resurrect | h.s

By ulookuglytodaysis

284K 6.9K 5.3K

(Completed!) I swore I saw him, standing there in the darkness. But it couldn't be him, he was gone. He was... More

Authors Note
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part fourteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty one
part twenty two
part twenty three
part twenty four
part twenty five
part twenty six
part twenty seven
part twenty eight
part twenty nine
part thirty
part thirty one
part thirty two
part thirty three
part thirty four
part thirty five
part thirty six
party thirty seven
part thirty eight
part thirty nine
part forty
part forty one
part forty two
part forty three
part forty four
part forty five
part forty six
part forty seven
part forty eight
part forty nine
part fifty
part fifty one
part fifty two: the attack
part fifty three
part fifty four
part fifty five
part fifty six
part fifty seven
part fifty eight
part fifty nine: the delivery
part sixty: Daisy Styles
Trepidation !!

part thirteen

6.1K 129 137
By ulookuglytodaysis

thank you for 1k on this story :)

Lydia White

October 3rd

I had every intention of 'letting loose' tonight.

It feels like I've been cooped up for so long, subconsciously forcing myself to maintain a classy image of myself and I've come to realize that the root of this issue was Cody.

I had tricked myself into thinking that he was such a great guy. But I had failed to see what was underneath the act. He was a drunk, cheating asshole who I needed to forget about. Tonight would be the start of that.

I convinced Eliza to come with us. It took some real persuasion from me, because she was nervous to leave Eli. But, when I reminded her of all the fun we used to have when we would party, she complied. She got her mom to babysit so she could have the night out for once. She hasn't had one since she gave birth.

She came over to my house to get ready. It was just like old times.

My outfit was way out of my comfort zone, but it felt completely necessary for this new leaf I was turning over tonight.

It was a silk, nude pink tight fitting dress with fishnet tights underneath and black heels. I accompanied it with a black choker and hoop earrings.

My hair was straight and I had heavier makeup on than usual. It wasn't anything too crazy, but enough to make a statement. 

Eliza, rather impressively, bounced back from her pregnant body. She was in great shape. She came out of the bathroom in a tight black mini skirt and a tight black crop top.

"I haven't worn something like this in literally over a year." she explains, not feeling totally confident in herself.

"You look hot." I say with wide eyes. She was literally one of those mothers that kids would have crushes on.

"Yeah?" she says, looking for reassurance.

"Yeah." I nod in confirmation. Eliza used to be so confident and carefree until she had a baby. That's not to say it's Elijah's fault, because she sees him as a blessing, but if we are looking for someone to blame...then it'd be Liam.

I knew Eliza had forgiven Liam for getting her pregnant, because if he didn't then she wouldn't have Elijah. However, I was allowed to have some resentment towards him because Eliza is my best friend and Liam was stupid.

That was my justification.

She was such a strong person, raising a baby without the father for a whole 5 months. She deserved a night out.

Harry texted me, saying he was outside. He and Liam had drove here together to pick the both of us up. Louis and Niall were taking separate cars, and my two coworkers were going to meet me there.

I assumed that the guys would just get some drinks and socialize between each other while the girls would dance and have as much fun as possible.

The coworkers that invited me were my absolute favorite people to work with. One is named Ashley and the other is Tatum. They're both a year older than me and some of the most fun people I know.

I was excited to go out and party, especially with Harry. He's been so stressed with the gang, and since he decided to stay here, I want him to be able to have fun, too.

Eliza and I walked out of the building and saw Liam and Harry standing outside of Liam's car.

The two of them turned their heads to look at us exiting. Liam had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth while Harry had one tucked behind his ear.

Harry looked so good. It actually caught me off guard. He was in his regular black jeans, but instead of a black t-shirt, he was wearing a white button-up that was only done up a little more than halfway so his chest was basically exposed. The sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, exposing his tattoos.

His hair is what shocked me the most. It looked styled. Not to the extent that Cody would usually have it, but his curls were gelled into place while one curl escaped and hung loosely in front of his forehead.

I think I forgot how to breathe when I walked up to him. He looked me up and down then smirked, taking the smoke behind his ear and pinning it between his teeth.

"You look great." he says with the cigarette between his lips.

"Yeah." I clear my throat awkwardly. "So do you." I press my lips together and shut my eyes after the incredibly cringey words left my mouth.

Could you be more obvious, Lydia. I mean really.

"We should get going. Louis and Niall are already there." Liam says, looking down at his phone.

