Betting on Life, Winning in L...

By Wavie19

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

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By Wavie19

“Oh my God, Sophie.” Madelyn exclaims hysterically when the front door rips open. She engulfs me into her arms and surprisingly I don’t stiffen up. For now, she’s the closest thing I have to a mom. And even though I don’t want to admit that, I can’t help it. She’s every bit like my mom it’s ridiculous. I can see it in her eyes.

“We were worried sick.” Austin says. It looks like he’s fighting with himself to hug me or not. I mean, we only just met today. I don’t blame him.

“Seriously Aunt Amber, you should’ve just left her on the street.” Lauren says, materializing all of a sudden behind her dad...our dad.

“Lauren, stop being a bitch.” Amber says making Lauren pout. She literally just pouted. At least I’m not the only one that thinks she’s one. Even her own aunt does.

Madelyn rolls her eyes at her daughter. “Come in here, honey. Ambs, thank you so much.” Madelyn says, pulling me inside and shutting the door behind Amber.

“I’ll go call the department and tell them we found Soph.” Austin announces. Oh god, please tell me they didn’t call the police. I wasn’t gone that long was I? I glance at the nearest clock at see it’s almost eleven. I run a hand through my hair and realize my eyes probably look bloodshot and puffy. A mix of exhaustion from crying and buzz from the caffeine. That’s just great.

Austin comes back moments later. “Okay, we have to talk about this.” Amber says from my side.

“Yeah, we do.” Austin says. “Why don’t you get some sleep, Sophie. You must be exhausted, sweetheart.”

“No.” I exclaim, surprising myself. They all look at me like I’ve lost my mind. “No, I’m staying here. I know you’re gonna talk about me. If I’m going to be living here, I need to be able to trust you guys. Please talk to me, not about me.” I plead, refusing to be ignorant or take the secrecy any longer. A moment of silence goes by and I catch a glance go between Madelyn and Amber.

“Okay.” Austin takes a deep breath.

“When the hell did you donate sperm?” Amber says, breaking the silence.

“Right!” Madelyn and her daughter say.

“Okay, can we stop bringing up something I did twenty years ago?” Austin pleads, seeming embarrassed.

“Like I said twenty years ago, you’re dick affects other people!” Amber cries. Okay, this new aunt of mine, I love her.

“Agreed. Sophie, I’m happy you’re here.” Madelyn says, directly to me. She looks at Austin for a moment and he nods as if urging her on to say something. “Austin and I have always wanted more kids. But we weren’t able to, I wasn’t able to.” She looks down for a moment and suddenly I feel bad for her. I have sympathy for her because maybe that’s how it was for my mom. Maybe that’s why she needed a sperm donor. “So to have you come here. Someone as beautiful and lovely as you, it’s a blessing. And we want you to feel welcome and apart of our family.”  

“Really?” I ask, my lower lip trembling.

“Yes.” Austin says.

“Plus, I’ve always wanted more nieces to spoil. I’d rather spend money on you than my own kids.” Amber says and I burst out laughing. Even in this exhausted state I can still laugh.

“I can’t wait.” I wink at her. “Well Austin, Mads, I think I’m gonna take you up on that offer and go to sleep. Thanks for everything today.” I say and for the first time in the last couple of hours, I step out my walls and comfort zone and give them both a hug. They’re my new set of parents after all.  


I didn’t realize truly how tired I was until I went to sleep and woke up the next morning. I wouldn’t say I was completely refreshed but a little sleep is better than none. I wake up to the smell of food, probably the best thing to wake up to in the entire world. My stomach grumbles and I nearly run down the stairs. It’s like they’re trying to make me being here just like being at home with my mom. But they don’t even know they’re doing it.


Sunday was the only day my mom ever had off from work and she’d always make a breakfast/lunch that would literally pull me out of bed.


“I was wondering how long it was gonna take.” Madelyn says once she sees me. I laugh because that’s the same kind of joke my mom and I used to make.

“It doesn’t take me long, I promise.” I joke back. I come over and give her a hug. She hesitates for the slightest moment, probably not expecting me to hug her again. If she keeps making food like this, she’ll just have to get used to it.

“I’m usually in here by the time the bacon starts.” Austin says, from his seat at the island counter.

“Coffee does it for me.” Madelyn shares.

“What about Lauren?” I ask, whispering her name just in case she popped out of the shadows and started bitching.

“You don’t have to whisper my name.” Lauren says, popping into the kitchen right on cue, scaring the shit out of me. They all burst out laughing.

“Not funny.” I grumble, helping myself to a cup of coffee.


