Diamonds Burn Gold

By Ladywhite12

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The year is 1999. It has been ten years after the defeat of DIO in Egypt and the world has been at peace. But... More

Chapter 1: Morioh: The Bizzare Town
Chapter 2: Meeting Josuke Higashikata, part 1
Chapter 3: Meeting Josuke Higashikata, part 2
Chapter 4: Josuke Higashikata VS Angelo!
Chapter 5: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 1
Chapter 6: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 2
Chapter 7: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3
Chapter 8: The Lock
Chapter 9: Surface. She's his WHAT?!
Chapter 10: Yukako Yamagishi's Love Deluxe, part 1
Chapter 11: Yukako Yamagishi's Love Deluxe, part 2
Chapter 12: Yukako Yamagishi's Love Deluxe, part 3
Chapter 13: Italian Food at its Finest, part 1
Chapter 14: Italian Food at its Finest, part 2
Chapter 15: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 1
Chapter 16: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 2
Chapter 17: Red Hot Chili Pepper, part 3
Chapter 18: We Picked Up Something Crazy!
Chapter 20: The Great Rohan Kishibe, part 2
Chapter 21: Let's Go Hunting! part 1
Chapter 22: Let's Go Hunting! part 2
Chapter 23: A Sorrowful Plea From Beyond
Chapter 24: Don't look back. The Hidden Killer
Chapter 25: Take a Chance. It's a Leap of Faith
Chapter 26: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
Chapter 27: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 2
Chapter 28: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 3
Chapter 29: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella, part 1
Chapter 30: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella, part 2
Chapter 31: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Chapter 32: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2
Chapter 33: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1
Chapter 34: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 2
Chapter 35: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 3
Chapter 36: Atom Heart Father, part 1
Chapter 37: Atom Heart Father, part 2
Chapter 38: Rosham Boy is Here!, Part 1
Chapter 39: Rosham Boy is Here!, Part 2
Chapter 40: I'm an Alien, part 1
Chapter 41: I'm an Alien, part 2
Chapter 42: Highway Go Go, Part 1
Chapter 43: Highway Go Go, Part 2
Chapter 44: The Hellish Puppet Master, part 1
Chapter 45: The Hellish Puppet Master, part 2
Chapter 46: July 15th (Thursday), Part 1
Chapter 47: July 15th (Thursday), Part 2
Chapter 48: July 15th (Thursday), Part 3
Chapter 49: July 15th (Thursday), Part 4
Chapter 50: July 15th (Thursday), Part 5
Chapter 51: July 15th (Thursday), Part 6
Chapter 52: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 1
Chapter 53: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 2
Chapter 54: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 3
Chapter 55: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part 1
Chapter 56: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part 2
Chapter 57: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part 3
Chapter 58: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart, Part 1
Chapter 59: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart, Part 2

Chapter 19: The Great Rohan Kishibe, part 1

940 21 14
By Ladywhite12

It was a slow day and Koichi let out a sigh as he was finally done with another gruelling day of school. Now, all he wants to do is to go home and relax. Normally, Koichi would have walked with Josuke and Saya, but he had gone to the hotel to discuss finding the invisible baby's mother with Saya offering to help out. One the way home, he stumbled across someone he didn't expect to see again so soon. No, that couldn't be..? A familiar pale-skinned boy turned around and nearly jumped when he spotted Koichi.

"Uh,'s you." He said, nervously.

"Hey, there...Hazamada." Koichi greeted, just as awkward as Hazamada was feeling.

"Oh...yeah, hi. What's new? I'm sorry for all the trouble I have you the other day." Hazamada told him.

"So, uh, have you completely recovered from your injuries?" Koichi asked him, noticing the bandage on his nose. Hazamada gave an awkward laugh and said, "Sort of, I guess. The doc sent me home two days ago." He then started to frantically look around, expecting to see someone but found no sign of a certain someone.

"Where's that bastard-, I-I mean, where's Josuke?" Hazamada asked.

"He's with Saya. You won't believe it, but he found an invisible baby yesterday and now they're bending over backwards to find its mother." Koichi explained to him.

"So the baby is a Stand user?" Hazamada asked, actually surprised that someone so little could be a Stand user.

