Unexpected Love [Solomon Jeho...

By Masa-Yume

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(Y/N) (L/N) is a girl who follows the will of the Father Il Ilah, but what happens when she meets Solomon, wh... More

Chapter 1: Her name is [Y/N] {M/N} [L/N]
Author's Note: Not an Update
Chapter 2: What Am I Doing Here?
Chapter 3: You Are A Despicable Woman
Chapter 4: My Name Is Not Chibi Girl
Chapter 5: Seeing the Light
Chapter 7: His Name is Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham

Chapter 6: I am the Real Monster Here

237 6 0
By Masa-Yume

First P.O.V

"I made a friend! They're called Momo!" you exclaimed excitedly, as you introduced your new friend to the rest of the group. It felt really nice knowing that you had made your first friend ever, but never in your wildest dreams would you ever believe that it would be of a different species from yourself. You had opened your heart to a child of another species, and it wasn't as bad as you had thought that it would have been.

"Oh, I see. They became close friends" Solomon said as he looked at you and Momo playing with each other, as if you both had been friends for a long time. "By the way, according to what the manticores told me...The continent broke off only recently. It was to keep us here, just as I thought" he finished explaining to the others, as they all sat on the ground in a circle.

" 'Told you'...So you have learned the manticore's language already?" Ithnan asked as he looked to his leader with an inquisitive gaze.

"Kind of.." is all the blue haired male replied.

"His upbringing is totally different from yours after all!" Wahid snickered tauntingly, as he groped Falan's chest.

"Shut up" Ithnan mumbled, as he got annoyed at what that white haired idiot Wahid said.

"So that means...that we should entrust "that thing" to the manticore tribe, without waiting for the other leaders to show up?" Arba asked as she stared at her 'Young Master'?, "And leave this place sooner than expected, right young Master?" she finished worriedly. You had overheard their conversation as you continued to play with Momo. On the surface it didn't seem like much to the others as they talked, but you knew that there was a deeper meaning to what she had said, than what meets the ears.

"Exactly" Solomon replied, furrowing your eyebrows you couldn't help, but have feel an uncomfortable sense of regret wash over you, as you knew you were apart of the organization that had tried to rule and break the minds of other species that did not share the blood of your own kind.

Reader's P.O.V

"......" I sat silently on the side of a cliff overseeing what seemed to be a makeshift graveyard, with Momo behind me laying down. As I looked at all the graves with the names of the deceased written in the dirt, decorated with sticks and some had flowers, reminiscing with a feeling of melancholy making it's way through the crevices of my being. I had always thought that I had done good for the world by trying to get rid of the other species that were different from us, who always sought after to eat our kind, and shed not a bit of remorse, for at least having to feed themselves on us. Isn't revenge the best option for us to feel a sense of justice for what they had caused us? I started to remember about what had just happened a few moment ago, as I had stupidly asked Momo what had happened to his father, since he was missing from Momo's life. If only I hadn't asked such a selfish question.


'Momo, Momo! That person is your mother, right? Where is your father?' I inquired to Momo, as I was allowed to stay over in their house for the night.

'You know, my father....he died. The weird tower that you and the others destroyed....From time to time we would heard a sound coming from that tower' Momo started, I was shocked in to bewilderment 'And everyone would go crazy. They couldn't even understand who were their friends or family. Just a while ago, my father and his friends started to eat each other in that moment of chaos, and he died.' 'My father was so kind, he would never do such a thing, so why did it happen..?' Momo finished with a sad expression on their face

"I'm really sad..." I couldn't help, but feel my chest tighten at the sadness portrayed in Momo's eyes, as tears fell from their eyes. I turned my head, with my fists clenched tightly as I tried not to picture the devastating look Momo had as they saw their father die right in front of them.

'Momo' I thought as I looked at them with sweat rolling down my cheeks in a nervous matter. 'In other words...It's my fault...' I felt horrible just know the fact that I took part in such a treacherous act, and thought that it would be better for the sake of human kind, but now I just felt shame as I couldn't bring myself to believe that I was the only one who took part in this.

'...No, that's wrong.' I tried to reassure myself. It wasn't just me who was in that tower that tried to seize control of the the other species' mind 'In the "tower" there were alot of other magicians.' Yeah, I shouldn't be alone to blame for all of this, the others are just as guilty as I am. I got up with a somewhat triumphant look, knowing that I wasn't the only one to bring misfortune to the other species

'That's right! It's not just my fault!' I couldn't help but want to put the blame on other people, as I didn't want to come to terms that I was just as bad as they were. There's no reason that I would be the only one t have to live this guilt on my own, that's just ludicrous 'There were alot of magicians other than me in that tower!' I am innocent compared to them, I only just helped a little, that couldn't have count as being wicked... Right?

