The Yandere Nikos [Jaune Arc...

By ArcReader_1080

63K 660 688

Pyrrha Nikos, a warrior and champion girl who were praise by her courage and excellent skill abilities in bat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

3.7K 42 68
By ArcReader_1080

Winter and Atlesian soldiers were walking into the courtyard as they look around to see the academy

Winter: Hmm so this is the academy my sister decided to attend?

Winter finish looking around and look back at the men behind her

Winter: alright men stay sharp, we don't know if the person that were involve with the Team Cardinal killings is still around this academy so don't take any-

Weiss: Hey Winter!!

As Winter hear a voice coming from behind her, she quickly took out her sword and points it right towards Weiss's neck in which the heiress squeak

Weiss: eek!

Winter: Weiss?!

Winter pull her sword away and smack the heiress on the head

Weiss: ow!

Winter: what do you think you were doing, you almost got yourself killed!

Weiss: what was I doing, you are the one that point the sword at me!

Winter: I thought you were the killer that were trying to attack me from behind

Weiss: what you expect the killer to have the same voice as mine even knowing your name?!

Winter: well we still have no idea who the killer is right now so it could be all sorts of possibilities

Weiss: so you would think it has the same voice as mine?

Winter: like I said it could be all sorts of possibilities

Weiss (crossing the arms): Hmph well then I guess you don't what to see me-

Winter stop Weiss mid-sentence by hugging her little sister with a smile on her face

Winter: don't be silly of course I'm happy to see you

As Winter were hugging her, Weiss were surprise this has been the first time his sister has hug after leaving home to go ne to be part of Atlas Military Force, she felt warm and happy that his sister hasn't change at all and smile back

Ruby: Hey Weiss!

Winter turn her eyes to see a red hair girl as well as two others running to them, The Schnee quickly took her sword out and point it straight at them

Winter: hold it right there!

The Atlesian soldiers behind Winter also point their guns at RBY, the three girls quickly stop as they saw this and raise their hands

Weiss: Winter stop they are my friends, they are not the killer!

Winter: How are you so sure Weiss, one of them could have been doing the murders behind your back!

Weiss: because I was always with them and I think I would know if my teammates were psychotic murders

Winter looks at the girls then looks back at her sister, she sigh and lower her sword again

Winter: men stay down

The Atlesian soldiers lower down their guns

Winter: you are my sister's teammates, right?

Ruby: yes ma'am, I'm Ruby Rose the team leader of Team RWBY

Blake: Blake Belladonna

Yang: Yang Xiao-Long

Winter: I see, well I would like to thank you for keeping an eye on my sister I know she could be a bit difficult to handle

Weiss: Hey I'm right here you know

Yang: it's alright we tend to get used to it

Blake: most of the time anyway

Ruby: but overall your sister is the best partner you could ever have in a time!

Weiss smile from hearing that from RWBY in which she crosses her arms again with a smirk

Weiss: well it's true I am the most responsible one in the team

Winter: heh...I'm sure you are

Weiss (grump face): I am if you don't believe me!

While Team RWBY were speaking with Winter, NPR were watching them from sitting down at the other side of the courtyard

Nora: Hey did she say sister, The Ice queen got a sister?!

Ren: I wouldn't be surprise I mean she does come from a rich family back at Atlas if I remember she mention it

Nora: but still we got two Ice queens to deal with now!

Ren: I'm sure the other one isn't bad as Weiss

Nora: you never know Ren like younger like older, isn't that right Pyrrha!

Nora turn her head to the Spartan only Pyrrha green eyes look a bit darker then before and she seem to be staring at Winter

Nora: Hey Pyrrha are you okay?

Pyrrha (internally): Who is she? Where did she even come from? Why is she here? Who are those guards with her? What are they planning to do trying to take my Jaune? If that is the case, I won't let that happen!

Nora: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha quickly snap out of it as she saw Nora close to her face

Pyrrha: o-oh Nora sorry...what did you say?

Nora: I said to Ren that younger siblings can become just like older siblings!

Pyrrha: oh well I guess sometimes It can happen....

