A New Creation...

By AlexandraWinchester

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A Different Take on Harley Quinn and The Joker... Before they became The Joker and Harley Quinn they were the... More

10 Years Ago
10 years later
Finding out you created a monster...
Asking Questions that you wont get answers for???
Having fun for a change

Bitch Please...

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By AlexandraWinchester

Harley's POV

I woke up with the feeling that I was tied to something which I believed was a chair and smirked as I knew that I wasn't at the hideout and I knew that we were going to have to be answering some questions as well. I frowned as it didn't smell like Arkham either so I was positive that I wasn't there or had been caught by the batman. I was trying to think back to the past couple of hours but it was a little fuzzy and I moaned as I heard a groan from the side of me.

I snapped my head over to see who was next to me and noticed that it was Jay and I noticed that he was tied up as well, I growled as I looked up to see the girl from earlier and smirked, "let us go otherwise you won't like what happens to you" I snarled and watched as she was being pulled behind someone I didn't recognise.

Someone walked out from a room and I screamed in frustration as I really was hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with my father, "REALLY" I screamed out and noticed that Jay was now awake and laughing at me. I growled as I turned my attention to my husband and looked to him, "you won't laugh at me when you see who it is that is standing there Jay" I said.

He smiled and I noticed that he was too busy looking at me to look the other way and he grinned, "where the hell are we and what did we get injected with" Jay asked making me shake my head at him, anything for him to be happy with a decent hangover, "why puddin" I asked and he smirked, "because I have an awesome hangover which I might have to look into getting again" Jay said.

I couldn't help the giggle to come from me and that was when we heard a cough, we both turned to the person again and Jack growled as he now was seeing his father, "We should have just stayed in Pooh" he said to me.

I nodded and looked around the room and noticed that everyone was here including the girl and I grinned, "at least our play toy is still here" I said making her squeak at me, "I mean she is already here which means that I wouldn't have another dead body at the hideout and I know that would make you happy as well" I said.

Jay looked over to where I was looking and laughed, "Really killing the idiot in the foyer this morning wasn't enough for you pumpkin" he asked. I looked to him and growled, "He deserved it Jack, he called me insane and you know what happens when someone calls me insane" I said to him as I pouted.

We heard the same cough as earlier that we decided to ignore and Jay smiled as he looked over to his father and smiled, "how can we help you" he said and Jim looked to him, "we want to speak to you" Jim said and I laughed, "you normally have to tie people up to speak to them, you know it isn't healthy to tie people you meet up" I said to him and Jay snorted, "normally we are the ones that tie people up and still have the same argument" jay explained to him making me nod as I moved my arms around.

I giggled and he smirked at me as he was still speaking to Jim, "you see she hasn't killed enough people this morning so she is still in her bad mood" Jay explained and smirked, "she will be a nicer person soon when she gets what she wants, so why don't you let us go and give us the girl and we promise not to kill the rest of you" he said looking over to Jo.

I rolled my eyes as I knew that we wouldn't be getting out of here any time soon so I decided to have some fun with them here, I leant back in the chair and noticed that two people walked in and I frowned as I didn't recognise them. I looked to the taller of the two and frowned, "who in the hell are you" I asked.

They sighed and walked over to me and smiled, "we all do change sis and it has been 10 years since you last saw me" he explained and laughed, "you aren't the only one to change over the years" one said.

I looked to them both and smiled as the taller of the two came to me, "Sammy" I asked, he looked to me and smiled as he nodded, "so you really went bad in the end, I thought you might have grown out of it" he asked me.

I smirked and looked to him, "well it was bound to happen to one of us and well it is fun to be this way, I mean the voices do help with the killing and it's even better when they help" I giggled and pulled my arms free from the binding on the chair and looked to them all and grinned at the shocked look on all of their faces.

I laughed as I was looking to them all, "files don't tell you everything that you need to know because they don't know it all" I explained and smirked, "plus it doesn't have all the things you need to know any way" I said and walked over to Jay and bent down in front of him and untied him.