"Looks that way. Apparently, the baby has formed a bond with Josuke's dad, Mr. Joestar. In fact, if Mr. Joestar isn't nearby at all time, she turns everything around her invisible. Fortunately, Mrs. Kujo's helping him out with that." Koichi said as the two began to walk down the sidewalk together.

" Hmm. Does this mean this Mr. Joestar is gonna stick around Moroh for a while?" Hazamada asked.

"Probably." Koichi said.

"I see. Hey, Koichi, do you happen to like manga?" Hazamada suddenly asked Koichi with a smile on his face.

"Manga? Yeah, guess I like them as much as the next guy." Koichi said, smiling a bit as well.

"Have you ever heard of Rohan Kishibe? He draws Pink Dark Boy." Hazamada says with a huge smile.

"What kind of question is that?! I'm one of the biggest Pink Dark Boy fans in Japan!" Koichi happily exclaimed. "No way, you really like it?!" Hazamada shouted. Despite an awkward start as former enemies, Hazamada and Koichi quickly bond over their love of manga. "You're talking about the suspense horror series, aren't you?! I'd never get it mixed up with anything else! It can get pretty gross sometimes but it's worth it for the horror aesthetic and complex characters!" Koichi said.

"I completely agree! By the way, here's a little secret. Rohan Kishibe actually lives right here in Morioh." Hazamada whispered over to him before they began to freak out again over the news. "What? Did I hear you right? He lives here in Morioh?! It's almost too good to be true, are you sure?!" Koichi shouts.

"I know, I couldn't believe it either! I heard some realtors talking about it while I was at the comics store! It's mind-boggling news but it's absolutely true!" Hazamada gushed out while Koichi screamed in happiness. "Hey, I just had a great idea! Let's get some autographs!"

"You know it! Just lead the way!" Koichi exclaimed. After a little walk, the two stopping before a large European styled house. The house had a perfectly manicured lawn and a sign in the front with the family name "Kishibe" posted out on the lawn. "We really get each other, huh?" Hazamada said. 

"You think so?" Koichi asked when he looked up at the second-floor windows. He blinked when he saw lights coming out from the blinds. He smiled and pointed it out to Hazamada. "Hey, look up there. I think that might be his studio, the light's on."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Hey, I wonder if Rohan has any family." Koichi pondered.

"From what I hear, he lives alone. He made his debut four years ago, back when he was sixteen." Hazamada told Koichi as he looks up at the window.

"Say what? He's only twenty-years-old?" Koichi exclaimed. "That means he was about my age when he went pro."

"Snooping around out here won't do us any good Koichi. You're gonna have to ring the doorbell!" Hazamada said.

"Huh?! But why do I have to do it?!" Koichi asked him.

"Isn't it obvious? I have seniority over you, and to be honest, this kind of stuff makes me nervous." Hazamada said as Koichi let out a small whine. "That's not fair at all..." He said as he begins to approach the door about to ring the doorbell. But before his finger could press the button, the door opened and a hand shoots out, grabbing Koichi's wrist. Startled, Koichi screams as the person holds onto him.

Hazamada runs up to the door and was pointing at the person gripping Koichi, talking very vehemently.  "Hey, I recognised him! It's Rohan Kishibe, he looks just like his picture on the cover of that special new year's audition!" He said. He flinched and hid behind Koichi when Rohan's cold eyes glanced over to him. "I-I mean, Mr. Rohan." Rohan finally lets go of Koichi, opening the door and fully stepping out.

Rohan is a handsome individual of average build and height. He has dark green hair with an undercut that is slicked sideways, fair skin and has green eyes. He wore a light purple shirt under a light green semi-unbuttoned vest with white pants and light green shoes, as well as wearing a green headband and gold pen earrings.

"And who, pray tell, are you? Why are you here? Some kind of prank?!" Rohan questioned them. Koichi and Hazamada quickly backed away a bit and the black-haired boy explained themselves while Koichi hid behind him. "No! We'd never do that, honest! We're students from Budogaoka High School!"

"Yeah, we're fans of yours, sensei!" Koichi said.

"Fans? Of me, really? My address must've gotten leaked." Rohan says as he begins looking around for anyone else that may be hiding to get to him. If his address was leaked out then it'll be a pain to relocate. "That's not it at all! I-I just happened to hear it in passing." Hazamada told him. "Hope it's not too much trouble, Mr. Rohan, but could we have a couple of autographs? It'll really make our day." Hazamada said.

