiles complained, "Just ask Scott if he's found the bullet yet."

Buffy nodded, typing in the words and pressing send. She put the phone down as she looked out the window, fidgeting with the hem of her dress. Derek closed his eyes as he listened to her heartbeat, trying his best to only focus on it to distract him from the pain.

She looked down when there was a ping, reading the text quickly.

"Scott says he needs more time," Buffy spoke, watching Derek take off his leather jacket. Buffy wondered if he had taken it from her room while at her house or if he had another one in his car. She had secretly hoped he would leave the one he gave hers as she felt it was super cute with some of her outfits.

"C'mon," Stiles groaned before facing Derek, "Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there."

"Almost where?" Derek asked.

"Your house?" Stiles said as if it was obvious.

Buffy's eyes widened, leaning forward in her seat to glare at Stiles, "Are you serious? What if hunters come? Or worse, the alpha. He can't take care of himself and I can't take on the alpha alone."

"Exactly," Derek agreed weakly, "You can't take me there."

"I can't take you to your own house?" Stiles asked incredulously.

"Not when I can't protect myself," Derek pointed out in annoyance.

"I'm barely equipped as well," Buffy added, "I wouldn't even be able to protect him."

Stiles suddenly pulled over and Buffy groaned, knowing Stiles was going to go on a rant. She wished he would just listen to her at least. He didn't know nearly as much as she did but was still trying to be the know-it-all.

"All right. What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm? Are you dying?" Stiles demanded.

"Not yet," Derek breathed out, "I have a last resort."

"What do you mean? What last resort?" Stiles snapped.

Derek slowly pulled up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing the bullet wound. Blood was seeping out and black veins were crawling up his arm. Buffy cringed as she looked at it, pushing herself as far away from the wound as possible.

"Oh, my God. What is that? Oh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out," Stiles gagged.

"Stiles!" Buffy snapped, "You can't throw him out!"

"Actually, Buffy, I can!" Stiles insisted.

"Start the car. Now," Derek demanded.

"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay? In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead," Stiles told him and Buffy knew that even with Derek's arm, he would kick Stiles' ass.

"Stiles!" Buffy snapped.

"Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out," Derek spat, "With my teeth."

Stiles started the car.

"You two have got to be the most annoyingly violent and intimidating people I know," Stiles groaned as they began to drive again.


"Has Scott responded yet?"

Buffy swears if Stiles asks that one more time, she was going to kick him out and deal with Derek on her own.

"No," Buffy repeated for the hundredth time, "Screw it, drive to my house. I have bullets there, we can see if any of them match Derek's."

"You couldn't have thought of that an hour ago?" Stiles asked.

"I didn't think Scott was going to take hours to find the damn thing," Buffy snapped, texting Scott to update him.

She put the phone down, glancing at Derek. He was getting worse by the minute. Sweat was dripping down and he looked as pale as anything. She bit her lip nervously, beginning to hum without realising it.

Buffy put her hand on his shoulder, giving him a sad smile. Derek looked back at her, his eyes searching her face for something to tell him she wasn't being genuine. When he saw that she was just trying to comfort him, he let out his best attempt at a smile through the pain he was in.

"Tell Scott to call me," Stiles demanded.

Buffy rolled her eyes, texting Scott exactly that and putting the phone down. She glanced down at her hands, which were shaking due to the whole situation. She sucked in a deep breath, glancing over at Derek. She knew she needed to be strong for him. She needed to be the slayer in that moment.

A few minutes later, Scott called him, Buffy answering immediately.

"What the hell have you been doing for the past few hours?!" Buffy snapped.

"Her aunt invited me to stay for dinner and I couldn't use my phone," Scott defended himself. Buffy huffed, handing the phone over to Stiles. She was too tired to even worry about road safety at this point.

"He's starting to smell," Stiles told Scott.

There was a beat.

"Like death," Stiles replied.

Derek snatched the phone off Stiles, holding it to his ear.

"Did you find it?" Derek asked.

Pause. Buffy wished she had werewolf hearing at this moment. Or people with enough brains to put the phone on speaker.

"Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, all right?" Derek told him as Stiles pulled into Buffy's driveway.


"Then think about this," Derek snapped, "The Alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time you either kill with him or you get killed. So if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet."

Derek hung up, leaning back in the seat. Stiles jumped out of the car, Buffy following Stiles. She threw the boy her house keys, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold Derek like she could. She opened the door, helping Derek out and to her front door, where Stiles stood, waiting.