Jay smiled as he stood up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, "as nice as this little family reunion has been we will be going now" Jay said and looked to his father, "and don't follow us because then we really will have to kill you all and we have only just left Arkham so we don't want to be back there quite yet" Jay said and went to leave when his dad spoke, "we want to talk to you both, please give us a chance to speak to you" he said.

I turned to him and growled, "and we don't" I snarled looking to my father, "if I remember the last time we spoke you wanted Jay and I to leave each other and got shitty when we didn't take your commands" I snarled and turned to my dad who did looked scared as he took a step back from me, "didn't work to well did it John because know you're stuck with me" I asked.

He sighed and I watched as he got the courage up and walked over to me, I stood back and smirked, "don't think so, I don't like people around or touching me without me saying so and I certainly don't need you touching me" I growled and walked over to Jay and smiled, "I'm bored puddin" I said to him.

He laughed and looked over to the girl that was in the room, "I'm sure she will give you the run around and make you happy for a little bit" Jay said and smirked, "I'm sure it will be fun for you and maybe make you want to run around after her when she is all bloody" he said to me.

I smirked and turned to face her and she was pulled behind another woman who growled at me, "you are not touching my daughter, I know what you're capable of doing to other people that you don't like" a woman said.

I turned to her and smiled sweetly, "but I am bored and a bored me isn't a good thing, I tend to end up killing people and you don't want that do you" I asked and growled, "I mean do you really want to upset me" I snarled.

She looked confused and Jay laughed, "Don't worry she won't kill you all, she will make sure one of you lives" he said and looked to me, "do you want to speak to them or leave, I don't mind which one you want Pooh" he asked.

I looked to him and smiled, "leave you know that we don't want to speak to them because of what they did to us" I said to him and smiled as he nodded and wrapped his arm back around my shoulders and we turned to walk back out when it was my father that stopped us this time but did the one thing he shouldn't have done, "please Ally, I just want my chance to explain my side to you" dad said.

I turned to him and snarled, "Don't you dare call me that John" I snarled, "I left that life behind ten years ago when you told me you didn't trust me, you should forget all about me because we don't even remember you much" I snapped.

I watched as he walked over to me and I laughed as he looked down to me, "Do you have a death wish John because I am more than happy to stab you if needed" I explained and watched as he took my hands trying to get me to listen to him. I pulled my hands out of his hands and noticed that Jay had him pinned to the wall which I had to admit did not look nice as Jay was pinning him by his neck, "do not touch what is not yours because I will kill you and I will make it long so you suffer" he snarled.

My father nodded and I smirked as I sat down on the bed and noticed that there were files on Jay and I, I grabbed the one with my name on it and opened it not being able to stop the laughter coming from me. I noticed that Jay looked to me and I held it up, "well I think that the doctors at Arkham and Black gate think that I have some issues" I said and Jay smirked, "well I can name a few" he said and I looked to him, "well they seem to think that I have a lot of them; Failure to obey laws and norms, warranting arrest, Lying, and manipulation for amusement or profit, behaviour, Irritability and aggression including assaulting others, Blatant disregard for the safety of self and others, Pattern of irresponsibility and Lack of remorse" I said as I read down the list of the issues they seemed to think I had.

Jay looked to me and I smirked, "I can be nice when I want to be and I do not lose my temper all the time, thank you very much" I said.

I heard a snort and turned to the girl and she laughed, "I know all about you and your relationship with the joker, he doesn't love you all you are is a pawn" she said and laughed, "Didn't he just use you to get out of Arkham because you where his doctor and he wasn't getting anywhere on his own to get out of there" she snapped.

I looked to her and threw the file on the bed, I got up walking over to her and smirked as she squeaked and stepped back from me, "do you believe everything that the press write about my Puddin and I" I asked watching as she laughed. I rolled my eyes as I turned to her, "so you believe that Jay abuses me and throws me from buildings because he gets bored of me" I asked.