"So you're fans, eh?" Rohan asked as a smile spread across his face. "Tremendous, we might just be on the same wavelength."


"Nothing, don't mind me. Please come in." Rohan says as he pushes the door open and allows them access into his home. "It would be a pleasure to sign autographs for two of my biggest fans." He chuckled a bit. The two boys lit up brighter than a Christmas tree as they blushed in excitement. "You see?! Aren't you glad we came?!" Hazamada excitedly asked Koichi.

"I know, how would you like a little studio tour while you're here?" Rohan suggested to them.

"You'd really let us see where the magic happens?!" The two asked in unison, getting more hyped up.

"I've already finished today's work, but if you're still interested...then," Rohan says as he gestures towards his home. The two students immediately stood straight and behaved rather formal towards the young man. "We are!" They said, again in unison.

"Come in."

"Pardon the intrusion." They said as they walked inside the house. As they stared in awe at the interior decor, Rohan smiles at them as he walks over to shut the door. He then leads them up the stairs and reveals to them his private studio. "Here it is." He says. The boys couldn't contain their excitement as they practically ran inside the studio, looking at every inch of it. Koichi's jaw nearly dropped when he saw four coloured pieces of Rohan's work hung up on the wall.

"Whoa, those are four coloured originals!" He said.

"Whaaaa!! Stunning! It's even more powerful in person!" Hazamada exclaimed as tears flowed down his face. "This is the most magical day ever!! I'm so glad we're here!" While he was crying and giving every praise in the book, Koichi turns to Rohan and asked him, "So I have to know, sensei, how long have you been working out of Morioh?"

"I've been living here for about three months. My family lives in S City but when I was a child, we actually called Morioh our home. Tokyo has its perks but it's too chaotic, it has none of Morioh's serenity and isn't at all conducive to creativity." He tells him. "And besides, today's fax machines and photocopiers are more advanced than they've ever been. I can send a complete manuscript in four hours. No point in living in the city now, unless you care about status and all that drivel." Rohan chuckled.

"So, uh, what about your assistances and staff? How do they factor in?" Hazamada says as Rohan walks over to one of his windows and peeks out through the blinds. "They don't, I work alone." He said.

"What?!" They shouted. "There's just no way!" Exclaimed Hazamada. "You get pages of complex drawings done in a week!" Koichi shouted.

"Four days, actually. Five if they're in colour." Rohan says as he sits on top of his desk. "On off days, I amuse myself with travel and such. I'm not much of a people person which is why I chose to become a manga artist. An assistant would only be an unnecessary hindrance." Rohan spread a very small smile as he thought to himself, 'Well...except for one.'

"Wow, that's so amazing!" "You're a total genius!" Koichi and Hazamada said, thoroughly impressed that Rohan is talented enough to draw his manga alone. The dark green-haired man blinks in interest when he spotted something on Hazamada's shoulders. "Please, excuse me." Rohan says as he takes the creature off of his shoulder. "Ah, it's a spider." Hazamada says when he glanced at it.

Rohan held the spider in his hands and he takes a magnifying glass and took in every detail of the spider, analysing it. "Suburbian never ceases to amaze with its bugs and spiders." He says as he walked over to his bookshelves and started searching through it, taking out one of the encyclopedias he has on display.

"Uh...Mr. Rohan?" Hazamada asked, but was ignored. "I see. Hello, Araneus ventricosus. It inhabits homes and rural areas across Japan, it's an orb-weaving spider and the number of them weave webs day and night. Huh..." Rohan says as he reads through the book. He then turned his sights on the two boys and asked them, "By the way you two, do you know what it takes to create captivating stories for manga?"

Koichi and Hazamada quickly shook their heads.

"Reality. Reality is the driving force that makes a drawing come totally alive, it's entertainment on the highest possible level!" Rohan proclaimed. "People assume that manga is born of imagination and fantasy, but they couldn't be more wrong! A great manga is one that captures thing's experience, seen and felt by flesh and blood beings." Koichi and Hazamada listen to him in silence as they were blown away by how passionate he feels about his work and manga in general.

