You're Mine

By Shy_Writer1006

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Traumatized as a child, Cassandra can't erase the details of her mother's murder from her mind. Now thirteen... More

Chapter One: The Nightmare
Chapter Two: Introductions
Chapter Three: School Sucks
Chapter Four: Halloween Party
Chapter Five: School Lockdown
Chapter Six: The Killer?
Chapter Seven: Finals Beware
Chapter Eight: Winter Break
Chapter Ten: Tick Tock
Chapter Eleven: Too Late
Chapter Twelve: The Truth
Chapter Thirteen: Shouldn't of Done That
Chapter Fourteen: All Alone
Chapter Fifteen: The Note
Chapter Sixteen: Going Back To Where It Began
Chapter Seventeen: You Choose
Chapter Eighteen: Taking One For The Team
Note from Author

Chapter Nine: Going Back Home

45 2 0
By Shy_Writer1006

After the detectives shared that information with me, we began to make a plan to ensure I was safe. I told them how I was leaving the state which they surprisingly agreed to. After a few phone calls and one to my brother, everything seemed ready to go. I thanked them for their time, and I went back to my apartment to try to process everything. The killer is still out there, and I'm his next target. That thought repeating over and over in my head.

The day comes when the three of us part. Ash gives Kara and I ride to the airport, so she doesn't have to leave her car behind. We're at the entranceway giving one last hug to each other. "We'll see you in a week right?" I ask as I pull away from his tight embrace.

"Of course, one week and the three of us will be dancing the night away with that fancy champagne, right Kara?" He looks at her with a grin.

"Exactly, we'll drink and up a pant size from everything," She says as she hugs him. "Now you better get going, so you're not behind on your road trip."

"Okay, mom, you two better text when you land." He gives us both a stern look before breaking out into a smile.

"We will as long as you text us when you reach midway and your destination," I tell him.

"Sounds like the three of us have a deal then. Now one more hug," He says as he pulls into another one.

"You act like we're breaking up," She says with an eye roll as she hugs him again.

"Might as well be with how clingy I am," He jokes. "Oh, my babies have grown up and are leaving their father behind."

I pull away from him with a laugh before saying, "You're so weird sometimes Ash."

"I love you too." He winks at us before heading back to his car with a wave as we yell bye to him.

Kara takes my hand in her as she turns to look at me, "Are you ready for the best break of your life?" She asks me with a grin.

"I'm ready to have fun and relax with you," I say with a smile as we grab our luggage.

The airport is packed as we navigate our way through it to our terminal. We arrive right on time as they announce that our plane is boarding. She gets our tickets out of her purse and hands me mine. I look down at it and my eyes widen in shock. We have first-class tickets. I look at her while holding my ticket up.

"Sorry, mom has the jet, and I didn't want to deal with the hassle. Is first class okay?" She asks as she hands her ticket to the attendant.

"Do you hear yourself? Kara, I've never flown before and you got one of the best," I say with shock as I also hand my ticket to them.

"Sorry my inner brat is showing, but I also had to get the best for my girl." She grins at me as we going inside the plane. "Since this is your first time flying, you're in for a real treat." She sits down in our seats.

I sit down with her still in shock about everything. "Kara, you live in another world," I say in awe as I lean back in the seat. She gives a small laugh as we buckle up before the plane takes off. The takeoff is a bit bumpy, but once we're up in the air the view is amazing. To see everything get smaller as we go ascend to the clouds is incredible. I wish I could take pictures like this. I look from the window over to her. She's already gotten herself comfortable with a blanket and a magazine. I look down at my phone before putting my headphones in. I don't want to bother her and be a chatterbox the whole flight. So I plug in and gaze out the window while hoping that this will be a fun trip for both of us.

Halfway through the flight, Kara taps my leg to get my attention. I pause my music and take a headphone out, "What's up?" I ask her.

"I'm getting me something to eat. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" She asks me.

"No, I'm fine, but thank you though," I say right before my stomach growls rather loudly causing my face to blush.

