Titanfall male reader x fem...

By TheRealPapaScorch

81.9K 537 910

(Y/N) is a soldier in the militia, son of the legendary Captain Lastimosa, veteran of the Titan Wars. Before... More

The Forest
Meeting The Girls
Story Time
First Day
Qna Answers
Spin the Bottle
1k reads?!
QnA 2 answers
I've done it
hollow knight clips 2
new story
The Final Battle
Pokémon Intermission
Papa Scorch
Story preview
SCP needs your help
Home Again
The Brawl
Rescue Mission
Special Thanks


475 3 91
By TheRealPapaScorch

So I was just tagged by my friend Thegreyhooded0ne so I guess I have to answer some questions.

So here you go

1: Hair color: Black

2: Eye color: Dark brown (You can look at my face reveal from a while back in this book if you wanna see what I look like. I mean if you wanna, I'm ugly as all hell)

3: Favorite book?: The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan

4: Favorite color?: I guess it's a tie between blue and black

5: Last song you heard?:

When 2 Gods Collide

6: OTP?: I don't really have one

7: Favorite animal?: IDEK

8: Favorite smell?: Mint

9: Favorite song?: I'm just gonna give my current top 3 in no particular order. Subject to change rather quickly.

10: What do you wanna do when you grow up?: I hope to be an E P I C P R O G A M E R in the future and make money off of it, whether that's in the esports scene, streaming, or on youtube, if COPPA doesn't screw me over. Otherwise, I'd probably be a game tester or maybe an astrologist/quantum physician. I don't know why those both catch my interest so much, but they just do.

11: Favorite Game?: Hollow Knight/Titanfall 2 (obviously)

12: What would you do with a million dollars?: Get myself a proper house, preferably closer to school because right now I live in a 2 story apartment half an hour away from my school because houses in my state average at about $300,000-$400,000 US which is ridiculous and probably spend the rest of it on gaming equipment. Things like a proper gaming PC and some games for it, a PS4 pro and some games for that, and I'd wait to spend the rest for the Xbox one series X and put any money leftover into savings for college.

13: Crush?: My current crush is actually here on Wattpad and no I'm not going to tag her, who's asking?

14: Anime/TV crush: Most of my crushes of that kind are in video games so no. Who has time for anime or TV anyway when you're an EPIC GAMER like myself?

15: Favorite food?: Pizza/buffalo wings

16: What did you get for Valentine' day this year?: Nothing because it's still January

17: Who do you think could win a battle easily: Doom Slayer because it's the fucking Doom Slayer (He beats Obi-Wan any day of the week, Grey, change my mind)

18: Best friend?: None of my friends IRL are on Wattpad so I'm just gonna say Thegreyhooded0ne. She's already kinda my best friend anyway. I've told her some things I'd never share with anyone else. Not even my parents. She's the only one who actually understands me. I tried opening up to my mom and she just didn't get it and when I tried explaining she just dismissed what I was told her saying it's not important. Remind me never to tell her anything that personal ever again.

19: Are you ZE bus driver?: No. No I'm not. I don't even know what the hell you're talking about.

20: Tag 5 people:






BTW I know I've reached 8k reads on here and the new story preview will be up later today.

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