"Take this exquisite spider for example. Something a typical city-dweller would kill in disgust." Rohan says as he walks back to his desk. "The way the legs connect to the body and the position of its many eyes. Even subtle differences between a male and female, a manga artist must understand each of these elements to draw a spider." He picked up a craft cutter and held it above the eight-legged insect. "It said a spider's silks solidifies when exposed to air but have you ever given any thoughts to its spinnerets?" Without any warning, Rohan took the cutter and stabs the spider, much to Koichi and Hazamada's horror as he swirls the blade around the spider's tiny body.

"And then there's the intricate arrangement of its internal organs. How does a spider squirm, especially when it's been sliced open and awaiting certain death? To depict reality in detail one must know such things." Rohan said, very calmly seeing nothing wrong what he was doing while the teen boys were creeped out by this and looked at the spider in horror.

"That's barbaric!" Koichi exclaimed.

"SILENCE!" Rohan snapped at him. "How dare an amateur like you give Rohan Kishibe his opinion?!"

"No, I wasn't voicing my opinion at all! I'm sorry!" Koichi said, not wanting to anger the manga genius. Rohan narrowed his eyes at the boy before turning his attention back at the spider. Taking it out from the blade and saying, "Now, I think it's time for a taste." Up until this point, Koichi and Hazamada were amazed and impressed with Rohan, but now they were horrified and disgusted by how far Rohan goes to perfect his manga as he tastes the spider right in front of them.

'Holy shit! The stereotype is true! Manga artists really are total weirdos!!' Koichi thought to himself. Not able to handle the scene he was witnessing, Hazamada tried to hold it in but inevitably vomited. Rohan looked over and took notice of his agonised expression. So raw, so genuine, so authentic! It was perfect! "An excellent expression of agony! Your vomiting reflexes so raw, I simply must sketch it!"

"R-really?" Hazamada questioned. Rohan grabbed his sketchbook and pencil and sat down in his chair to sketch that perfect expression of Hazamada when the boy ruined it by posing for it. Pretending to be pathetic, there was no more realism. "And now you're just pretending. Let's forget about the sketch, it won't be of any use."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Hazamada said.

"You wanted autographs, I'll see if I can find a pen in the kitchen. I'll bring some tea out as well." Rohan says as he leaves the room and the two alone in his studio with Hazamada calling out to him, "You don't have to do that..." But he was already gone. Despite feeling sick a while ago, Hazamada still looked upon Rohan with nothing but the greatest respect and praise.

" great. What a process...! Now I know what makes Pink Dark Boy so amazing. His need to know every single detail is on another level." He said.

"Um, Hazamada?" Koichi hesitantly asked. "I know we just got here and all but...well, uh, don't you think it's about time for us to get going?"

"Say what, you want to go home now? But why, aren't you having fun?" Hazamada questions him.

"I can't really say why I'm so nervous all of a sudden...I just have a bad feeling about this!" Koichi tells him, looking increasingly nervous by the second. He may have been onboard and overwhelmed with joy upon meeting the great Mangaka Rohan Kishibe, but now things took a whole different turn and suddenly he felt he didn't want to stay in this house any longer. "My gut's been known to be wrong on rare occasions but right now it's telling me that there's something really dangerous about Rohan."

"Dangerous. What do you mean by that? You think he's a Stand user?" Hazamada quietly asked him.

"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's just...a weird feeling." Koichi told him.

"Rohan is what those hippie artist types would call 'avant-garde', but that doesn't mean you should immediately jump to conclusions about him being a Stand user." Hazamada says as he swung his arm around Koichi's neck.

"I already told you, I don't think he is one." Koichi insisted. "I just have a bad feeling is all."

"Okay, okay. Let's say Mr. Rohan actually is a Stand user, that be amazing for us don't you think?" Hazamada said. "How awesome would it be to have something in common with a famous manga artist?! But I feel you, so let's leave. If something about him giving you the willies, then let's go. Come on, we can always come back. But one catch!!" He suddenly shouts as he pointed over a thick folder containing a lot of papers.

"This thing caught my eye, so I have to check it out first!" He said.

