Thomas and the Magic Railroad...

By Shana123251

5K 29 14

It has been well over a year since Lily met Thomas the tank engine on Sodor, Lily visits Sodor, and Thomas, a... More

Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return Prologue
Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return part 1
Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return part 2
Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return (part 3)
Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return (part 4)
(author's note)

Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return (part 5)

749 3 0
By Shana123251

Lily's POV

I may have escaped Diesel 10 for now, but the danger is not over yet, I still had to get to Mr. Conductor, before Diesel 10 found us again. "Thomas, where's Mr. Conductor? I need to find him quickly!" I said, "Why, Lily?" Thomas asked confused. It was now my turn to tell Thomas my railroad story. I then explained to Thomas how I found the metallic purple conductor's whistle, and how it sent me to Sodor when I blew on it. I told him about Diesel 10's conversation with Splatter and Dodge and why Diesel 10 is chasing me. Thomas was astonished, and I couldn't blame him. I mean, one day I'm just a normal girl, the next I'm a magical conductor! After letting it sink in, Thomas finally spoke, "The last time I saw Mr. Conductor, he was at Tidmouth sheds!" "Then that's where we gotta go!" Thomas peeped in agreement and quickly whooshed towards the sheds.

Burnett Stone's POV

I had found Mr. Conductor, and Junior, but I still couldn't find Lily. Just then, I heard a whistle blowing, it coming from the back of the sheds. Just then, out popped Thomas, who was red in the face and out of breath. "Thomas!" I said as I ran up to the tuckered out engine. "What happened?!" Mr. Conductor and Junior came over wanting the same answer. Thomas smiled as he looked back at his cab and said, "You can come out now!" Just then, who should step out of Thomas's cab but Lily herself. 

