
By Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... More

Author's Note.


875 60 4
By Inconvenient_Ideal

Thalion's reaction to his sister being home was as she suspected, upon seeing her casually just leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, he darted over and picked her up. Both were annoyingly loud in comparison to the calm and quiet corridor around them. She had been pointed in the right direction to find him, and find him she did. Though she wasn't expecting him to pick her up and spin her around. She was in her armour, and he had clearly finished some training session because he was still in his. The armour clanked together and really, the whole thing looked cumbersome. But Liruliniel held on tightly around her brother's neck and laughed away as he guffawed over her being here, in his arms.

"Oh, let me get a good look at you." He suddenly put her at arm's length. Liruliniel blew out a sigh and looked at him. If anything, Thalion had become broader. He seemed stronger, if hauling her around just now was anything to go by. His brownish auburn hair had seemingly turned more brunette as his eyes had become a calming blue. He didn't look much different, but he seemed it in a way. She couldn't put her finger on it, yet he assessed her in return. He frowned and nodded, hummed and eyed her up and down.

It was like he was trying to figure something out. "What is it?" Liruliniel thought she'd just ask, she crossed her arms impatiently and looked at him.

Thalion held up his hands, "I half feared you wouldn't come back. I honestly believed that perhaps you had truly settled in Imladris, or, I don't know...someone had snapped you up."

Liruliniel raised an eyebrow, "Do I look like marriage material?"

Thalion laughed, Liruliniel rolled her eyes. She wasn't taking the laughter to heart, Thalion put a hand to his chest once he calmed himself down. "You're here on business then, I take it?"

"I am a messenger. The message has been delivered and now I would very much like to spend some time with my brother."

Thalion narrowed his eyes, placing an arm around her back, he nudged her forwards. "That sounds suspicious. What's happened?"

"Nothing," Liruliniel answered too quickly, Thalion looked at her with a frown. Now he really was suspicious. Liruliniel sighed, "I met the young son of our mutual friend." Thalion pulled a face, now he was following. "How come I never got told? You're not keeping any secret children, are you?"

"As if!" Thalion laughed loudly, he didn't have a partner, let alone children. It wasn't that he didn't like children, or want them, but he hadn't found the right person to settle with. Sighing, he ran a hand down his face tiredly. Liruliniel just looked at him as he directed their path to their quarters. No one else had moved in once Liruliniel moved out, and Thalion did frequent staying there when she was gone; just to feel like he was close to his sister somehow.

"Thalion...have I missed out on something here? Because I feel very confused. Something isn't right," Liruliniel looked up at her brother, wanting answers and all she got in return was a sigh. This concerned her more so. Yet, she followed him inside the small space when he opened the door.

"You know how you always said something was coming? You found that spider's egg, remember? Things escalated since then. They've been spotted not too far beyond our borders. We're having to guard ourselves more now than ever. Patrols go out, but there's only so much we can do."

"And that's got to do with me not being told my friend had a son because..." Liruliniel sat down and took to unclasping the buckles which kept her gauntlets on. She placed them on the table beside her and glanced back to Thalion. He paused in lighting the fire and turned to look back at her, Liruliniel just leaned back with a sigh. "What?" She asked, "I knew this information already. I saw it before it even happened, what you tell me is no shock. What I want to know is what is wrong with everyone?"

"You know, not everyone was privy to your prophecies of doom and gloom. This has hit them hard, and having a new Prince is something positive for everyone."

"So, I still wasn't told because everyone else's morale came first?" Liruliniel frowned, she was confused. "If I started courting someone in Imladris, I would've sent word. If perchance I married, with father's blessing and thus had a child, I would've sent word. It's what friends do." Not that there were options there for courting or marriage, the thought made her shudder a little.

"I don't think Princess Vanadessë wanted it to be totally public knowledge. A newborn is a weak link."

Liruliniel frowned, "Right. I understand that, but she never leaves this place. No one could get in-"

"Liruliniel, everyone knows that with your skill comes the tendency of two way communication. Even if you don't know it. It works both ways sometimes, right? What if you found out, what if this happened; where do you think amassing forces would go? There's already an army of spiders on our doorstep, it wouldn't take much to direct them our way. We are great in numbers, yes. But eventually we probably wouldn't win this fight. Taking down a stronghold such as this, would prove hugely beneficial. Not only would it wipe out everyone, but it would completely destroy any chance of remaining heirs which could rally forces behind them when they became older." Thalion said, he paced a bit before lighting the fire fully and then coming to kneel in front of her.