"A thing? Where what are you talking about?" Koichi asked him, not understanding what he was talking about. "Geez, Koichi, you're so dense! There, it's on top of the desk, next to the phone. Look carefully." Koichi took a step forward and looked for the thing Hazamada was so frantic to look at. When he did, he too began to feel ecstatic. "Ah! Could that be what I think it is?!" He shouted.

"You better believe it is!! He said he just finished working on it remember?! I've had my eye on it since we came in here and it's the real deal!" Hazamada said.

"I never dreamed this would happen! A freshly drawn manuscript for Pink Dark Boy!" Koichi said happily as a thought came to him. "Hang on, does this mean no one else has seen it yet?!"

"We'll go home right after I get a glimpse of this." Hazamada said as he walked over to the desk and took hold of the folder, preparing to take out the pages. Seeing him about to commit a crime against manga artist, Koichi quickly intervened and tried to stop him. "We have to get Rohan's permission first!" He said.

"You really don't know anything about manga artists, do you Koichi. All of these pre-printed manuscripts are highly confidential in every sense of the word!" Hazamada told Koichi with a huge smile of his face. "There's no way he'd let a couple of outsiders like us look at a manuscript before the editors even had the chance to give notes, it's common sense! We'll take a peek than put it right back."

"This is a horrible idea!"

"lighten up, we're not hurting anyone by reading it." Hazamada said as he began to pull the manuscript out from the folder. Unbeknownst to them, waiting just behind the door, Rohan stood silently as he smirks to himself. Splendid. Absolutely splendid, this is just what he wanted. Once Hazamada pulled the pages out, they were immediately overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity and power the pages held. "What is this feeling?! I know it's a thrilling manga but seeing it up close and personal like this is giving me major goosebumps all over my body!!" Hazamada shouted.

"It's so good! Hurry up and turn the page Hazamada, I have to know what comes next!" Koichi shouts.

"I'm getting emotional!" Hazamda yelled. As they kept looking through the manuscript, they flinched in fear when they heard a familiar voice speaking behind them. "What do you know. It appears that my manuscript's compatible with you two after all, how auspicious." Rohan said. "I had a hunch you might read it. Good work boys, the two of you are compatible first-time readers of my new manuscript."

Suddenly Koichi reached over and grabbed hold of Hazamada's shoulder. Gripping it tightly as the boy appeared to have no control of his body. "You will now experience my glorious ability, Heaven's Door. It's a gateway to your very souls." Rohan said.

"W...what you mean..?" Hazamada questioned before Koichi regained his senses and looked at his hand in shock. "What is going on?! Why does my hand feel weird?!" He yelled. Before he knew his fingers and the palm of his hands had become something of a book, revealing all of Koichi's personal information and memories. "What the-?! Koichi, what the hell is happening to you?!" Hazamada shouted before the grey-haired boy let out a screamed as he turned into a human book.

"Many things are recorded in the human body over the course of one's life. Every single thing from the moment you were born. To peruse your records, I shall transform you both into books. Magnificent books that chronicle your life stories." Rohan told them.

"No, not me..." Hazamada said before trying to run out of the studio, screaming for someone to help him. But Hazamada was an idiot. Hadn't he forgotten that he had read the manuscript as well? He was quickly reminded of that when he became a book as well and collapsed onto the floor. "What's happened to me?!" He cried out.

"My ability won't physically harm you, so there's no need to worry." Rohan assured them as he walked over and kneeled by Koichi, whose blue eyes stared up widely at the Mangaka. "What the hell do you even want with us anyway?!" Koichi shouted.

"In manga, the creator's sense of reality is critical, remember? We went over that." Rohan told as if it was obvious. "So now, I will read all about your lives and experiences thus far and these pages will fill my consciousness with realistic ideas. More effective than an interview, you will tell me everything you lived through with 100% accuracy as if I had been there to experience it myself." Rohan said as he read through Koichi's memories, making sure to take in as much information as he can.

"Koichi Hirose. Born March 28, 1984, at 6:27 am. You were delivered at Red Cross Hospital in S City. A premier, 2325 grams, you spent a week in an incubator. A family of four and an older sister named Ayana...yes, I see. In grade school and middle school, you lead a relatively ordinary life, you also happen to be a remarkably genuine soul. An admirable quality." Rohan said, his interest was peaked by how Koichi had lived his life so far, however, his cool composure was quickly changed when he read even further.