Harry gets into the passenger seat while Eliza and I get in the back.

I watch Harry as he looks out his window with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth still. It wasn't even lit.

"Are you gonna light that?" I ask, causing him to crane his neck to look at me quickly.

"Not until we at least get to the club. It's my only smoke tonight and I'm sure I'll need it at some point when we're in there." he responds.

I've come to realize that Harry only really smokes when he's stressed or worried about something.

I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder. "You know there's nothing to worry about, right?" I reassure.

He sighs and brings his hand up to mine, grabbing my finger with the ring on it gently. "I know." he says.

I take my hand away and sit back. I knew he was just worried because of everything that's happened in the past...but I feel it in my gut that nothing bad was going to happen tonight.

I trust my gut.

"What's the name of this place anyways?" Harry asks, tucking the smoke back behind his ear and playing with his bottom lip.

"Spirit." Eliza answers. "It's new. Just opened up a few months ago."

Liam and Harry exchange a look from the front seats, and Harry rolls his lips together, trying to suppress a smirk.

"What is it?" I ask, noticing their amusement and furrowing my brows.

"Nothing." Liam shakes his head as Harry bites down on his finger with a giggle.

"Oh my god, what?" I ask again, knowing something was up between these two.

"It's just that," Harry starts and looks over at Liam who simply smiles and looks ahead, "we own that club."

I draw my brows together and look at Eliza, who was equally as confused.

"I'm sorry, what?" she says.

"The Kings bought that place out like a year ago. We did it initially because we knew Phantoms liked to show up at clubs and we would be able to get them right where we wanted them." Harry explains. "But nothing came of it, so I kinda forgot about it. But now, I guess the people I assigned to work there have actually made a business out of it."

I sit back in shock. I really could not escape this stupid gang even if I tried. They were everywhere.

"So technically, you're the owner of this club we're going to." Eliza connects the dots.

Harry shrugs. "I guess so." he says, smirking a little.

I roll my eyes and scoff slightly at his cockiness. In all honesty, I didn't care about the whole club situation. Especially because Harry didn't even realize it was still being used.

We got to the club in the next 10 minutes. Liam told us that Louis and Niall had a table for us already. I've been texting with Ashley and Tatum, who were already there as well.

They didn't know who Louis and Niall were, so I'd have to introduce them all and pray that they didn't do or say anything dumb.

I could hear the music pulsing from outside the club already. There was a line up of people waiting to get in, and as I began walking towards the end of it, Harry grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"We're not waiting in line." he says as he guides me towards the front of the line with Liam and Eliza behind us.

We definitely earned some irritated looks from people as we walked up to the bouncer at the doors.

He looked up and immediately recognized Harry and Liam.

"Well look who it is." the tall, buff man exclaimed with a grin.

Harry's lips curled into a smile as he shook the guys hand, same with Liam. "Hey, Ty." Harry says.

'Ty' lets us in by un clipping the rope in front of the door and allowing us to cut through.

Upon entering the giant club, I noticed that there were two levels.

The main level-the level we were on- was illuminated by a blue light. The dance floor was blue, the bar was blue, all of it. Then, the second floor, which looked more secluded and laid back was red. There was a red light emitting that whole level.

There were people dancing on this level. There was electronic music playing and people laughing and making conversation. There was also a stage to my left, where the dance floor began.

"Louis and Niall are up on the second level." Liam says.

"I'm gonna find my coworkers, then we'll meet you guys up there." I explain. Eliza stays back with me to find Ashley and Tatum while Harry and Liam head to the red upper level.

Eliza and I scan the floor looking for them, but there were so many people here and it prohibited me from being able to find them.

So, I pulled out my phone to text one of them. However, at the same time, I get a text from Harry.

"Come upstairs." it reads.

I text back. "I haven't found them yet."

I get an instant reply from Harry, that made my stomach tense up.

"Well I did. Come up."

Ashley and Tatum were already up there with the guys. This cant be good.

I turn to Eliza, who's still scanning the club with her eyes. "C'mon, we're going upstairs." I grab her hand and practically drag her through the club without her being able to get a word in.

The stairs were at the back of the club where the blue faded into black, and as we climbed the stairs, the black lighting turned into red.

I let go of Eliza as we slowly emerged onto the second level, where the atmosphere was much different.

There were black couches and seats placed randomly around, and multiple curtained off sections that lead to God knows where.

It was much more quiet up here. There was maybe the half the amount of people than there were downstairs.

