His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.3K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Upsetting Him
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
New Relations
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Moonlight Exploits
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Doorways (III)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
Drawing Near (II)
First Blood

Lying by Omission

15.9K 410 107
By AidaBekar

You'll be the sun, I'll be your moon.

Just let your light come shining through;

And when night comes, just like the moon,

I'll shine that pale light, right back to you.

Cruella was suspicious of me. I knew it for a fact.

Had she somehow caught Castiel and Gabriel's scents while they were speaking with me?

No. She didn't have to catch their scents to be suspicious.

The simple fact that Bella had been found in the opposite direction of where we'd found her was more than enough proof.

Damn Castiel.

Your body may have grown but your brains didn't.

But still...

My heart beat with happiness at the mere fact that he was alive and well, that his body coursed with life and warmth and everything that made someone human. I couldn't help the blinding joy that I felt. It's not everyday you run into a dear friend you'd thought to be gone.

And yet, the joy was quickly snuffed out as I recalled to whom him and Gabriel had bowed to. As I recalled their burning plans for revenge, their desperation to spill blood.


How could they be so foolish? So careless? One would think Gabriel would oppose the idea since he was older, smarter, wiser, but no, he was just as idiotic and reckless as the others.

It just didn't make sense.

"Love, are you alright?"

No good would come from this. If they harmed even a hair on a single wolfs head then Livius would just crush their barely reborn empire all over again. He may not be his father, he may not be a cruel , unfeeling killer, but he was his own evil.

If his pack was threatened, then he wouldn't hesitate.

I should've attempted to find out their game plan, damn it. I had to know what they were going to do, and what they'd already done.

Because there were a lot of incidents recently that Livius' council had been blaming on the Vampires that I'm certain they had played a role in. Or at least Gabriel did.


I jumped, my thoughts completely disappearing as I finally refocused on the man in front of me, his words finally reaching my ears and registering within my mind.

My head throbbed with another headache as I locked eyes with my mate. Those sapphire eyes were brimming with curiosity, and I feared he'd somehow read my thoughts.

My mind froze for a brief moment as I mulled over another option.

Should I ... tell him?

Should I make him aware of the evils lurking in his forest? Of the beings he was unaware of?

I contemplated the thought for awhile before discarding it into an empty corner of my mind which I rarely visited.

He'd find out eventually on his own. If I were to tell him, he'd probably question me, then fuss over my well being, then rage about how risky it was, and finally forbid me from ever leaving the castle again without an escort.

Besides, it's not like they were going to do anything.

They'd only come here to get me. And I had said no. They should be on their way.

'I suppose we're moving on to plan B then.'

For some strange reason, my heart sunk as I recalled that mans words. The way they slithered down my spine and left a cold feeling in their wake didn't sit well with me or my wolf.

Castiel I could trust. Castiel I had known and remembered. Gabriel? Not so much.

Problem is, Castiel was leaving today, and only Gabriel would remain.

I rubbed my temple before shoving away my thoughts.

That's enough for today, Alexandria.

Livius sat up from his spot on the couch, eyes burning a bright blue beneath the glowing light. "What's on your mind?" he asked curiously.

He sat leisurely, his right ankle resting over his left knee whilst he read over some business papers, his powerful back to me, and those taut muscles hidden beneath his shirt.

I was beginning to take note of this new lethal grace about him, something I hadn't bothered to notice before.

I knew he was strong. A King blessed with a warriors body. A man who had fought and killed for his people, for his kingdom.

I admired the way his silky black hair fell in his face, the strands much longer then they'd been months ago, making him look all the more beautiful.

But I wouldn't voice any of my appreciation.

After all, we were barely on speaking terms.

He was still trying to regain my trust, but recently his valiant efforts had mellowed down to a simmering promise. He'd wait. He'd be patient. He'd give us time.

That's what I understood simply from his actions. Words unspoken, but still heard.

"Nothing," I murmured in response to his earlier question. "I'm just thinking is all."

His eyes didn't move from the paper, his form not once wavering. "About?"

I could've lied. Could've spun up and woven any fallacy that would've made him shrug, but my mouth spoke its own truth. "Fae's and vampires and war."