She looked shocked and turned her attention over to Jay and squeaked as he walked over to me, "we grew up together and fell in love, why would I throw her off a building or hurt my wife" he said.

I smirked at the look on her face and she looked to me, "wife" she asked and looked to the both of us, "that isn't in the papers I was able to get on the both of you, no one said that you were married" she said. I laughed and looked to her, "don't believe everything you read because it isn't all true and most of the stuff that is out there about Jay and I is made up because they know that they can get a good headline from us" I said.

She nodded and I turned to Jay and smiled, "I still need food because I stuffed those pancakes down so quickly and if I have to speak to these idiots I need food so I am able to keep my hands full and not around John's neck" I explained.

Dean laughed as he turned his attention to me, "Still always hungry I see, if I go and get you some food will you still be here when I get back" he asked me and I smirked as I looked to him, "depends on if people piss me off or if I get bored because really I am still bored and might just end up killing someone" I said.

He walked over to me and smiled, "please I need to speak to you about something and I don't have another sister to speak to" he said, I laughed as I looked to him and smirked, "that you and Sam like boys" I asked.

Dean looked confused to what I was saying and I turned to Sam, "really you're going to play dumb about this one" I said to him and I walked over to Sam and turned around so my brother could see the whole of my outfit and smiled, "Sam does this outfit go in your eyes or something missing?" I asked.

Sam looked to me and smiled, "yeah you look cute in it sis" he said and I turned to Dean and smirked, "no one spends that much time getting ready in the morning and well you normally took more time that I did" I said to Dean and he pouted at me.

I heard as dad laughed and he turned to Jim, "Told you she would get it out of them" he said to him and I rolled my eyes as Dean nodded and turned to me, "Harley please, I really need to speak to you about something that I haven't said to anyone" Dean said and I sighed, "so that's not what you wanted to tell me" I said.

He shook his head and I noticed that he looked over to Jay, "can I speak to her without you wanting to kill me" he asked, Jay shrugged and turned to me, "don't get caught I am not going back to Arkham that place is horrible" he said to me and I frowned as this wasn't like Jay, "Puddin" I asked and he smirked, "I am not going back because you can't be asked to get changed" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room to the bathroom moaning about idiot husbands, "you do it once and get caught and he doesn't let it go" I said and crossed my arms and pulled my hair into a bun and smirked as Jay threw his jacket at me as I walked back out of the bathroom, "don't get out of the car pooh" he asked.

I nodded and walked out with Dean and noticed that he looked to Sam and smiled and it was the same smile that I have for Jay, I smirked as we walked out to the car and got in and I smiled as Dean looked to me, "he isn't going to kill anyone is he" he asked me.

I giggled and he sighed, "That doesn't help me sis, I don't want him to hurt our family because they are all we have" he said to me.

I smirked and turned to him, "your family Dean, they aren't anything to me or Jay and something tells me you know that" I said to him and decided that I could change the subject "so how long have you been sleeping with our brother Dean because I know that smile you give him because it is the same one I have for Jay" I asked.

He snapped his head to me and I laughed, "I might be classed as insane or mad and have issues as you heard earlier but I am not blind Dean" I explained and smiled, "I can see the way that you look at him as that is the way that Jay and I look at each other" I said.

He nodded and I noticed that he was staring at me and I looked down to see that he noticed that I was covered in tattoos, "don't they cost a lot to get done and wouldn't that one hurt on your wrist" he asked.

I looked down and smiled as I was looking at my tattoo's, I traced the tattoos with my hands and smiled "no because I don't pay for them" I said and Dean frowned, "so they do them and you just walk out" he asked me and I laughed, "no, Jay does them for me as he likes to do it" I said and grinned, "it keeps him calm and well to be honest I don't feel the pain when he does it" I said.

