DEVIL TOWN / obey me mammon

By -fallingsonder

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"life's alright in devil town." you don't want to go to heaven; none of your friends are there. // mammon x r... More

black string of fate
hateful love
isn't it crazy?
want, need and deserve
memories in midnight
reflection of a stranger
loving rain
one night stand shenanigans
she's alive lmao

among stars

8.7K 315 164
By -fallingsonder

among stars | mammon x reader

you think the stars are the prettiest things to ever exist.
mammon think you're prettier.


"i love stargazing," you offhandedly mention, eyes placed upon the bright twinkling lights in the dark sky of the devildom. "stars are probably the prettiest thing to ever exist."

( quite often you wished you could live amongst them. )

"what do you want to be when you grow up?" people would ask you, back when you were only a mere child that had yet to grasp the concept of what it means to be human.

"a star!" you'd reply, eyes sparkling and arms held out wide with a large grin plastered onto your face. "i want to be a star in the sky!"

"a star?" they'd laugh, "but dear, one cannot simply become a star. it's impossible!"

"then the impossible i'll do!"

( because really, sometimes all you can do is the impossible. )

mammon scoffs from beside you, prompting you to look up at him with a raised brow, "do you not agree, mammon?"

"huh? why're ya askin' me? they're stars! they don't matter!" he tells you, hands moving with his words. "what does matter is that i, mammon the great, has taken you into town for dinner, and all you can focus on is some damn stars!"

( his colourless hair gleams harshly against the moonlight and his stupid sunglasses that you love so much slip down his nose. a pout is painted effortlessly on his lips. oh, how cute you find him. )

"and for that i'm grateful," you respond with a tilt of your head. "but i envy the stars. they're beautiful for absolutely no reason, and they bless us with their beauty every single night."

"that's stupid," he says.

( but that's not all he wants to say. "it's the stars that should envy you," he wants to tell you. "you're the most beautiful thing i've ever laid eyes on and yet you fail to recognise that." )

he doesn't say anything else.

"yeah," you murmur, "maybe it is."

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