Nora: see I told you Ren but still

Nora and Ren look at Team RWBY talking to Winter with the Atlesian soldiers behind her

Nora: why do you think her sister is here for?

Ren: maybe a secret mission with one of the students in this Academy possibly

Pyrrha glare at the Schnee and The soldiers knowing they are here for a mission

Pyrrha: Ren could be right on something, they are possibly here for the murders that has been happening

Back with Team RWBY, Winter explain to them about having a secret mission

Weiss: secret mission, what sort of secret mission?

Winter: sorry Weiss but I cannot tell you that this info only personal to I and a few others

Ruby: few others...who are those few others?

Clove: Hey Winter!

Winter: oh would you look at that, they have finally arrived

Team RWBY turn to look behind Winter and see a group of looking fighters entering the school grounds

Vine: Hmm so this is the so called Beacon Academy...I wouldn't say it is perfect

Marrow: hey it looks better than our own Academy let's be honest

Vine: true but they could at least make it look a bit you know...more secure I mean what happened if criminals start attacking the place

Marrow: I pretty much doubt that right now

Clove: come on boys, you can stare at the building for as much as you want later but right now we have an office to be visiting

Harriet: I still don't get why we need to be the one to come over here, I mean I don't mind doing this sort of job but couldn't other Atlesian soldiers be doing this

Elm: I agree with Harriet, I mean we are not even going to be attacking Grimms at all which is the best thing about this Job!

Clove: I'm sure this mission won't take long I mean we are just going to look for the killer and bring her back to Atlas that doesn't seem to hard right

Clove turn to see Winter with the Atlesian soldiers

Clove: oh Winter you are already here, sorry if we were late

Winter: no worries the good thing is that you're here

Weiss: Winter...who are they?

Winter: oh just some helpers that's all, now Weiss I would like to talk with you more but I need to get to Ozpin's office now

Weiss: o-oh I see...I understand...

Winter: Thank you and you two Team RWBY

The Team nodded as Winter, The Ace Operatives as well as the Atlesian Soldiers were heading inside the Academy, NPR still look confuse on what was going on right now

Nora: okay first it was those guards and Weiss's sister but now they are more people coming here?!

Ren: yeah whatever the mission they had require must be very important

Pyrrha: yeah...Important...

Pyrrha take a slight breath and stood up

Pyrrha: if you guys excuse me, I'm going to check on Jaune

Nora: oh okay Pyrrha, come on Ren let's go to the city I will buy you a fluffy pillow!

Ren: I don't need a fluffy pillow

Nora: yes you do!


At Ozpin's Office, The Professor were lowering his face thinking of this problem that has happening lately luckily Glynda were there to help him out with the other work

Glynda: well Ozpin I have done progressing on the students lately and I must say Pyrrha Nikos have been doing improve well with her-

Ozpin: Please Glynda can we focus on the main problem here, there have been three murders and yet there aren't any suspects I could think of right now

Glynda: well it's probably my guess but have you ever wonder Mister Arc doing something like this or someone from Team Juniper?

Ozpin: Hmmm I would have put Team Juniper as suspect but I don't see them going too far, well Miss Valkyrie could do something but I'm sure Mister Ren would have at least try to reason her with it

Glynda: what about Miss Nikos?

Ozpin: I doubt that, Miss Nikos has been a great champion and Huntress for her whole life I doubt she would do something this extreme especially coming from her

Glynda: you have a point there Ozpin

Ozpin and Glynda went back to thinking of any other suspects but then they hear the elevator coming up in which it opens, the two professors saw the whole Atlas Force entering the office

Winter: sorry we are late Professor Ozpin, we were waiting for a few others

Ozpin: ah Winter it's good that you have arrive here safely, how was your trip coming here?

Winter: it was alright, we did have to deal with Nevermores but overall it was not bad

Ozpin: well that is good to hear

Glynda (looking at the others): and who exactly are you guys?

Winter: oh these are General Ironwood's Special Operative Team

Ozpin: ah I see so they are here for the case as well

Winter: That is correct

Clove: it's finally nice to meet you at last Professor Ozpin, I'm Clove Ebi leader of this Ace Operative and we promise will solve the case and catch the person that it's involve with this

Ozpin (smiles): well that is great to hear we may need a lot help after all

Harriet: for this one person?