His eyes swung up to meet my own, their intensity making me falter. "War?"

"I mean," I cleared my throat, uncertain how I'd managed to let the words just tumble from my mouth. "With the rising tensions between all the supernaturals, isn't it inevitable?"

He said nothing, his eyes simply narrowing in thought. "My General's and I have actually been discussing this for the past few days, and although tensions are rising, there's no way the vampires would win against us, not with their daylight problem. They'd lose much more if it ever came to it."

Of course they'd already weighed out the options.

I hummed in response, choosing not to add anything. I didn't trust my tongue enough to voice my thoughts anymore. Even if I didn't trust Gabriel, didn't carry any love for him, if I let his presence on this territory slip, he'd be caught and killed. I couldn't live with that burden, with that weight.

Was I betraying the pack, the people I'd soon rule over, by keeping his secret? Was I betraying my mate, my king?

He betrayed me when it counted too, but was this of more importance?

Yes. Yes, it was.

And yet... and yet I still couldn't bring myself to say a thing. My loyalties remained with no one. I'd betray no one, and assist no one.

What Gabriel did was his business. I wouldn't expose him, and if he got caught, I wouldn't help him. And that's all there was to it.

"You're brooding again."

My unfocused eyes drifted down to my mate and I blinked at him as he rested his face on his knuckles, his eyes still glued to that paper.

He's been so much more alert lately, so much more present in everything. His aura was reverberating and loud and overbearing as always. But now it was like he was always looking out for something. And I have to admit, the way he noticed everything, even the slightest hitch in my breathing, unnerved me. Even now I knew he was reading me without even having to look in my direction.

I pushed myself off the wall of our bedroom where I had been leaning. "Sorry, did you say something?" I apologized insincerely, though I genuinely hadn't heard him speak. My thoughts were driving me over the edge, swaying me in and out of focus as I attempted to grapple with the information I had gained in the past hours.

"Is there a reason you're masking your scent?"

So you don't notice Castiel's scent on me and go on a killing fest.

I bit my tongue, holding back the bitter retort. "I want to see how well I can subconsciously maintain spells. It's an experiment." A practiced response. Already prepared to be uttered before he'd even thought to ask the question.

He nodded in understanding, not once doubting me. I almost felt bad for lying, for keeping such an important secret from him.


"What are you reading?" I finally asked, although I didn't want to start a conversation, the curiosity was eating at me. He'd been staring at those papers for nearly half an hour now. Reading, analyzing, searching...

Perhaps for an answer that wasn't even there.

He glanced up at me, our eyes locking for the first time as he answered. "It's the twenty seventh page of the new regulations the council and I have deliberated on. I'm to sign them into law tomorrow."

I tilted my head to the right. "How many pages are there?"

"About fifty."

"Why is this page bothering you?"

He hesitated for a brief moment, before extending the document to me, and I carefully took it from his hands, making sure not to let the skin of my fingers graze his own. The last thing I wanted was to feel those sparks again, that same burning ember flickering within my soul and body.

Reading over the detailed paragraphs and all their complex words, I found myself deciphering most of it thanks to my studies, thanks to the hours of reading books that, though I found boring, only built my knowledge.

Once done, I met Livius' gaze again, incredulity filling my eyes and overtaking my features. "You're setting up a curfew?"

He took the paper back from me when I extended it to him again, and set it back down on the organized pile resting on the coffee table in front of him. "Yes, we debated the legislation for days until we finally determined it was necessary, at least until the vampire threat is gone. But I'm still uncertain as to how the people may take it."

I looked over the paper again, my eyes narrowing in thought. "Is it really necessary?"

My mate closed his eyes for a few moments, these past few days weighing heavily on his shoulders. The meetings, the generals, the debates. Everything.

Sometimes, it was so easy to forget he was a supreme ruler of a nation that spanned the entire planet. It was so easy to disregard when I could only see him as my mate.

Such an easily forgettable fact. Not insignificant, but forgettable.

"There's something in these woods, Alexandria. I've sensed it. Many of my wolves have sensed it. Perhaps it's a vampire, perhaps it's something else. But either way, I have no intention of gambling with the lives of my people," was his determined response, eyes brimming with a slight anger at the situation.

