In Love With My Best Friend (...

By Multifiction2513

211K 4.9K 800

GxG Y/N has had a crush on Kendall since the day they met. When Kylie finds out she only wants to help get th... More

The Truth
Happy Birthday
Prom Night
Back to Reality
Hailee's Saviour
Vacation Preparation
Studio Day
Bora Bora
Bora Bora Pt 2
Victoria's Secret Show
Meet the Godparents
Birthday Surprise
Christmas Present
Happy New Year
I'm Sorry
Met Gala
Begin Again?
Not Good Enough
Goodbye My Friend
Charity Night
Family Dinner
Paris Pt 1
Paris Pt 2
Tattoos Together
A Day Spent With You
Reality Awaits
Reality Awaits Pt 2
Gigi's Party
I'd Go Back To You
St Barts Pt 1
St Barts Pt 2
St Barts Pt 3
Home For You
This Is Your Fault
Stay With Me
Happy Now
Always Protect You
Kendall's Birthday Party
End of Hendall
Making It Official
Crappy New Year
Welcome To The World
Rest Easy, Fashion God
I Met Someone
Hello, Brother
Back With My Family
The Big Day
Baby Jenner
My Perfect Little Family
We're Done
I'll Give You The Best Years

Spill or Fill

2.8K 62 14
By Multifiction2513

Kris entered Kylie's house the next morning, finding Y/N asleep on Kylie's couch with the TV screen frozen on a picture of Kendall.

Kris turned off the TV, then looked down to see Y/N's face all battered and bruised.

Kris moved into the kitchen, finding Kylie and Travis as they were eating breakfast.

"What the hell happened to Y/N's face?" Kris asked.

Kylie and Travis smiled at Kris.

"Oh, nice to see you too, Mom. Yes, I'm fine." Kylie answered.

Kris sighed.

"I'm serious, Kylie. What happened?" Kris asked again.

"She fell over last night when she was drunk, smashed her face on the floor. She's fine, I cleaned her up, she's okay." Kylie answered.

Kris nodded and calmed down as she sat down at Kylie's kitchen island.

"So, how did she get here if she was drunk? And why was Kendall frozen on the TV?" Kris asked.

Kylie smiled, "Kendall found her as she was dropping Rocky off at the studio. Travis told her to go home cause she wasn't acting herself and she was really drunk. And Kendall was probably frozen on the TV because Y/N misses her like crazy and can't sleep very well without her."

Kris looked at Kylie confused.

"Kendall dropped her here?" Kris questioned.

Kylie nodded, "Yep."

Kylie handed Kris a cup of coffee and sat beside her mother.

"Anyway, why have we been graced by your presence, mother?" Kylie asked.

Kris took out her purse and pulled out a necklace with a ring on it.

"I was meant to give this to Y/N the other day, but I thought it would hurt her too much. So, if you could give this to her." Kris stated as she placed the necklace in Kylie's hand.

Kylie looked at the ring attached to the necklace, then looked back to Kris in shock.

"This is Kendall's promise ring. This is gonna kill Y/N." Kylie informed.


An hour or so passed when Y/N finally woke up. Y/N walked into the kitchen and saw Kylie and Travis as they were washing up.

"Morning." Y/N greeted.

"Morning, how you feeling?" Travis asked.

Y/N shrugged, "Not bad actually."

Suddenly, Kylie stormed over to Y/N and slapped her across the face.

"Ow, what was that for?" Y/N asked.

Kylie slapped Y/N again. Y/N held her face and looked at Kylie confused.

"The first was for getting in such a state last night and the second was because you scared the shit out of me, asshole." Kylie informed.

Y/N pulled Kylie into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Ky. I promise that it's never going to happen again, I mean it." Y/N declared as she placed a kiss on Kylie's head.

Kylie pulled away and looked at Y/N.

"You better not because I don't want a drunk addict around my daughter." Kylie stated.

Y/N placed her hands on Kylie's cheeks and held her face as she looked down at her best friend.

"I promise you and this little munchkin you're growing, that I will never touch drugs again and I will know my limits when it comes to alcohol." Y/N promised.