Lily's POV

I peaked out of Thomas's cab, looking left, right, and listening for Diesel 10. There was no sign of him so I stepped completely out of the cab. Then I noticed why Thomas wanted me to step out. I grinned and yelled "Grandpa!" I charged towards him and gave him a great big bear hug, to which he returned. "Lily, I'm so glad you're safe!" Grandpa let go and put both of his hands on my shoulders while still on his knees from the hug. "Lily, what are you doing out here? Diesel 10 is-" Before Grandpa could say anything more, I replied, "I know Diesel 10 here, and that he's looking for the new conductor." I turned to Mr. C and said, "Mr. Conductor, we need to talk, and quickly. I'm not sure if we lost Diesel 10 completely!" Mr. C took me a few steps away from the others and said, "What's going on, Lily?" That was when I held up the purple whistle, Mr. Conductor was shocked to say the least. I stood there silently for a moment before continuing, "I know it sounds crazy...but I think..." I hesitated before finishing my train of thought, "I think that I'm the new conductor that Diesel 10 is after." I told Mr. C, Junior and Grandpa about the whistle, the gold dust, and Diesel 10 chasing me almost all of the way here. It took a moment or two for Mr. C to regain his composure, but he finally speaks, "Lily, let me get this strait. The whistle appeared to you, you used the whistle, and it sent you to Sodor by using it?" The conductor sounded as if he was lecturing me rather than believing me. But I kept a strait face on and nodded. The conductor stood up with a stern face, but instantly whipped it away with the swish of a hat and laughed whole heartedly. "Haha! It is you!" Mr. C hugged me and said, "Thank goodness Diesel 10 didn't get you!" I smiled, the Conductor would have done this much sooner even if I wasn't the new conductor. He was just expressing how happy he was right now. "But, Mr. C, what does me being a conductor actually mean?" I asked as Mr. Conductor smiled again and said, "It means, that you will be assisting me and Junior in protecting all of Sodor, the people and engines who live here,  and the Magic Railroad! Should you choose to accept the offer, of course." I was in awe, I would get to help protect the engines of Sodor. Just the thought of it got me excited to the max. But just as I was about to speak, I felt an all-too familiar shiver going down my spine. Suddenly, Thomas pulled up and said, "Lily, my wheels are wobbling! I don't think Diesel 10 is very far behind us!" Just then, we heard Diesel 10's devious cackle coming from behind the sheds. Diesel 10 slowly comes out from behind the sheds with his smug grin plastered on his face. Diesel had no idea that my Grandpa had secretly hidden Lady inside the sheds. Everyone else gasped and tried to form a human protective circle around me. Not that it would do much good, but I appreciated their efforts. Diesel 10 quickly began to circle us, like how a shark circles its prey. Diesel 10's claw clanked and sparks flew from it, signaling everyone to stay where he could see them. "I'd teleport us all out of this mess, but I left my whistle on the turntable over there!" Mr. C whispered. "So did I!" Junior replied. Diesel 10 glared at Mr. Conductor, and then down at me; his almost glowing, ferocious eyes lock on their target. Diesel 10 declared in a very frustrated voice "You and your puffball pal aren't going anywhere, Sparkle Shorts!" "Did he just call me "Sparkle shorts"?!" I whispered to myself. Mr. C just leaned in and whispered, "You'll get used to it," Thomas whooshed close to me and whispered, "I guess that's his annoying nickname he choose for you, Lily," Diesel 10 snapped his claw inches away from Thomas's face and said, "Keep out of this, Puffball!" I growled at Diesel 10 slightly, I did not like how he was treating everyone. Just then, Diesel 10 clanked his claw twice high in the air. At the sound of their boss's claw, Splatter and Dodge came rumbling in. "Splodge, help me round up the group!" The twin diesels were hesitant, they didn't like being Diesel 10's evil henchmen. But fearful of the claw, they did as they were told. Splatter and Dodge looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "we're sorry," Splatter whispered, "Sorry, kid," Dodge whispered. As we stuck together within the circle of diesels, Mr. Conductor put his hand in his pocket and suddenly his eyes widened. He moved his head just enough to look into his pocket and secretly smiled. Inside of his pocket was a tiny pinch of gold dust. Mr. C assumed that some gold dust fell in his pocket when Lady came over to visit. Mr. Conductor tapped my shoulder. I turned my head slightly and watched him pour the tiny amount of gold dust into my new, purple whistle. Mr. C whispered in my ear so that Diesel 10 wouldn't hear, "There's just enough gold dust for one teleportation," I smiled at the conductor sincerely, happy that we had a little bit of magic on our side. But even if we could get out of this diesel circle, Diesel would still be after me, or he may go after the two main conductors! Somehow I just had to get out of here and lead Diesel 10 away from us. The question was how? Diesel 10 stopped circling us as he gave out another command, "Splodge, let the Twinkle Toes twins, Burnett, and the puffball go," Surprised at his request, the diesel twins allowed the gang to pass. I tried to sneak away with them, but Diesel 10 banged his claw just inches behind me and said, "Not YOU Sparkle Shorts. You're to stay right where you are until I specifically tell ya to move! Got that?!" I didn't nod nor did I reply, I just stood there silently. Diesel 10 smirked widely, knowing that I wasn't going anywhere. He turned his attention to Burnett and Mr. Conductor. I looked behind me, Thomas was standing on the sidelines, watching me worriedly. It was then that I came up with a plan of my own. I hand signaled for Thomas to drive around Splatter and Dodge. A confused Thomas, no knowing what else to do, chuffed very slowly around Splatter and Dodge. The grown ups didn't know what to do. I overheard Diesel 10 say that if they ever wanna see me again, they needed to trade me for the lost engine: Lady. They didn't say yes, nor did they say no. They couldn't let Diesel 10 have Lady in his clutches, but now I was in his clutches; and I did not like it. Meanwhile, a determined Thomas followed my hand signals. Splatter and Dodge noticed me trying to escape, but feeling like they should help, they said nothing. While Diesel 10 wasn't looking, Splatter moved just enough for me to pass through. I looked at Splatter and Dodge and smiled. They weren't completely bad, they were just afraid of what Diesel 10 would do to them. I sneaked my way over to Thomas and whispered for him to race away quickly. "What about the others?" Thomas whispered, "Don't worry," I said, "I've got a plan!" Thomas's wheels spun as he drove away quickly. Diesel 10 looked up and saw Thomas puffing away and said, "Get back here, puffball! I'm not done with you yet!" Then I mischievously poked my head out of Thomas's cab and yelled, "But I am!" I hid back in the cab as I heard Diesel 10 growl but he soon smiled. He cackled loudly, his echoed laugh spreading across the sheds' field, from top to bottom.  He sped off to catch Thomas and me. Apparently running from Diesel 10 only made him more eager to chase on. 