'Alot of magicians...did terrible things to Momo and their family...' As I looked across the graveyard, I felt something get caught in my throat and I wasn't able to focus on my surroundings anymore. I felt as if my whole world was spinning and I fell to my knees, holding my hand over my lips, I felt sick to my stomach ,and wanted to empty the contents of today's meal as I couldn't bring myself to lie anymore.

'......Momo...The truth is that I understand, because I saw that for a long time. The magic I was casting was breaking the minds of these people...' I am not someone you can trust, I've been lying to Momo and myself all this time. I'm no good hearted person, and everything I've been doing up until now should have me begging for forgiveness, but I didn't want to be hated, especially by my first and new best friend. Even if I have to bring this secret to my grave, i would do such, just as to not lose you or any of your family.

'...I'm sorry...Your father is dead, and the one guilty for that is...' Momo's tears mad me feel pity towards them, but I'm the last person to have shown such an expression to them, because I am not worthy to be called their friend.

Soon it was morning, and I didn't get a wink of sleep, because I stayed up all night contemplating what I should tell Momo now that i knew the reason why their father died... no why all the species were killing each other. It was tough just having to say outright to your best friend that you were one of the reasons why a lot of manticores died.

"You know, Momo!" I began to say. I thought alot about it last night, and came to terms, that I should try and tell Momo the truth about how their father died, even if Momo wouldn't forgive me, I still have to tell them a\what happened. 'The truth is...The truth is...The truth is, I...' I tried to let the rest of the words escape my mouth, but somehow I just didn't have the courage to say it. i rally didn't want Momo to hate, and then we wouldn't be friends anymore, that would break my heart. Momo's inquisitive stare had me breaking down into a nervous sweat, as i avoided their gaze and looked at anything but them.

"No, it's nothing." I said

"I wasn't able to tell them" We were back on the moving mountain and I didn't dare to look at anyone, as I didn't want to show them the devastating expression I had on my face.

"...... Tell them what?" Solomon asked as he was reading a book. I could feel that he was looking at me, but I didn't have the courage to face him right now.

"That it was my magic's fault that Momo's father died" I answered, the wind blowing my hair across my face "I was really scared that they would hate me, if I told them the truth" I finished looking out into the horizon.

"I see" is all he answered as he went back to reading his book.

"Yes that's right, but...even if I didn't tell Momo...I ended up hating myself alot..." I continued not caring if he was actually listening to me or not. I had to get rid this feeling of guilt I felt longing in my heart.

"I see" he repeated the same thing as before. That reply was honestly getting on my nerves now.

"Yes, that's right. Momo...I can just imagine how sad it was for them..." I finished. I hated myself so much, just how long had this kind of thing been happening, and while I was still being arrogant and sitting on my high throne, Momo and their family was suffering, just as much as we used to in the past.

"...I see, but you know, now that I see you thinking about something that never occurred to you until yesterday, thinking about the feelings of the ones you considered beasts, and see that face on you of someone who is desperately trying to image how it would feel...Well now I..." he answered, still concentrating on reading his book. My visage slightly trembled as my lips quivered, and I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes, but what he had said next was not what I was expecting to hear as I felt my heart thump, and my tears now freely fell from my face.

"I like you now." was all he said, and I felt my cheeks heat up at that moment.

"..... I-I see" I turned my head, not wanting him to see my embarrassment and I lowered my head.

"Yes, that's right...Don't worry, from now on you will probably have the opportunity to apologize to them." he said and curiosity filled me as I didn't understand what he meant.

"Eh? What do you mean?" I asked not liking the foreboding feeling I got, as I wiped my tears.

"You fools who put on the air of Liberators of Justice, will not kill these beasts, right?" "We of the air fleet are also able to use the mind destruction magic from the "Gunud" and control the other species, hahaha!!" An army of airships were flying above the heads of the manticores who had now been turned into mindless drones were now coming towards us and a person who looked to be the commander of the army announced arrogantly with a sinister smile on his face

"......Why?" I questioned shocked, I couldn't believe my eyes. 'Just a moment ago ...They were all smiling. They were living normally, playing normally....They were all so kind, and yet...' 'Why are they doing such a cruel thing to them!?' What happened while we were away? How can they succumb to this fool in just a matter of minutes? Why didn't anyone do anything to stop the church from doing this!? Images of the manticores smiling just minutes ago appeared in my mind, and the smiling face of Momo handing a flower to me, but now all I see are mindless creatures roaming the desert not knowing anything or who anyone was. I felt my heart shatter as I saw my most treasured friend appear with the other manticores with drool running down their mouth, and their eyes looking in random places with an inhumane growl leaving their throat.