"Good." Kylie smiled.

Y/N released Kylie and sat at the kitchen island, where Travis handed her a cup of coffee.

"Oh, Mom was here earlier. She left something for you." Kylie informed.

"Anything nice?" Y/N grinned.

Kylie removed the necklace from her pocket and placed it in Y/N's hand.

Y/N looked down at the necklace and noticed the promise ring. Y/N's breath hitched as the memories of Christmas ran through her head. Kylie noticed a tear roll down Y/N's cheek and moved to pull her in for a hug. Y/N placed her hand up, stopping Kylie.

Suddenly, Y/N threw her chair back and it slammed into the mirror behind her, smashing it. Y/N moved over to the kitchen counter and hunched over it as she began to cry.

After a minute, Kylie carefully moved over to Y/N, minding the glass on the floor. Slowly, Kylie wrapped her arms around Y/N, hugging her.

"I'm sorry, Ky. I'll buy you a new mirror." Y/N spoke quietly.

"It's okay, but could you please use this as a sign to at least try and move on with your life. I'm not saying move on completely, but just try and get out of this funk of yours." Kylie stated.

Y/N nodded, "I'll try."

Y/N turned round in Kylie's arms and smiled down at her best friend. Y/N then noticed the destruction she had caused.

"I'll clean up and I'm sorry again. I must have scared you guys with that outburst." Y/N stated.

Travis smiled at Y/N and laughed a little.

"A little bit yeah, you looked as if you were ready to kill someone." Travis smirked.

"Well, some asshole did steal my girlfriend." Y/N grinned.

Kylie looked to Y/N and smiled as she handed her a dustpan and brush. Y/N tidied up the broken mirror from the floor and sat back at the kitchen island. Travis and Kylie joined Y/N at the kitchen island. Travis gave Y/N a jam filled croissant and Y/N smiled in thanks.

"So, Trav...Did we make any good music last night?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, actually. We made a couple of hits." Travis answered.

"That good?" Y/N questioned.

"Hell yeah, they're lit. Your songs were brilliant and the one I wrote sounded great when you sang it. So, I'm gonna let you keep that one for yourself." Travis grinned.

"Was that the one about that girl, the one you and the guys were talking about?" Y/N asked.

"Roxanne, yeah." Travis replied.

Y/N smiled.

"Y/N, when you and Travis are done, remember we've got to get ready to go to Mom's." Kylie informed.

"Oh yeah. Family dinner. This is gonna be interesting." Y/N said.


Kylie, Travis and Y/N arrived at Kris's house. Y/N entered closing the door behind her and was swarmed by the kids.

"Auntie Y/N!" They cheered.

Y/N picked up as many of the kids as she could, then carried them to the couch before carefully dropping them. Y/N removed her jacket and placed it on the armchair. Y/N looked into the kitchen and saw Kendall. The pair locked eyes and Y/N was frozen in place. Suddenly, Y/N was pushed onto the couch and the kids attacked her. Mason stood on her back, whilst Reign jumped on the couch beside her.

"Ow." Y/N mumbled into the couch cushions.

Y/N's rescue came from an unlikely source as Kendall walked into the lounge.

"Guys, get off Auntie Y/N, please." Kendall instructed.

The boys got off of Y/N and smiled at Y/N as she rolled over. Y/N attacked Reign with kisses as she tickled Mason. The boys tore themselves from Y/N's grasp and ran away.

"Thank you." Y/N thanked Kendall.

Kendall smiled down at Y/N.

"Can we talk outside, please?" Kendall asked.

Y/N stood up and nodded.

"Yeah." Y/N answered.

Y/N followed Kendall outside and sat across from her on one of the sun loungers.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Y/N asked.

Suddenly, Kendall slapped Y/N across the face. Before Y/N could respond, Kendall slapped her again. Y/N looked to Kendall and saw the sadness in her eyes.

"That was for getting so drunk and high last night and for scaring the shit out of me. You know you could have killed yourself if you'd gone too far, and that would have..." Kendall informed Y/N, stopping herself as she forced the tears back.

