better : alvaro romero


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3.2K 118 64




𝚓𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷

the sounds of running can be heard throughout the room. camilas laughter filled the air as she shook alvaro awake, groans coming from him.

"wake up!" she shouted, leaving small kisses all over his face. a smile creeped on alvaros face as he opened his eyes to see the one girl he adored leaning over him.

"hi there, happy birthday!" she smiled, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as alvaro stared at her with the widest smile on his face. alvaro grabbed her arms and flipped them so that alvaro was now straddling her waist.

"hi mamas, thank you." he thanked her, his voice raspy since he was just waking up. he started leaving small kisses on her face, just like she did to him. he went to peck her lips but she pushed him.

"morning breath!" she pinched her nose, laughing when alvaro rolled his eyes. "i'm kidding!" she pecked his lips.

the two were staring at each other when they both heard the door swing open, both of them directing their attention towards the six foot boy who stood in the door with a wide smile on his face.

"i'm home!" roshaun shouted, dropping his bags and jumping on the couple who was lying on alvaros bed.

"get off!" alvaro shouted from underneath roshaun. camila managed to climb out from between the two boys and laughed at them while they wrestled.

"happy birthday short ass." roshaun got off of alvaros bed and made his way towards his own bed. alvaro thanked him and patted the area next to him, allowing camila to lie next to him as he wrapped his arms around her.

"this will forever be my favorite thing to do." alvaro hugged her tighter, earning a small giggle from camila.

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

"dude what are we doing.. where are we going?" alvaro asked camila, his arms stretched out in front of him. camila had alvaro blindfolded and was currently walking him into her house.

alvaro took a step and as he lifted his foot, he tripped over the step in front of him. camila laughed and her cheeks began to turn pink out of embarrassment. "i forgot there was a step there, sorry." camila was way too excited to be guiding alvaro into her house, but she wanted to be the one to do it.

as they entered the house, whispering and hushing can be heard.

"camila, what the hell is going on?" he asked her.

"take it off." she instructed him. he lifted the blindfold and his eyes widened as a wide smile spread across his face.

"surprise!" the group of people shouted. alvaros cheeks turned a light shade of pink. to the left of the room he spotted his family, in the middle he spotted his friends, and towards the right he spotted a bit of camilas immediate family that he's grown bonds with.

"happy birthday!" he heard coming from numerous people as he walked to his parents, hugging them.

"it was all camilas doing." his mom told him, alvaro turned to camila and hugged her tightly.

"you're the best." he whispered, kissing her cheek as her parents approached him.

"ay mijo! you're getting so old." camilas mother grabbed his face and kissed his cheeks. camila laughed and placed a hand on her hip, watching hers and alvaros parents talk.

both of their parents became quite the set of best friends. they would often go out to dinner and take little vacations together. camila has also grown super close to alvaros mom, just like alvaro has grown super close to her dad.

"happy birthday baby." alvaro heard, turning to see the tall italian-mexican boy standing in front of him. mattia pulled him into a hug and the two boys embraced each others presence.

"thank you baby." alvaro laughed.

"you did great." mattia hugged camila.

camila and mattia made up exactly one month after her and alvaro did. camila expressed her hurt and anger towards mattia, but as soon as she let it all out she was okay. mattia did end up apologizing for not telling camila and helping alvaro keep his secret. he also apologized for giving breanna her number. both camila and mattia missed each other dearly.

the next in line to tell alvaro happy birthday was alejandro. alejandro and camila made up as soon as alejandro learned of camila and alvaro being on speaking terms again.

"happy birthday ugly ass." kairi pushed alejandro out the way. "i missed you so much!"

alvaro opened his arms, waiting for kairi to hug him, but kairi hugged camila instead, causing the group of friends to laugh.

"i'm going to act like you didn't do that." alvaro held his hand over his heart. kairi and camila are now good friends. aside from their many differences, camila enjoyed having kairi in her life. the first time they became friends, they weren't the best of friends, but now they were almost inseparable every time they would see each other.

"happy birthday awvro!" the little voice can be heard, causing the attention of alvaro and camila to be directed behind them. isabel ran and hugged alvaros legs, alvaro picked her up and held her in his arms.