She raises a brow as she looks at my stomach then back to me. "You sure about that?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I mean we have three hours left of our flight, so I'll get something at the airport or on the way," I tell her. "If you're hungry, you should go ahead and eat, thank you again for the offer."

She sighs and orders her food. I'm about to put my headphone back in when she stops me and asks, "Cassie, are you okay?"

I look at her confused and say, "Yeah, I'm completely fine. Why do you ask?" I take out my headphone.

"You've just been quiet here lately and even now you're being even quieter," She says with a sigh. "Am I boring you, or is something wrong? Did you not want to come?"

"What? No, Kara," I grab her hand. "I want to be here, and you're not boring me," I reassure her. "I just didn't want to talk to your head off is all. You seemed content when you were reading, so I just wanted to leave you be. I promise you I'm excited to be coming home with you especially since we need some girl time," I say with a smile.

She breathes a sigh of relief. "Good, you had me worried, there for a minute," She says.

We end up chitchatting about different things for the rest of the flight. She tells me more about her hometown since I've never been to it. She tells me how we'll get to see snow and Christmas decorations everywhere. I lean my head on the headrest as I just listen to her talk about everything. She's practically beaming when the flight attendants tell us we're landing soon.

The land is a bit rockier than the takeoff was, so she takes my hand in hers again. Even though I'm not scared, I enjoy her comfort. As we're leaving the plane with luggage in hand, I look out the window to see a bit of sleet falling. I haven't seen snow in forever. I move along as she pulls me forward. We head down to the second floor where a drive can be seen, holding a sign with her name. She runs forward and hugs him as he smiles and hugs her back. I soon learn that his name is Andrew and he was Kara's main caretaker. He takes us to the car where we begin the drive to her house. I"m looking out the window as we drive past Christmas decorations in the city. People rushing around as we're surrounded by cars and buildings. We're soon on our way and the traffic seems less and less as we leave the city behind. We take an exit and soon all I can see is mountains. Despite it being winter and everything dead, the view is still breathtaking. I turn to Kara and see she's already looking my way and says, "I told you that it's beautiful here, and we're almost to the house. You'll be able to see it one we round this curve on the mountain."

I nod before turning to look out the window once more. My jaw drops as I see her house, it's enormous and magnificent looking. She laughs when she sees my expression. "It's so big," I tell as I look at it then back at her.

"That's what she said," She says before busting out laughing. Even Andrew gives a small chuckle at her comment.

"You're such a pervert," I say as I roll my eyes.

"Me, a pervert? Honey, I'm an angel," She says before leaning forward. "We're here."

The sleet is starting to come down more as we as we get out of the car. Her house is even bigger than I previously thought it was. It looks just like it came out of a Hallmark movie with the twinkling lights and Christmas decorations covering it. I feel my jaw drop slightly as I look at it in awe. I turn and look at her and say, "This is your home?"

"Yep, home sweet home. It's even bigger on the inside." She laughs. "I see mom went all out this year. She loves showing off for the guest."

I turn and look at it once more. The mansion is pearly white, but the rainbow of lights makes it appear in different colors. The iron railings, on the second floor, are wrapped in garland with little ornaments hanging from it. There are two wreaths with poinsettias on the front doors. I've only seen fake ones in such a deep shade of red, so they stand out on the pine background of the wreath. As we reach the front door, I see the plants even have some ornaments on them too. This place truly has an enchanting aura surrounding it. Whether it's because of the holiday spirit or the attention to detail to make it seem like a movie set, I've been bewitched already by this lush lifestyle that Kara lives in.

"Cassie? Cassie? I think we've lost her Andrew," Kara states while shaking my arm.

"Huh? Sorry, Kara, I was just in awe. I mean this is only the outside, but I never realized how different our lives are," I explain as I look down at my boots. "It's just a lot to take in. You and Ash might be used to this, but it's a whole new world to me."