I spotted Harry, who waved for us to come over. He was seated with Niall, Liam and Ashley...however, I noticed Louis and Tatum were missing.

Eliza whispered in my ear as we walked towards the group. "Louis and Tatum are totally hooking up." she says, causing me to wack her in the arm.

"I really don't need another one of my friends being knocked up by these guys so please, refrain from the jokes." I say, causing her has to drop at my pregnancy comment.

"Guys!" Ashley jumps up from her seat, running up to El and I and hugging us both tightly. "So glad you made it." she smiles.

I smile in return, then look over her shoulder at the group. "So, uhm." I bite my lip. "Where's Tatum?" I ask.

"Oh!" she perks up. "She really hit it off with some guy named Louis, they snuck off behind one of those curtains and then Louis' friends said they knew who you were so I stayed with them." she explains.

It took everything in me not to run and search for Louis and Tatum behind each curtain, because I knew what Louis was like...and I was worried for Tatum.

"Come on, let's sit." she smiles, gesturing to the seats.

I sigh and follow her over. Eliza takes her seat next to Liam while I sit next to Harry.

He obviously noticed my frustration, because he immediately put his hand on my leg as a way of comforting me.

I tried to ignore everything else around me and focus on what I came here to do, which was have fun.

I looked over at Harry, who was holding a full drink in his hand and observing the lower level of the club through the panes of the glass balcony.

The red lighting made the shadowed areas of his face darker, causing him to look incredibly intimidating.

He raised the glass to his lips and tilted it slightly so he could drink.

That's what I needed, a drink.

On the table in front of us, there was a tray littered with shot glasses. I watched as Niall grabbed two of the clear liquid-filled glasses and handed it to Ashley.

I reach over and take a full shot glass for myself, bringing it to my lips and tossing my head back as the burning liquid races down my throat.

I earned some looks from everyone at my abrupt action.

I sit back against the couch and cross my legs with my head resting against the back of the couch.

"Are you gonna take shots of straight vodka all night or do you wanna get something a little more your speed?" Harry asks from beside me, making me roll my eyes but smile slightly.

"You don't think vodka is my speed?" I tilt my head sarcastically.

"Frankly, no. Not at all." he laughs.

He was right. Just that one shot made my stomach feel uneasy.

"Here," he says, reaching underneath his legs to retrieve a bottle of water he had. "take some of this, then we'll start you over with a better drink."

I take the bottle of water from his hands and gulp a decent amount down. I give the bottle back to Harry and he pats me on the shoulder.

"All good?" he says. I nod. "Right, well do you wanna wait a bit before a drink or-"

He gets cut off by the sound of a curtain drawing open. We all turn our heads to look back at one of the now open sections...and, just as I thought, Louis and Tatum walk out.

Tatum's ginger hair was a mess, as was Louis'.

They both stopped when they noticed all of us staring at them.

I turn back around with a huff, grabbing the water bottle from Harry once again. "I need a drink. Now." I say before gulping down the water again to replace the urge to take another shot.

*30 minutes later*

After the first drink, I didn't stop.

I was definitely 'feeling the alcohol', we all were...including Harry. He drank more than I did, and he was still going. We weren't at the sluggish, sloppy drunk stage yet, but we'd get there eventually.

I couldn't say the same for Ashley however, who handles her alcohol worse than I do and unexpectedly came out as a lesbian to all of us tonight when Niall tried to hit on her.

Her exact words were, "I like your accent but I'm gay."

So that's nice.

Tatum and Louis were all over each other, but I was too focused on how good I was feeling to care.

Eliza has expressed her happiness multiple times. She's made us raise our glasses to multiple toasts about how excited she is to be out partying instead of at home with Eli, but all the while still making it clear that she loves that kid more than anything.

I looked down at the empty glass in my hand, feeling unsatisfied with the lack of drink inside. Then, I looked at Harry, who was occupied laughing at something Louis had said.

I grabbed his hand and stood up, making him look at me.

"Whatcha doin?" he chuckles in a confused, buzzed tone.

"I'm getting another drink, come on."

He holds his own drink by outstretching his fingers over the rim of the glass and stands up. When he's stood, he pauses and grabs a hold of my chin to bring my head up to look at him.

"Are you drunk yet?" he mumbles.

I shake my head. "No, but I will be if I get another drink." I urge, pointing down behind me over the balcony.

"Okay okay." he says, dropping his hand from my chin then turning to the group. "Be right back ladies and gents." he says with a smirk.

