
By IntrovertlyInvested

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Independence and Loneliness When you're adopted from birth you get used to it. At least when you're Lucas Hun... More

Author's Notes


3 1 0
By IntrovertlyInvested

Philadelphia Centre for Therapeutic Growth -9:30am

''Good Morning Miss Matthews, welcome to our therapy centre. Please sign your name here and here. Then we will guide you to your therapy room where members of the group are waiting for you.''

The clerk wheels her towards a long white hallway. Entering a room that reminds her of her grandparents living room. Her anxieties heighten as all eyes direct towards her.

''Welcome everybody, I'm Freida your therapist. As per usual whenever we have a new group we're going, to begin with, introductions and tell the group a little bit about ourselves.''

Riley intakes her current surroundings with hesitancy. Ahead of her are two boys, one with dark chocolate hair and quite lanky. The other with caramel locks and grey orbs an inch shorter than the boy on his side. To her right is a rather short blonde girl, estimated at about 5'0 t 5'1. The other girl has black locks and chocolate orbs, possibly an inch taller than the other girl. 

As she is prompted to introduce herself, two more boys enter the building. One an African American about 6'2 and the other blue-eyed and lanky around 6'0. Riley is relieved when the blonde takes initiative and begins speaking.

''Well, I'll start, I'm Maya and I'm here to deal with separation anxiety. My mother passed away when I was 7 and even though I love my father, it's hard. She passed away from a car accident on the way home from work. My mother and father had been married since they were 18. I was an unexpected pregnancy at 16 and neither sides of the family approved of the relationship. But Mom and Dad were hellbent on staying together. After Mom passed away, I was afraid that Dad would leave too. Even though he has remarried now and I love my step-mom and step-siblings, I always have that fear that Dad is going to leave one day and never come back.''

Riley reaches her hand out and squeezes Maya's hand for support. 

''Thank you, Maya, I know how difficult this has been for you to talk about. Who would like to go next?''

Maya nudges the girl sitting directly beside her. The brunette with glasses picks at the skin on her thumb as she speaks hesitantly.

''I'm Isadora and I deal with clinical depression in addition to Asperger's syndrome. I guess you could say that I was always different from my peers. Nobody really quite understood me or what was going on in my head. Which made me angry and feel like people saw me as an easy target to take advantage of. My Mom, although she's an excellent physician, it's almost as if when it comes to my medical needs she seems to forget all of her previous education. My father's never been in the picture. Bolted as soon as he found out about me and my twin brother. Mom's getting remarried in the fall, the guy's really nice, but it's been hard to adjust to this change. But I'll get better in time, I just know it''

Riley feels as if her issues are minuscule compared to Maya and Isadora's. She had parents who loved her. Shawn and Angela love her, Lucas is the perfect boyfriend. She's only here to please her doctors. 

''That was extremely brave of you, Isadora, Asher, would you like to go next?''

Asher acknowledges the women with a soft grin. Wringing his fingers in a circular motion. Staring at this motion as he begins to unravel.

''My mother's a self-professed drunk and drug addict. Molly, oxycodone, heroin, you name it, I've seen her under the influence of it. My father does his best to keep him, my sister and me afloat. We've moved about every six months since I was 7. That's how long Mom can go without getting fired or getting arrested. My Dad would leave her because he knows if he does that she won't survive a week. So I feel grateful that I got a scholarship to Harvard for next fall. I've done everything I can to be a 'well rounded' A-plus student to get a scholarship. Because lord knows my mother would never have the money to pay for my college tuition. I know my mother's a toxic person and I should leave, but I can't, I can't do that to my Dad and sister.  I'm sorry, I just need a moment''

He excuses himself from the group and trudges towards the pod outdoor area to contemplate. Leaving the group to zone in on the only person who hasn't spoken besides Riley.

''Well, I'll go next then. I'm Isaiah. My problems stem from a place of guilt. My father is in the military and my mother...she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer just after my father was deployed to South Sudan last November. Mom went to the doctors' on Monday and was expecting to be told that she had beaten cancer. But, of course, no she hadn't. Her cancer has become terminal and she has a month to live. So here we are, at 17, trying to see if I can gain legal custody of my two younger siblings next month when I turn 18. Dad has given me legal rights and permission to have my siblings. So I'm gonna do my best to raise Zaria and Christian to their full potential''

He doesn't allow anybody to respond. Instead, he exits out the door that he entered through only seconds before.

