Detroit: Reborn (DBH Fanfic)

By Katwrites4friends

366 28 0

(Connor X OC, Completed!) Detroit has just finished it's revolution but a troublesome gang starts rising up a... More

Ch.1-Rebooting Life
Ch.2-Just an Ember
Ch.3-Blue Faith
Ch.4-Red Room
Ch.5-Green Mirror
Ch.6-Raven's Warning
Ch.7-Thirium Puddles
Ch.8-Hunting Ability
Ch.9-Mission Complications
Ch.10-ErROr COdE 4311
Ch.11-Alive but not Living
Ch.12-Alignment System
Ch.13-Knowing My Enemies
Ch.15-Following Shadows
Ch.16-Code Red
Ch.17-Purple Haze
Ch.18-Lavender's Petals
Ch.19-Black Rose
Ch.20-Raspberry Blood
Ch.21-Android's Dreams
Ch.22-Diamond Life

Ch.14-Fire Starter

11 1 0
By Katwrites4friends

"What do you mean?" Connor asked, tilting his head as he watched Katie pick up a small rock and examine it.

"I mean..Connor do you even know what a relationship is about? Sure we've swapped stories, but what do you actually like about me?" Katie asked, dropping the rock and picking up a new one. "I can think of so many things that I love and hate about you, but I worry that you only think you love me because of how similar we are. Rather than liking me for me."

Connor stood there and a form of anxiety began to build as his thirium pump started pumping faster. "If there is something I am doing wrong then please tell me, this is the first time I have ever considered having feelings for someone. I apologize for being naive about it, but I am trying."

Katie sighs and nods. "Ok fair enough, I might be a little harsh about this..Let me explain what I think of you first."

She knelt down a little and flicked the rock to the water, it skipped a couple times before sinking, and she started looking for another one. Connor waited patiently for her, then seeing how she shivered from the cold he slipped off his coat and placed it on her shoulders. Katie froze for a moment but then stood up straight and pulled the coat around herself more. "Thanks..sorry I'm not trying to be quiet I'm just thinking about how to give you an example."

"Rather than trying to pinpoint one thing you like about me, why not tell me all of it?" Connor suggested.

"Connor that would be near to impossible, there's so many things I like about you." Katie said, looking at him.

"Just a few things then? The more examples I have the better I can understand what you are worried about." Connor replied.

Katie took a moment to think before nodding. "Ok..well, I think you're brave although a little reckless, I love that because you put others well being above your own. But at the same time It scares me that you'll be hurt beyond repair..I love how smart you are, whenever I'm so insecure and you pull out one of your wild facts. You listen and understand me, and I love it when you hold me because it makes me feel as if I have someone I can be defenseless to. I think you're the only person who has seen me at my weakest point."

Connor listened, not wanting to interrupt her, but she seemed stuck. Her mouth opening and closing as she tried to speak. "Is that all?"

"Oh god no!" Katie said quickly. "Connor there are so many things that I love about you and hate all at the same time, not a bad hate, just the kind of hate that makes me worried about you. But god no Connor there are so many things I love about you. The dedication to your job, your friendliness, you're beyond handsome."

As she spoke her thirium pump seemed to accelerate to the point her mind was warning her about overheating, making Connor react and cup her face. "Katie, calm down, you will overheat yourself."

"That's it!" Katie exclaimed. "A good sign you like someone is you have no idea what to do! You overheat out of worry or you wonder how they are constantly or what you can do to make things better between each other-"

She clearly wasn't listening so Connor knelt down and scooped up some snow before dropping the snow on her head, which in turn flaked over the jacket. But it was enough to stop her from panicking, instead she looked at him in surprise and was even more surprised when she saw the smile on his face. He said nothing and let the snow melt on her head, which made her hair shimmer and somehow add to her beauty.

"I believe I understand. Love is a state of wanting to care and respect the person you have deep feelings for. Someone that does not think you any less for mistakes, quirks, or secrets. Essentially trusting someone literally with your life, and knowing they will not hurt you." Connor described. "Am I correct?"

Katie stood stunned but nodded, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. "Y-yeah that's exactly it..god you said that so much better than I could have."

"I only summarized what you were feeling." Connor said humbly. "But I believe I get it. Were you worried I would not understand?"

"Yeah..that and-well, I am afraid of getting into a relationship and the guy only seeing me pretty, and not really looking at who I am on the inside." Katie replied as she walked to the fence and leaned on it, looking at the bridge. "I have heard about so many relationships going down the drain because one person just likes the others for their looks or for mind-blowing sex."