'MOMO' My eyes widened in shock at the scene in front of me. This shouldn't have happened. Why did it have to be them!?

"Look closely. This is what you were doing right?" A voice from behind my said. I looked back and saw that the group had the calmest reactions on their face as if they had seen this kind of thing happen many times. Suddenly it hit my like a sack of brick and I now knew what this was

"!?...You...You knew this would happen.. so why...!?" I shouted angrily. They knew this kind of thing would happen, yet they left the village and let this kind of thing happen. If I had realized from the beginning I would have tried and stop them, even if I had to do it by myself.

"....." they stayed silent and that only angered me more.

"Answer me!! You fools!!" I demanded. They played me for a fool! Thinking that if they saved me from the tower, everything would be fine and I would be begging for forgiveness and mercy. I knew they were fools from the beginning, but I am eve more of a fool to have began to trust in them even for just a tiny bit. These impure's were using me!

"Why are you looking at us, like it's our fault?" the blue haired leader continued "This is the same thing you were doing until now, this is the scene you have seen so many times from that tall tower, right?" I didn't want to hear anymore of this, so I covered my ears wishing that everything would just drown out and the only thing I would be able to hear is my own heart beating.

"...." I didn't answer a shadow cast over my eyes. I didn't do anything wrong. They just want to put the blame on me for everything that they did, there was no way I was in the wrong. They are even more guilty than I am for making me live and not die in the Gunud that day they were the true monster, not me.

"You're wrong!....This is not what I was doing!!" I tried to fool myself. I only did what the church told me to do. I didn't do anteing wrong to them. I just did what was right, so why am I being treated like this now?

"You did the exact same thing, right?" he tried to convey to me that I am evil and that everything was my fault, but it wasn't and I know that "For one...Two years...While feeling good inside that room...While sneering at them...You prospered, they came to disgust you, and you continued to recklessly break their minds, right!?" he finished making me remember to the times of where I was in the tower trying to break the mind of the other species

".....!!" my eyes widened, and I felt my mind getting dizzy from remembering such horrid things.

'You damned beats...You should entrust your bodies to the will of god!!" One of the elders cursed and I and a few other members were standing in the tower using our power to control the other species minds. I felt happy just knowing that they were succumbing to our will and they should know their place that we are superior to them.

'Yes...he's right! Look at their faces!' I smiled wickedly, feeling high and mighty 'They have those white eyes and drool all over the place...It is natural for us to control those beasts' I thought they were not better than humans and they deserve this. They should know that they cannot compare to us, because we are their rulers and they should submit to us, and kill themselves.

'This is the reward to have devoured the humans so greedily in the past...Die from the fangs of your own friends!!' I sneered watching as a manticore devoured their own brethren, and then I saw a baby manticore watch as it all happened. A gasp escaped my lips as I realized it was Momo who had just witnessed their own father dying

"Stop! Stop!....You are the real villains here!" I exclaimed a mad glared in my eyes as I looked like a maniac trying to get the blame off me. I am totally innocent compared to them , so they have no right to judge me!

"What?" Ugo questioned not believing what I had just said

"You were the ones who saved... the worst person in the world" I shouted "The one who did things that no one could ever forgive... The great sinner who should die..." I continued with tears streaming down my face.

"YOU SAVED ME!!!" I hysterically fell to my knees "WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME!!?...I SHOULD HAVE DIED IN THAT ROOM!!....AND YET WHY DID YOU SAVE ME!?" I should not have been alive now, why did they same!? Why did they want to put me through this!? I knew they were nothing but good for nothing impures'. They were never to be forgiven!

"......" they stayed quiet

"Because...We did not have the right to just die in that room." Ugo answered, making lift my head quickly in shock.

"What?" I questioned surprised at his words

"To die just like that, would have been half-hearted. We still have, things left to do. As long as we live..." Arba finished for Ugo and a gasp escaped my lips.

"It can't be..." I whispered my eyes widened in shock

"Yes, we are all...people who lent our power to those "towers" and survived...We are all great sinners!" Solomon finished as a bright light emitted from his and the others and a symbol appeared over the centre of their foreheads and I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me

"So you are here...The blasphemous who don't fear god...The ones who fell from divine grace..." The commanding priest said with that sinister smile still on his

"The Avatars of the "Divine Staves"!" he exclaimed and it now hit me as I truly couldn't defend myself anymore

"I AM THE REAL MONSTER HERE" was what I thought as the rest went to defeat the army and now I truly have have to terms as what I really am


Word Count: 3142 words

A/N: So sorry for the late chapter it's already a new year, and now is when I just post it. So many were asking when I was going to update, but now is when I got inspired to write again. Please forgive me, and I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


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