Liruliniel looked at the flames for a long time before her eyes slid down to his. "And how did you come to know that communication could work both ways?"

"Thranduil isn't an idiot, Liruliniel. You should've known that as soon as he became privy to your skill, he'd research into it."

"And he thus told Vanadessë. Right, so I return home not to happiness and welcoming kin, but to suspicions that I could bring everyone's downfall, again. I left an ostracised freak, and now I return exactly the same." Liruliniel snapped and stood up, Thalion called her name but she grabbed her gauntlets and headed to her room, shutting the door behind herself as she went. She looked at the lock, flicking the key she looked around. Someone had kept the space clean, eyeing up everything she couldn't help but muse on who. Her brother hated cleaning, her father was always busy. Perhaps a maid? She didn't know, right now she was using these thoughts to distract herself from the fact that she returned no less differently treated than when she left.

She was fuming. Regardless of whatever reasons Thalion threw out, logical as they may be, she was fuming. Looking over her shoulder, she narrowed her eyes. Segregation wasn't needed at this time, a rift would cause problems. Especially with war looming. Taking her armour off, she looked at the trunk at the bottom of the bed. She opened it and placed it on top of whatever clothing bits were in there. Someone had bought her pack with her from Ithilwen, she'd fully unpack later. For now she just pulled out a clean tunic and trousers. Her clothing was definitely more akin to that worn in Imladris now that she looked upon the colours, no forest green tunics here. Though the dark blue one she tugged on was her favourite, pulling on dark trousers she tugged her boots on, strapped and tied them and grabbed her sword.

Thalion was where she left him, stoking the fire although now he had pulled himself free of his armour too. He turned upon hearing her footsteps, Liruliniel walked over. She threw an arm around his shoulders, while the hand which held her sheathed sword stayed by her side. "I am sorry for snapping, Thalion. It is not your fault. Someone had to tell me this plainly, and I guess it was naturally going to be you." She pulled back and placed her hand against his cheek. "Forgive me?"

Thalion rolled his eyes, "If I got upset or took everything literally when you had a tantrum, I honestly don't know what state I would be in. There is nothing to forgive, Liruliniel. Nothing. Now, where are you going?"

"I don't tantrum."

"You do. But you didn't answer my question." Thalion pointed out while crossing his arms loosely.

"I need to see my horse, I want to see Arthion, and then I want to hit something very hard with a sword. I would say when you go out on your next patrol I'll come too, but you know, doubt I'll be trusted outside."

"You're not going to be under house arrest, Liruliniel." Thalion despaired slightly with a groan.

"Even if it was for everyone's own good?" Liruliniel asked softly, Thalion just looked at her sadly. "Exactly. Get some rest, brother. When it's dinner time we'll go together. Somehow I don't feel much like branching out and socialising with a wider circle anymore." She said, patting his shoulder and moving around him.

"I don't think they meant anything by it." She turned in the doorway and looked at Thalion as he turned and looked at her. Half his body was shadowed, the other half was illuminated brilliantly thanks to the fire beside him. "Precautions."

Liruliniel tilted her head, "I'm not a secret agent of evil. I haven't even been back a day and it is clear from your words that everyone believes I still am, or might be. If this was the case, I should've just stayed in Imladris where I got zero prejudice." She said with a frown as she just shut the door and strapped her belt around herself. She felt immensely negative. She wished she could say it was because of the shadows lurking over this forest, but it wasn't. It really wasn't. How could she be distrusted by two people she thought were her friends? Well, Thranduil more so. Let her be honest, she wasn't wholly sure what Vanadessë was to her. Someone she had to look after if she ever went out. Blunt but true, Liruliniel guessed.

Sniffing and stomping along the corridor had odd, hesitant looks sent her way. She ignored them all and went down to the stables, though she did nip to the kitchen briefly first. She was light and quiet on her feet and no one noticed her, too busy preparing meals no one saw her come in and go again. The stables held all the familiarity and welcoming she remembered as a child. Animals didn't judge. They acted accordingly or on command, but they didn't judge her for anything she did, or could do or say. That was one reason why she spent so much time down here. Her own kin seemed to believe she was a blight. Select few didn't, but even this Liruliniel was believing was shrinking even more to just her brother and father. But the animals in the stables didn't care if she foresaw death. They didn't care, as long as they got their feed, a brush, new hay and water, they simply didn't care.