''Well, we're just gonna give him a moment. Would you like to share with the group?''

The brunette shuffles in her seat as the spotlight rests on her. Her chocolate orbs wander around the group as she begins to unravel.

''Okay...then. Hey, I'm Riley. I'm here because I was medically advised to. I feel like I don't have the right to be here. About 6 months ago my parents passed away in a mass shooting. So my brothers and I, we've been living with my Dad's best friend, Shawn, his wife and their son, Lucas, who's my boyfriend. I was in the hospital a few days ago after Lucas and I got into a car accident. He's currently in a coma and here I am in a therapy group wallowing over my melodramatic issues. My parents would be incredibly disappointed in me if they were still here. I just think that I could've prevented their deaths by stopping them from going to the theatre that night. But I'm just gonna do my best to move forward and make them proud of me.''

Maya's hand lands on her forearm as a sign of support towards the brunette. 

 ''Thank you all for sharing. Now I'd like to give you all one of these.''

Frieda passes a brown leather journal to each of the teens.

''These journals will allow me as your therapist to track your healing process even when we're not in one on one sessions or group sessions like this one. You can write whatever your heart desires in here. Then during our one-on-one sessions, we will review your journal entries from the previous week as a self-reflection period. While during the week you'll live your lives normally. Understood? Good. You may be dismissed.''

The brunette beauty is intent on visiting her boyfriend. Luckily for her, the therapy session ends just as visiting hours begin. Packing her bag and wheeling herself to Lucas's room. This is before she is halted by the group.

''Hey, Riley...''

She recognises Isaiah, Dylan and Asher but she's unable to comprehend where she remembers them from.

''Hey guys, what's up?''

The pair glance at one and other before continuing to proceed

''We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to Topanga's for our weekly hangout?''


She hasn't been back there since...

''Okay, sure, yeah, I'll be there soon''

Topanga's Cafe- 11:15 am

''Riley, we're glad you could make it''

Mrs Svorski raises her head once she hears the brunettes' name. Glancing towards her but the older lady didn't raise her head to see Riley, she looks towards Elliot, who's just entered the cafe. 



The group looks at the siblings suspiciously. Acknowledging the fact the pair clearly know each other.

''You two know each other?''

Elliot told her to be careful about who she talks to, who she sees out in public, who she even looks at. Because the mass shooter that killed their parents is still out there. He was never caught and he's looking for them.

''Elliot's my older brother.''

The dots begin to click as the two sit on open ends of the couch. 

''Makes sense, you two look like you could be twins''

She's happy to see her elder brother, but nonetheless, shes confused as to why he'd be here right now.

''What're you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with Auggie, Josh and Stiles today.''

The siblings have always had a close bond. So whenever they have time, they'll all hang out together. But nonetheless, Josh is with his girlfriend Sophie, Auggie is with Ava and Stiles is with Lydia. So she's confused as to why Elliot isn't just hanging out with his friends.

''Um, actually, he's here to take me on a date''

Everybody is surprised to hear the petite blonde's sudden announcement.

''What? Maya, you didn't tell us you had a boyfriend''

Riley feels offended that her brother didn't tell her about whatever this is with Maya. Whacking him as a sign of betrayal.

''You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend! Dude I thought we were closer than that''

The blonde blushes a crimson tone, hiding her face in her boyfriend's shoulder. Elliot's ears redden at the mention of his girlfriend. 

''I mean it's only been 6 months and I didn't want to jinx it yet with everything going on. Especially after the accident and everything happening right now''

She latches onto her brother's hand, signifying her support.

''It's okay, I'm always going to trust you and it's okay to be happy. So go on your date, you idiots!''

The pair embrace the brunette, waltzing dreamily out the door with their hands intertwined.

''Riley are you sure we haven't met before? Because I swear you look so familiar''

Zay addresses the awkward elephant in the room.

''Maybe we have? Did you know my parents, Cory and Topanga Matthews?''

Everybody stares at Riley and each other as the pieces begin to mould together.

''Our parents were friends when they were our age. I remember a little brunette girl hanging out with us and Luke when we were younger.''