We walk down the stairs. He was very close behind me with his hand on the small of my back. Even borderline drunk, he was still protective and cautious of who was around. He wouldn't let me walk too far ahead of him. If I did get a couple steps too far, he'd reach and wrap his arm around my waist to pull me back. It was because there was a time when going out in public like this was a recipe for disaster and he just wanted to be careful.

We were down on the blue level now, walking through sweaty, boozed up bodies.

We reach the bar and all Harry has to do is snap his fingers for someone to help us out. He orders my drink and then thanks the bartender by name.

Harry sits on one of the barstools, facing out towards the floor that was filled with dancing bodies. The stage was now being occupied by a girl performing a very provocative dance, but I mean she was killing it.

I stand by Harry and take a sip of my drink. I feel the weird presence of eyes looking at me, causing me to turn my head to find Harry gazing at me, smirking.

"What?" I chuckle.

"Did I tell you that you look great tonight?" he says.

"You might have mentioned it." I shrug, although I did in fact vividly remember him telling me this before we got here.

"Well you do." he brings the glass to his mouth. "It's killing me." he says before taking a sip.

I don't know why, but those three words were enough to make my lower stomach flutter like crazy. It caused me to take bigger sips from my drink in order to distract myself. I could slowly feel the effects of the multiple drinks taking place.

I look out at the dance floor, then back at Harry.

He looks at me as I smile and grab his hand once more, pulling him up from his seat. He soon realizes my intentions and begins to protest.

"No." he says. "No no no. I don't dance." he shakes his head as I pull him towards the floor.

"Neither do I." I reply.

He can't help but smile down at me, even though he tried to hide it.

"More than a year later and you still manage to surprise me, White." he says in a low, groggy, drunk voice.

I smile and bring him onto the floor. Our bodies were only inches apart due to the amount of people around. 

He looks around, then his eyes come back to meet mine.

The music was making the ground shake. The blue lighting caused Harry's white shirt to glow, along with his teeth when he smiled.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me in close so that our bodies were touching.

I could smell his cologne, mixed with the liquor  he's had over the night. He looks down at me as I begin to sway my hips slowly. One of his hands moves from my hip to my lower back, then down to my bum and he pulls me closer in towards his groin. I kept my eyes low, knowing that if I looked into his eyes then it'll be game over, especially in my drunken state.

In one sudden motion, he whipped my body around so that my back was facing him. He pressed himself up against me, causing me to bite my lip and pinch my eyes shut.

He knew what he was doing, and it was driving me insane.

I rest my head back against his broad chest as our bodies sway in slow movements. His hand comes up to my face and he proceeds to tuck my hair behind me ear.

My breath catches in my throat as he brings his mouth down to my ear. I can feel his hot breath run down my neck, making me tremble.

"You wanna take this upstairs?" he whispers.

I didn't answer. I couldn't. I was speechless.

I knew it was wrong to want him so badly, especially after the past week that I've been through. But due to the excitement he ignited in my body, and the alcohol affecting my brain...all I wanted was him to relieve me.

"I need an answer before I handle the way you're making me feel right here on this dance floor." he says lowly, causing my legs to quiver.

I nod against his chest, confirming that I wanted to do this.

He turns me around with a handsome and almost devilish smirk upon his lips. He grabs my hand and guides our bodies towards the stairs.

I could feel the anticipation coursing through my veins.

He lead us up the stairs and avoided our friends all sitting and chatting just a few seats away. He quickly snuck us away to one of the curtained areas.

He draws back the black velvet curtain and lets me go before him.

I don't know exactly what I was expecting to see when I entered this curtained area...but it definitely wasn't a hallway filled with multiple different doors.

It was literally a long, dark hallway with red lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling, and black doors on each side.

Harry, with his arm around my waist, opened one of the doors. I hesitantly step in. Inside was a black couch and a bed. The room had the same red lighting as the whole second floor. The bed had a thick black duvet and black pillows.

"Why are there beds in here?" I ask Harry, who comes in and shuts the door behind him.

"For people to have sex." he states blatantly, making my eyes widen.

So, when making this whole 'fake club', he decided rooms specifically meant for having sex would be a nice addition. Fun.

I kicked my shoes off and sat on the edge of the bed, eagerly waiting for something to happen.

Harry, however, clearly had no intentions of making this quick. He knew I was dying on the inside and he was going to use that to his advantage because that's just who he was.

He ran a hand over his styled curls. He took the smoke that rested behind his ear for the majority of the night and placed it between his lips.