She places her hands on my shoulders as she looks at me. "You realize that's why I love you right?" She lifts my face, so I'm looking at her. "You keep me humble Cassie. I mean I was a huge brat before I met you, and you made me realize there's more to life then I thought. Yes, this is a different lifestyle, but you fit in just fine. You're a gem boo as our dear Ash says. So don't let all this get to you, we're here for a grand party and some relaxing girl time."

I look at her and smile. "You're right, we are here to have fun and relax this week. We don't need any stress, just the fine things in life," I agree.

With a laugh, she says, "Exactly darling! We're going to have an amazing vacation. Now, let's go inside before we freeze, and Andrew will you put her things with mine in my room. We might as well leave the guest rooms available," She tells me.

Andrew opens the door before he picks up the bags. I go to help him, but he shakes his head. He gathers them before leading us down a maze of hallways. They tell me what each room is and which hallway leads where. However, I feel like I'll still get lost in this place. It's four stories in all, but we only go to the second floor where Kara's bedroom is. When we arrive at her room, he opens the door for us before bringing our luggage in. She wastes no time running in and jumping on her bed. "My true love, we're reunited at last. I've missed you so much," She exclaims as she hugs a pillow. "The dorm beds were terrible, but I couldn't risk bringing you with me."

"Ms. Michealson, that's not very lady-like," He sternly says, but the twitch of his mustache gives away that he's fighting a smile. "Oh Ms. Michealson, before I forget, your mother won't be in until late this evening. She sends her love and expects you to be at breakfast in the morning. She needs to talk to you and wants to meet your friend, Ms. Evans." He recalls.

"Of course she does. First day back and she wants me up all prim and proper," She groans from the bed. "Wait!" She sits up and looks at Andrew with a squint. "My mother isn't here, and you're calling me by my last name. We had a deal mister," She exclaims with a huff.

"I was hoping you would forget about that Ms. Michealson. It's just so informal for me to call you that. Katherine would be fine, but I know you despise that name." He finishes before she can interrupt. "But if it will make you happy, I'll address you as Kara while the mistress of the house is not here," He sighs.

"Thank you, this is why you're my favorite person in the whole world," She says with a sly smile. "Now can I ask you for a huge favor?" She adds.

"Yes ma'am, it is my job to serve, but I'm assuming the favor you're wanting is something to eat?" He questions as he picks some fuzz off his shirt.

"How did you know?" She shockingly asks him. "I mean I know you're one hell of a butler and caretaker, but you're not that good."

"No ma'am, I'm simply observant," He chuckles. "Your stomach growled along with your friends as we gave a tour," He admits. "So I figured, that means you would love an order of your favorite pasta, from that Italian place in town."

"Andrew, you're impressive and know me too well, but yes an order of that with garlic knots please," She asks him to which he nods. "Cassie, what do you want? They have literally everything from pasta, subs, pizza, and more." She tells me.

I quit looking at her bookshelf to them. "Um, I have no idea? I guess surprise me unless they have chicken parmesan?" I ask them as I go to my bag to find my wallet.

"One Kara special and one chicken parmesan with a side order of garlic knot. Would you like a two-Liter Dr. Pepper as well?" He asks as she nods to him. "Very well I shall return then."

He leaves before I can find my wallet. I sigh and sit on the edge of the table with the bags. "I didn't pay him yet, so can you remind me to give it to him when he returns please?" I ask her.

She throws a small, decorative pillow at me. "Girl, you're my guest. You don't need to worry about it, okay?" She explains with a dismissive shake of her head.

"Yes, ma'am," I laugh as I come and sit beside her. "So after we eat, what do you want to do?" I as while laying down her pillows.

"I'm going to take a shower before the food gets here. I figured I would then take you down to the basement," She says as she gets up.

"What's in the basement?" I question while propping my head up on a pillow. "Is that where you hide the guest from the light of day?" I ask with a shocked face.

"Oh Cassie, it's where I'm going to hide your body." She answers with a smirk before she lunges at me.

I'm sure my screams echo throughout the empty halls of the mansion, but she doesn't stop despite my pleas. "Kara, please!" I try to shout, but my laughter makes it come out like nonsense.