He smiled and nodded, "please can you let them speak to you, I miss my little sister and want her back in my life" he said to me, I looked to him and laughed, "No, I'm sorry Dean but this is what happens when your so called family choose your life for you, you all decided that Jay wasn't good for me and decided that instead of speaking to me about it you would dictate my life" I said to him and I watched as he just looked hurt.

He sighed and turned to me, "try not to get arrested, I will be back in the minute" he said looking to me and smiling as he got out of the car.

I rolled my eyes and laid back in the car and thought about what we could do next to get some money, I knew that we didn't need it but it was fun for us and gave us something to do instead of always killing people. As I was thinking about the next big heist I looked up and noticed that Pamela was in there and I smiled as I got out of the car and ran over to her, "red" I said.

She turned around and smiled as she cuddled me, "Harley what are you doing here, did you and the clown fight again or did you leave" she asked me.

I smiled as I looked to her, "no, Jay and I are fine, I wanted food and Jay is busy trying to sort the idiots out as we have had to get some more help" I explained and noticed that she was now looking to Dean.

I watched as she looked my brother up and down and frowned as she turned her attention back to me, "does Jay know you are out with another man" she asked and laughed, "because we all know that he can get jealous over little things or people" she asked. I rolled my eyes at her as this was normal for her, she really didn't like Jay and believed all the crap that was written about us, I smiled as I turned to her and put my hand on my brothers shoulder, "this is our newest hire as I killed the last one" I said smirking as Dean looked at me with shook on his features, "Johnny came back with him earlier this afternoon and well I thought that I would scare him a little" I said.

Red laughed as she looked to him and smirked, "shame" she said and turned to me, "so does he have a name or is he just referred to as it" she asked me. I grinned as I turned to her again, "Pamela I would like you to meet" I looked to my brother and frowned, "what is your name because I wasn't listening when Johnny introduced you earlier" I lied.

Dean looked over to me and smiled as he turned to Red, "Daniel, my name is Daniel" he said and she just nodded, I watched as he turned back to the woman behind the counter and went to ordering food as Red turned to me, "so I have something fun for us to do if you are interested" she asked.

I smirked and sat down on the bar stool and looked over to her smiling, "and what would that be" I asked, she passed me the paper she was reading and I noticed that the diamond that we tried to steal a few years back was on the front page again and I smirked as it was being held at one of the Bruce Wayne benefits. I looked down to the diamond and noticed that it has more security on it then before and I sighed, "you want to steal that again, Red it has so much security and Jay and I ended up in Arkham because of this" I explained.

She pouted as she knew that it would work to make me speak to Jay, I sighed as I nodded and smiled, "I'll have a chat with Jay when I get back" I said and she looked to me, "we could always just do it me and you" she said and I laughed, "you know that he is the one that gets me in and out because well I don't have the patience for people and end up killing them all now" I explained.

She nodded and passed me the food we had ordered as the other woman was busy speaking to someone else and turned to my brother, "let's hope you last longer than the others, Harley here gets bored easily with people that aren't her puddin" she said making me laugh, "Damian is gone, he called me insane so I stabbed him and feed him to Bud and Lou" I said to her.

I grinned as she laughed and nodded, "shame he is cute to be working for them two" she said as we walked out of the diner. I looked over to my brother and noticed that he was giving me a strange look and I laughed, "I am not having people find out who I am Dean and I am sorry but I want that one to be kept a secret" I snapped at him watching as he nodded.

We drove back to the motel in silence as I noticed that Dean was pouting and moping about me not caring about him and I smirked as I turned to Dean, "just tell him dean, what's the worse that he can do to you, I mean he has a daughter that is willing to stab or shot him and of course he has a son that doesn't speak to him anymore so why would you care about what the idiot thinks" I asked.

Dean sighed and looked to me, "you don't care about it so why bother telling anyone else, I am stuck like this and there is nothing I can do about it. I wanted to speak to my little sister because out of everything that has happened to you I thought we would be able to bond over this a little, but you're nothing but cold towards me" he said to me.