Damn Gabriel.

I blinked down at him, carefully eying his tense shoulders as he seemed to think over this 'thing' he sensed, this thing that was bothering him so much. This presence that I knew the owner of.

He should know. He deserved to know what was on his territory.

Again. I hesitated.


Gabriel and Castiel were my people, my very blood, my kin. Some of the few that survived. How could I betray them?

If Livius found out about their whereabouts, what would he do? How angry would he be?

I didn't want to be the one responsible if they ever got caught.

They could take care of themselves. I wouldn't help them, nor rat them out. That's what I'd decided. No help and no betrayal. Just a safe middle ground to watch how everything unfurled.

I ignored the question in my mates clear blue eyes, the piercing color making me look away. "Do whatever feels right," I told him, finally breaking the silence.

He arched a brow, something akin to confusion appearing on his face. "What does that mean?"

Ignoring the raging voice in my head that urged me not to even speak with him, I sat a safe distance away from him on the couch. Another part of me, the side my mother had nurtured and encouraged, pushed me to offer him my own advice on what was bothering him.

"I'm telling you to follow your gut, Livius," I murmured, my voice quiet as I glanced at him from the corner of my eye before refocusing on the hearth, the mantelpiece, the tv, the golden walls that stared back at me, anything besides him. "You've been King for years now, you know what your people can handle, you know what they need, and you know what needs to be done for their safety. Don't hesitate on the behalf of thoughts that will eventually go away."

He paused at that, seemingly caught off guard by my words, before he shook his head, those perfect lips curling up into the smallest smile as he ran a hand through his long silky locks. "Who knew you could give such good advice."

I huffed, crossing my arms as I turned my head away from him, a part of me resenting my own soul.

Why did I even bother? Why couldn't this useless empty heart of mine hold one damn grudge? Why couldn't it just grasp the anger that already burned within me and use it to cause the same damage he and Victoria had? Why did it have to pause, and dance, and flicker for him? Why did the mate bond play with it like that? Play with me like that?

One of my many questions to that sky bitch sitting on her little throne watching us, watching me struggle between the line of faes and wolves.

"Take it with a grain of salt," I said instead, a few moments later.

"No," I heard him say from behind me, the rustling of papers also reaching my ears. "I heard you loud and clear, ma reine."

He stacked up the papers, holding all the sheets in his hands as he stood up, his eyes briefly meeting my own. He offered me a gentle smile. "Thank you."

I said nothing in response, once again opting to remain silent as his footsteps receded and the door clicked shut behind his frame.

Blinking down at the fire, I looked at it without fully seeing it. My thoughts too scattered to recognize anything, my mind already disappearing elsewhere the moment he strode out.

Livius. Victoria. Castiel. Gabriel. This 'plan B'.

If there weren't any boundaries between us, if I still trusted and cared for Livius as I did before, would I have told him what I knew? Probably.

But it's not like anyone is at risk. And with this new curfew, all chances of anything happening are practically diminished.

Gabriel was smart, he'd know better then to do anything reckless.

And besides, it's not like I was lying to my mate either. Livius asked nothing of me, and I had told him no lies. It was fine.

Everything was fine.


The next day all fifty pages were signed into law.

I had watched as Livius brought pen to paper, his hand gracefully gliding over the parchment as he signed the document before his entire council.

From now on every wolf in the royal pack who was not on guard duty was required to be out of the woods and within the safety of their homes before nine pm. Anyone who would like to leave afterword must take permission, and be assigned an escort.

That's right, fuckers. Say au revoir to the club.

I had almost chuckled to myself as I imagined the anger all the hormonal teenagers in the pack must be feeling. But they wouldn't defy him. They wouldn't defy their King's orders, not even the boldest amongst them.

"What are you laughing about?" Sebastien asked incredulously, glaring at me from the doorway of my closet as I reminisced. "This curfew applies to us as well, so let's go."

I rolled my eyes before wrapping my fur coat around my shoulders as to not cover the short champagne pink dress that I wore, along with a pair of pale white stockings and ankle boots.