Clove: Harriet!

Harriet: What I'm just sayin!

Ozpin: she is not wrong it is ridiculous that we are here to just find this one killer but the possible chance of being more than one killer is likely

Marrow: making this case even more difficult I would say

Ozpin: yes but that is why we need to act now before anymore murders could happened

Winter: then let's get started with this case!

Meanwhile at Team Cardinal's dormitory, Cardin were now in his room thinking of his friends death he was crying as he was grinning his teeth in anger

Cardin: you guys.....

Cardin couldn't speak as he was still sad about his teammates deaths in which he grab the lamp and throw into the floor

Cardin: Dove...Russel...Sky...I promise you that your deaths will not be in vain!

Cardin then smash his fist against the wall in which cause a crack

Cardin: and I might know who is behind this sickness game, that little nerd of a Huntsman!

Cardin walks over to his wardrobe and grab hold of his mace in which he was ready to go for Jaune

Cardin: Jauney-boy oh you will get more than a wheelchair when I'm done with you, I will make sure you are not problem to everyone ever again!

Pyrrha: will not be problem anymore

Cardin: huh?

As Cardin turn around, he was quickly knock out by Pyrrha Nikos collapsing on the floor

Pyrrha: you Cardin Winchester will no longer see the bright sun and moon will suffer...


Somewhere else unknown, Cardin slowly open his eyes and realize he was strapped on a chair with tape covering his mouth

Cardin (internally): huh what is going on, why the hell I'm I tied up like this?!

Cardin looks around and notice there was Jaune dolls, photos, art, pillows and his sweater in this room

Cardin (internally): I should have known it you little bastard, you think you will get away with this Arc but the others will find you and make sure you suffer especially that Nikos, her heart will break when she find out you kill people

Pyrrha: oh good you are finally awake

Cardin (internally): huh?

Cardin looks at black corner and someone hiding in the shadow

Pyrrha: you have no idea how much I have been waiting for this moment Cardin but It's now happening

Cardin (internally): wait a second I know that don't tell me it's....

Pyrrha walk out of the shadow revealing herself to Cardin, The Leader of Team Cardinal were shock but it all made sense as he start to piece together

Pyrrha: oh Cardin you really have no idea how much I wanted this!

Pyrrha were thinking of the ways to torture Cardin in which make her eyes very empty with a creepy smile

Cardin (internally): she...she is acting like a psychopath...this isn't who I thought she would ever be at all...this bitch....

Cardin then notice she was holding two skulls in her hands in which she notice his looks

Pyrrha: oh you're wondering who skulls are these I'm holding right now

Pyrrha start to laugh out loud which made the Winchester a bit frighten in which she stop and stare with him with a grin face

Pyrrha: oh Cardin, I would like you to finally meet your friends once again Russel and Sky they miss you so much

Cardin (internally): skulls...that monster...THAT MONSTER PEAL THEM?!

Pyrrha: that face of yours Cardin makes me happy so much, now this will show you what happens when you try to take Jaune away from me!

As Pyrrha were thinking of the ways Jaune were humiliated and beat up by tons of students that it made her angry, she completely breaks the skulls of Russel and Sky with her bare fist

Pyrrha: all you ever done were hurting him, telling him he isn't worthy of anything but you are wrong, you are so wrong!

Pyrrha then took out a syringe in which Cardin look at it and knew exactly what was going to happened right there

Cardin: HMPH?!!

Pyrrha: I will show you all that Jaune is worthy than all of you, that he doesn't need to hear those hurtful words anymore!


Pyrrha make a scary grin at Cardin while holding the syringe

Pyrrha: This will be the best thing in my entire life, get ready Cardin Winchester


Pyrrha: This torturing will be for a long time!

Pyrrha stabs the syringe right into Cardin's neck, the Winchester screams out as tears were falling down his cheek

Pyrrha: That's it Cardin, scream keep on screaming because nobody will be here to help you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Continues In Next Chapter...

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