"What is this? So then you're hiding a secret ability, are you?! Reverb, huh?! And it seems that there other individuals in the world with these fantastical abilities! You have powers too?!" Rohan questioned both boys as Hazamada tried to run away but ended up falling on his face. Rohan couldn't believe what he was reading and turned back to Koichi's memories and flipped the pages to get more information.

His eyes widen when he learns the secret behind these abilities and the people who held them. He was suddenly filled with glee and inspiration for numerous mangas to come. "Stand users, huh?! Astounding. Everything in here dating after April 1999, is just extraordinary, an explosion of wondrous experiences! Josuke Higashikata. Saya Yukimori. Jotaro and Hikari Kujo. Yukako Yamagishi. Okuyasu Nijimura. Tamami Kobayashi. Oh, it's unbelievable, incredible and utterly captivating! In these pages, Koichi Hirose, I've just uncovered the motherload of manga material! Shining Diamond. Star Platinum. Blazing Gold. The Hand. Love Deluxe. Etcetera, etcetera....!!"

"What are you talking about?! What the heck are you planning to do us now?!" Koichi shouted at him.

"You mean it isn't obvious yet?! I'm going to use your memories to write my manga!!" Rohan told him with a huge smile on his face.

"Reverb!" Koichi called out and his Stand appeared before Rohan and flew above him, ready to defend his master from harm. "I'm only gonna ask you nicely once to stop attacking us with your Stand, if you persist-!"

"What will you do? Strike me with Reverb Act2's sound attack? Just try it." Rohan said, not appearing in the slightest bit concern about Koichi's little threat which spooked the teen slightly. "Don't test me! If you don't release me from your Stand right now, I won't hold back! This is your last chance!" Koichi said.

"Yes, I know. There's actually a section devoted to that written on page 11. You've always been far more timid than most others and many tend to blatantly disrespect you. But when push comes to shove you find the courage to conquer your fears! Remarkable! I like you already and as for my readers, they'll feel the same once they get to know you." Rohan tells him. Koichi pulled away from him and stood up. "I'm not bluffing, you hear me?! I'll attack if I have to."

"You really don't know when to shut up, do you?" Rohan asked as he stood up as well, looking down at the young high schooler.  "Try it if you dare!" He challenged.

"Reverb ACT2, go!" Koichi commanded. Reverb obeyed and launched its stinger-like tail, with the words being "Crash" and it was sent flying towards Rohan. However, the Mangaka wasn't afraid of the oncoming attack. He didn't even attempt to move out of the way to avoid it. Instead, the attack completely missed him and struck the wall behind him. "I don't get it! How'd my attack missed?!" Koichi shouted.

"You honestly missed at that range?! I thought you let go wide on purpose!" Hazamada shouted. "Hate to break it to ya, but your aim is shit!"

Koichi grit his teeth and stared intently at Rohan, shouting, "I won't miss this time!!" Once again Reverb launched its attack towards Rohan, but as before it completely swerved away from him and struck the wall again. "Where were you attacking?! That wasn't even close!" Hazamada said.

"Unfortunately for you, Koichi, I took the liberty to place a little safety lock on Reverb." Rohan said. "You can attack me to your heart's content, but you're no longer able to land a blow."

Safety lock..?

Rohan walked over to Koichi and shoved him to the ground. "Take a look. It's in the margin on page 11. I added that new rule as a little bit of as a safety measure just in case you used your Stand." He said as he showed Koichi what he wrote in his memories. His eyes widened as he read the words that were clear as day. 'I cannot attack the manga artist Rohan Kishibe.'

"Do you see? This is the awesome power of Heaven's Door. Through it, I can use words and pictures to read people's experiences or create brand new memories. It doesn't matter what sort of tricks you have up your sleeve, you'll never be able to do me harm as long as I have this power." Rohan told him.

"Shit, what do I do now!?" Koichi shouted. Rohan picked up a pencil and his sketchbook and with fast, few strokes of his pencil, he had drawn a fun little sketch of Koichi and Reverb. He smiled at the kid and said, "Ha. Chin up Koichi, that's all the tampering I intend to do. If I meddled with your pages any further, your precious life would lose all authenticity and you'd no longer be any benefit to my work. Alright, now let's have a look at your pages, Hazamada."