Y/N pulled Kendall into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I was an idiot, I didn't see how me numbing my emotions would affect those around me, especially how it would affect you. I'm truly sorry and I promise that I will never do it again." Y/N declared as she pulled away from Kendall.

Kendall wiped her eyes and looked to Y/N.

"I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to know where we stand." Kendall stated.

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked.

"I want to know what we are now, relationship wise. Are we still friends? Cause from what you put in the letter..." Kendall asked.

Y/N interrupted Kendall by placing her hand on her knee.

"Hey, okay. Kendall, I'm always going to be your friend. But we can't be the same as we were before." Y/N informed.

"What do you mean?" Kendall asked.

"I can't know the ins and outs of your relationship with Rocky. I can't know about any of that. I can't be the shoulder you cry on because it will break my heart even more and I will want to kill that douchebag you call your boyfriend. But other than that, I think we'll be okay." Y/N explained.

Kendall nodded.

"So, no relationship talk. That's fine, as long as I still have you in my life, then I'm happy." Kendall smiled.

"Good, at least we're on the same page now. And just so you know, if he hurts you, I will not hesitate to kick his ass." Y/N smiled.

"Oh, I know and he knows that." Kendall informed.

Y/N laughed. Kendall grinned at Y/N and Y/N noticed Kendall's beautiful smile. The pair's eyes met again in the moment.

Suddenly, Kris stepped outside interrupting the pair.

"Hey, you two. Everything okay out here?" Kris asked.

"Yeah, Mom. We're fine, all friends again." Y/N answered.

"Oh, good. Y/N, could I borrow you? I need a little help in the kitchen." Kris asked.

"Of course, I'll be right there." Y/N answered with a grin.

Kris smiled and entered the house.

"Right, I best go and become sous chef for Mom." Y/N said as she stood.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." Kendall replied as she also stood.

Kendall moved closer to Y/N and wrapped her arms around her. Y/N did the same and rested her head on Kendall's.

"I'm really glad we're friends again. I missed you." Kendall mumbled into Y/N's shoulder.

"I missed you too." Y/N replied as she placed a kiss on Kendall's head.

Kendall moved her head to look up at Y/N. Y/N was being sucked in by Kendall's beautiful brown eyes again. Y/N shut her eyes and shook her head, then looked back to Kendall with a smile. She removed her grasp from Kendall, pulling out of the hug.

"I'll be in the kitchen, if you need me." Y/N said before she left Kendall.

After dinner, the family were hanging out in the lounge. Y/N was sat with a sleeping Saint in her arms. Kendall kept stealing glances of Y/N as she watched her with Saint. Kris cleared her throat as she left her office. Everyone's eyes on her.

"Okay, I just got off the phone. Kendall, Y/N...the pair of you are going to be on the Late Late Show with James Corden next week...if that's okay with you two?" Kris asked.

"Yeah, that's great, Mom. What exactly are we doing though?" Y/N asked.

"You and Kendall will be interviewed, you will perform at the end of the show and the pair of you will take part in Spill your guts or Fill your guts." Kris answered with a grin.

"Great." Kendall smiled.

"It would have been the pair of you and Kylie, but we had to cancel that for obvious reasons." Kris informed.

"Of course, that's fine. I'm sure Kendall and I will be fine." Y/N stated.


The day had come and Kendall and Y/N were on the Late Late Show with James Corden. Kendall had been asked about her latest modelling campaign and Y/N was asked about her latest album, which was based on her breakup. James then introduced the next segment, Spill Your Guts or Fill your Guts.

James introduced each of the foods on the rotating table, each food getting worse as he went round.

"Okay, so I will ask a question to either of you or a question for the pair of you to answer. You can either answer the question or tuck into whatever I put in front of you. And then each of you will either ask me or the other a question. Do we understand?" James asked.

"Nope, but let's do this." Y/N grinned.

The crowd laughed.

"Okay, Y/N. I'll start with you and I think I will give you..." James started to spin the table, "Let's go with a nice one, the fish eye." James smiled.

The fish eyes stopped in front of Y/N.

"Oh, thank you, James. They do look very nice." Y/N replied, her voice laced with sarcasm as she smiled at him.