He looked over at me briefly, catching me admiring and anticipating his every movement. This caused his lips to curl in a cocky, 'I have you right where I want you' manner. I didn't know if I was either terrified or extremely turned on. Maybe both.

He fished into his back jean pocket and pulled out a lighter, then tilted his head back while bringing the lighter up to the cigarette between his teeth. He lit the smoke and shut his eyes as he inhaled it.

He threw the lighter on the bed, then brought his undivided attention to his sleeves. With furrowed brows, narrowed dark green eyes, and the cigarette hanging out of his mouth, he started unrolling the sleeves from his forearms so that they fell down to his wrists.

He then started unbuttoning his shirt, slowly. He was avoiding eye contact with me, knowing he was fucking killing me.

I was going absolutely crazy, trying not to stand up from this bed and rip his damned shirt off myself. But, I stayed obedient and calm, because I knew he'd only prolong this more if he knew how desperate I was. He got satisfaction from that.

With his shirt now completely off and his tattooed upper half exposed, he took the cigarette between his forefinger and thumb and inhaled, then took his lips away and blew out smoke that circled his head.

The red lighting, the smoke, and the intimidating look in his eyes made him look like the devil.

And it was so hot.

"Harry." I blurt, my mouth working faster than my head and barely being able to control myself any longer.

His eyes snap up and forward, staring me down on the bed. I immediately shut my mouth, as if I was never allowed to talk in the first place.

He walked forward, making my breath hitch and within the next second, he was towering above me as I sat on the edge of the bed. I avoided his eyes, until his hand snapped around my jaw and he made me look at him.

He just smiled, with the smoke inbetween his clenched teeth. He took his hand away and gently ran his knuckles along my cheekbone, then walked away.

He went to the other side of the bed and sat down, his back to me as he took another drag of the cigarette.

I watched him, silently begging him to drop the act and finish what he started. My stomach was in knots.

He looked over his shoulder at me. "C'mere." he gestures with two fingers.

I slowly stand up and walk over to the side of the bed he was sitting on, standing in front of him.

He pulls me forward by my wrist until I have no choice but to straddle him. My legs sat on either side of his waist while his one hand gripped my ass tightly, keeping me up.

My lips part as I feel him rub against me. I bite my lip, trying not to show him that what he was doing was having any affect on me.

He took another inhale of smoke, then removed his one hand from my bum and brought it up to the back of my neck. He brought my head forward, towards his, then put his lips so closely against mine, except he didn't touch them.

He parted his lips slightly so smoke trickled out slowly, between our mouths.

I've never had sex with drunk Harry. I had no idea what he'd be like...but I was definitely not expecting this.

He blew out the rest of the smoke. "What exactly do you want, Lyds." he smirks.

"You know what I want." I reply, gripping his bare shoulders with my hands.

He burns his eyes into mine while taking the cigarette out of his mouth and reaching over to squash it into a convenient ashtray on the bedside table.

He continued to look at me with dark eyes before finally connecting his lips to mine. Roughly.

I didn't even have time to think before his tongue was in my mouth. He led the kiss forcefully, but I loved it.

He brought his lips away from mine and down to my neck, kissing and then biting, making me gasp.

I began to roll my hips on top of him, making him let out a low groan. He gripped my hips with his hands and whipped our bodies around so that my back hit the bed and he was on top of me. His hands gripped my wrists and pinned them to the bed on either side of my head as he attacked my neck.

I was lying there like the prey that had let the predator catch them. I felt so small underneath him, but not in a bad way.

He planted kisses all the way down from my neck to my abdomen. He stopped at my sensitivity, and looked up at me. His mouth was hidden so I could just see his eyes.

My toes were curled as the hot, aching feeling in my tummy grew more and more.

Harry reaches up to the band of the fishnet tights I was wearing, but instead of pulling off like regular pants...he rips them right in half, leaving me totally speechless.

He peels the ripped material off of my legs and then proceeds to kiss me over my underwear, causing me to bite my lip and grip the black duvet.

He bites the band of my underwear with his teeth, pulling them down off of my legs that were hanging over the bed.

He had one arm hooked under my back, and his other hand was on my stomach.

He lifted my dress up to my chest so it wouldn't get in his way.

The second his tongue pressed up against me, I felt insane relief. I let my lips part as soft whimpers of bliss left my mouth.

He starts licking my clit obsessively. At this point, my arousal had been pent up for so long that I could explode at any given moment.