"You are afraid I will not like you for more than your looks?" Connor asked, standing beside her. "That would be ridiculous. Is that what happens often with humans?"

"Unfortunately yes, there are three kinds, humans that don't give it their all and fail. Humans that give it their all just to have sex. And humans that give it their all and succeed for a life time or at least for a few years before they throw their hard work out the window. Very rarely do people give it their all and live together forever." Katie explained. "That's why I wanted to take time on this, I don't want us rushing a relationship unless you actually mean it."

"I understand..So now it is my turn to tell you what I like about you correct?" Connor asked with a smile, almost close to a smirk.

"Only if you're serious Connor, plus we made a deal. No deciding until after the 19th." Katie replied.

"Then I will take the time to think about what I like about you." Connor said and carefully moved a hand around her hip, tucking himself next to her as they looked out to the city.

"This place..didn't Hank threaten you here?" Katie asked.

"Yes, but he was testing me. At the time I did not know it, but he wanted to see if I was becoming deviant. He wanted to know if I had a shred of remorse." Connor explained. "Looking back now, I think I experienced fear."

"It wouldn't surprise me, you had a gun to your head." Katie said as she leaned her head on Connor's chest.

"I believe I was more concerned about not being able to complete my mission." Connor said as he leaned and rested his head on Katie's.

"Either way, it's a rather intense memory." Katie pointed out.

"I like this view because it got me curious about Hank, and because I began to doubt my program." Connor said. "I think humans refer this feeling to be sentimental?"

"That sounds about right." Katie smiled. "Thanks for calming me down by the way, I'll admit though I was a bit caught off guard by the snow."

"It was an attempt you cool you off." Connor replied cheekily, resulting in a nudge from Katie.

"Har, har." Katie rolled her eyes and giggled. "Well despite me dreading this evening, this has turned out to be eventful."

"Agreed..Katie, tomorrow would you like to join me on a walk with Sumo?" Connor asked quietly.

"That sounds lovely." Katie smiled, looking up at him. "You just tell me when."

"Alright." Connor said and was about to settle into silence before he commented. "I think I know what you are Katie."

"What do you mean?" Katie asked, raising a brow.

"You called me a lawful good. I looked it up along with the other alignments. I believe you are a Neutral good. Always wanting to help people, never lying, and always looking for the good in people." Connor explained. "I believe that represents you."

"Aww, that's cute. I suppose that fits me." Katie shrugged.

"It fits you more than Lawful evil." Connor smiled and nuzzled her head.

She giggled and the two went into a calm silence as they watched the city lights. Connor moved a hand over hers and gently rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, taking note of how she melted from his touch. In the midst of their silence a ringing came out from Katie's purse and she took it out, gaining a question from Connor. "You still have a phone?"

"Media and work calls." Katie said before answering. "Hello?"

Connor waited patiently, watching Katie's face changed from a subtle smile to a frown. "Damn really? Shit..Tell her that she can take the time off, I'll have to get James in. Alright, night Amy, oh! Amy, remember only human staff for the 19th."

Connor tilted his head as he hung up with a sigh. "What is wrong Katie?"

" of my coworkers, Kale, he has a family emergency that might take a whole week of time. He was one of the guys I was going to have work on the 19th but.." Katie shrugged.

"You're trying to keep humans on staff and androids away, how many employees do you have?" Connor asked.

"Well with the new workers 48 in all. It's not a big deal I have 34 human workers, but I was trying to rule out those that had fighting skills for the 19th. Kale was in martial arts, and without him that just leaves myself, Luke, Henry, Sam, and Sylvia." Katie explained. "Since we're closing the place I figured six workers would be enough, plus I can't make anyone else's work over time."

"But why bring James into this?" Connor questioned. "He may be too frightened to fight."

"I have a plan for my workers. If we're lucky I should be able to get everyone out through the back door while you guys raid the place and the guests are in the party room." Katie shrugged. "The majority of what they know is fist fights or using what's around them."

"That should be alright, Hank and I can take a look to double check on exits." Connor nodded, and as he saw her shiver he moved an arm around her shoulders and started leading her to the car. "Let me take you home."

"Actually Connor, can we visit the pet store? It doesn't close till 9 and I want to see something." Katie said as she walked with him.

Curious and confused, Connor lead her to the car and helped her in as he got himself to the driver's seat. "Why the pet store?"

Katie shrugged and smiled. "I love seeing all the animals, they have a way to sense distress and I like cuddling soft things. Thanks again for the teddy bear, it's been a good cuddly toy for bed."

Connor couldn't help but smile at the thought. "You sleep with stuffed animals?"