Striding past Sebastien, I stepped towards the vanity and quickly pulled my hair out of the high pony tail it was in. The strands quickly falling several inches past my hips, and grazing my upper thigh.

"Well aren't you looking cute today," Sebastien remarked, following me through the room his eyes carefully taking in every inch of my clothes.

I gave him a smile, before clasping a set of earrings onto my ear, and handing him the matching necklace, silently asking for his assistance.

He chuckled as I gave him my back, and quickly swept the silky strands of my hair to the side, slid the jewelry around my neck, and clasped it shut.

"Thank you," I mumbled, slipping on a few rings that went well with the dress.

"Sweetheart, I know we're finally going into Paris, but I thought we were keeping a low profile," Sebastian said, taking in my appearance again.

"What's wrong with this?" I gave him a twirl, showcasing the adorable outfit. "Livius said dress casual."

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Something about it is calling me broke. I think it's the coat."

"Oh, I'm taking it off soon anyway. It's just so Livius doesn't start complaining about my catching a cold," I explained with a roll of my eyes, before playing with the edge of the short dress I wore. "What about the dress?"

It was very simple. Or as simple as I could get. The upper half was a delicate pale white with a few rhinestones running across my waist, and immediately beneath the belt of jewels, a silky pink flowed beneath a white lace.

It was beautiful.

Throw in some stockings and a gorgeous pair of boots and everything simply came together.

"C'est magnifique!" was his only response, his eyes shimmering with pride as he took in the details. "I take it back. Go show all those Parisians exactly who the new Queen is."

I snorted as we began walking towards the exit. "They're humans. They won't even notice."

Sebastien held the door open for me, before quickly striding out behind me. "Oh, I'm certain you already know how wealthy your darling mate is. There's no way you'll go unnoticed if you're with him."

I furrowed my brows. "I went out with him to that mall, and I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, except for some humans who kept ogling him."

"You didn't go to a public mall. If I remember correctly, it was a more private shopping centre, for the..." He cleared his throat as he thought of the right word, swiftly rushing through the dictionary in his mind until he came up with something. "Comfortable."

Comfortable, huh?

"And besides, the King was being careful not to show you off back then. He didn't want to overwhelm you. But, unfortunately for you, today we're touring Paris, so prepare yourself for tomorrow's news articles," he added, briefly closing his eyes as he continued, his hands weaving through the air in that dramatic way of his.

"I can already see them. 'Business magnate, Livius James Artemis, spotted with unfamiliar woman' or 'Owner of Artemis enterprises attracts more than just wealth: who is-'"

I punched him in the shoulder before he could finish, and he winced before glowering down at me. "I still haven't forgiven you for that ear piercing, and you're already causing me more pain?"

A laugh escaped my lips, the amusement from that day returning as I recalled his flushed face. "I can't help it if you keep saying dumb things."

"I'm just giving you a heads up on how the headlines may look!"

"Oh come on, I doubt anyone will even recognize him," I said, brushing away his foolish idea as I jumped down the grand staircase of the palace and into the foyer.

"You'd be surprised," Seb added behind me, and I merely rolled my eyes, my eyes surveying the space as I took in the others waiting for us at the bottom of the wide staircase.

For some odd reason, they'd all magically wanted to tour Paris as well, so we'd set a date, and here we were. Elias, Julian, Sebastien, Elle, and Jayden.

Noah had called in, and although I had an inkling that it had to do with his relation to Victoria, a part of me wished I could've stopped by the training grounds to tell him that it was alright, that my respect for him had not faded, regardless of his sisters' actions.

I'd also invited Damien, but he'd denied me with a simple shake of his head, and a strange flicker in his eyes. I assumed he didn't trust himself enough to be around my mate and members of his council.

Made sense.

Refocusing in front of me, I paused as I realized I had nearly subconsciously strode towards Livius' side, my instincts carrying me away.

Elias and Julian offered me tentative smiles, which I returned, before Elle suddenly tugged me into a tight hug in greeting, her eyes alight.