Throwing the apple in the air, she caught it and swung around the door, the animal calls within were quiet; most were snuffles, or snorts. There were two animals in particular that she was here to see. Noticing how what was once already a large stall was now even larger, she halted slowly. Her boots scuffing the ground and the sound alone made the owner of the stall rear its head.

Liruliniel's mouth dropped, Arthion had grown. He dwarfed her anyway, but now it seemed like his head almost touched the roof of the stables. His antlers were large and longer in span than her arms, Liruliniel just walked closer as his brown eyes looked down at her coolly.

"Arthion, is that really you?" She squinted, not that she didn't believe it, but seriously...seems the elk had now grown adulthood too. There was a bland snort, Liruliniel frowned and leaned against the stall, purposely keeping the apple hidden. "Sorry, sorry. I just didn't expect to see you so...magnificent?" She mused, that was one word. He leaned his head down and sniffed at her hair. "Please tell me you haven't forgotten me, I am not sure I could bear that." His head tilted, as if to question her of how he could forget her. Liruliniel smiled and turned her hand upwards, he descended on the apple in seconds. Patting his neck, she turned and made her way downwards. She peered in now and again until she saw Ithilwen merely chewing at the feed in her stall. "Made yourself at home, didn't you?" Hearing her voice, the white grey horse turned fully and came over to nudge her head against hers. Only, Ithilwen rarely knew her own strength and more or less head butted Liruliniel. Wincing, she just let out a quiet pained noise and patted the horse fondly. "I am happy you are happy." Though her tone caused the horse to exhale heavily, Liruliniel looked downwards. Was she happy? She wasn't sure. Smiling, she said farewell to Ithilwen and Arthion as she passed and made her way to the training grounds.

She tilted her head, stretching her arms she sighed. She forgot how spacious the room was, the door to the outside and the archery range was shut. The only light within was coming from the natural lighting from above, and the torches on the walls. Liruliniel looked down at herself, her hand was just twitching near her sword. Wrapping her hand around the hilt, she pulled it out slowly. The silver of it glittered in the fiery glow of the torches. Holding it up and gently and carefully running her hand down the blade, she avoided cutting herself and marvelled over it. It never didn't impress her, the skill in which it was forged, the ability which she used with it, and what it could do.

Doing a few practice swings, she pointed it forwards. There was no target, and she didn't have a partner, but it didn't stop her from going through manoeuvres and routine counterattacks and attacks that Veryan had drilled into her. It was all muscle memory, and really she could do it all with her eyes shut. Her breathing slowed, and she found herself in that state of mind between which she was completely calm, yet totally at her highest performing peak. She danced along the floor, slashing upwards, blocking imaginary blows and even jumping and flipping upwards and around. Her braided hair whipped around behind her, sometimes in front but never seemingly obstructing her vision.

She eventually came to an end after a rather volatile looking volley of hits and slashes. Standing and heaving a breath, she felt her shoulders rise and fall from how hard she actually had pushed herself. She looked at her sword hand, it felt slightly cramped but nothing too awful. Hearing a sound, she tilted her head and slowly turned. Clapping, someone was clapping. She frowned and swung her sword in the air as she turned.

"It is good to see you aren't just hoping for the best." Thranduil hadn't sought her out, he had been passing in hopes of finding his father. Yet he heard someone in here and came and watched. He just wasn't expecting to be temporarily impressed by her ability to fight. She had become better, it wasn't just wild hits hoping that one would hit. Even without being against someone, Thranduil could see her attacks had a purpose.

Liruliniel frowned slowly, "Feel safer about me guarding you and your family now?" She asked, keeping her arms by her sides, her hand gripping more onto the hilt as Thranduil moved fully into the room. He looked confused by her clipped tone. "Unless, you wish for someone else to do so. Seems I might be a liability."


