The Street (English) - Bradle...

By claireverms

27.6K 440 521

A simple girl who will see her life take a big turn following a family drama. She will meet the right people... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (last one)
New FanFic

Chapter 18

566 9 9
By claireverms

POV Brad:

I clicked on this article to read the content "Big surprise today, the handsome boy from the English band violent with his girlfriend?" Indeed, the young couple had been living an idyll for 2 months, they were making public appearances and looked happier than ever. But was it a facade? Late afternoon yesterday Mia Davis was spotted with a black eye and other facial wounds. She was transferred to the hospital but it didn't stop there. A few minutes later, it was none other than Bradley Simpson who was seen being questioned by the police, but a small detail caught our attention. His fist was swollen and his knuckles were damaged, a sign that he had hit someone. We cannot believe in a coincidence. Is it the end of the famous singer's career? We will give you new information as soon as we have it! "

Hate messages arrived in abundance in my notifications. I had already received some bad comments but not as much. There was not a single positive comment and I had lost at least 500,000 followers. I swung my phone and it smashed against the floor. How could they believe I could do such a thing? I was at a loss, it was the end of my career.

The sound of my phone woke Mia

"Brad? Are you okay ?

- No. I said blankly.

- Why ? She asked me calmly

- Go on twitter. She did so and when I saw the eyes she made, I knew she had found the article.

- But is that a joke? How can they be so stupid ?! She got angry

- Mia I'm going to lose my job ... And therefore the guys too ... I ... The words didn't come. I was panicking

- Hey it's going to be fine. Joe will find a solution. She told me

- Even if it is proven to be false, people will still think otherwise. They just dirty my image Mia ... I said realizing the consequences of this article.

- James is calling me. She said looking at her phone "

She answered and he told her they were all going to come with Joe in 10 minutes. I bit my nails as Mia opened her arms for me to hug her. That's when we knocked on the door. Mia told them to come in and my best friends came to hug me to comfort me.

"- I'm sorry guys ... I hope it won't affect your career ... I said

- Brad. We have several solutions, but that will not make us forget all this Drama ... Joe announced me

- Say it anyway

- We're already going to file a complaint and do an interview to explain the truth. But fans will not forget and some will not believe it. I don't think we should cancel the end of the tour, on the contrary. But according to the doctors, Mia will not be able to come and people will directly think that you have separated because of your so-called violent acts. The worst end would be that your reputation is too bad and you have to leave the band...

- But we won't continue The Vamps without Brad. Replied the guys

- Of course yes ! There are plenty of great singers on earth who can replace me. You are not going to stop your career because I am not anymore in the band. Look, One Direction, they didn't stop when Zayn left

- This is out of the question B. You are not just a member of the band, you are our brother and we will not continue this without you. Said James

- Anyway, don't think about the worst. We will try to fix all of this without problems. Brad, you have an interview to the BBC later today. Journalists may be tough so get ready. I leave you. Good recovery Mia. He smiled at her and left the room

- We'll be there for you. Told me Con

- Thank you ... I said

- Mia we let you rest. Said Tris as we all headed for the exit

- Brad can you stay for 5 minutes? We need to talk. Asked me Mia

- Um yes.

- We're waiting for you at the door. James told me and they left the room.

- Where are we both? She asked directly

- It depends on you ... I mean, I still love you as much

- Did you cheat on me?

- No. I can swear to you. But I lied to you on one point ... I said

- Tell me...

- The girl I danced with at James's party wasn't an ordinary girl, it was Lauren

- Why didn't you tell me directly?

- I was going to tell you ... But when I saw your reaction after learning that I had danced with a girl, I didn't want to get you angry anymore ...

- How do you want me to trust you when you lied openly? She just said

- I don't know ... But I love you Mia and deep inside you know it. Now it's up to you to decide if you want to continue together or separately. Just don't forget that I love you from the bottom of my heart

- I ... I love you too but ...