"Tell me why I haven't seen you in ages," she groaned and I giggled at her irritation, but she leaned in, her mouth near my ear as she whispered. "Those losers kept us separated after the concert incident, but I'll be damned if I let them win. Let's-"

But she never got to finish her statement, never got to finish saying anything really, not before Jayden gently grabbed her arm and tugged her away. "No, we are not doing this again," her mate muttered sharply.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and Elle gave a mischievous wink before they both strode out, Elias, Julian, and Sebastien following as they all went to their respective vehicles.

It seemed since everyone wanted to go to so many different places, we were forced to pair up into separate groups to see the city, it was better than all of us running around wrecking havoc.

The foyer was suddenly pin drop silent as only Livius and I remained, our eyes locked as we both said nothing, none of us willing to speak first.

Moments later, he broke it. "I believe you're forgetting something," he told me, lifting up the camera he'd gifted me days before. "You're not much of a tourist without it."

I rolled my eyes as I strode towards him, taking it from his extended hands with a quiet, almost inaudible 'thank you.'

Speaking terms.

Only on speaking terms.

That's what we'd silently agreed on. Nothing more.

It had to be this way. It had to start here.

There'd be no future for us if we didn't communicate, if we didn't share our stories and our pain and our struggles. If we didn't learn of the others most deepest, carefully kept secrets. This was the important step before mating, before marking, before all of that other shit. This was what we'd skipped in the beginning and what made our relationship so rocky.

I refused to make the same mistake twice. And he wouldn't either.

Stepping out into the cold winter air, I ignored the way Livius looked me up and down, from head to toe, simply to ensure that I was nice and snug, that I wouldn't catch some human cold or anything of the sort.

Not that I could. Though he still worried and fussed over me.

Climbing into the sleek black car before me, the others long having disappeared, already off on their own endeavors, I watched as Livius started the engine. The plan was to meet up again for lunch and stick together afterwards, but every second between now and then was just Livius and I.

"So, moon." My mate turned to me, blue eyes seemingly alight with the opportunity to show me a part of his home, his culture. "Where do we begin?"


After a bit of debate, and the exchanging of many not so loving words, we finally settled on where exactly to begin. I'd told him that the one place I truly wanted to visit was a real, Paris Crêperie.

All the Crepes I've tasted before in the United States were.... bleh.

Kind of like store-bought Macarons.


I genuinely wanted to try a real one, and Livius almost chuckled at my determination before driving off, already knowing where to go. We decided that the museums and bridges and various landmarks could wait for now. Crepes first.

So we pulled up at an adorable yet elegant little cafe, and Livius' eyes twinkled as he turned off the engine and quickly circled around to help me out of the car.

"Is there a particular reason why you chose this place?" I asked, my annoying tourist ass already snapping a few shots of the shop as we strode over. I also took note of the curious glances, the few wide eyes, and knew Sebastian had not been lying earlier.

Great. Just great.

Of course he was famous too.

Livius answered as we stepped inside, away from prying eyes. "I've been coming here since I was a child. It was one of my mother's favorite places," he told me, just the tiniest bit of sadness in his voice as he reminisced.

But before I could give him a proper response, the clouds that had stormed through his eyes quickly faded and he was gesturing towards the front table behind where an older man was smiling broadly at him.

"Livius!" he called, his eyes a beautiful shade of brown, his french accent peeking through in every word. "Where have you been, son? It's been months since you last dropped by."

I was stunned, not only because I'd never imagined there to be a human alive that Livius would allow to speak to him in such a manner, but also because my mate and the man suddenly began speaking French, perfectly carved words and accents blending together as they caught up.

I'd never heard Livius speak so much in the foreign language... but I couldn't deny that it was completely and utterly beautiful. His mere hand gestures and expressions were entrancing as he smiled, the words delicately rolling off his tongue, everything pronounced, every 'r' given its weight.

I tucked my hands behind me, my fingers interlacing behind my back as I leaned to peer at the man from behind Livius' broad frame. I rolled back on the heels of my feet, not wanting to interrupt their conversation, and luckily a second later Livius gestured to me, uttering words that my ears could not decipher.

