The Royal Crush

By therandomphantom

14K 522 102

'Once upon a time, there was a girl who hauled her ass out of bed and dragged it all the way to school. That... More

Author's Note


237 15 0
By therandomphantom

By evening I was laughing happily, feeling carefree. Freedom is such a wonderful, addictive feeling.

We headed to the beach and I was glad I'd chosen to wear shorts today. I removed my Vans and ran towards the ocean, squealing happily. The waves lapped by my feet and I took a deep breath, enjoying the salty sea breeze. I took a few more steps and laughed in delight as the waves crashed around my knees. I turned to look at the boys and couldn't help laughing at how ridiculous Keith looked in his formal black shirt and dress pants. Cedric had changed into shorts and was shirtless, attracting a growing group of girls as he walked towards me.

"How's the sea, m'lady?" he queried, smiling lazily as he threw an arm around my shoulder. The girls glared at me and dispersed. 

"Lovely, my lord," I laughed. The salty sea breeze caressed me softly and I smiled contentedly. How could I be sad in the midst of such beauty?

"You should really stop pushing him away," Cedric said.

"Who?" I asked even though I knew who he was talking about. Of course I knew. He was in my mind all day long, everyday.

"You know who," Ced retorted.

I gasped. "Voldemort?!"

Cedric sighed. "Seriously...?"

"Ced, it's not gonna work-"

"I don't understand how you are able to underestimate yourself when the one who made this," he said gesturing to the beautiful sight of the sun sinking into the sea, "made you. You have the universe inside you, Chloe. How can you not be hopeful with a soul made of stardust?"

My eyes teared up but I blinked it away. "So melodramatic."


"What would I do without you?"

"Oh you'd probably die," he said casually and shrugged, smirking. I laughed and hit his arm.



"Yea, Ced told me you weren't feeling good so he took you out," Vivi said as we walked to class next day. "How was it?"

"Fantastic. Incredible. One of the best days of my life."


"Yea, it was so relaxing! We drove out of town and went to that cute Downtown café and I kid you not, I had the best red velvet caramel cake of my entire existence. It was so damn good, I've never had a cake this good before. We should really go there sometime! Anyways, then we went shopping and we went to watch a movie. It wasn't that good but Ced, Keith and I had a good time commenting on it throughout the movie. At least the popcorn was good. Oh and we went to the beach and oh my god! You should have seen that sunset, it was splendid! Like someone had painted it using the most beautiful shades of pink and orange and red and yellow. It was so calm and peaceful. You should've seen Keith, he looked so out of place! And of course Cedric was swarmed by girls and-"

"What?" Vivi interrupted sharply. I stopped rambling and rewound. What had I been talking about? Girls? Ah.

"Ooh, someone's jealous!" I smirked.

"I'm not jealous!" Vivi retorted.

"You are!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Ms. Everett, Ms. Markwell, please settle down!" the teacher said in exasperation. I smirked and kept quiet, shooting suggestive looks at Vivi. She rolled her eyes and ignored me.

I walked to my locker after class and felt someone fall in step beside me.

"Hey, didn't see you in class yesterday," said Frank Turner.

"Oh hi," I said, avoiding Keith's smug look. "I wasn't well."

"What happened?"

I waved my hand dismissively. "Nothing much, really. Oh, hey Zara wait up!"

I ran up to Zara. "Hey."

"Hey, long time. What's up?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to escape from Frank Turner," I said sheepishly.

Zara laughed. "Why?"

"Because apparently he likes me. According to Keith, anyways."

"Ah yes, Khaleel gave me a list too."

I laughed. "It's not like they have anything else to do anyways. I still don't get the point of keeping a bodyguard in such a safe area." 

"I know right!" Zara replied, throwing her hands up. Khaleel rolled his eyes.

"Chloe. Time for History," Keith reminded me. I sighed.

"See you around, Zara."

She waved and walked to her class while I went to History. I sat at my usual seat in the back as Ms. Grunge started class. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Caleb entered.

"Mr. Eaton! You're late," Ms. Grunge exclaimed, glaring at him.

"I'm aware," he replied leaning against the door. "I would say it won't happen again but we all know that's impossible so, sorry."

Ms. Grunge just glared at him so he shrugged and walked into the class. I held my breath as he sat next to me.

"Hey," he smiled. I was already short on air, he wasn't helping.

"Whaddup," I said as casually as I could.

"You were absent yesterday."

"I was."


I shrugged. "I wasn't feeling well."

He nodded and faced the front. I noticed a few girls gawking at him and I wasn't surprised. His skin was to die for and you could sharpen knives on that jaw. Throw in the lush hair and green eyes and there's a dreamboy.

Slowly, a smirk formed on his soft lips.

"Haven't your parents taught you that it's rude to stare?" Caleb whispered.

I blushed and looked away, embarrassed. "I wasn't staring at you."

The smirk widened. "Sure. Whatever rocks your boat."

"Fuck off."

"I'm flattered."

"Of course you are, ego-head."

He chuckled. "Ego head? What a creative insult,"

I rolled my eyes at the unbelievably hot jackass and turned away.


I stepped out of school and my eyes widened. It was snowing!

I held out my hand and a snowflake drifted onto my palm. In the second before it melted, I saw how beautiful it was.

There wasn't much snow, but people were already throwing it at each other. Cedric was hit by a large chunk of snow from George. I laughed, just before I got a handful of snow in my face.

I gasped and turned around to find Caleb. I grabbed some snow and dirt and threw it at him. Of course I missed, making him laugh like a maniac. He threw again so I did the next best thing I could. I ran.


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