To Kiss Kate

By Foreverbright8

369 1 2

Katiya Carpenter was born and raised in a perfectly small beach town. She spent her summers with the well-off... More

1. the girl
2. the game
3. Alex
4. the end
5. the diner
6. the argument
7. the graduate
8. Angela
9. the ex
10. the social
11. the hospital
12. the party
13. the aftermath
14. the invite
15. the drive
16. the city (1)
17. the city (2)
18. the city (3)
20. the night
21. the finale
22. the truth
23. Katiya

19. the fight

11 0 0
By Foreverbright8

Jackson Michaels Point of View:

Kate didn't speak the entire rest of the way back to Hamilton. After she hung up the phone, she stayed silent. She asked me to drop her off at Genny's instead, and said nothing when I asked what happened.

I was worried. I couldn't think of anything I had done wrong, or done to hurt her or make her angry. I almost wished that I had so that I knew what was going on. I texted her once I got home from Genny's, a quick text telling her to call me when she wants to talk.

When I walked in the door of my house my parents were having another yelling match with Harry, something that had become much more normal since the accident. I understood, Harry was getting a little out of control. He was making stupid decisions and letting everyone else deal with the consequences. My parents had begged me to try to talk to him, but he didn't want to listen, truly believing that he was fine.

They all turned to look at me when I walked in.

"Jackson!" My mother said, a light smile showing on her face but not making it to her eyes.

"Thank god." Harry groaned, standing to get up from his chair at the kitchen table.

"This is far from over, Harrison." My dad told him sternly. He didn't smile, only glared at Harry as he walked up the steps. Harry ignored him.

"How was your weekend? Did you see Gia? Did you tell her about the shoe sale I told you about?" My mom asked. I was a little surprised she asked me about it, since she didn't really  approve of the girl I had spent it with.

"It was really fun, we spent a lot of time with everyone from high school. They all love Kate, especially Anjo." I told her, hoping it would bring her around at some point. My dad eyed me, an amused smile on his face. "We met up with Brandon and Tyler earlier for lunch too. It was relaxing." I smiled at them, my mom raised her eyebrows.

"Good, honey. Did you tell Gia about the shoes?" She asked me again, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. She said she was going to have me tell you about it. She ordered two pairs, I think." I said, scratching my head with uncertainty. This answer seemed to suit my mother and with a nod she walked out of the kitchen.

"Did Kate have fun?" My dad asked. He was much more lax about everything in life than my mother, but he let her have the opinions and hold her grudges, its just what he does.

"I think so. Her and Anjo are practically attached at the hip. She seemed calm, just what she needed." I told him with a smile. He seemed happy to hear this.

"Good. I've always like Anjo." He paused for a second and looked around the kitchen. "Jack, Kate is a special girl." I already knew where this was going and cut him off.

"Dad, I really like her. Not having the same amount of money has nothing-" He interrupted me.

"That's not what I was going to say. Kate is a special girl, Jack. Truly, and I can tell she makes you very happy. All I'm saying, is don't hurt her. If you really want this, her. You can't let your mom's opinion or anyone else's get in the way and you especially have to treat her right. I know you're not much of a serious girlfriend guy, especially after the last one. But if you're gonna do it. Do it right." I smiled. I knew that this was his way of giving me approval, of telling me he's proud. I could see it in his eyes.

"Thanks, Dad." He raised his glass of water, took a sip and went to follow my mother. It was almost 5pm and I had absolutely nothing going on. I texted Hendricks and Landon, hoping for something.

Hendricks didn't reply after thirty minutes, which was pretty unlike him, and after forty-five minutes, Landon had only just responded with "dude. wtf."

I was confused. It was now almost six and I still hadn't heard from Kate. I was really beginning to worry. She ignored my call and thankfully, at exactly 6 o'clock, my phone rang.

"Kate." I breathed. She didn't sound good.

"We need to talk." I could tell she had been or was crying, her breath was short.

"Okay. Are you at Genny's? I can pick you up." I offered, truly just wanting her to feel better.

"No, I'm at Hendricks' with Genny and Hannah and Landon. Can we meet on the beach?" That explained the no-response messages.

"Of course, Kate. Now?" There was a pause on the other end and I heard background voices before her voice came again.

"Yeah. Now. I'll meet you in the middle."

"Alright, I'm." She hung up before I could finish. Fuck.

I put my shoes on and went out the door, going down the steps to the beach and walking towards Hendricks'. It wasn't a far walk by any means. and pretty soon I could see 2 girls walking towards me. I knew it was Kate and Genny.

"Hey." I said, smiling and quickly un-smiling when I saw their expressions. Kate's face was puffy from tears, and Genny just looked angry.

"I'll just be over here. Okay?" Genny said quietly, squeezing and letting go of Kate's hand. Kate nodded and sat down in the sand.

"Jack how could you do this to me?" I looked at her, shocked.

