Broken and Beautiful

By Storylover2016

112 14 6

Never plan out your life, because it will never end up that way! Jessica Johnson never in her life thought sh... More

Chapter Two: Just like old times

Chapter One: Returning home!

103 14 6
By Storylover2016

Jessica's Prov:

There's no way I'm doing this. How could I be so stupid? How could I be so blind? How could I not see what was right in front of me? How did my life turn upside down out of nowhere?

Oh I'll tell you how! Apparently even when you give a guy everything you have, down to moving away from your home town. It is still not enough. Before you just assume things it's not like we were in a long distance relationship and I decided to leave my home town to chase after some guy. We were in high school, were were inseparable, we were in love. Or so I thought we were.

I won't bore you with all the details of our love story, or how it tragically ended. All I will say is I always said I would be with someone no matter what happened, but not if they cheated! As Meat Loaf said, "I will do anything for love, but I won't do that!" So hear I am, pulling into my parents drive way, after not seeing them for years.

I shut the car off and just sat there looking at the home I grew up in. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, I already felt better just seeing the house. Then instantly my anxiety started to kick in, and the fact that I haven't seen my family in person for over two years really hit home. I mean we called, and facetimed each other all the time. But I never made an effort to actually come back down and see them. I was so wrapped up in my future with Tanner, I never truly made the time to come down to see them.

It made me feel horrible. I honestly didn't know what to do. I just sat in my car and looked at the home I grew up in. It was like I was frozen, I wanted to unbuckle, I wanted to walk in and say I'm home like I did a million times before. But the idea of even getting out of the car gave me a mini panic attack. I looked at the home, and considered just backing away and not going in. I mean they knew I was coming back, but now that I was here it seemed like I honestly couldn't face them. 

I heard a car pull up behind me. I looked behind me and watched Penelope get out of the car. My heart started to beat a thousand times faster. I haven't seen her since we fought right before I left home and moved away with Tanner. I was truly fucked now, because either way I had to deal with something I truly didn't want to deal with. Before I had a chance to do anything my passenger side door opened and Penelope sat down next to me. 

She didn't say anything. She just looked ahead, I honestly didn't know what to do. I expected her to yell at me. I expected her to give me hell for not listening to her. I expected her to truly hate me and to never want to see me again. I didn't expect to to just sit there. 


"No." She responded as she continued to look ahead. No? No what? She took a deep breath and sighed. She turned to look at for the first time, and I seen that she had tears in here eyes. My heart broke from seeing this and all I wanted to do was pull her in and tell her how sorry I was. "I missed you so much."

I couldn't stop myself. I unbuckled and wrapped my arms around her. She cried into my shoulder and I couldn't help but tear up myself. We just sat there and cried in silence for a moment. I pulled back to look at her. 


"No you don't need to say it. I know, and the best part about having a wife, is that she will truly always be there for you." She explained to me with a small smile. It broke my heart even more. We had been best friends since we were 5 years old. Middle school is when we got engaged and high school we got married. Obviously we aren't legally or truly married. But it meant something to us. 

I knew she truly didn't want to talk about this now. But I did have to apologize to her at some point, now was just not the time in her eyes. That's what I love about her, she's always putting me feeling first, just like I do with her. 

I let out a loud sigh and looked back at the house. "Do you think they hate me?" Penelope laughed at my words. I turned back to her and her face fell. 

"I'm sorry love I thought you would know that no one could ever hate you. I don't think you realize what you leaving did to everyone here. It was rough for us." Her voice fell as she spoke and I could tell she was sad again.

"Pen I am so sorry." I put my hand up before she could interrupt me. "It's not about Tanner or the fight. It about the fact that I never reached out to you. I told you that you were just jealous of my happiness. You were just concerned about me."

"Like I said Jessica I will never leave your side. We made a promise to each other, your stuck with me." I couldn't help but smile at her words. "She there's the smile we have all missed. By the way there is no way your parents hate you, they just really missed you." She explained to me. I nodded my heads at her words. 

"Your right, I know your right. I'm more embarrassed then anything. I was beyond stupid to never come back and see them, or you. Now I am going to have to move back in with them until I find something here." I said quickly. She laughed at my words. 

"Love we are all dumb at some point in life. Some more then others." She pushed me lightly. "So don't bring yourself down so much. As far as where your staying, your staying with me! I got my own place, with a friend of mine. We have a third bedroom that isn't being used, it's yours."

I honestly had the most amazing best friend in the world. Not many people offer what she is offering. Especially after I hurt her so bad. I honestly didn't deserve a bet friend like her, all I know is I'm never letting her go again. 

"I love you so much Pen. I would love to move in with my bestie." I explained to her as I grabbed her hand into mine. She smiled brightly back at me. 

"I love you too Jessica. It's not time for you to go and face your parents though. I'll be right there with you." I nodded my head at her words. I took another deep breath.

"Your right, it's time." I got out of the car and so did Penelope. We started to walk up the short path to the home. Flowers on both sides just like it was when I was a kid. My mom and I would spend every year planting flowers around the home. We were finally at the door and I quickly knocked on the door. I didn't want to have time to get nervous again.