"you are getting too big for awvro to be picking you up." he told her, playfully kissing her cheek and setting her back down. she grabbed his hand and followed him as he went through the house and greeted more people.

the door to the house swung open, and there stood a wide smiling elias. he was still dressed in his uniform. behind him stood thalia with their new born baby boy.

"did i make it?! is he here yet?! o.. oh he's.. he's here! happy birthday brother-in-law!" elias held his arms open and alvaro excitedly jumped in them. elias picked alvaro up and spun him around, causing camila to rest her head in her hands.

thalia announced she was pregnant three months after elias was deployed. when he learned of her pregnancy, he was scared and didn't know what to expect. he was afraid of his parents reactions, but they were surprisingly supportive and provided whatever they could while elias was gone. the last time he was deployed was his last time. his four years of service were up, and now he was home forever to focus on his son and wife.

elias ended up marrying thalia, so he could live his life the 'right way,' according to their parents. he didn't mind marrying her though, he is in love with her and he could see himself spending the rest of his life with her since the very first day he met her.

alvaro and elias were interrupted by camilas bestest friend in the entire world, campo.

"sorry to interrupt, but alvaro. we need to talk." campo said, his jaw was clenched and his shoulders his posture was straight. alvaro focused on campos body language and assumed whatever campo had to tell him wasn't good.

"okay." alvaro simply said, dismissing himself from the conversation. camila was now holding her nephew and talking to thalia.

"aight, bro." campo started, "happy birthday bitch! i got four tickets to papas and beer for spring break, wanted to ask if you and camila wanted to join me and the homie."

alvaro let out a sigh of relief, punching campo in his arm.

"bro i thought you were gonna fucken tell me something bad!" alvaro shouted at him, causing campo to laugh.

campo and alvaro became friends again about a month after alvaro and camila started speaking again. campo had to lay down rules to alvaro about the care of his best friend, and he had to let it be known that if alvaro were to hurt camila again, it wouldn't be good for him. alvaro respected that, and things between the two got mended.

alvaro checked his phone to see a text from his new friend, julian. julian wished him a happy birthday and apologized for not being able to make it to the party.

julian and camila are super close, and alvaro has also grown a friendship with him as well. alvaro was able to get over his jealousy, and the two boys learned that they were actually a good set of friends.

camila watched her boyfriend talk to his family and friends, watching the smile she loved so much appear on his face.

"you did a good job.. planning this, you know?" camila turned around to see her dad. camila smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"i feel like it could have been better." she admitted. her dad shook his head.

"better?" he scoffed. "do you see the smile that boy has on his face? nothing can get better than that.. genuine happiness, princess." her father kissed her forehead before walking away.

camila did everything by herself. she managed to pay for all the boys plane tickets, getting all three of them round-trip tickets. she had the idea of the surprise party for about five months now, and she's happy with the way it turned out. she decorated the night before and sent invitations out two months before. she wanted to give people time to prepare, especially the out-of-state friends.

camila was shaken out of her thoughts when she felt arms sneak around her waist. the couple watched their friends and families talk amongst one another, smiling at the sight in front of them.

"thank you for giving me another chance at being your friend ten months ago, thank you for taking me back as your boyfriend six months ago, and thank you for being the best girlfriend in the entire world. i don't deserve you, but i'm happy i have you. i love you for life." alvaro kissed her cheek, resting his chin on her head.

"i love you for life." she wrapped her arms around herself and intertwined her fingers with his.

╔═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╗
╚═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╝

and that is officially a wrap! okay, i suck at writing epilogues but i tried to touch everyones relationship
with one another. i didn't want to leave anyone
hanging on where the characters stood with one
another lol. ANDDD NOOW this should have been
at the beginning of the book, but i was not aware
this is how writers did things in the wattpad
community now lol. so mine is going to be at the end
of the book.


ALVARO ROMERO as himself

MITZY CASTRO as camila ramirez
people asked for her socials so
insta : @mitzycastro_
tiktok : @babyycatzz

COOKIE SANCHEZ as elias ramirez



TATYANA as elleah guzman

JERSEY BOYS as themselves

╔═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╗
╚═══ ≫∘❀♡❀∘≪ ═══╝

i hope you guys enjoyed the epilogue as much as i
did writing it, i hope you guys enjoyed the book
over all. drifting away from the book, i would like
to take the time to wish my 5'4 king a very happy
birthday <3 may all his wishes come true.

thank you guys for everything.

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