I stood up front on Thomas's cab, watching the scenery go by. But all too soon we began to twist and turn down the tracks, trying to outrun Diesel 10. "You can't keep running all day, puffball!" Diesel 10 yelled behind us. "Its only a matter of time before your coal runs dry!" I ran back to Thomas's coal tender and indeed Thomas was very low on Sodor coal! "He's right!" I called to Thomas, "You're almost out of coal!" Thomas explained to me that he must have used most of it up while searching for the new conductor, (me), rescuing me from Diesel 10 on the bridge, and now the chase was taking the last bit of coal that he had. Thomas wasn't gonna last long, and Diesel 10 was gonna keep chasing us until we had no more energy left to run! "We have to loose him!" I called, "Great!" Thomas called back, "Any ideas how?" Diesel 10 was starting to catch up! Pinchy was leaning towards Thomas's tender. Pinchy snatched the air, mere inches from Thomas. Just then, Diesel 10 mustered up all the speed he had. He was getting closer and closer until Pinchy lunged at me! I managed to duck out of the way when I heard a loud, "Crash!" Suddenly, we were coming to some switches. I quickly waved  to the signal master just a quarter mile from us. I was signaling for him to switch the tracks. As soon as Thomas and I passed, the signal master switched the tracks on Diesel 10; sending him down hill on a completely different track. Pinchy munched on the air trying to grab a hold of Thomas as he passed, but barely missed. Diesel 10 tried to apply his brakes, but he wouldn't be able to stop till he got to the bottom of the hill. I sighed in relief, but then there was trouble. I finally stood up and noticed that Thomas was slowing to a stop. "Thomas, what are you doing? We have to keep going!" I said. Thomas grunted and said, "I can't, my wheels wont turn! I can't move at all! Check my cab controls; there must be something wrong with them!" I turned around and gasped. Diesel 10's claw had knocked itself into Thomas's cab controls. "Oh great! There's a big ol' dent in your cab controls! Diesel 10's claw must have knocked into your cab when he tried to grab me!" Thomas thought for a moment then replied, "Lily! You have to drive me!" "What?" I said, "I may have lost control over my movement, but if the control panel isn't too damaged, I can be driven manually!" "I-I don't know, Thomas. I know how to drive, just not how to drive away from an evil DIESEL!" Just then I heard Diesel 10's cackle coming from the other tracks. "Lily!" Thomas said regaining my attention, "Little engines can do big things! But best friends together can do anything!" Diesel 10 obviously hearing our conversation said, "Oh how cute, its all up to Sparkle Shorts to save the day!" Said Diesel 10 in a very annoying tone. My head was brimming with doubt, "what if we couldn't outrun Diesel 10 in time? What if he catches up to us before we even start? Or worse: what if I crash Thomas?!" I didn't realize that I said it all out loud. "Don't worry about all of that Lily! I know you can do it! You helped me and Junior find Mr. Conductor! You solved the mystery behind the lost engine! You helped to bring Lady back to the Magic Railroad! You've hiked the island, all by yourself with Diesel 10 almost always on your tail! You know what all of those situations have in common?" Not wanting to interrupt Thomas's speech, I didn't answer. Thomas smiled and continued, "Now matter how hard things got, you never gave up! Come on! We've dealt with Diesel 10 before, we can do it again!" Filled with a new boost of confidence, I nodded and said, "Alright then!" Looking down at the control panel, I pulled back a switch and pulled another one forward. Thomas's wheels began to turn, faster and faster they went. Just as I saw Diesel 10 slowly chuffing backwards up the mountain! I pulled the second switch further which in turn sped Thomas up. "We've got this show back on the rails!" I yelled. "So!" Diesel 10 yelled as he finally pulled onto our track. "Sparkle Shorts is at the wheel now! I can't wait to see how this turns out!" Diesel 10 chuckles and chases us down the track. "You're doing great Lily! Now we just gotta loose Diesel 10!" Diesel 10 chuckled and started gaining on us! I looked around, I had to think of something and quick! Just then, I noticed a large pile of dirt just beyond some broken buffers. That gave me an idea! I began to drive Thomas towards the pile of dirt. Thomas looked at me, very confused, "Uh, Lily, I don't mean to sound distrustful, but you're about to drive us into a dead end!" Thomas yelled. I leaned in and whispered, "That's what I want Diesel 10 to think!" Thomas began to piece it together till it finally clicked. He smirked at me when he realized what I was doing. I drove us as quickly as we could go, with Diesel 10 close behind. Diesel 10 smirked when he saw the broken buffers on the tracks ahead. "Looks like its the end of the rails for you puffball!" That's when I took out my whistle. Leaning it close to my lips, ready to blow. Just as we were mere seconds away from the pile, Thomas shuts his eyes. I concentrated hard on Tidmouth Sheds and everyone there. I took a deep breath and blew into my whistle! "PEEEEEP!" Gold dust came flying out of the whistle, twirling around Thomas and me. The gold dust covered my vision in a golden mist as we disappeared from the tracks. Diesel 10 however wasn't so lucky. He tried to apply his brakes, but it was too late. He bashed through the buffers and plopped into the dirt. Diesel 10 growled angrily, he officially had a new enemy. It took almost an hour, but thanks to his claw, he managed to pull himself out of the dirt and back onto the tracks. Then he quickly chuffed away before he could be spotted by anyone else.