"I was completely honest about everything in my letters to you. And you, now that I think about it, were nothing but cordial and obligatory; like it was a chore, like you felt like you needed to reply as simply as you did. You completely cut me out, again! But it wasn't just you, it was my family as well. I am not a liability! I am not an agent of evil, waiting to strike. I would not bring death here! Yet you, you of all people present...how dare you. How dare you! You got my father to lie to me, my brother too? I am all for self-preservation and protection, but really? Really?! Do you honestly know what it feels like, being back here after years knowing nothing has changed? I had to find out from my own brother that everyone's opinions haven't changed. I am effectively the leper in the community, yet no one really knows how to turf me out. I was so looking forward to coming home, and everyone seems to be obligated to show they share the same emotion, but they don't. My own brother looks at me with this apprehension, which he didn't have before. My father, I haven't seen since arriving. And you, and your wife...congratulations, by the way, but I would've died before I handed information over to Sauron for him to destroy and kill everyone here. Just so you know, I appreciate to see how much trust you have in me; which is barely any, by the looks of things." Liruliniel said angrily while Thranduil stopped a few paces away from her. His expression was blank, but his eyes showed his true emotions; he was not appreciating her shouting at him, the way she paced and even pointed her sword in his direction while she looked almost venomous as she spoke.

"Are you done?" His calm tone just had her eyes narrowing and turning into sea coloured shards. "Your skill can wind you, and everyone close to you in danger. Excuse me for airing on the side of caution. Especially where my family is involved. You aren't a liability, Liruliniel. And it was never a chore replying to your letters. It was never my intentions to single you out." Thranduil spoke softly, speaking with any other tone was going to unsettle her and she had finally stopped pacing. Though she still stood sidewards from him, she was calmer than she was moments ago. "What is it?"

She hung her head back and looked at the foliage rooftop above them. "I have never truly felt more out of place, then I have when in my own home. When I was young, I ignored it; mainly because I was left alone. As an adult, I can't. Because I have a purpose, even if the purpose is to relay information of a bad nature. People don't know how to act, like I can see their personal future. I can't. I see events. I don't see people's futures, not like that. I feel like I have changed, so much." Liruliniel smiled, it was a broken thing as her eyes flicked sidelong at him. "And no one else has. I know our kin are rather unchanging, but really? I look around and it is all the same, and...it is so boring. I am bored here, already. Like when I was younger, I have no place. I could guard, yes. But after all I've done, that seems so dull. You know," she smiled a bit sarcastically as she turned to look at him now full on. "I said to Thalion I probably should've returned back to Imladris once I delivered the message to your father. Half tempted to do so. That way everyone can go back to safety, not have to tread carefully around me. Then I can go back, patrol borders without hesitance, aid Lord Elrond and King Gil-galad where I can. There was talk of travelling to Gondor, for the sake of staying together and then marching off."

Thranduil felt himself lost, what exactly could he say to that? "If that is what you wish." He said quietly, uncertainly as she looked almost appalled. "I don't know what you wish for me to say. I dislike you feeling like this, but surely you knew it was likely? You have been amongst people who gave you a purpose, and you are here without one. I can understand why you are bored, but surely you can find something?"

Liruliniel just looked at him hollowly. "You do realise, no one is going to let me guard your father? If Sauron continues to grow, if I continue to have visions and in a moment my resolve slips, there I go. But it won't just be me, will it?" She simply rose her sword up and rested it against her shoulder. "Who'd trust me?" She smirked, looked utterly broken. "I envy you, Thranduil." She said after a few moments of silence and them just looking at each other. He looked confused, Liruliniel looked around and nodded, tilting her head, her eyes flicked back up to his. "I mean, I don't envy the princely duties you get lumped with. But to be so accepted by all, marvelled over and at, having a family that don't have second thoughts and opinions about you, that are kept to themselves. You're going to be a King one day, and your son too. A kingdom to look over, and command. You could follow your father, keep us secreted away. Or not, up to you. Having that ability, that freedom...I envy that. You are expected to be something, and act in a way which surely is a drag. But however you act, everyone will still accept you. And you don't know how much it cuts me up inside, not being accepted by people I just want to protect." Liruliniel said, her voice breaking completely by the end of her sentence. Her eyes watered as her arm sunk back down, the tip of her sword clinking against the ground. "I am not bad, nor did I ask for this...but it doesn't change matters." She sniffed, looking down at her boots was better than being stared at by his unwavering blue eyes.

It was very much clear to him that she was trying hard not to cry. Comforting hadn't got any easier as he got older, even with a child it still wasn't something that came naturally to Thranduil. He was deliberating with what the best course of action was, past actions of calming her seemed incredibly childish now. So he simply reached up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Of course you're not a bad, Liruliniel. You've never been bad, and I don't think you ever will be. You may find envy in my life, but I am certain others would envy yours more." She looked up at him with startled eyes. Thranduil shrugged, "Look where you've been for the last few years, who you've been around. There are some here that could only dream of such a thing happening to them."