"Used to, when I turned 13 I stopped and lately..I've had the urge to cuddle something." Katie giggled. "I'm a cuddler at heart."

"Got it." Connor nodded. "I thought you said you would not be able to take care of a pet?"

"well..Luke convinced me that after we get this gang bullshit over with, and that we get a couple more workers then I would take some more time off. He mentioned that only having one day off each week was not enough and that I needed something at home me relax." Katie explained. "I always said I wanted a bunny so..I'm looking into it."

"Well I think it would be a wonderful idea for you. I find animal's are great companions, but why a rabbit? Do you not like dogs or cats?" Connor smiled.

"Oh no I love all animals, but a rabbit would be nice because they're quiet." Katie replied with a giggle. "And they're just adorable little fluff balls~"

The two continued to talk until they reached the pet store, and Connor has never seen Katie move so fast as she began to look at the different pets. Cooing at the hamsters, whistling to the birds, giggling at the fish. It was interesting for him to watch her excitement, then getting to the cats and dogs she covered her mouth in an attempt to hide the whine of excitement. "They're so adorable~ hello babies!"

"I find it amusing how you act towards them." Connor said as he followed her. "I thought you wanted to look at the rabbits?"

"I do! But there's no harm in looking around at the other animals." Katie smiled and turned to go to the bunny area, cooing softly. "Aww~ hello little floofs~"

It amazed Connor how human she was with an android form, to Katie's term being a "cyborg", she was..perfect to him. He walked over as she asked a person to take one of the black rabbits out and handed it to Katie. She giggled and nuzzled into the soft fur as the rabbit kicked lightly, only making Katie laugh. "Easy baby~"

Just as she spoke, the rabbit relaxed and she went back to hugging it. "You have a way with animals."

"I was always told that, maybe because I'm part android?" Katie shrugged before handing the rabbit back and asking the worker. "Are there any rabbits that are not..going to be around for much longer?"

The man looked at the rabbits before scooping up an albino rabbit and handing it to her. "This rabbit is already 1 year old. Probably in one month we have to euthanize."

Katie nodded and held the rabbit close, and the way she was holding it seemed like a mother with a child. "How much?"

"$30 for this one and giving an estimate on're probably looking minimum of $300." He said.

Katie nodded and said softly. "Can I give you my number? I believe I will adopt this one after this week."

"We can't take a number but we can put you on a reserve for this rabbit." He said and she handed back the rabbit.

"I'll do that. Thank you." Katie smiled.

"Yep, just fill out the small paper on the desk." He said, pointing to the small desk with a few pens and slips of papers.

As Katie filled out her information, Connor tilted his head at the rabbits, he could somewhat understand the affection for something so soft. It is similar to how he loves to pet Sumo when the old dog would sit on the couch with him. Katie soon finished and smiled at Connor, saying softly. "Let's go."

"Of course." Connor replied and took her hand as they walked out of the store.

The ride was in a comfortable silence and by the time they reached her house it was 8:48pm, it looked as it Oliver and James were still awake judging by the lights that were on. Connor parked beside the sidewalk and as he turned off the car he was surprised by a peck on his LED. He looked to Katie and she smiled, before saying. "Thank you Connor, for everything."

"I should be thanking you, you have done tremendous work for the DPD." Connor said. "Soon we will have everything sorted out."

"I hope so." Katie replied before handing him his jacket and exiting the car. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, and sleep well." Connor called out before she closed the door.

He watched her walk to her house, Oliver opening the door for her and letting her in, but she turned around and waved to Connor before entering. It wasn't long after he began driving again, receiving a call on his drive. "Hello?"

"Connor, it's Markus."

"Hello Markus, it is sort of late to be calling me." Connor pointed out.

"I know, but I need you to come to Jericho, one of the deviants were jumped." Markus replied, sounding panicked and worried.

"I am on my way, shall I contact the DPD?"

"No, we are safe now, but I figured it would be best to inform you. It could be connected to the woman with the bomb on her chest a couple days back."

"Alright, I will be there soon." Connor replied before hanging up, his car speeding up a little.

Arriving at the church there were some androids looking around and seeing Connor pull up seemed to make them tense up. As he stepped out from the car after parking it, they looked relieved and hurried Connor inside out of the snow. Inside many candles were lit and a couple androids were rejoicing at the new parts and Connor even saw the ones working for Katie there talking about their jobs. He was sure that they were happy and he was also sure Katie would love to see them smiling, but that would be for another time. Walking to the top of the arch, where some curtains had been placed around with some of the crumbling structure and wires, he saw Markus step out and signaled the other androids to leave them.

"What happened to the android?" Connor asked, seeing the worry in Markus's eyes.