James laughed along with the crowd.

"Okay, Y/N. On your latest hit album, how many songs are about Kendall? Since you have revealed that she is your inspiration, how many are about her?" James asked with a grin.

Y/N smiled at James, then looked at the eye, picking up the dish and smelling it. Y/N put the dish down, her face the picture of disgust.

"That ain't happening." Y/N said as she pointed to the eye.

The crowd and James laughed at Y/N's comment.

Y/N sighed, "Okay, how many of my songs are about Kendall?"

Y/N looked to Kendall and smiled, then looked to James.

"All of the songs on the album are about Kendall, like you said she's my inspiration, always has been." Y/N answered.

"Okay. Now, Y/N, it's your turn." James replied.

"Oh, good. Should we start with a nice one?" Y/N asked the crowd.

The crowd laughed as Y/N began to spin the table.

"I think we'll go with the bird saliva. Have a sniff of that, James." Y/N said.

James sniffed on the liquid before him and pulled his head back with disgust.

"Oh my God, that's vile." James informed.

"Well, let's hope you can answer your question. No, let's not." Y/N grinned.

Kendall laughed and Y/N smiled back at her.

"Okay, James. You claim to have listened to my latest album and thoroughly enjoyed it, so which is your favourite song?" Y/N asked.

James looked at Y/N with a smile and began to laugh.

"Come on, James. Which is your favourite?" Y/N pressured him.

James looked to the bird saliva before him, then looked back to Y/N.

"Okay, well you know I listen to a lot of music, so I tend to forget song names.." James started.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, enough excuses. What's your favourite?" Y/N asked with a smirk.

The crowd laughed as James began to sing the tune to himself, then suddenly it hit him.

"Oh, um, Paris. That's my favourite one. How I'd love to go to Paris again." James revealed as he sung a part of the song.

"Damn." Y/N laughed.

James smiled at Y/N, then looked to Kendall.

"Okay, Kendall it's your turn." James informed.

Kendall smiled and looked to Y/N as she began to turn the table.

"I think we'll go with the crickets." Kendall grinned.

"Thank you ever so much." Y/N smirked as the crowd laughed.

"Y/N, rate these models on how attractive you think they are - Cara Delevingne, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, Hailey Baldwin and me." Kendall stated with a grin.

Y/N placed a hand on her face as she began to laugh along with the crowd. Y/N removed her hand from her face and looked down at the crickets. Y/N picked out a couple of crickets, cupping them in her hand.

"Okay, so I would have to go with..." Y/N started.

Suddenly, Y/N threw the crickets into her mouth. Y/N's face changed into one of disgust as the crickets crunched in her mouth.

"Oh my God!" Kendall laughed as she looked to Y/N.

Y/N swallowed and grabbed the water beside her, sipping on it.

James laughed and looked to Y/N.

"How was that?" James asked with a grin.

"Honestly, not too bad." Y/N answered.

The crowd laughed at Y/N's response.

"Right, this next one is for the pair of you." James informed as he began to turn the table. "I think I'll give you, the sardine smoothie." James grinned.

Kendall lifted the smoothie to smell it and immediately put it back down.

"Oh my God, that's disgusting." Kendall informed.

James looked at the question and then laughed.

"Oh no." Y/N stated.

"You two were a couple, what caused you two to split?" James asked.

The crowd gasped at the question.

Y/N looked to Kendall, then without hesitation picked up the smoothies, handing Kendall hers.

"Drink up, love." Y/N smirked.

The pair clinked glasses, then took a sip of the drink. Y/N immediately put the glass back and grabbed her water, swishing it around her mouth then spitting it into the bucket. Kendall did the same and then the pair high-fived.

"Crushed it." Y/N smiled.

"Oh my God, you two are mad." James grinned.

Y/N began to spin the table as she looked to Kendall.

"Okay, Kendall. I'll give you the bull penis." Y/N smirked.

Kendall looked at Y/N with a grin, "Thank you, so much."

"Kendall, rate your exes based on how good of a kisser they are. So, you've got me, Justin, Harry, Jordan and Blake. This should be pretty easy for you to be fair." Y/N stated.