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me. She looked so hurt, so upset.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Just be honest with me here. Please, it's the least you can do." I truly had no idea what she was talking about. I hadn't done anything with anyone, I hadn't even DM'd girls or thought about them. I had just spent the entire weekend with her, and I had no clue what was going on. She saw my confusion. "The fucking pictures, Jack. I can't believe I ever trusted you. I was so so stupid. But it doesn't make sense... Why would you send those to my friends. Like, no matter how much-" I cut her off.

"Woah woah woah. What are you talking about?" She groaned, putting her head in her hands on top of her knees.

"It would be way more respectable if you would just own up to it." She said, starting to look more angry than upset.

"Katiya. I promise that I genuinely don't know what you're talking about." She took out her phone, only needing a few taps before shoving it at me.

"Fuck you, Jack. I never even let Jason take pictures of me like that, but for some reason I so stupidly trusted you. I'm such an idiot and its so obvious now." What she showed me was a screenshot of a text conversation. The contact said my name, Jack Michaels and I had sent two photos of Kate from this weekend. She was shirtless, wearing only a lacy pair of teal underwear and smiling wide. I had sent them with the caption, 'look at how sexy Kate Carpenter is... fuck yeah.'

I was lost. I truly had never sent those to anyone. I hadn't even looked at them since I took them. They were funny, good memory photos. Or at least they were.

"Kate, you're not gonna believe me but I seriously didn't send those to anyone, you can check my phone."

"You easily could have deleted them. Jack, multiple people received this. Don't play dumb." I wished that I was playing dumb, but I was actually lost. How could I have sent the photos? I hadn't been drunk enough to do that, had I? Then I remembered, my phone.

"Kate! My phone.... My old phone. I. Someone must have it. I thought it was in the Ocean so I didn't deactivate it. It was time consuming so I just left it. Someone must have it and the cloud is catching up-" She cut me off. I was talking fast, feeling like I had cracked a code, but she only scoffed at me.

"Don't be ridiculous. Why would somebody do that? This is Hamilton. Not Hollywood. Just own up to what you did, Jack." I looked at her. Even angry, she still looked gorgeous. Who would do this? I didn't sent those. I never would. Especially wouldn't be stupid enough to send it to her friends, duh.

"I didn't, Kate. I swear."

"Well I obviously have no reason to trust you. Nobody would steal your phone, and then use it like this. You're being ridiculous." Jason. It had to be him.

"Jason would." Kate's eyes widened, her jaw dropping. She knew I was right, I started to smile, only to stop abruptly when she spoke.

"Don't you fucking dare accuse Jason of this." She told me, her face getting red with anger. "You are delusional, Jack. I can't believe you're actually denying this. I have fucking proof." I could see her point, it did seem shady, but I really didn't.

"Jason has been watching my house. My sister told me. He sits outside our house and faces the sand and watches my house." I blurted, hoping to win her to my side.

"You're fucking crazy, Jack. I can't believe I was stupid enough to really think that I meant something to you. You're exactly like you said you are, but so much fucking worse. You are a fucking asshole, Jackson Michaels. Don't ever talk to me again, and don't bother texting Landon or Hendricks while you're here." She stood up, saying nothing else and walking back to Genny. Was it bad that I was so turned on right now?  I looked at the waves for a long time, not sure what to do, what to think.

I didn't understand. I didn't send those pictures, it had to be Jason. He was watching my house, it doesn't get any worse. Kate and Genny soon were out of my sight, and I headed back.

Once I got there, I debated calling Jason for a long time before I actually did it.


"I know you did this." He laughed on the other end of the phone, it sounded evil in my head.

"I wouldn't dare. As much as I hate you, I wouldn't hurt Kate." I rolled my eyes and shut my bedroom door.

"Who else would do this? I didn't send those pictures, Jason. You sit outside my house, throw fits over Kate, and now this?" There was a long pause, and I actually started to wonder if he had hung up.

"More like YOU showed up and everything went fucking down. First, Kate loses her scholarship, then she-" my heart rate quickened at his words.

"Woah. She lost her scholarship?" He scoffed.

"Almost. She managed to get it back, no thanks to you. She didn't tell you?" I didn't say anything and he soon continued. "Then she gets drugged. I freaked out because I know something shady is up with you. Now this. It all leads back to you, Jack. Why you would hurt someone like Kate baffles me, but-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. You can't prove that I did any of that, and frankly I'm fucking insulted that you think I would. I know you hate me but we're on the same side here."

"I will never. Ever. Be on your side, Jackson Michaels." He said angrily. "So long as you're in this town, I will be against you with everything I have. Something isn't right here, and it has your name written all over it. Do us all a favor and just stay out of our lives. You're just a douchey summer kid after all." He pressed end before I could reply, I was thankful, I was fuming. I was raging, my head was hot and my fingers were tingling. God, I was mad. I pulled sneakers on and threw my phone on the bed, knowing that running would help.

I paced down the stairs, ignoring my entire family's calls and heading to the beach.

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