"Fine, I'll quit on one condition," She tells me with her fingers still at my side ready to attack again.

I gather my breath as the giggles subside, "And...And the condition is?" I ask looking up at the smirk on her face.

"Admit you like me," She replies with a grin.

"What?!" I yell as a blush begins creeping up on my cheeks.

She begins laughing, "Oh my God, Cassie your face!" She gets up off the bed, "I was kidding. Now, I'm taking a shower, and I'll show you what's really in the basement," She tells me before she disappears inside the bathroom.

I lay on the bed catching my breath and calming my rapid heartbeat. With a sigh, I grab my bag and pull out some clothes. I pause and reach inside to feel around until my hands meet the smooth plastic. I pull it out and look at the pack of cigarettes with a sigh. I had bought them on impulse when we stopped at a convenience store. I had shoved them in my bag before Kara saw. Sadly, Andrew had seen me hiding them and to make it worse I had asked him to not tell her. I'm so stupid! He works for her! Ugh! I think to myself as I shove them back in the bag. I'll hide them later, so she won't see them.

Before long, I find myself in a home theater with our pasta dishes watching a movie with her. When she brought me down here, I was expecting to see a little lounge area or something along those lines. I was not expecting to see a game room, a movie area, or even a popcorn and slushie station. Her world truly is different, but it's also really comfortable. I slide down in the seat to get comfortable and to pay attention to the movie that she picked.

I didn't realize I was beginning to doze until she nudges my shoulder. I rub my eyes and stand up while saying, "Sorry Kara, I didn't mean to almost fall asleep on you."

She chuckles and gets up also, "It's okay Cassie, it is nearly three in the morning, so we should head to bed anyways," She tells me as she picks up our trash.

I bend down to help her, "Where did the time go? We only watched a couple of movies didn't we?" I ask.

"We watched nearly six. I got so invested that I didn't know it was getting late until your head hit my shoulder," She says as a smirk creeps up on her lips. "I thought you were a night owl?" She asks.

I throw the trash away before replying, "Usually I am, but I'm exhausted. If you're not tired, I can stay up longer with you," I yawn out.

"I'm honestly just waiting for my mom to come home. I know she'll be busy the next couple of days, so I want to talk to her while there's time," She explains.

"Are you going to tell her about the modeling thing or the designer idea?" I ask her. "I know it's been weighing heavily on your shoulders," I add.

"It has been mainly because I don't want to be compared to her because I want to be seen as my own person. My mom is one of the top designers and worked her way to the top. I want to do the same thing, and I definitely do not want to be seen as just using my name to get places.," She explains to me.

"Kara, you're talented and have made a dent in the fashion world already. You're making a name for yourself without the Michealson part. So as you tell me, chin up and remember you're a damn queen in a world of jesters," I tell as I hug her.

"See this is why I'm glad I'm friends with you. You know how to make a girl feel better," She says with a smile as she hugs me back.

"Anytime for my favorite girl," I say as we pull apart from the hug. "Now let's get you upstairs before we turn into a sap feast," I tell her with a laugh.

She chuckles as we head upstairs. She then leads me once more through the maze of hallways. I try to remember little things about them, so I can find my way around without getting lost. Thankfully, they seem a bit familiar then they did with my first tour of the home. When we arrive at her room, I can barely contain my yawns. "I think I need some caffeine," I tell her.

"That Dr. Pepper didn't do it for you?" She asks me as she walks inside to plug her phone up and set it on the nightstand.

"I didn't drink a lot of it since I know it's your favorite. Besides, soda doesn't give me any energy just like coffee," I confess as I plop on her bed. "That could also be due to the fact that I drink it like hot chocolate," I mumble.

"You drink more tea than anything though. The only time you drink coffee is when Ash and I get it," She says as she plops down beside me.

"Morning tea is the best way to wake up. You get warmed up and relaxed as you sit and drink it. It also smells good with all the herbs." I explain to her as I roll on my side to face her.

"If you say so, I'll stick to my usual drink I get in the morning. It's the right amount of strong and sweet that it gets my day going just right," She tells me with a smile.