The door quickly opened and my mom was behind it. She smiled brightly and pulled me into her embrace. "Oh my lord, Frank she's here. She's really here." My mom cried out as she grabbed me and wrapped her arms around me. I instantly started to cry, I had missed being wrapped in her arms. Nothing beats being in your moms arms. I could hear someone walking quickly over to us. I opened my eyes, through the tears to see my dad before he quickly wrapped his arms around my mom and I.

"We missed you so much." My dad said through tears.

"I missed you guys so much as well. I am so sorry for not keeping in touch." I said to them as I pulled back to look at them. 

"Honey we don't care about the past. We are just so happy to have you back into our lives again. Your father and I just missed out sweet girl." My mother said as she wiped her tears away. She looked behind me and smiled. "Penelope I knew you would come." My mother said to her as she wrapped her arms around her. 

"I just had to." I heard Penelope whisper to my mom. 

"Okay enough of this mushy stuff. I want to hear about everything I have missed from my little girls life, and eat my woman's food." My dad said as he slapped his hands together. I couldn't help but chuckle at his words. My dad has always been a food guy. 

"Lord have Mercy, I swear on everything you only ever have food on the mind Frank." My mother said with a laugh. "Lets go girls, before my poor husband withers away from starvation." She grabbed my dads hand and they started walking toward the dinning area. 

"I told you it was gonna be okay." Penelope whispered to me as she nudged me some. I rolled my eyes at her words. But she was right, it wasn't as bad as I though it was going to be. "Come on, I am starving and I can smell your moms amazing food from here." She started to pull me towards the dinning room. I quickly followed her, I was ready to eat as well. No one cooks anything better then my mom. 


A few hours later we left my parents house with full stomachs and extras to bring home. You know you've been home when you leave feeling heavier then a pregnant elephant. I was following Penelope  to her place. I was anxious to meet her roommate. I bet she was someone like me and Penelope. At least I hoped she was, and I mean if she wasn't, then all that matters is if she liked me. 

Finally Penelope pulled into this driveway of this cute little yellow house. I couldn't help but smile, this was so a place Penelope would be staying at. I got out of the car and took the whole house in. "Isn't she something else, I was so happy when I found her." Penelope said with a smile.

"Yess it is, it looks gorgeous! I am so excited to see the inside, and to meet the roommate." Her and I grabbed a few of my bags from the back. "These are all the important ones, I can get the rest later." I explained to her as I shut my trunk. She went to unlock the door to her house.

"Honey where home." She screamed out. I couldn't help but laugh, oh yes I was going to love this girl. "Hmm where is that trouble maker? Anyway let me show you to your room. Over there is my room." She said as she pointed to the other side of the house, that only had one door. She started walking towards the other side of the house, that had three doors. She walked all the way down the hallway and opened the door. "This is your room."

The room was good sized and all done up. The bed was made, and it had a dresser with a night stand next to it. It also had a closet it in, which I loved even more. It could been even half the size and I would have been happy honestly. We put my bags on the bed. "I love it, thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it." I explained to her, she rolled her eyes at my words.

"Please stop it, your my wife, I have always wanted to live with you anyway. Remember when we were kids and we said we would live together for the rest of our lives. That we would make our husbands get us a huge home so we could still live together." I laughed loudly at her words.

"Yeah and remember we need them first to agree to the double wedding we have planned."

"God bless our future husbands, they will need all the help they can get." We both died laughing. God did I miss laughing like this with her. We always had the best times when we are together, and we have always had each others backs. 

The front door opened and someone yelled out "Honey I'm home." It was a rough voice, definitely not one of a woman. Penelope quickly got off the bed. 

"Come on time for you to meet our roommate." She said to me before left quickly. I was so confused at the moment. Did this girl have a rough manly voice, or did Penelope have a boyfriend who was the roommate. "Let's go Jessica." Penelope screamed.  

I reluctantly walked out of the room and down the hall. I walked in to see Penelope facing towards me, and a guy in front of her looking at her. "Calm down crazy she just got here, plus I'm sure she won't be happy to see me." I knew that voice, I could never forget that voice. 

"Conner..." He turned around at my words. He was just as handsome as he was before, actually even more so. Which I don't know how that's possible. "Your the other roommate?" I questioned as I looked between him and Penelope. I couldn't believe she didn't tell me Conner was the third roommate. 

"Surprise." Penelope said trying to lighten the mood. But I wish she would have warned me first. That way I would be prepared to actually see him again. I have no idea what to even said to him now. Because the last time I saw him I told him I never wanted to see him again and that I hated him.

"Jessica. Its good to see you." Conner spoke causing me to look back at him. Good to see me? I was such a bitch to him the last time I saw him, and I treated him horribly, how could he be happy to see me? 

I wanted to speak, I wanted to tell him I was sorry for everything I said before. That I really missed him, that I should have listened to him that day instead of ruining our friendship. But for some reason the words wouldn't come out. So instead I said, "I haven't been on a walk in forever. I'm gonna go on one." Before either one of them could respond I quickly walked out of the house and outside closing the door behind me. I felt like I couldn't breath and I truly needed to get out of here. I started to quickly walk, I didn't know where I was going. Just anywhere seemed better then having to face Conner right now. 


Hey guys its been forever I know. But I'm back again with something new that I think you guys will really like. Please leave some comments to let me know what you think so far. :)

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