When the gold dust finally cleared, Thomas and I were back at Tidmouth. Without Diesel 10 to boss them around, Splatter and Dodge let the adults go and drove away. Lady was hiding in the sheds at the time Diesel came in. I pulled Thomas over and leaped out of the cab and yelled, "Grandpa!" I ran over to him and hugged him tight. He smiled and hugged back as he whispered, "Thank goodness you're safe!" We pulled away as I said, "grandpa, Thomas needs his control panel fixed ASAP. Diesel 10's claw hit it kinda hard," Grandpa went over to Thomas and looked in his cab shaking his head. "Alright, I'll go find someone to fix him," Grandpa said as he ran towards the workers' shed to get some help. Mr. C came up to me and said, "Glad to see that you're alright, Lily. How'd you escape Diesel 10?" I smirked and said, "Lets just say we left him in the dirt!" Thomas burst out in a fit of laughter, and so did I. Soon, the three adults were laughing themselves silly. After the laughter died down, Mr. C. knelt down and said to me, "Lily, now that Diesel 10 is gone for now, there is something that we need to discuss." Mr. C pointed at my whistle, and I instantly knew what he meant. "Lily, should you choose to be a conductor, then it would be your responsibility to help take care of all the Sodor engines as well as all of the tourists that come here. You would likely have to keep an eye out for Diesel 10 too; now that he knows you are a conductor, you will be in as much danger as me and Junior are. And with Diesel 10 being back to his old ways again, it'll only make protecting Sodor more difficult. Now, if you don't want to be a conductor, then we won't force this on you. We'll find someon-" But I stopped him right there with my reply. "YES!" Mr. C was silent for a moment then continued, "Now Lily, it-" "I know its alot of responsibility." I said, "And I know how dangerous Diesel 10 can be; I've seen him in action. But I love the island of Sodor and it's engines. And I'm ready to step up and help take care of Sodor. I know I can do it Mr. C!" I turned towards Thomas and said, "A good friend once told me that little engines can do big things, but best friends together can do anything!" Mr. Conductor looked at me and smiled. He nodded and held out his hand for my whistle. That's when Lady puffed out of the sheds and puffed over to Mr. C. "Lady, if you would help please," Mr. C said holding up my whistle. Both of the Conductors had their whistles back, and now it was time to fill mine. Junior climbed into Lady's cab and took out some well water that he brought up earlier. Lady spun her wheels in place, creating glimmering, swirling shavings. Junior put the shavings into the water and gave the bowl to me. "I believe you should do the honors," Junior said as I took the bowl. I closed my eyes and flung the shimmering water into the air. The water and shavings mixed as they rose higher and higher until they finally burst in a cloud of golden glitter: gold dust. I smiled as the gold dust floated down into my new whistle. Once filled to the brim with gold dust, Mr. Conductor gave the whistle back to me. "She's all yours then Lily," I took the whistle in my hands. I smiled and placed the whistle around my neck. "Well congrats, Lily!" Junior said as he leaped in front of me. "You are now officially a junior conductor!" I was puzzled, "Junior conductor?" I said, Mr. C replied, "Lily, you did an amazing job thwarting Diesel 10 on your first engine recue mission. But you're gonna need a little training and whistle practice before you can become an official conductor." I nodded, I understood perfectly. "And your first day of training begins after school tomorrow! You will be training with us for one hour each day except Sunday, starting tomorrow." I smiled and said, "Thanks Mr. C! I can't wait to get started. Then Mr. Conductor turned to Thomas, "Thomas, after you get fixed, while Lily is in Conductor training, she's gonna need an engine to help her get around. And seeing how well the two of you work together, I need to ask you a big favor." "of course, sir, anything!" Thomas beamed. "I need you to be Lily's engine, drive around with her and make sure that she knows this island top to bottom. And on top of that, she'll have someone to be there for her when she's in trouble cause of Diesel 10, or when she needs company. Do you think you're up for it?" My eyes widened a bit, Thomas was going to be my engine while I was training? That would mean I'd get to see him almost everyday! I was hyped. Thomas beamed and said, "Of course! We'll be railway partners! And don't worry, sir, I won't let Diesel lay a claw on Lily!" I stepped in and said, "And I won't let him lay a claw on Thomas or any other engine either!" Mr. Conductor smiled and said, "Its settled then." Mr. C smiled and strode up to my Grandpa, who just returned with some repair workers for Thomas. Mr. Conductor turned to us and said, "I gotta go fill Sir. Topham Hatt on what's going on. He'll want to know about Diesel 10. But I'm sure that he'll be pleased to know that he'll have a new someone to help protect his railway. See ya soon!" We waved to Mr. Conductor as he blew into his whistle and in a glimmering shimmering flash of gold Mr. Conductor disappeared. Then it was Junior's turn to leave. "Me and my cousin had all of the other engines searching for ya Lily, so I gotta go tell the other engines the good news. They'll want to know that the new conductor is safe. And I'm sure they'll be happy to know that it's someone they already know. I just know you'll be a great official conductor one day!" Junior winked at me and blew into his whistle. He spun around and disappeared in a golden mist; leaving just me, Grandpa, Thomas, and Lady. The sun was setting now, streaks of pink and orange shades filled the sky. Grandpa placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "Come on, lets go home."