"Shot. They hit straight in the center of his chest, and I believe they were aiming for the thirium pump." Markus explained quietly. "He's an RK200 model.."

Connor processed that before asking. "May I see the android? Is he stable?"

"He is stable, but we've been trying to stop the bleeding." Markus said. "We do have some replacement plates but no one knows how to replace it."

"I will contact Katie's friend, she has helped androids with this kind of thing before." Connor said. "Can they remember anything?"

"I was more concerned about getting them safe. I was walking here with North when a deviant sent an emergency call to me, we ran to the location and found him bleeding on the snow." Markus replied. "Afterwards we picked them up and brought them here."

"Keep his thirium levels up, I will call Katie's friend." Connor said and moved to the side of the room to make the call, after a minute there was an answer.

"Connor? Did you forget something?" Katie asked.

"I wanted to know if I could have Kelly's number. I am at Jericho and there is an injured android."

"Oh my god, here I'll just go get her and meet you there." Katie said in a hurry. "We'll be there asap."

He wasn't sure about this but agreed and then moved back to Markus as he hung up. "Katie and her friend are on their way."

"Katie is truly a saint.." Markus commented. "I have so much to thank her for."

"She enjoys helping people, I think just knowing she has done something is all the thanks she needs." Connor replied before saying. "May I speak to the deviant?"

"Yes, his name is Jaylen." Markus nodded, moving the curtain back a little for Connor.

Connor stepped through and looked to North, who was next to the injured android, a stained blue towel under his back, and the other towel on his chest that was being held down by his hand. Jaylen flinched for a moment before relaxing while North handed him a bag of thirium. Connor observed the RK200 droid, he looked fairly close to Markus, with hazel eyes and his attire a simple long sleeved shirt with jeans. He looked to Jaylen as he asked. "Why were you shot?"

"i..I do not know.." He said quietly, shaking his head. "I was walking here..and then a guy came out from the alley and shot me..He did not say anything, not before or after he shot me. He left as I fell over and called Markus."

"I see..can I probe your memory? I may be able to locate the person easier." Connor asked, and getting a nod he carefully placed his hand on Jaylen's wrist before activating the probe.

It was dark, but being an android he was still able to make out the facial structure of the person's face and body. Although details such as hair and eyes were unnoticed in the snow and darkness, and the clothes were hard to make out in color. But perhaps linking to the DPD database later will help him figure out what this person looks like, or if any face is similar on criminal database. Taking his hand off Jaylen he nodded and spoke. "We will find this person, I have called for someone to help you so try to stay calm."

Jaylen nodded nervously and looked to North, who tried to comfort him as Connor stepped out from the curtained area. He turned to Markus and commented. "He looks a lot like you."

"Yes, I made that indication as well.." Markus sighed. "Most likely the person was after me and mistook him for me. Who knows if it was a protester or one of the people you have been after."

"I would recommend staying here for a while." Connor spoke up. "And if it is not possible, then try not to stay out late."

"I was planning on that." Markus nodded, moving his hands behind him. "I hope you catch the man."

"I will do what I can." Connor said then looked over the group of androids. "There seems to be less androids than before."

"Some have moved in with other humans or androids, close friends or those with the money. And others have night shift jobs now." Markus said, a small smile appearing on his lips. "I am glad they are starting their lives."

"It is an improvement." Connor acknowledged. "Katie's friend Kelly has healed the androids in the revolution, and she is the one coming tonight. She even patched me up after I was shot at."

"You are a target as well?" Markus asked with concern.

"I am, or was. No one has tried to attack me after that one man. I have tried to stay indoors or with someone since that night." Connor explained.

"Well, I need to find a better hiding place. The androids are not fond of being in the snow for guard duty, and I am not happy with how many humans are becoming familiar to this place. We are easy for an attack."

"These attacks are not mindless. They want the androids, or more specifically, their thirium. Shooting you would cripple Jericho, and me being killed would have delayed the investigation." Connor pointed out. "The Crystal Ouroboros is not simply a gang, they have a business in Red Ice and destruction of androids."

"Dear RA9.." Markus muttered. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Keep the androids safe and with a partner or friend when it is possible." Connor replied. "We have set a trap for the leaders of this group."

"And if it does not work?" Markus implied.

"If we at least catch one of them then that will be enough to get a confession or make a connection to the others." Connor said.

30 minutes passed before Katie and Kelly arrived, being lead by a couple androids. Kelly wearing a large silver winter coat, jeans, and white boots. While Katie wore a grey hoodie, yoga pants, and black boots. Katie came running over as she saw Connor. "Connor! Do we have materials to work with? What happened?"