"Basement. It's the pink key," Buffy told Stiles, nodding her head towards the door of the basement. Stiles began opening all the doors in the hall until he found the right one, running down the stairs. She turned to Derek. "Please don't kill me for this."

Buffy lifted Derek up, knowing he wouldn't be able to walk down the stairs. Once she got to the bottom, she put him down walking towards the table in the middle of the room.

Stiles was staring at the room, a mixture of fear and shock on his face. Buffy doesn't blame him. Every part of this room was covered in weapons. She had just about everything in here.

"Does your mom know about this room?" Stiles asked.

"Of course not," Buffy rolled her eyes, "I told her the basement doesn't have a key and it's locked shut. She had no use for it so she doesn't care and therefore my weapons room was created."

Stiles' phone let out another 'ping', Stiles checking it hurriedly.

"Does Northern blue monkshood mean anything to you?" Stiles asked the two.

"It's a rare form of wolfsbane," Derek explained, "He has to bring me the bullet."

"Why?" Stiles asked.

Derek looked up at the boy, looking worse than ever, "'Cause I'm gonna die without it."

Buffy opened her drawers that were filled with bullets. She rummaged through them all, praying that she had it somewhere. She bit her bottom lip as she looked for the box.

"Fuck!" Buffy snapped, "The one kind I don't have."

Buffy opened her phone, typing away furiously.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked her.

"Ordering some?" Buffy said, like it was obvious, "I might not kill you but I've still got an alpha to kill."

Derek glared at her and she put her phone down, thinking maybe right now wasn't the best time to do that. She sucked in a breath, trying to think of what to do.

"We're not gonna have enough time!" Derek snapped, tugging off his shirt, showing off his muscles and tattoo on his upper back.

Buffy raised her eyebrows, impressed and slightly more attracted to him. She shook her head, beginning to hum as she opened her first aid kit, grabbing some fabric and tying it around Derek's arm.

He looked at her confused and she shrugged, "Might slow this whole thing down."

Stiles gagged again while looking at Derek's bullet wound, "Okay. You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of."

"When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me," Derek spoke through a clenched jaw, trying to push through the pain.

""Positivity" just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Stiles asked and Buffy glared at him.

"If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time," Derek panted, moving towards her wall and taking something off, "Last resort."

"Which is?" Stiles asked.

"You're gonna cut off my arm," Derek told him, showing him the hand saw.

Stiles blinked.

"Why do you have that?"

"For legal reasons I cannot say," Buffy said with no emotion in her voice, "And we're not using that."

"You have a better idea?" Derek asked, getting annoyed.

"Obviously," Buffy snapped, taking the handsaw away and walking to her wall, "That will create too much mess and get clogged when trying to go through the bone. You need something to cut through the skin in one swift movement. A clean cut."

"Like?" Derek asked.

"This," Buffy spoke, turning around to reveal a very sharp axe. It wasn't too big but it was enough to scare the crap out of Stiles.

"Oh my God," Stiles stuttered our, "What if he bleeds to death?"

Buffy put the axe on the table, moving towards Derek. She grabbed a seat, letting him sit down while she took his arm. She tightened the fabric, scanning Derek quickly to make sure he was okay. Her eyes moved onto Stiles, who clearly was not a fan of this idea.

"It'll heal if it works," Derek said.

"Ugh. Look," Stiles began while looking like he was going to throw up, "I don't know if I can watch this."

"Why not?" Buffy asked.

"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!" Stiles snapped.

Buffy and Derek blinked.

"You faint at the sight of blood?" Derek asked, wondering how he ended up needing help from an idiot and the werewolf slayer who had started running her fingers through Derek's hair. It was odd but comforting, Derek having a feeling that she was trying to make this as okay as it could possibly be for him.

"No, but I might at the sight of a chopped - off arm!" Stiles protested.

"You're not even going to be doing it!" Buffy rolled her eyes, "If it was you, you'd probably chop his head off."

Stiles was about to remark when Derek groaned loudly, pushing Buffy away before throwing up thick, black goo on her floor.

"Holy God, what the hell is that?" Stiles asked, looking like he was close to tears.

"It's my body trying to heal itself," Derek forced out, coughing slightly.

Buffy moved towards him, rubbing his back gently. Derek looked at Buffy, seeing how tense she was. She looked calm but her heartbeat told a different story. He wondered what was wrong. He was the one dying after all.

"Well, it's not doing a very good job of it," Stiles said.