I had never wanted to learn French. Ever. I was more focused on keeping in touch with my parents' traditions and languages. My father was Italian, and my mother was from a pack in Lebanon. I was already a mix of so many cultures, a complex blend of two different worlds, and having a French mate was not making things any easier.

But he simply gestured to me and smiled that painfully gentle smile, his eyes warm and loving as he spoke words that although I didn't understand, I knew were only good. When the man, with his tied blonde hair and kind eyes, finally glanced at me and offered a smile, I returned it.

Moving to Livius' side, I took in the cozy interior of the cafe, the warmth and the perfectly painted walls, the waft of fried batter in the air that'd make anyone's mouth water.

"So, moon, what'll it be?" Livius asked, tilting his head, and I chewed on my bottom lip for a few moments.

"Surprise me."

He looked caught off guard for a few moments before his lips pulled into a delighted grin as he turned back to the man, his hand movements matching the speed of his words as he spoke in that dreamy language again.

Livius made a sweeping motion with his hand as though he were gesturing to simply everything, and my eyes narrowed. I had said surprise me, because the menu was in french. He knew that'd be my answer. What was this man planning?

Moments later he was ushering me into one of the larger corner tables and as we settled down, I pinned him with my stare, or tried to anyway. "What did you do?"

He gave a simple shrug and leaned forward, black tendrils falling in his face as his arms rested on the table, the mere action slightly intimidating from him. "You told me to surprise you."

"You know what I meant."

"Do I?"

I groaned at his stubbornness, the amused glint in his eyes, the slight smile on his face. He seemed as though he were going to say something as well before his phone began ringing. He glanced down at it with irritation, almost looking as though he wanted to chuck it out the window, but I simply blinked at him.

Livius hesitated, lifting his eyes to meet my own, uncertainty and annoyance dancing in that blue depth.

"Take it," I urged him, a part of me brimming with understanding. He let out a tired sigh before standing up, and murmuring a quick 'I'll be right back,' before stepping outside the shop. I could still see him through the glass, see his irritation, and the way he clenched his jaw while the person on the other line spoke.

His eyes were burning with annoyance as he barked out a few orders, then silence as the brave man on the other end spoke, and then more orders from Livius.

Before I could finish watching their exchange, a flurry of waiters and waitresses appeared, each one of them setting down a different type of crepe before me, each freshly made with a different topping, a different batter, a different taste. All of them perfectly plated as well.

This is what I get for asking him to surprise me.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb, Alexandria. So so dumb.

I looked back at the glass just in time to see Livius suddenly hang up, before inhaling a calming breath, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose before he moved to come in again.

"I'm sorry," he began, running a hand through those long locks of his. Perhaps I could tie them up into space buns one day while he slept... "I told them I was not to be disturbed, but-"

"It's alright," I murmured, my gaze slipping down to all the plates before us, and the more that were coming.

This was a whole fuckin crepe tasting. If that's even a thing. I had just wanted one. One kind. One random type with a surprising set of toppings, but this would do too. I guess.

Livius was watching me intently his eyes never leaving my face as though he wanted to say something but was uncertain how to word it. But I caught it in his eyes, and though we weren't quite acting like loving mates at the moment, I could still read him well enough to put a few pieces together.

I frowned as I spoke next. "When do you need to go?"

He sighed, the burden of his work and the way it followed him would forever keep him tired. "In about half an hour. It'll only take a few minutes. Just to get those damn fools in line."

Meeting Livius' gaze, I offered him the smallest smile. I really felt bad. Truly. I remembered how busy my own father was, how he could rarely ever make time for our family, but always made sure to tuck me in, no matter how heavily his duties weighed on him.

It still hurt to think of him. To imagine his warrior like features, the fierceness in his expressions, the love he bore for my mother. It hurt like hell. It burned with a searing pain and anger that could no longer be directed at anyone but the Moon Goddess herself.

Eleven years worth of healing had done nothing to stop this pain. Nothing.

"I'll drop you off with Sebastien so-"

I cut him off, already disagreeing. "I'll come with you. That way we can at least take advantage of some of the time before lunch."

Livius paused, but didn't look like he planned on arguing. "Are you certain?"

I gave a quiet nod in response.

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