As Asher keeps talking the piece's wire together in Riley's brain.

''If you knew Lucas then that means that you were the other kids that we used to hang out with. Oh my god, I can't believe that I didn't connect the dots sooner. This is amazing!''

The group embraces into one big group hug.

''I feel guilty now because Lucas is still in a coma and here I am, hanging out with you guys.''

Asher and Dylan glance at one and other before addressing the brunette.

''How would you feel if Dylan and I came to visit Lucas with you? We know how tough today was for you and we just want you to know that we're here for you.''

She chokes back the tears at the kind sentiment.

''That actually sounds really nice. Would it be okay if we went now? I just don't want him to be alone.''

Lucas's Hospital Room-1:35pm

''So this is it huh? He's really been like this since the accident?''

The trio gathers around Lucas's bedside, glancing at his stiff body.

''Yeah, the nurses' said that in the accident he sustained the brunt of the injuries out of the two of us.''

Lacing her fingers into her boyfriends, Riley's hands heat up Lucas's slightly cold ones. 

''He's strong, Riley, I know he's gonna get through this. He'd never let something as stupid as a car accident stop him from being here with you.''

Dylan sits beside Riley, letting her rest her head on his shoulder while Asher rests a supportive hand on Riley's free shoulder.

''Dylan's right, Riley. I mean I've seen him go through hell before. He can beat this, I just know it.''

She's thankful to have people like Asher and Dylan in her life to support her.

''How are you guys so good at this?''

Dylan and Asher are incredibly close to Lucas. So it's no surprise that they'd be right there when he gets hurt.

''We've been right there with Lucas when something bad happens. Whether it's a broken arm or Lucas trying to find his biological parents. Which, by the way, he called us to say how excited he was to meet his bio Mom and Dad yesterday before all this happened. It doesn't matter what he does. We're always gonna be right here to support him. Just like we're gonna be here to support you. No matter what happens.''

Riley's touched by Dylan's heartwarming sentiment.

''Y'know even when we were little, I always knew I could depend on him. I don't know what it was, but when we first met the summer before 1st grade, I knew he'd be my best friend. I guess I just got lucky enough to call him my boyfriend. I don't know what I'd do without him. The necklace that he gave me when we were little always made feel like he was with me in spirit even if he wasn't physically.''

The brunette brushes her fingers through her boyfriends' hair as she speaks. Her free hand fiddles with the locket placed around her neck.

''He really means a lot to you, doesn't he?''

A bittersweet grin subsides across her lips. How can she be sitting here all fine and dandy and he can't do anything?

''He was there for me when nobody knew what to do after my parents passed away. Even my brothers couldn't get me to eat or do anything. But he persisted and he never left even when I tried to push him away. Even when my parents were alive, he knew me better than anybody else did. He knows things about me that I never even told them. I'm not going to be able to live with myself if anything happens to him. I'd never forgive myself''

Asher places himself next to the brunette, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.

''He was like the brother I never had. Like I said at therapy, his family would always let me and my siblings stay over when my Mom had a particularly rough patch. I could always depend on him and he could always depend on me. I'd do anything for him, so if you need anything, I'm always here for you to talk to. No matter how dumb you think it is. Sometimes it's just easier to let things out''

10:35 pm 

The evening moon glistens over the brunette's bedroom window. Masking peace over her clouded imagination. Her journal weighing in her hands.

To: Unknown

He doesn't deserve this

I don't want him to get hurt by anybody. Even though I'm lying here in my bedroom, contemplating as to why we got into that accident in the first place. maybe that's the reason why we're in this situation because I made that stupid choice. 

I shouldn't have taken him to see his parents, I shouldn't have gotten into that stupid truck, I shouldn't have left him there at the hospital.

I should be the one in that hospital bed, not him. I should be the one unconscious. I should be the one that took the brunt of the injuries, not him.

Angela and Shawn don't wanna tell us kids but I know that they're scared of losing him. How could they not be? Losing your only child would break my heart. I can't let them go through this.

I have to do something, I have to make sure that everybody is okay. I can't have anybody falling apart at the seams, not like me. I need to protect my brothers from being exposed from this type of torture, the torture of seeing the person you love the most beaten and battered.

Until next time

Oyasumi, Au revoir, Aloha and Goodnight

Love Riley xx

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