Why Don't You Want to Get Mur...

By tuniebear

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"What the hell is chasing us?!" I screamed at Marcus as we're running for our lives. "Oh, you know," he turns... More

Chapter 2: Facing Him and Meeting HIM
Chapter 3: A Startling Revelation
Chapter 4: What Just Happened?!
Chapter 5: Three Fortellings of Tied
Chapter 6: I Didn't See That Coming
Chapter 7: Something Fishy
Chapter 8: It Wasn't My Fault

Chapter 1: Back to School

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By tuniebear

The Present

Marcus' POV

" Why did I let you guys convince me to do this?" I asked my brother Camden and my cousin Zoey. This would be my first time going back to school since the accident.

You see, I was cursed with premature blindness by The Dark Witch at the age of ten. Since then, my mom's been home schooling me and teaching me braille while she ran the coven. Tomorrow though, I would be going back to school.

My mom talked to the high school my brother and cousin attended before the end of last school year to see if they could prepare the lesson plans in braille. I'm now wishing I hadn't agreed to this.

I was absolutely dreading tomorrow. The whispering didn't bother me anymore and neither did the teasing. It was the pity in their voices. I was sick of it. I get it. I'm blind, no need to remind me. It was times like tomorrow that really got me. That my depression was at it's peak.

Whenever I went somewhere new, that's all anyone ever saw. The poor blind teenager. I was so much more than that. Although, no one except for my family and my coven ever saw that. But I tried to be kind to those around me even if I felt like they didn't deserve it. That was what's right to do, and you never knew what someone else was going through.

" It's not going to be that bad," I heard Camden say.

" That's what you said the last time and then what happened?! You and Zoey set that guys' house on fire!" I yelled frustratingly.

" Its not my fault! That guy called you a freak!" my cousin, Zoey, huffed in frustration.

"So that gives you the right to set his house on fire?!" I argue back.

" Yes!" Zoey and Camden yell in unison. As we all continue to argue, I feel a strong presence walk into the room. Suddenly, I feel my lips seal shut, enabling me to talk.

" Now. Are you all going to talk like civilized witches? Or do you want me to keep your mouths sealed until dinner?" my mother said sternly.

We nodded our head in understanding, and then our mouths could move again.

" Good. Now honey, I know you're worried about tomorrow, but everything will be fine. I already told the principal to keep an eye on your brother and your cousin. They won't do anything stupid. As for everything else, you can't hide forever. You have to rejoin society one day so it might as well be tomorrow. Plus, you might meet your Ali Media. You turn eighteen in less than seven months, that's not much time to meet the woman you want to be with," my mother said with a heavy heart.

" Thanks mom, but I'm starting to lose hope. What if I never find her?" I muttered sadly.

" Marcus Joseph Trent! Don't you dare say such a thing!" she cried out, breaking down.

" I'm sorry mom. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just as scared as you are," I conceded, rushing to comfort her the best I could. She's honestly taken me being cursed the worst out of all of us. I understand why she would. Her oldest son may be dead in less than seven months. Any mother would be this hysteric so close to their child's possible death. On the inside, I was crying too.

* * * * *

"Tik tok. Tik tok. Time's running out Marcus. You better find her soon, or come March, I'll have your head."

I awoke from my sleep with a start. " It's ok Marcus. It was just a bad dream," I tried reassuring myself. In my heart, I knew it wasn't a bad dream. Every week since the accident, The Dark Witch has been dream casting into my mind. Dream casting is the act of invading someone else's dreams to instill fear upon them or get a serious point across. The Dark Witch had done both on a weekly basis for the past seven and a half years. Every time she did, I grew more and more terrified of her, but I think that's what she wanted.

I felt my nightstand for my clock. My mom had created a magical braille clock that changed numbers like any normal clock would. 5:50 a.m. I might as well get ready. I dashed out of bed and quickly got ready for school. Every witch has their own special set of three skills besides casting spells. I can move objects, move faster than lightning, and I know exactly where everything is in my path, which works in my favor considering I'm blind.

I traveled quickly down the stairs after grabbing my bag, almost running straight into my father.

"Woah. Where's the fire?" my father questioned, humor lacing his voice.

" Sorry. I just wanted to make sure I had time to eat before Zoey, Camden, and I left," I stated.

" Well it looks like your in luck. Your mother just got finished cooking," he commented.

" Great. Thanks," I beamed at him, placing my hand on his shoulder in appreciation before rushing into the kitchen for breakfast.

* * * * *

The ride to school was pure chaos. Zoey and Camden wouldn't stop bickering about what station to listen to until all of a sudden the station changed to something neither of them wanted to listen to. I smirked to myself knowing that that would shut them up. My happiness was short lived when instead of bickering with each other, my family started yelling at me to change the station back. When I wouldn't budge, I felt a tug at the back of my mind. The channel changed, and I frowned.

"Zoey," I sighed, " What did I tell you about reading my mind?"

"That I could only do it when it was absolutely necessary. This was a necessity," she easily replied. Before I could argue with her, I felt the car come to a stop and heard the engine turn off. The car doors opened, and my cousin and brother got out. I stayed glued to my seat, paralyzed with the fear of what was to come once I opened my door. I heard the door next to me open and felt a body slide into the other seat. We sat in silence before they spoke up.

" I promise it's going to be ok," Camden reassured, " I won't let anything bad happen today."

" I'm grateful for the reassurance," I thanked, " But when did you become the older brother? Last I checked, you were two years younger than me."

" Ha ha ha. Very funny. Now let's get going, we don't want to be late for our first class," my brother said pushing me to exit the vehicle.

Zoey, Camden, and I made it to the steps of the school, opening the double doors.

Then started the whispers.

Oh my God is he blind?

Isn't that Marcus Trent from fourth grade? I thought he was never coming back to regular school.

Poor guy. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me.

For me they were easy enough to ignore. But for my family, the distress and anger was rolling off of them in waves.

We made it through the first two classes undisturbed and still sane, but I had a feeling something very eventful was supposed to happen next period.

I sat down at the back of the class with my notes for this lesson already transferred into braille. The lesson was going smoothly until someone came bursting through the door, sounding out of breath.

" I'm sorry Mrs. Stanson. I woke up late, and my parents weren't able to drive me to school," the girl breathed out quickly.

I didn't listen to what was said next. I felt like I couldn't breathe. The air refused to come into my lungs. Standing at the door was the one person who could change my entire life.

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