"We have to do it now," Buffy said, putting Derek's arm on the table. She opened a nearby drawer, grabbing a stake and handing it to Derek.

"I'm not a vampire," Derek let out, looking at her in what she assumed was amusement. He was in far to much pain for her to be able to accurately tell.

"Bite down on it, sourwolf," Buffy told him seriously. She ran her hand through his hair, looking at the werewolf. "This is going to hurt a lot. I'll take care of you when it's done though."

She gave him a small smile before throwing Stiles a stake.

"Bite down or leave. I'm not a fan of screaming," Buffy told him before picking up the axe. She stood at the end of the table looking at Derek. She began to hum a tune, holding the axe over her head. She sucked in a deep breath, focusing her breathing and eyeing the arm.

Three. Two. On—

"Buffy!" Scott yelled, finally arriving and stopping the girl.

"Oh, thank god," Buffy let out a breath, lowering the axe.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott asked her.

"Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares," Stiles told Scott.

Derek removed the stake from his mouth, asking, "Did you get it?"

Scott pulled the bullet out of his pocket and handed it to Derek. Derek held it to the light, Buffy watching him curiously.

"What are you going to do with it?" Stiles asked.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna—"

"Oh my god!" Buffy groaned.

Derek had suddenly passed out, the bullet falling from his hand and rolling under the table. As he collapsed, he took Buffy down with him due to her standing right next to him. She groaned, pushing his body off of her.

As Scott tried to find the bullet that had dropped through a grate in the floor, Stiles and Buffy tried to wake the unconscious werewolf. Buffy had gotten on top of him, shaking him harshly.

"Derek? Derek, come on! Wake up!" Buffy said, hitting his face a few times lightly.

"Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?" Stiles called.

"I don't know! I can't reach it," Scott told them.

"He's not waking up! I think he's dying. I think he's dead!" Stiles declared.

"He's not dead, nimrod!" Buffy snapped at him, sucking in a deep breath. "He's so going to kill me."

Buffy pulled her fist up before punching Derek in the face hard. It did the trick as Derek's eyes snapped open. He stared at Buffy, who smiled gently at him. Derek let a ghost of a smile appear on his face before Stiles pulled her off of him as Scott retrieved the bullet. The blonde watched as Derek used his teeth to pry open the shell casing. Derek retrieved a lighter from his pocket and lit the pile of wolfsbane on fire. It immediately ignited and Derek scooped the burning pile into his hand before slapping it onto his wound. Buffy cringed as he used his finger to dig it into the bullet hole directly.

Derek shouted out in pain and fell over as blue smoke emitted from the wound. The three stared helplessly as Derek writhed on the ground. Before their eyes, the black veins disappeared and the bullet hole closed up as though it was never there to begin with.

"That. Was. Awesome! Yes!" Stiles exclaimed excitedly.

"Are you okay?" Buffy asked him quietly.

"Well, except for the agonizing pain," Derek grumbled sarcastically, getting to his feet.

"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health..." Stiles muttered, earning a glare from Derek.

"Okay, we saved your life, which means you're gonna leave us alone. You got that?" Scott told him. "And, if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad, and I'm gonna tell him everything—"

"You're gonna trust them?" Derek raised his brows, "You think they can help you?"

"Scott, they were the ones who did this to Derek? You think because you're dating their daughter they won't do this to you?" Buffy asked him.

"Well, they're a lot freaking nicer than you are," Scott told Derek.

"I can show you exactly how nice they are."

"What do you mean?" Scott frowned.

Derek opened his mouth but Buffy cut him off. "You can show him after we clean my floor. I'm being so serious right now."

After the boys all cleaned up Buffy's floor while she perched herself onto the table while sucking on a lollypop, they discussed their plans to leave. Seeing as Derek's car was still at Buffy's house from the night before, Buffy walked the three boys out.

Scott would be going with Derek which meant there was no reason for Stiles to hang around. He said his goodbyes to the blonde girl before driving away. She then approached the black camaro, where Derek had his door open in order for her to say goodbye.

"I'm glad you're not dead," Buffy smiled at Derek, "Text me when you're up for patrols again, okay?"

"Thanks for not letting me die. I guess I can kind of trust you," Derek muttered, "I'll text you during the day. I'm not trying to get shocked again."

Buffy leaned down, smiling at Scott, "See you at school, Scotty."

"Bye Buffy. Stay safe."

"I'll do my best."

AUTHORS NOTE: I actually love writing season one buffy and derek because buffy is so cheery and cute and derek is convinced she's trying to kill him.

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