I smiled and turned to him, "Dean I may not be all there in the head anymore and love it when Jay and I do these things together because well we are not all there in the head" I said and he nodded, "and to be honest I don't really give a shit what you do with your life, but it is your life and if you want to be happy be happy" I said as I got out of the car, leaving him in the car thinking about what I said to him.

I walked back into the motel to see that Jo was bleeding and on the floor holding her hand to herself while Ellen was trying to get her to let her clean her up, I smirked as I turned to her, "get a bit too close to my puddin did ya" I asked and she nodded as Ellen was now able to sort her hand out. I grinned as I turned to her, "he doesn't like people and he doesn't like people near him either" I explained to her.

She looked over to me and before she could speak to me and I looked over to my husband and threw the paper at Jay as he looked to me, "saw plant girl did you" he asked me and I looked to him as I growled, "She has a name Jay and I would like it if you were nice and used it" I said to him and watched as he nodded and looked to me, "you know we don't like each other" he said.

I smiled as I walked over to him putting my hand on his arm and grinned at him, "please for me puddin" I said to him and smiled as he sighed and nodded, "okay because of you I will play nice with Pamela" he said and pulled me closer to him and I couldn't help but laugh as I looked to him, "you don't play nice Jay" I said giggling.

He chuckled and nodded, "so is he going to speak to your father about their little secret or are they going to keep it to themselves" Jay asked making Dean look to us, "what" he asked confused. I smiled as I turned to my brother and Jay smirked, "Can't keep something like that from us" Jay said and looked to him, "it is really easy to see to the right people" he said.

Dean nodded and handed the food to Sam and I smirked as I knew that he wasn't going to say anything to our father as he was worried he would be left. I knew that he didn't want John to look at them like he does me and Jay and I knew that I was going to be the bitch sister for this but he did agree that Jay was bad for me. I smirked as I turned to my father, "Dean and Sam are sleeping together" I said.

Dean looked to me and growled, "ALEXANDRA" Dean snarled making me smile as I looked to him and smirked, "not all there remember and the way I see it you deserved that" I said.

He growled at me and I knew that he was pissed at me and would want to kill me for that but I watched as he turned to Dad, "don't be mad, please he is everything to me and I would never hurt him" he said.

I watched as John walked over to them and sighed, "Do you love each other" he asked them and I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "what" I said and noticed that John ignored me for the moment and I rolled my eyes as Jay laughed, "He accepts that they want to be together but doesn't like us together" I growled as I walked away from Jay and lay down on the bed bitching about idiot parents.

Jay smiled as he looked over to me and grinned, "don't worry, I like that you father doesn't like me" he said and I looked to him, "Really" I asked and he laughed, "yeah makes me feel like the bad boy for you" he said.

I moved so I was propped up on my arms and looked to him, "oh were playing the bad boy image now are we" I asked. I watched as he smirked and walked over to me and laid down on the bed next to me and kissed me, I smiled into the kiss and heard Jim cough "so will you speak to us please, we need to get this all out and sorted because we miss our children" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and nodded as I looked to them all, "as long as I want to listen otherwise I will just leave" I said and looked over to see that Jo was still bleeding as her mother wasn't getting anywhere with cleaning her up. I got up and walked over to Jo laughing as I watched as she stepped back from me, "if I wanted you dead you would be" I said and grabbed her hand and noticed at she still was bleeding quite badly, "you say something about me by any chance" I asked.

She nodded and I looked around the room and grinned, "if you don't want to be stabbed, shot or anything else I would leave comments about Jay and I when we aren't around, otherwise you will end up hurt and that is something I wouldn't give a shit about" I said and grabbed her hand and pulled it, she screamed out and I smiled, "it will stop bleeding now and that has made me feel a bit better" I said to her.

She nodded and I turned to Ellen, "make sure that she keeps it wrapped and keep her away from Jay and I because I will turn on her if she bad mouths my husband" I explained to her and watched as she nodded, I looked to her and smirked, "you don't like Jay or I do you" I asked.