"You mean your complicated drink?" I ask her before a yawn escapes me.

"I don't think you're going to make it any longer, so you should go ahead and put your pajamas on," She hints to me like a mother to their sleepy child.

"I'll be fine," I insist until she gives me her famous 'are you sure look'. "Ugh, to make us both happy I'll put my shorts on. I don't her seeing me in short shorts and a baggy shirt would make a good impression," I explain as I go to my bag and get them out.

"She's a designer, not the fashion police. That's my job as your best friend," She assures me.

"Gee, I feel so much better now," I say as I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom. I change into my green, polka-dotted shorts and pull my hair up into a bun and look in the mirror. I look tired, more so than usual. I think as I turn the water on and splash my face to try and wake me up. "Hey, does it matter what towel I use?" I call out to her.

"No, just pick from the ones on the counter, or you can get one out of the closet in there," She yells back to me.

I dry my face off and head back to her room. I lay down on her bed, facing the opposite side of her. "My feet aren't going to bother you right?" I ask her as I move them away from her some more.

"No, they're fine," She pauses. "Cassie, what is that on your ankle?" She asks me as she reaches for it.

"That's my newest tattoo," I tell her as I move my leg so she can see it.

She traces her finger around the crescent moon. She then looks at the crystals that are forming out of it before asking, "You got a colored tattoo, and you didn't even show this to me. When did you get it, and what does this one mean?" She asks.

I sit up and look at it. "I guess right before we came back from our last break. It was an impulse tattoo, and it's becoming my favorite one so far," I explain to her as I look at it also. "The crescent moon goes with me being the night owl, the crystals that are coming out of it are for good vibes, and the pine trees are for my love of nature," I explain with a smile. "The colors are also for my two favorite people."

"How many do you have now?" She asks me as her phone chimes from a message.

"I have three now. I have the warrior one that goes down my wrist that I got with Ash, the capture life one on my ribs that I got with you, and now this one on my ankle," I yawn before asking, "Who's messaging you this late at night? Have you got a boyfriend that I don't know about?"

She leans over to check her phone. "No, it's my mom. She's not going to be here until later in the morning, so there isn't a reason for me to stay up and wait on her anymore," She tells me with a sigh. "Also, I'm probably going to give up on dating awhile."

"Why? Is it because of that boy from Halloween?" I ask her in shock as I sit up to look at her.

"No, it's not because of him, that I can promise you," She sighs before continuing, "It's the fact that I want something real. I don't want to keep doing the pointless cycle of having a toy as you and Ash put it; I want something real for once. I want an actual relationship that I can fall deeply into, and it not be based on my looks," She tells me.

"Well, I guess we'll have to start looking for Mr. Right then. I mean coming from me that won't mean much," I laugh before saying, "I mean I've only been in love three times, and they never worked out for me."

She moves and lays down beside me. "Will you tell me about them again?" She softly asks me.

"Well you know two of them, but you can't judge me for the third one. I mean I can't control my heart after all," I say with a sigh. "But, I'll tell you since you'll probably bother me until I do."

"I'm not that bad," She says while smacking my chest. "If you don't want to tell me, you really don't have to Cassie. We just never talk about them. You hear all the time about Ash's love life and mine, but you never reveal yours." She says as she looks at me.  

"I don't like focusing on the heartbreak. Plus, crushes suck if I'm honest since you feel like shit when you get rejected. Whether it's with words or seeing them with someone," I say with a sad smile before I look up at the ceiling. "As you know my first crush was in middle school. He was my science partner and incredibly funny. I didn't mean to fall for him, but my heart had other plans for Ian. I wouldn't say I fell hard for him, but it did still hurt. As you know, I was going to tell him that Friday after class, but he came in telling his buddies how Maddison had yes to him asking her out. They're married now, so I'm quite happy for him," I say with a chuckle.

"I still can't believe you didn't have a crush until middle school, but he doesn't realize what he missed even if he is married now," She rolls her eyes and says, "Your second love is the one I'm still surprised about."