"You're a genius in every sense of the word, sir!!" Hazamada praised. "I respect you so much!"

"I suppose we'll see about that." Rohan said as he kneeled to get a better look at Hazamada's life. "Now then, you sometimes find a sense of comfort in picking on creatures weaker than you, like helpless kittens and small birds. You want to have your way with Junko, a junior in class E but are too cowardly to act on it. Your testicles often grow sweaty, and you adjust them during class, nothing thrills you more than the thought that someone might see you." Rohan narrowed his eyes at the pale skin boy and looked at him with the absolute disgust. If there was one thing Rohan hated it was despicable, vulgar cretins like him.

"You're a disgusting troll. Including someone like you in my manga would drive my readers away. You're useless." Rohan says as he turns his back on Hazamada and goes back to his desk. Any self-esteem Hazamada might've had was completely destroyed as he fell on his back and began bawling for his lack of usefulness. "What am I gonna do now?! I'm hopeless!!" He cried.

"Why?! Why are you doing this?!" Koichi shouted at him. "You don't need any of my experiences to create stories, you're a spectacular manga artist all on your own! Every reader in the world knows that! Also, you're only twenty-years-old and live in this amazing house, think of how blessed you are compared with most people your age!" Koichi continued to speak as he wanted to get through to Rohan and tried to convince him to let him go. But the more he spoke, the angrier Rohan became.

"So why do you need my memories, when you're already great?!" Koichi asked.

"HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?!" Rohan shouted as he turned to Koichi. His face was contorted with rage. "DO YOU THINK THAT I, ROHAN KISHIBE, DRAW MANGA TO GATHER MONEY AND ADMIRATION?!" His sudden outburst of rage caused the two boys to flinch back.

"I draw manga so that people around the world will read it. My only objective is for people to read my work. I know it's a single, simple reason, even so, it's all I care about. People want honesty when they read my work so I search for inspirational realism every day, and truth be told, I absolutely love the feeling of finishing a manuscript. Everyone feels good after finishing a project they've worked hard on but that gratification is fleeting and in the material. After the initial rush of euphoria's gone, I begin to think that no one will read the manga I slaved over and my deep-seated insecurities begin flare-up. 'What if all my readers are gone by next week?'  'What if I don't know what to draw for the next issue?' 'What if I lose the ability to draw?' 'What if my motivation disappears?'" Rohan said.

He walked over to the windows and pulled down the blinds so that he may look outside. All those thoughts, all those insecurities have always been there ever since he was sixteen. They've always haunted him and drag him through the dirt. Taunting him with their constant abuse on his mind. "These are the recurring thoughts that have haunted me over and over again since I was a sixteen-year-old novice." He said. Though he has no trouble telling all this to Koichi and Hazamada, Rohan knew that he needed to keep these types of emotions in check. Just until she comes back to him. Only she can quell all those thoughts from haunting him.

"Until three months ago, when a mysterious stranger shot me to the core with an arrow and I gain the ability of Heaven's Door."

"That was Keicho Nijimura." Hazamada said.

"Yes, I saw his name written on your pages. You two have no idea what it's like to find the perfect inspiration for your ultimate masterpiece!" Rohan shouted as he stomped his way towards Koichi gripping one of his pages. "But I found it at last! There's nothing better! Koichi, I'm taking your reality and using it as a muse for my new stories!!" He shouted as he ripped the page out of Koichi's face, blood spilling. While Koichi screamed in horror and pain, Rohan stood above him laughing like an absolute maniac.


"See, Koichi? I told you Mr. Rohan was a super nice guy." Hazamada said as he and Koichi left the house with pleasant smiles on their faces. "Aren't you glad we decided to pay him a visit?"

"Definitely, I had a ton of fun. Not only did he give us these great autographs, but he was also kind enough to serve us tea and cookies." Koichi said. "I want to go back as soon as we can."

"Me too! Today kicked ass! Well, I'm headed this way, see you later." Hazamada said as he bid Koichi a farewell and made his way back home.

"I'm still surprised he was such a great guy." Koichi said, taking one last look at Rohan's home before leaving.  As Koichi and Hazamada left in different paths, Rohan watched leave from his studio.

"You'll never speak of what happened. Right, Koichi?" He said.

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