She smiled as she looked to me, "I'll get used to you, you're family and that is all that matters for now, I am sure over time that we will get to know the real you and come to love you just as much" she said.

I turned to Jay and smirked as he knew what I was doing and he laughed, "don't play with your food Pooh" he said to me, I nodded as I walked over to him and landed in his lap as I decided that I wanted to sit here instead. I looked to our parents and smiled, "you have 10 minutes because I need sleep and I won't sleep here" I said.

They nodded and dad walked over to me and bent down, "look I didn't have the chance to tell you the truth before you left before" John said to me and sighed, "I didn't ask you to leave him because I didn't like him, I asked because I didn't want you to be in the hunting world all your life. I didn't want that life for you sweetheart" he explained to me.

I watched as Jim smiled as he walked over to the both of us and I watched as he bent down and looked to us, "we went around it the wrong way and lost you both, you do know that your dad has spent 10 years looking for you right" Jim explained as he looked to me.

I smirked and looked to Dean as I knew that after everything that he had done he would tell me the truth as he wanted to be back in my good books, "he dropped the search for the demon because he wanted to say sorry to me" I asked and Dean nodded, "yeah" he said to me. I looked to him and laughed, "I don't buy it" I said. Dean sighed and walked over to me as he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled, "I know it is hard to believe but he did drop the search for the demon sis, we have all been looking for you and Jay because we knew that we were wrong" dean said.

I sighed as I would admit it was nice to know that someone cared enough to know when they had done something wrong and to know when dad did what he did he felt like he did wrong made me feel a little bit better. I sighed as I looked to them, "Well I don't forgive easily but you can stay with us because this just became something I want to speak about" I said to them and sighed, "but not here because I don't like being out in the open with people around who can take Jay and I back to Arkham" I said.

They nodded and I turned to the others in the room, "tell anyone where you are when we get there and I will become difficult for you to deal with and trust me when I tell you that you will not be happy with me around" I snapped and turned to Jay, "I want that diamond puddin" I said to him.

He nodded and looked over to me, "well it is going to take a week for me to set up, but maybe with Johnny's help it might be a little quicker" Jay explained and looked to me, "but due to last time Pooh, we are doing this carefully because I don't think that we will be happy going back to Arkham so soon" he said to me.

Sam looked confused and I smiled as I walked over to him, "well the last time that we decided to do this, we ended up in Arkham because I was annoyed at some of the guests that were rattling on about something I was not listening to" I explained to him and he smiled at me, "I am aware of that, what I was looking confused about is Jack said you don't want to be going back so soon, have you only got out of there" Sam asked me.

I looked to him and smirked, "well Jay and I were bored there and decided to leave" I explained to him and turned back to Jay. I nodded as I stood up stretching trying to make sure that my body wouldn't cramp on me, "maybe we can have some fun as well Pooh" he said to me.

I smirked and nodded, "sounds like fun puddin" I said and turned to the others, "come on we can leave now and we should be safe as the batman doesn't normally come out early" I said and noticed that Sam and Dean looked excited about doing this. I knew that they were thinking that they were going to get to come along as normally when we were children it was something that we would do all together. I turned to them and smirked, "you know that this is only Jay, Red and I that are doing this because I will not be caught for a second time and well you know that I don't trust you lot" I snapped.

Sam and Dean nodded and smiled as we walked out of the motel that they had been in with them and Jay took my hand as we walked down the street to where we would be able to get to the hideout, I smiled as Jay wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him as we knew that it wasn't the best time for us to be out here, being that the Batman might be out early for a change, but we wanted the walk and this was the best way for us to get it. I looked around and noticed that Sam looked confused about why we were walking and he looked over to Jay and I "wouldn't you be noticed out here being that it is the night time and certain people are always out and about" he asked.