"Why? Is it because he turned out to be gay or that he's my best friend?" I ask her with a slight glare.

"Both! It's mainly because I can't believe you liked him!" She bursts out before laughing. "It's kind of funny the more you think about it."

I shake my head. "I didn't know at the time. He wasn't open about it! Now, may I continue or are you going to keep judging me?" I ask her with a sigh.

"Sorry, I'll be quiet so you can continue," She sheepishly tells me.

"Thank you," I tell her before continuing, "Now as you know, I was in high school before I even took notice in people again. It wasn't because of the rejection, but it was due to me being so focused on my studies. I hardly noticed anyone having crushes on me or wanting me to hang out. That was until I met Ash in my junior year. That boy did not take no for answer on us being friends, but I'm glad he didn't listen to my stubborn self. Once more, I didn't intend to fall for him either. It wasn't an overnight thing either. I still don't know if it started when we became better friends or started spending time together outside of school. With this crush though, I did fall hard for him. I could talk to him for hours on the phone, meet up to study, or just hang out doing nothing. So, I decided to woman up and ask him out. However, it did not go as plan, but you already know this. I still feel terrible telling him I like him because he felt he had to out himself to give me a reason. Though I felt my heart breaking in two, I hugged him and told him that I'm glad he trusted me enough to tell me. It did affect our friendship since I tried to push him away, but you already know that he and I are good friends if not better now," I tell her as I look from the ceiling to her again.

"I will admit I'm a tad jealous of the bond you two have with one another, but I'm happy you have him as a best friend. I'm beyond glad you two continued to be friends despite that awkward moment between you," She tells me as she turns on her side to face me. "Now, who is this mysterious third love of yours? Do I know them?" She questions me.

"You kind of do know them," I sigh out and bite my lip. Should I tell her? I think to myself. I feel my stomach churn at the thought of it. I mean she already knows I am, but I don't want to tell her everything just yet. I roll onto my side and look at her.

"Cassie, you okay?" She asks me as her eyes do a once-over on my face with concern. She takes my hand as she says, "If you're not ready, you don't have to tell yet, okay?" She reassures me as her thumb rubs my hand.

I take a deep breath and say, "It's not I'm uncomfortable telling you. It's just that this crush is a whole new ballgame for me. It's honestly confusing since I don't know if it's a real crush, me falling for them, or just being the confused college thing," I tell her while avoiding her gaze.

"Ah, I understand now, you don't know if it's curiosity speaking or your actual feelings talking," She clarifies.

"Exactly, it's so frustrating not knowing which it is, so I don't want to say anything to them. If it is just me being confusing, I don't want to lead them on or be classified as it. However, I also don't want to tell them if it's real either." I groan out as I cover my face with my free hand.

"Well, tell me about it and we'll see if we can resolve your issue on figuring out which it is," She says as she moves my hand away. "So spill it, girl. You know I won't judge you," She tells me with a reassuring smile.

"Fine," I groan out. "So my third possible one is a jumbled mess, I don't want to tell them because as I told you I don't know what it is. But, I will tell you a little about them, I already know you're going to ask me. This person, who shall remain unnamed, is truly amazing. They are brilliant even if they don't know it, or rather they don't show it. They're a free spirit who can't be contained or have a label. They're so talented at the passion they love to do. I love watching their eyes light up as they talk about the things they love or just the little thing that excites them. They're very open about how they feel, and they're quite fearless. Don't get me wrong though, they do have a soft side, but they don't many see it since they want fake people taking advantage of it. They're really something else and sometimes frustrate me to no end, but I wouldn't change them or want them to change. They're perfect just the way they are. I also can't tell them any of this..." I trail off.

"I'm not going to lie, but they sound like someone I could be friends with. Minus the jumbled feeling and the unknown, what's the real reason you can't tell them?" She curiously asks me.

"I can't them because she's straight," I whisper as I roll onto my back to look at the ceiling again. "She's straight and I know that without a doubt," I add.

"Oh, Cassie I'm so sorry," She softly says to me.

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