Thomas led Lady, me, and Grandpa back to the magic buffers; where my first big Sodor adventure ended. But that was the beauty of it, one adventure was about to end, and another one would begin tomorrow! I was so excited about my conductor training that I didn't know how I was gonna fall asleep tonight! Finally we came up just a couple feet from the buffers. I clambered off of Thomas and said, "Its been a ride today, buddy!" "And we'll have many more to come!" Thomas said, "See you tomorrow, Lily!" "Till then, Thomas!" I waved as I clambered into Lady's cab. I was riding back home with Grandpa and Lady; Grandpa didn't want me to risk using my whistle to travel home. He said that using the gold dust to travel on the railroad was going to take training. I was a bit sad to leave Thomas so soon, but I was happy to be going home after such a long day. I waved good night to my favorite number #1 engine as I heard clattering wind chimes and train whistles.  Thomas  peeped at me, "PEEP! PEEP!" I pulled Lady's whistle and peeped back, "WHOO! WHOO!" At last, I, Grandpa and Lady disappeared through the buffers once more. As we drove down the railroad I asked my Grandpa, "Are we gonna have to tell my parents about this?" Grandpa laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Yes, yes we will. They need to know where you'll be after your home-schooling is done for the day." I yawned a bit, Grandpa smiled at me and pulled me in for another hug. "But considering the crazy adventure you had today. I think it can wait till tomorrow," Grandpa winked at me and I smiled. It was Lady's turn to speak, "Welcome to the Sodor Conductor Gang, Lily," Lady said softly. "thanks Lady," I said as I gently patted her side. Tonight, I would rest, but tomorrow it would just be another day, back with my friends on the Island of Sodor. And with that, I let my eyes shut as I fell fast asleep in Lady's cab.

The End

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