As Madelyn finishes the food and serves it up we all hang around, talk, and eat. We simply enjoy each other’s company. There’s a few moments where I don’t say anything but instead sit and soak up their banter. The jokes between Austin and his wife and the teasing between a father and daughter. It’s refreshing in a way I’ve only ever imagined.


Somehow, conversation gets to school, which I hadn’t even considered yet.


“Oh yes. I don’t have work tomorrow so I can take you girls to school and get Sophie registered and everything.” Madelyn says.

“Okay, sounds good.” Austin says. I reluctantly nod, not yet ready to start school. Not only am I starting at a new school, in a new town with no friends and a bitchy half sister, but it’s mid semester. I’m going to be so lost. I go silent, just thinking about it. “Everything okay, Soph?” Austin asks.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, fine.” I shake my head. “Just nervous is all.” I shrug.

“Why don’t you and Lauren go shopping. Get some new clothes, get to know each other.” Madelyn suggest.

“That’s a great idea.” Austin smiles.

“No, it’s not.” Lauren says, turning her bitch back on. “I have plans.”

I roll my eyes. “With who?” Austin inquires.

“Ezra.” She mumbles. My ears perk up, eager to hear who this Ezra is and if he’s a problem between her and her parents.

“Yeah, you can ditch him and spend time with your sister.” Austin says firmly. A voice that gives no room for deviance.

Lauren grumbles, almost growls at me as she leaves the table abruptly. “Why can’t you take me?” I ask Madelyn, surprising myself by pouting. Oh God, Lauren is rubbing off on me already.

“I have work to do, that way I don’t have to go in tomorrow. She won’t bite, I promise. She’s a softy like your father.” Madelyn says, winking at me.

“But she does have a little bitchy side. Like Mads.” Austin fights back before covering his face from the leftover eggs Mads throws at him.

I can’t help but laugh at them and how much like teenagers they act. “Well I better go get dressed before I waste anymore of her day. Thanks again for breakfast.” I say and dart towards my room.


I quickly dress in a pair of jeans a t-shirt. Hopefully I’ll find something that’ll give me a little edge tomorrow.


“Ready when you are.” I hear Lauren call out as I open my door.


I meet her in the garage where I find her in a small silver Chrysler. Holy, nice car. I get in the passenger seat and sink into the still new leather. Lauren pulls out of the garage and zooms down the street. I hesitate to say anything out of fear she’ll bite my head off or run us off the road. In all honesty, she intimidates me. I feel like if I do one thing wrong she’ll turn on the water works and have me shipped to the nearest foster care or something. I know girls like her that can manipulate people, especially her parents. I just hope I never do that to Austin and Mads. They’re far too sweet.


About fifteen minutes into the drive, I can’t take the silence anymore. “So who’s Ezra?” I ask.

“My boyfriend.” She answer, not taking her eyes off the road.

I nod. “Nice.” Silence returns. Well can’t expect too much.

“My parents don’t really him.” She says, surprising me by sharing more.

“Why’s that?” I ask.

She shrugs. “He’s your typical jock and dad used to be a jock so knows what kind of boys they are.” She air quotes the last couple of words.

“Ah, I see. Yeah that can be annoying.” I say, because I have no other idea. I’ve never had a dad to object to my choice in boys.

She sighs. “Yep.” She says, popping the p. And that’s how she leaves it. Not another word of conversation is shared until we shortly arrive at the mall. She pulls into a parking space.

“If you want, you can drop me off and get me later. I don’t have to mention anything to Austin  about Ezra.” I offer.

She laughs. “As much as I’d love to just ditch you here, I have the credit cards and you need a lot of help with fashion. Let’s go.” She says and gets out of the car.


Hours. It’s been hours and we’re still here. My feet are aching. My arms have bruises on them from carrying all these bags. Lauren insisted that I get an entire new wardrobe. She may not be happy about me being her new half sister but if I am, I better look good. I got new pairs of jeans, shirts, skirts, dresses, shoes, the works. She even dragged me into Ulta and bought me makeup. I told her I didn’t need anything else but she insisted, leaving me no room to argue. it’s not like I don’t know how to wear makeup or dress nicely, my mom and I just never had the money to buy all these nice things. We simply made do with what we could and were happy. This is too much, but Lauren’s persistent attitude left little to be argued with.


Plopping down on my bed once we finally get back home I close my eyes for the briefest second before Madelyn comes barging in.


“What’d you get?” She squeals.

“I don’t even know.” I say in a monotone and drained voice. She starts going through the bags as I close my eyes again, sleep pretty much knocking at my door. I hear a couple “oh that’s cute” and “that’s gonna look so good on you” before I literally pass out. Never did I think shopping could take so much out of me. Hopefully I’ll have some energy to bear through school tomorrow.




