Doubt the Stars are Fire

By LilithReisender

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Crowley finds himself stuck in prison in Venice after a the beginning of a job gone wrong. He had expected to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

133 17 17
By LilithReisender

It was three days before Crowley was able to actually get to begin his assignment. It wasn't his fault, not really. There were just so many things to do that he sort of got... sidetracked. It didn't help in the least that a certain angel was determined to show him every part of the palace. It was just as lush and decadent on the inside as it was on the outside, every room filled with various goods and luxuries- although Aziraphale was partial to the library. It was endearing, the way in which Aziraphale's face lit up whenever he happened upon some previously unknown volume, and Crowley was more than happy enough to sit back and watch as the angel ran his fingers reverently over each scroll and tome. In all reality, Crowley knew that he should have started working his way into the duke's favor the moment he had arrived in the palace, but Crowley was hesitant to do anything that might speed up his work and make him have to leave any sooner. He hadn't gotten the chance to spend this much time with Aziraphale since the Beginning, when both of them had realized that for the time being, they were alone and each other's company was better than no company at all.

Crowley sat on the chair next to Aziraphale's in the drawing room. Aziraphale had spent the better part of the last hour discussing Roman de Fergus while Crowley listened, enjoying the way the angel's face flushed and the way his hands moved as he got more and more into his rant about the character development and romance of the main character.

"Really Crowley, the stories that people make up about these knights," Aziraphale was saying, "I knew most of the knights at Arthur's court, and while this is certainly a good story, Fergus's life was nothing like this."

There was a knock from the entryway and Crowley jumped, surprised at the sudden interruption. Dandolo was standing just in the hallway with Contessa Minotto next to him.

"May we join you?" He asked courteously, motioning to the sofa across from where Crowley and Aziraphale were sitting.

"Of course, Duke." Aziraphale smiled and sat back so he could face Dandolo and Minotto as they made their way to the sofa. Crowley noticed how Minotto held Dandolo's arm and guided him across the room as he prodded the space in front of him with his cane. It was only when Dandolo was comfortably seated that she let go and sat down next to him, resting her head on one hand as she leaned against the arm of the sofa.

"I do hope we aren't interrupting anything direly." Dandolo said, looking between Aziraphale and Crowley.

"I was merely discussing a book I read, a continuation of the stories of King Arthur." Dandolo nodded politely, but Minotto's eyes widened and she leaned forward, her full attention on Aziraphale.

"Would you happen to be referring to the Roman de Fergus?" She asked, a smile growing on her face. Crowley knew that look quite well, it was the look of a person who was mad about a story, it was a look that Aziraphale wore quite often. Crowley looked between the angel and the countess, amused. It seemed that the angel had found someone just as interested in the tale as himself.

"Indeed I am, my lady. Do you happen to have read it before?"

"I am well versed in all the tales of King Arthur," Minotto replied, "and yourself?"

"Equally well versed, I assure you." Aziraphale was smiling now, clearly pleased.

"Would you care to join me while I take my lunch?" Minotto offered to Aziraphale. The angel looked over at Crowley for just a second before answering.

"I would, thank you very much, my lady." Aziraphale stood and offered his hand to Minotto, who stood with remarkable grace for a woman of her age.

"Please excuse us," Aziraphale said, bowing to Dandolo and giving Crowley a look that could only be interpreted as "don't you dare do anything." Dandolo nodded and Aziraphale and Minotto walked out of the room, already chattering about their books. That left Crowley and Dandolo alone in the Drawing room, and unfortunately for Aziraphale, the angel wasn't the only one with a job to do.

"Oh Angela," the duke sighed, "I do not know where I would be without that woman. She took over all of my personal affairs when I was elected, which has saved me on more than one occasion. She can be quite the diplomat."

"And well read it seems as well." Crowley added, trying to carry the conversation along.

"Indeed. I am aware that it is considered odd for a woman of her rank to be reading in the way that she does, but she is a force unto herself, and I could not stop her even if I wanted to."

"I am of the opinion that knowledge benefits all," Crowley said, suddenly reminded of Eve. Such a curious girl she had been. How was she to have known that eating that apple would get her and Adam banished?

"But what do you say about information that has been forbidden?" Dandolo asked inquisitively.

"I would say that the fact that it is forbidden makes it all the more necessary. After all, why would someone forbid it if it wasn't important?"

"Because it threatens the stability of the culture." Dandolo replied, looking at Crowley with interest.

"If a culture can be destabilized by knowledge then how strong could it have been in the first place."

To Crowley's surprise, Dandolo laughed. "You very much are a friend of Aziraphale's. He has said something similar to me before." What?

"Oh, has he now?"

"Indeed, I believe it was in a discussion about the book of Genesis after mass some weeks ago. We were discussing Eve's folly, and to my surprise, Aziraphale defended her." Of course he did. Crowley felt an overwhelming wave of fondness for the angel. Still the same angel who Crowley had met on the gate of Eden

"How did you and Aziraphale come to be acquainted?" Crowley asked, tilting his head to the side. It would be easier for him to get the duke to trust him if he acted interested in his life. And besides, he was genuinely curious.

"It was one one of my voyages to Constantinople. I am the designated ambassador of Venice to that region, as I am sure you know." Crowley hadn't known that, but he nodded. "I was negotiating a trade deal with the emperor, and to my surprise Aziraphale helped convince the emperor to give us free trade with the empire, with certain limitations of course." Ah, so this is where Crowley was supposed to come in.