"Easy Katie, he can only answer so much at once." Kelly said, yawning as she walked over. "Where's the android?"

"Over here, tell North whatever supplies you need." Markus said as he lifted the curtain back for Kelly.

She walked in and Connor looked to Katie. "Someone put a hit out on Markus, but shot a different android that looked similar to him instead."

"Oh my god.." Katie sighed. "Is there no limit for this gang?"

"So far, no." Markus added as he walked towards them. "We need to find a safer place than this."

"There's not much we can do.." Katie said sadly, but handed Markus a paper. "Allen's will left you the house..but there's no way you can fit all these androids in one house."

"He left the house to me..?" Markus said in disbelief.

Katie gave a small smile. "You were the reason for him to be deserve the house. He left some money for it to help pay the rent as well."

"I wish I could tell him thanks." Markus empathized as he put the paper in his coat. "Katie you are a better representation of RA9."

Katie looked confused. "Um..thanks?"

"RA9 is the representation of God, or the first "awakened" android." Connor explained.

" it. Anyways, the house is yours and so is some of the money." Katie replied. "What can we do though?"

"All we can do is be careful." Connor replied. "The androids cannot be alone if possible and we must stay low until we capture the leaders."

"Connor that is still six days away, not counting the last few hours of today. There must be something we can do." Katie said urgently, looking between the ex-hunter and deviant leader.

"Unfortunately there is not much we can do." Markus replied. "Connor is right, we can only travel together and keep a low profile."

Katie sighed, frowning a little. "Alright..well, I guess I'll keep looking for jobs for you guys in the meantime.."

"Thank you Katie, if there is anything I can do to repay you-"

"You owe me nothing Markus." Katie shrugged off. "I just..I want this to be over.."

"As do we." Markus said before nodding. "Have a good evening Katie."

He walked to the other androids that were still up, leaving Connor and Katie alone. Connor could see the distress on Katie even without scanning her, and slowly took her hand. "Everything will be ok."

"Connor, so many androids have been wounded or killed in the last few days from this dangerous group and I feel so useless just waiting around." Katie grumbled, gripping his hand in return.

"All we can do is prepare for the 19th. I will take care of tracking down the gang. The DPD will do all it can to protect the deviants." Connor said, cupping Katie's cheek and making her look to him.

Katie knew this, she knew there was nothing more she could do, and with a nod she rested her head on his chest. He moved his hand away from hers to wrap around her waist and rubbed her side while they waited on Kelly. No more than 15 minutes later Kelly stepped out and the two looked at her. "He'll be alright, the poor dear is just going to rest now."

"You got the plating fixed?" Katie asked.

"Replaced, but the thirium isn't leaking anymore." Kelly replied. "Come on, my ass is freezing."

They watched Kelly grumble as she walked towards the exit, Katie gave a small apologetic smile. "Sorry, she's just grumpy from the cold..good luck Connor."

"Thank you, and sleep well Katie." Connor returned as she slipped from his side.

She waved before following Kelly, and Connor stood there staring as she left. He barely realized that North was next to him until she spoke. "I think I remember meeting Kelly, but I've only heard rumors about Katie during the revolution."

"Katie was in her house most of the time or at her restaurant." Connor replied, looking to her. "If there is nothing else for me to do, I should go home."

"Of course, good night detective." North nodded.

Connor left soon after his goodbyes, getting into Hank's car and driving home. It was much later now, 10:58pm as he arrived home and was welcomed by Sumo coming over and sniffing him. Hank was on the couch drinking alcohol from a glass cup and watching tv, looking over to Connor. "Hey, you're back late. Everything go ok?"

"This night has been..more eventful then planned." Connor said, walking over and sitting on the couch. "I had followed Katie on her date and got some valuable information, but afterwards we talked and..she seemed stressed."

"A lot of shit is happening to her, you can't be that surprised." Hank commented.

"But there is more, Someone has put Markus out as a target." Connor replied quickly.

"Holy shit, first you, then other random androids, now Markus? This group is a fucking terror." Hank huffed, taking a drink before asking. "You think it's the same group?"

"I probed the memory of the android that was attacked, I am hoping that the computer can help construct an image for me and find a criminal to match." Connor responded. "And with luck we will find him."

"Well shit.." Hank sighed. "This is like the revolution all over again.."

"How so?" Connor asked with his head tilting.

"You androids getting into a shit ton of trouble." Hank replied before getting up to get a refresher on his drink.

Connor smiled a little, knowing Hank was partially poking fun at all the trouble that the androids caused during the revolution, but this? It was much worse than that.

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