“I guess Lauren didn’t want to be seen with me, eh?” I joke as I get into the passenger seat of their SUV. Madelyn laughs.

“I guess not.” She laughs. “You look beautiful.”

“I look okay.” I mutter. Even though Lauren made me buy all the dresses and skirts and cute clothes, I still couldn’t help but settle for something simple. Jeans and a tank top with a knit cardigan. Hey, it’s better than a t-shirt. I even went to the trouble of putting on eyeshadow and mascara and curling my hair. That’s enough effort for a couple days, right?


As we arrive to the school and I see how small it is, my heart speeds up. This school is way too small for my liking. Small schools mean less people that pay more attention to everything you do. Everybody knows everybody and it’s even more obvious when there’s a new kid. This all makes me miss my old school and my old friends. We all had our own little groups, fitting in nicely with our crowds. I have no idea what’s in store for me here.


“Hey, you’re gonna be fine, Soph.” Mads says, giving me a smile. “Oh, by the way, Austin noticed you didn’t have a phone so we got you one.” She says, wiping out a brand new gold iPhone 6. Whoa.  

“Thanks Mads.” I say, grabbing hold of it and looking at it in wonder. One would think I’m some hopeless alien from Mars. Mads laughs.

“Of course, kiddo. Now let’s go.”


She leads me towards the administration offices and getting registered and put into new classes takes about half an hour. Thankfully my classes were able to transfer over and I don’t have to retake any.


“Alright she’s all set.” Julie, the lady that’s been getting me all set up, says.

“Perfect.” Madelyn smiles.

“Okay, Sophie, here’s a map out of the school and buildings. And I’ll just show you to your locker.”

“Okay, bye Sophie.”

“Bye Mads.” I say before she gives me a hug and leaves. Suddenly I feel like a kindergartener that doesn’t want to go to school. I don’t want to do this. But I have no choice. It’s just school. I’ve gone to one before, how bad could this one be.


I follow Julie as she leads me down the hallway full of lockers, classrooms and students. This place is more packed than I imagined. There’s tons of students crowding the hallways, making me feel like a fly on the wall. Maybe if I stay that way the day will go by quick.


“Here you are, sweetheart. Here’s your combination.” She hands me a small piece of paper.

“Thank you again.”

“Have a great day.” She says before sauntering off into the crowd.


I let out a deep breath and unlock my locker. I stand there for a moment, focusing on my breathing. I don’t know why I’m starting to feel sick. Sick with a nervous anxiety that I’ve never felt before. I finger my necklace and think about my mom. She would want me to have a good day. To not be worried about anything. Be yourself girlie. Everyone loves genuine people is what she’s always told me.


I stack the books I was given into my locker and pull out my schedule. American History, room 312. Great, where is that? Suddenly the bell rings, scaring me half to death. This map is shit and I can’t read maps for the life of me. Looks like I’ll have to ask someone. I shoulder my bag and slam my locker shut.


As I turn to start walking, I’m caught completely off guard and run into a hard chest. Well more like one runs into me. I squeal as I fall backwards before a hands grab my arms and stops me from falling.


“Whoa there.” A deep voice says, sliding over my skin.

“God, can you watch where you’re going.” I snap.

“Um, if I’m not mistaken, you ran into me.” The guy says. I roll my eyes and go to move past him when I look up and my breath is literally stolen from me. Deep forest green eyes look back at me. I can’t look away because his gaze locks with mine, keeping me frozen in place. He’s tall and muscular but not obnoxiously so. He has dark black hair, cut short on the sides and a little longer in the middle. It’s messy and unruly but perfect at the same time.

“True…” I say, eventually because I’m pretty sure I need to speak. “But next time just watch where you’re going.”

“Will do.” He smirks, eyes raking down the entire length of my body. “You must be new.”

“Why would you think that?” I say, defensive. Looks like blending in isn’t going so well.

“Just something about you.” He says, his voice deep and slightly husky, sending shivers down my spine.

“Okay.” I say because I have no idea what kind of response follows that. The warning bell rings and I still haven’t figured out how to get to my first class. And this asshole isn’t really helping. “Well I should probably go. Bye.” I push past him but before I can so much as get a few feet away from him he calls my name. Wait, how the fuck does he know my name? I turn around.

“Sophia?” He says again. He smiles at me and extends a piece of paper out to me. “You dropped your schedule.” He says and heat flames my cheeks. He walks the short distance to me and hands me my schedule.

“Thanks.” I mumble and walk away.

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