I was close and I could feel it. My inner thighs and my lower stomach were on fire.

When my back started arching and my legs started trembling, he applied more pressure with his tongue until the exploding feeling of pleasure ripped through me. I tossed my head back, biting the back of my hand to keep myself from yelling out in pure euphoria.

Harry let me ride out my orgasm, adding his fingers and pumping and curling inside of me until I fully finished and then he lifted his head from between my legs, looking at me with a smirk and then wiping his mouth.

He sat up and then brought his fingers to his mouth, placing them on his tongue and licking them clean.

I was awestruck, but too drunk to react. All I could think about was how good I felt and how I needed him to take his fucking pants off.

He grabbed my hips and shifted me up further on the bed so he could climb on as well. He sat up on his knees between my legs as I waited in burning anticipation.

I sat up and went for his belt, he didn't stop me. He was showing through his jeans. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, then rolled them down to his knees so he was in boxers.

He bit his lip looking at me and I flicked my eyes up with a smirk. I palmed his length through his boxers causing him to hiss through his teeth.

"Fuck." he says under his breath.

He puts his hand on my shoulder and pushes, indicating for me to lay back down. I did what he wanted and spread my legs apart as he rolled his boxers down.

He was really big, and it was really intimidating after a year of not being exposed to that, but I wanted him so badly.

"You sure?" he asks. He always wanted consent before doing this. He hasn't changed.

I nod and shut my eyes, preparing myself for him.

He reaches for my hand and grips it as he sinks himself into me all at once.

I gasp at the pressure between my legs, as if it were the first time. I white-knuckle his hand as the pressure turns to relief and the relief eventually turns to pleasure as he draws his hips in and out.

He dips his head down so that one loose curl hangs over his face. His eyes were pinched shut tightly as he experienced pleasure of his own.

I don't know if it was because of the alcohol, but the feeling of him inside me was magnified 10 times more than when we normally had sex.

His hips rocked into mine and I clung onto his back for resistance. My nails dug into his skin as he groans and bites my lip before kissing me.

His kisses were intense and his breath was staggering. His forehead had beads of sweat forming, along with his chest.

I could feel the heat rising in my stomach again. I started letting out small moans, unable to control myself anymore. But, when he thrusts himself into me with one hard motion, I let out an audibly loud gasp that causes him to clamp his hand over my mouth quickly.

"Quiet, baby. Quiet." he whispers.

It was such a new, yet at the same time such a familiar feeling and all my boozed-out body could feel was raw ecstasy.

He began rocking into me at a faster pace. I moaned into his palm that still had a firm grip over my mouth. I could feel myself about to reach my high again.

And with another few thrusts from Harry, I came harder than before with so much more intensity as the pleasure burned throughout my body. My hips bucked off of the bed and I uncontrollably whined into Harry's hand.

He sped his movements up as I took my hands from his back and rested under him like a rag doll. I was exhausted.

He takes his hand off of my mouth and grabs my hips as low grunts escape his lips while he thrusts.

He speeds up and parts his lips and pinches his eyes shut with his brows furrowed. I watched his god-like face as he eventually came to his own high.

He froze and twitched inside of me, tossing his head back with his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He groaned in pleasure before collapsing down beside me.

We were both sweaty and breathing heavily on the bed. He pushed his hair out of his face and wiped his forehead with the back of his head.

"That was fucking crazy." he breathes.

I nod, at a loss for words.

He propped himself up and pulled his boxers up his legs, then retrieved his pants and shirt.

I sat up as well and fixed my hair. He looked over at me as he pulled his pants up and noticed my naked lower half, remembering what he had done to my tights a few minutes ago.

"Shit, sorry." he mumbled, reaching down and handing my my black underwear while picking up the tights as well.

I stand up and slip my underwear up over my legs. "It's fine. I got something out of it." I smirk, causing him to do the same.

Harry buttons his shirt up and rolls the sleeves once again. He looks over at me with my ripped up tights in my leggings.

The look in his eyes made me tilt my head. "What is it?" I ask.

He looked like he was dreading something as he put his hand on the doorknob.

"You realize we're about to walk out past all of our friends and they're gonna realize we just fucked." he explains.

I kind of forgot they were all still out there.

This should be interesting...


if you see a date at the top of a chapter, ITS IMPORTANT!!

(also thank u for reading, ily.)

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337K 7.5K 47
[COMPLETED] It is well known that the world isn't a nice place. There are too many people and not enough humanity. Emma learns this very quickly when...