She reached up and gently removed his hand from her shoulder. "You make it sound like I should be grateful."

"You're just trying to start an argument now for the sake of it." Thranduil frowned at her and placed his hand back by his side.

Liruliniel sheathed her sword and patted it gently once it was safely back inside. Wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands, she smiled thinly. "There is nothing to envy about my life, because quite simply right now I am struggling to find anything even remotely good about it. Excuse me, I promised I would attend dinner with Thalion. That's if he can stand to be around me, or those within the hall." Liruliniel stepped back and did something which Thranduil was not used to. She bowed at him and then simply walked away. She never bowed, or did something respectful like that unless it was in jest. He turned and watched her march off, he had that same lingering dread like the last time they had a gap in contact: there was a rift. Only, very much like that time, Liruliniel had grown up. She not only had done so, but she now had this mature seriousness to her which was not present, well, not all the time present when she was a child. She had moments of seriousness, yes. But this was now retrospective.

It just so happened though that Liruliniel's plans for dinner didn't quite go to plan. By the time she got to the hall, Thalion was with friends which were unknown to her. She walked in, grabbed a plate full of food and then retreated back out the room. Sniffing quietly, she looked around the corridor and just made her way downstairs. She turned into the stables, hearing footsteps had Arthion looking up. Liruliniel smiled and looked around, noticing a stool close by she quickly walked over to it and kicked it over to his stall. She sat down and stretched her legs out, with a sigh she glanced upwards.

Arthion leaned over the stall and looked at her, Liruliniel leaned to the side and rested against his head. Arthion just sniffed the air, his breathing had her relaxing as her eyes slid shut. Liruliniel nestled against his warm body before she moved away and looked at the food before her. She picked at most of it, whatever she didn't fancy eating she handed to the elk. He looked rather happy about being spoilt, even if it was with salad leaves. She left some that she could give to Ithilwen, really the animals seemed to have more of her dinner than herself.

Ithilwen was standing and sleeping when Liruliniel peered inside her stall, she left the food in her feed and returned back to Arthion. "This is rubbish," she said, hands on her hips and looking up at him. "Can I come in?" She asked, not that he could answer really, could he? Liruliniel opened the stall, she stepped inside and looked around. His home was huge, although considering how gigantic he was, she wasn't surprised. There was clean hay in the corner which she went and hesitantly sat down on. Arthion paced a little before settling down and looking her way. "I'm struggling, do you think I should just go?" Liruliniel leaned forwards and placed her hand between his eyes. She ruffled the fur there while his eyes just stared her way, he let out a low sigh. "You think that'll just be easy? Hm, I guess so...what can I do here though? Just wait until the call of war?" Liruliniel looked unsettled by that, she'd rather not have to do that. "Budge up," she waved a hand at him, Arthion let out a noise which she could only surmise was his version of being affronted. Liruliniel's fear and hesitance about the elk was long gone now as she settled back against him.

Liruliniel rose up and lowered again as he breathed, she could hear the air flood into his lungs and the beat of his heart. It was soothing, and he was very warm. He'd turn his head to look at her, and a few times he seemingly nibbled on her tunic sleeve. Yet Liruliniel remained unmoving, her mind had drifted off and she felt very heavy. Her hands stayed crossed on her stomach while her legs outstretched before her. She finally felt it, peace. All that was around her were the occasional sounds of animals, briefly she could hear voices travel passed and outside but no one seemed to come in. Even if they did, Liruliniel doubted they'd check the stalls for anyone. Wasn't exactly a common thing, she doubted, but Liruliniel couldn't help but smile in her sleepy state, she always had to be the one, didn't she? No one else could be the slight odd one out. Turning her head against Arthion's fur, she yawned quietly. She was content and comfortable, what was the point of returning to her quarters? She didn't want to wake to her brother returning home. Nor did she think anyone would come looking for her. Arthion didn't seem too fussed over having her here, so here she stayed. He laid in a certain way that fully allowed her to sleep against his side or even curl up beside him, the stable floor was padded by lots of hay and it was warm too. Liruliniel admitted defeat, she was going to sleep and Arthion resting his head close to hers just finished her off; her mind went utterly blank, her body felt heavier than it did moments ago and before she knew it, she was asleep.


(A/N: Aha, I managed to update sooner than I thought. Don't get me wrong, I am exhausted and this has just about finished me off hah.)

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