- But ? I said stressed

- You will be going on tour in a few days and I can't come

- But we can call each other every day and-

- I think we should take a break, let your month, go on tour and see where we are when you come back ...

- We will always be at the same point if we ignore each other for 1 month. I had to calm down. And you plan to live in the apartment? We will help you pay the rent anyway

- Actually ... I already discussed this with Niall and he agrees to host me. I don't want to live alone after what happened to me ...

- Are you kidding me? I understand that you don't want to be alone but at Niall's? You know how jealous I am ... Your brother can't come?

- My brother didn't even deign to warn me that my father was a crook so no thanks. And you know I have no one in London

- In this case you can live with my parents! You will be pampered there.

- Brad stop. I'm not going to disturb your parents, my decision is made, I would go to Niall's house whether you like it or not. She said dryly

- You're selfish! You know how much it will make me suffer to know you with him!

- Selfish? You triggered everything that happens to you! If you had not lied I would still trust you, I would not have been kidnapped by my psychopath ex and you would not have been accused of violence. Everything is your fault !

- Mia ... don't tell me that please

- You're right Bradley. In a month nothing will change, so we stop immediately. Now get out please. She said to me without looking at me "

I left the room and crossed the hall without looking at the guy. I just wanted to take refuge in the car. She had just destroyed me, her words had destroyed me. She knew I was mad at me for her kidnapping and she had just twist the knife. I could only take it out on myself, I shouldn't have lied to her. But I had to raise my head, I had to give an interview in an hour and in a few days, the tour would resume.

Mia POV:

No sooner had Brad come out of my room than James entered. His eyes were dark and he had slammed the door.

"- How could you do that Mia?

- I...

- No, now you're going to let me speak. I know very well that nobody can understand what you experienced in this last days but the only responsible people are your father and your ex and deep inside you know it. Brad has faults, he was wrong to lie to you, but don't forget how much he brought you happiness. Don't you think he's already suffering enough? But damn put yourself in his place! He is accused of violence, he risks losing his job, it is his passion, which makes him happy! And you on top of that you add the weight of your kidnapping on his shoulders? He didn't sleep for 3 days because he was looking for clues to find you! I do not recognize you, you are selfish. But in the end it is better that you are separated because if you really liked him you would have thought about the consequence of your words before they crossed your mouth. You disappoint me so much ... Take advantage of this month to reflect and I hope that you will become again the Mia who was my best friend, because the person I have in front of me I don't know her and I don't want to be friends with. Good recovery. He finished his monologue and went out »

I screwed up. And for once I couldn't blame Brad. I got into shit all by myself. What did I do ...

POV Brad

We were on our way to the BBC. I had obviously not recovered from my separation with Mia. We may have been a couple for 2 short months but I was so attached to her that I feel like I have shared her life for years.

The boys tried to talk to me but I only listened to them with one ear.

We arrived in front of the big building, a ball of stress formed in my throat when I saw the world waiting in front. Seeing that I was panicking, Connor gave me a reassuring look and they all got out of the van before me. I took a deep breath and set foot on the ground. I stuck a smile on my face and took a few steps. Unfortunately, this is where my nightmare started, insults towards me were coming from all sides, I was violently pushed in all directions which forced the bodyguards to focus on me. But that didn't stop people, they threw everything they had on hand at me. I felt myself go, my body was shaking and the only thing that made me stand was the vision of the boys who were already inside. I only had a few meters left before going out of my ordeal, I had never experienced such a large crowd movement.

James held out his hand and I grabbed it to finally put my feet in the hall and get out of this world.

"Are you ok Brad? They asked me worried

- I ... No. I said with a trembling voice "

I had just had the worst experience of my life, how can people be so mean? They don't even know me. A man came to tell us to hurry up to go to the radio studio without even worrying about my condition. So we took the elevator while I was still trying to calm myself.

