The storm

Por indie666

12 0 0


The storm

12 0 0
Por indie666

The boat rocks back and forth, the sea is very turbulent.

The boat rocks and rocks, I start to I begin to feel dizzy I want to get off but there is no escape, their hasn’t been any signs of land for days now.

I hold on tight, grasping onto the ships rustic and wooden surface.

Multiple lighting bolts appear from all directions, illuminating the sky and making it brighter then even the brightest city.

The thunder in the sky is so loud that it appears to be louder then all of the world’s drums, drumming simultaneously.  

My heart begins to pound very fast and sweat slowly begins to drip down my forehead even though it is freezing then suddenly se lighting hits the boat and it begins to burst into flames.

 I quickly and impulsively dive into the cold dark waters of the ocean. 

I lay their floating as I watch the fire spread and consume the boat, I can hear the sound of the rustic wood burning. I Imagine my past future and present memories burning away.  The coldwater consumes my skin and I feel almost as though I’m being sucked into the oceans bottom.

 I turn away and beginning examining the stars which appear to cover every area of the sky.  They glimmer offering me a sense of hope and new birth.

Suddenly out of nowhere and despite astronomical odds a chopper hovers over me, I’m rescued.

Suddenly I don’t feel so alone.  

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