Kendall looked down at the penis then back at Y/N.

"I think we'll go with Jordan last, then Blake, then Harry, then Justin, then you, Y/N." Kendall answered.

Y/N nodded and smiled as the crowd cheered.

"Okay, James." Kendall said as she started spinning the table. "I'll give you the cod sperm."

James picked up the dish and smelt it, immediately placing it back and shaking his head as the crowd laughed.

"James, who would you not want to have on Carpool Karaoke?" Kendall asked with a grin.

James shook his head as he smiled at Kendall.

"Eat the sperm, James." Y/N smirked.

The crowd laughed.

James picked up the dish and threw the sperm into his mouth. Kendall covered her mouth in shock as she watched James.

James shook his head and spat the sperm into the bucket, before grabbing his water and downing half of it.

"Oh my God, James. You're a legend, mate." Y/N laughed.

James shook his head, "That was horrible!" James laughed.

James focussed himself, then began to turn the table.

"Okay, two questions left, one for Kendall and one for the pair of you." James continued to turn the table.

"Okay, Kendall, I'll give you the hot sauce." James smiled.

Kendall shrugged and awaited the question.

"Kendall, you have been spotted hanging out with A$AP Rocky a lot recently, are you two dating?" James asked.

"You know my ex is sitting next to me, right?" Kendall asked.

The crowd laughed.

"Well, the hot sauce is there, if you don't want to answer." James smirked.

Kendall looked at the hot sauce, then back up at James.

"Yes, me and A$AP Rocky are dating, but we haven't put a label on things." Kendall revealed.

James nodded and began to spin the table again.

"Okay, so final question for the pair of you. And I'll give you the clam juice." James informed.

Kendall picked up the clam juice and smelt it.

"Oh my God." Kendall stated.

"Bad?" Y/N asked.

Kendall nodded with a face of disgust.

"Brilliant." Y/N smiled.

James looked at the card and laughed.

"Kendall, Y/N...Kylie was supposed to be on our show tonight, but she cancelled because she was sick." James started.

James then pulled out a photo of Kylie.

"Here's a paparazzi photo of her from hours ago..." James informed.

Kendall and Y/N laughed.

"So, my question's she feeling?" James asked.

"This is so good." Kendall laughed.

Suddenly, Kris began to holler from back stage.

James turned round to see Kris.

"What was that, Kris?" James asked.

"I said, drink the clam juice!" Kris exclaimed.

Kendall and Y/N took the glasses of clam juice.

"What is...okay..." Kendall said.

"To Kylie's health." Y/N smirked as the pair clinked glasses then sipped on the juice.

"We did it." Kendall said in disgust.

The pair then grabbed their glasses of water and washed out their mouths.

"That's absolutely disgusting!" Kendall revealed.

"Y/N, what did you think?" James asked with a grin.

"Well, I thought it was very clammy..." Y/N smirked.

James and the crowd laughed.

"That was Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts. Kendall Jenner and Y/N Y/L/N everybody, what good sports. We'll be back with Kendall and Y/N as we have Y/N perform her latest single." James informed.


"Now to perform her latest single, which she wrote alongside Travis Scott, here's Y/N Y/L/N with 'Roxanne.'" James introduced.

As Y/N finished up, she looked to the crowd and blew them a kiss. Y/N was then joined by James and Kendall.

"That's it for tonight. I'd like to thank my guests, Kendall Jenner and Y/N Y/L/N, for joining me tonight. I've been James Corden, this has been the Late Late Show. Thank you and good night." James stated.

Kendall and Y/N hugged as the cameras shut off.

Kris joined the pair as they pulled away from each other.

"You two were brilliant tonight. And I am so glad that you are friends again. You two are so much easier to talk to when you're friends." Kris revealed.

Y/N and Kendall laughed.

Y/N looked down at Kendall as she laughed, seeing how happy she was. Y/N smiled as she thought about wanting to forget about Kendall and their relationship, but realised that Kendall was the only person in the entire universe that will make her happy. For now, she watched Kendall as she smiled and spoke with Kris, wondering how she would ever be able to become Kendall's everything once again.

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