The interviewer shook our hands and told me to sit in front of him

"- For the interview, the guys will be next to you but it will be mainly to you that I will ask the questions Brad. He told me. I looked down at my still trembling hands

- O ... Ok. I said, my voice still trembling

- We can start ? I was watching the guys who gave me a thumbs up

- Yes. I answered

- Well, Brad the press published an article saying that you were hitting your girlfriend, an article to which your manager immediately denied the facts. Can you tell us your side of the story?

- I am here for this. I said, laughing nervously. Okay so my girlfriend, Mia was kidnapped at James' wedding. After a few days of research, we discovered where she was. So we went to free her and I had to hit one of those who had kidnapped her.

- Oh I didn't expect that. Do you realize that this story is quite strange?

- If we had wanted to invent a story we would have found something more credible. I answered harshly

- Anyway, that would explain why she had bruises and why you had a swollen fist

- I think the press always finds dramas to get people talking. I love Mia and I would never hit her

- So could you explain that to us? He pulled out a phone and handed it to me. I saw Mia's face appear. I started the video and listened. It was a video she had posted on Twitter a few minutes earlier where she explained that we had separated but that I had always been adorable with her. So you're no longer together. Told me the interviewer

- No, we were just not in agreement on certain points and our paths separated

- It's a funny coincidence that you separate when we discover her bruises and you are accused of violence

- We separated on the evening of the wedding. She was kidnapped afterwards. I started to bubble

- Oh or maybe she wanted to leave you but you didn't like it so you kidnapped her and hit her. I am in a nightmare?

- But then I would have been arrested when the police found her. I said firmly

- Why are you getting angry? I just try to understand. Oh, so he was trying to provoke me to prove to everyone that I was aggressive. I will not give him this pleasure

- I just find your assumptions a little inappropriate. I replied with a hypocritical smile

- You explained your version to us, so I think we can stop there. He said goodbye to the listeners and closed the interview "

I was clearly in shit, the interviewer had trapped me with his asshole assumptions and my separation with Mia did not help. I could present as many witnesses as I want, no one will believe me.

We came back to the apartment in London, the guys were very present for me but that did not change my current morale. I opened the doors of the apartment and went to take refuge in my room which I locked twice.

This day was definitely the worst of my existence, I am accused of violence, I was dumped, my ex thinks that I am responsible for her kidnapping, I was almost attacked by a crowd of fans and an interviewer has dragged me down instead of helping me to be innocent. I had too much weight on my shoulders, I'm only 24 years old, I shouldn't have to bear everything. For the first time in my life, I was thinking of stopping my career. Either way it would take a miracle for people to understand that I am innocent.

I called my parents for some comfort. They were very present but I needed them here in London, I needed someone. Taken in a burst of anger I hit the wall violently before collapsing in tears against the wall, I had restrained myself too much all day and I had to evacuate. Someone tried to enter but the door was locked, yet he persevered and managed to enter: James.

He came directly to take me in his arms without saying anything, this is what I needed, the support of a friend, I had to stop thinking about what I lost to focus on all that I have left . James came to bandage my painful wrist from the hit on the wall. I went back to my bed and exhausted by this day I fell asleep very quickly.

I opened my eyes but closed them quickly because of the daylight, I took my phone and looked at the time: 1:00 p.m. Had I slept that long? I didn't have time to think about it because there was a knock on my door

"- Brad! Open up! Yelled Tris

- Yeah yeah two seconds. I said while I get up to open

- We have good news! Added Con upon entering

- Is there still good news?

- Mia just saved your career! Well, not directly

- What do you mean ?

- She asked the police to come and prove your innocence. A police officer therefore came to the radio to be interviewed and explained all the facts. Everyone believes you! Said James, enthusiastic

- Are you kidding me? I said and Tris pulled out his phone to show me the interview. I can not believe it. I said passing my hands through my hair. "

This story was back to normal, I felt light and god I had to thank Mia. I took my phone and sent her a simple "Thank you. ". She replied a few seconds later "See you in a month Brad".

Now I was going to think of myself. Tomorrow we leave to end the tour. So it's decided, I will raise my head, enjoy the tour, give the best of myself, and in 1 month when I return, I will win back the woman of my life.

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