I smiled as I turned to my brother and passed Jay back his jacket as I knew that he would be getting cold without it on and watched as he put it on, I smiled as he re-wrapped his arm around my shoulders and smiled as he turned his attention to Sam, "what's the worse that is going to happen to us" Jay asked and smirked, "trust me when I say that we have already had the worse happen and I am sure that she will tell you that it was fun to have some time off from having to remember everything" Jay said.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and smiled as I felt the gun there and turned to Jim as it seemed like he couldn't be asked to see if Jay was packing heat, "I see you didn't strip my puddin of his weapons" I asked.

He looked confused and Jay laughed, "I don't think that he thought of that, probably didn't want to feel me up" he said and we walked down an alley where the hideout was and I smirked as Johnny was stood there and looked pissed off about something that I was sure he was going to moan about. Johnny looked to both Jay and I and sighed, "I know that I work for the both of you but you could have told me where you were" he snapped and turned to me, "I thought that you had been taken back into Arkham and that the boss was on a breakout mission again" he said.

Jay looked pissed about our help speaking to us like that but I knew that he wouldn't do anything as Johnny was really the only person that could speak to us both like that and not end up dead. I giggled as he turned his attention to me, "Harley I have cleaned up the dead body that was half eaten by Bud and Lou as well as I don't think that they wanted to finish the idiot off" he said.

I smiled as I walked over to him, "thank you Johnny for cleaning it up, I would have made one of the others do it" I said and laughed, "what would we do without you" I said and he smiled, "who are these people then because I don't recognise them and I thought that you went out to get some fresh air" he asked looking over to the others and frowned when he saw Ellen and Jo which made me wonder why he was looking at them like that.

I turned to the others and smirked, "they will tell you that because I have been social enough for my liking and you know that I don't do social for a long period of time" I said and turned to Jay, "I am going to feed Bud and Lou and then I am going to bed because this has been a bad day for me" I said.

He nodded and I walked into the hideout and smiled as I looked down the hall and noticed that Bud and Lou were fast asleep with what looked like a bone each from the idiot earlier which I had to smile at, I bent down to them and held my hands out to them, "Babies" I said.

They came running over to me and I smiled as I ran my hand down their backs and bent down rubbing their heads making them both pant at me, "daddy is outside, go and say hello" I said and smirked as they went running out there, "Jay" I said and he turned around to see them running to him.

He smiled and ran his hand down the backs as well and they were laughing which I noticed made the others looked worried about them, I noticed that Jay looked to me and then turned to the others and smiled, "Bud and Lou where presents for her as she was upset and I thought that they would make a good present for her" Jay said and looked down to them, "The bigger of the two is Bud and the other is Lou, keep your hands to yourself and they won't bother you" Jay explained to the lot of them.

I noticed that they looked worried and Jo turned to me as she noticed that I was still there and frowned, "how did you get hyena's to be a pet as they are wild and don't like to be broken in" she asked.

I didn't answer her and turned around to see that Johnny was walked back over and smiled, "Miss Ivy is in the TV Room Harley" he said and I frowned, "why is she here" i asked and he laughed, "she just said that she wants to talk to you about something is all" he said to me.

I nodded as I looked to him, "thanks Johnny" I said and turned my attention back over to Jay and smiled, "okay then, Puddin you going to be alright here because I know that you aren't going to deal with Red today" I asked.

Jay nodded and walked over to me, "of course angel" he said and smiled, "tell Ivy that this is going to take me a week to plan to make sure that we don't get caught as I don't think that she is going to want to go to Arkham either" Jay said and smiled, "then we can go and get the diamond" he said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "of course puddin, I let her know and get her to come and speak to you if there is any problems" I said and turned to the others, "there are rooms are upstairs that you all can sleep in" I explained and turned to my brother, "any room apart from the purple door as that is our room" I explained to them. Sam nodded and looked to me, "can we come and say hello to you" he said and I looked to him, "Go into our room and I will kill you whether or not your family" I snapped and walked out of the room.

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