"Limitations such as?"

"Certain countries that we can't trade with because they compete with the Byzantines."

"Well why not? I assume that these other countries have lower prices, and that trading with Venice could benefit both of you."

"Yes, but relations between Byzantium and Venice have been strained as of late, and I do not wish to provoke them. Aziraphale helped me settle everything the last time things got too intense, but I fear that if I went behind their back I would lose his support and therefore lose any support I have in Constantinople as well."

"It seems that Aziraphale has helped you a lot," Crowley remarked, changing the subject. It would be best to not push Dandolo too far this early into their acquaintanceship, he needed the duke to trust him, not be suspicious of him.

"Yes, his presence truly is a gift. He defended you very well, you know. I would have left you to face the council, but he convinced me that you were not some random criminal to be locked up and executed."

"Do tell me what it is he said, I will admit that I'm curious." Where was this going to go?

"Now, I do not remember his testimony word-for-word. This old mind of mine cannot keep track of everything. But I do recall saying that he had known you for quite some time and that you were his oldest friend. He also spoke of your bravery and intelligence. You know, it is quite interesting, I've noticed that Aziraphale never speaks of his homeland unless he is speaking to you."

"He is my dearest friend," Crowley admitted, "and there are things that we have seen together that we would not wish to impart upon other people."

"I do understand that, war can be devastating to everyone involved." Crowley blinked. That hadn't exactly been what he was referring to, but it certainly applied. "Oh, don't look so surprised." Dandolo said, "I have seen many a war in my day. In fact, I was in the last Crusade with the Knights Templar. I know full well how something like that can bond you to a person." Crowley nodded. Dandolo certainly wasn't wrong. Once you had seen war and death firsthand with another person, those memories would always tie you together.

A sort of heavy silence fell between them, both of them becoming lost in their own thoughts. Dandolo had a faraway look on his face, and Crowley knew that he was remembering something that had happened a long time ago. Someone cleared their throat and the faraway look disappeared, bringing Dandolo back to the present.

"Doge Dandolo," the servant said, "Contessa Minotto wishes to know if you would be willing to invite some of her cousins to the party."

"Of course, tell her that she may invite anyone she wishes." The servant bowed and then left.

"A party?" Crowley asked, grateful for the new topic.

"Yes, it is my dear Angela's birthday, and she requested a masquerade this year."

"When is this masquerade to be?" Crowley asked, growing more and more curious. A party meant lots of wealthy people all stuck in one place, all of them willing to commit various sins if just given a nudge in the right direction. These parties among nobles were always filled with gossip, raging energy, and seductive dances that could only be played off with the particular atmosphere that came with being surrounded by finery at all times.

"In a few weeks time, Angela requested that it be on the full moon so that we might enjoy the courtyard at night."

A few weeks. Crowley could work with that. In fact, it would probably be fun, especially as things around the palace would grow more tense the closer they got to the date of the party. And if Aziraphale was going to be there as well... this was certainly going to be a good time.

"If you'll excuse me now," Dandolo said, standing up with the help of his cane. I believe that I am to have an audience with some of the merchants soon. Thank you for the conversation, it was most interesting." Crowley nodded, although he was certain that the duke didn't see it. The duke made his way out of the room, leaving Crowley alone.

Crowley leaned back on the chair, contemplating everything that had just happened. He had gotten a decent start on Dandolo, good enough that he could justify everything to Dagon if need be. Besides, the man was so religious that Crowley was certain that it would take him a long while to tempt him to do something unlawful. There was also the matter that he seemed to be very dependent on his wife for his personal affairs, so maybe it would be best to get close to Contessa Minotto and get her support before working on Dandolo even more. Then there was the matter of the masquerade. Crowley had been to many such events before, and they were always interesting. The fact that nobody could tell who was who added another layer of excitement and mystery to the air, and Crowley certainly planned to use that to his advantage. With the anonymity came a certain type of freedom that Crowley knew how to wield like a weapon. He knew that Aziraphale would be there, especially if Minotto was organizing the guest list, and that knowledge only made him more excited. A part of him wondered what the angel would dress up as, but Crowley pushed the thought out of his head before he could ponder it too much, knowing that if he started down that train of thought he would never get off. Crowley tapped his finger against his lips, summoning a piece of parchment along with a quill and ink. It was time to make a plan.


1) Roman de Fergus is a story that was published at an unknown date in the early 13th century. It is the story of a young farmer who was charged with helping King Arthur hunt a white stag. While he was doing that, he happened upon a lady's house, and he and the noblewoman who lived there fell in love. After he completed his quest, he returned to King Arthur, only to find out that the noblewoman had gone missing. He goes on this huge quest to find her, defeats a knight who he had been challenged to fight, and eventually found her. They were married and Fergus was brought in as one of King Arthur's knights.

2) I found a vague reference online that said Minotto's first name might have been Angela, so that's what I'm going to be sticking with for the rest of the story. Seriously, Contessa Angela Minotto was awesome and I am having too much fun writing her. Unfortunately, there are very few records about her (as in, there isn't even a painting of what she looked like) other than that she was in charge of Dandolo's personal and commercial affairs, so most of what I say about her is my own inference about what it must have been for her in this time period.

3) Thank you to all my lovely readers. You guys are amazing and I appreciate every single one of you.

<3 <3 <3

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