Malevolent Maze// Minho

By Justeen_96

34.8K 815 117

The drawling series of clicks was only making my heart beat faster. They were getting closer. I took off runn... More

Through the Rabbit Hole
First Impressions
Call me Malls
A Gathering
Race to the Finish
Trial and Error
Trust Is Fickle
The Ending
Sleeping Beauty
The Dead of Night
Don't Get Burned
Just Another Day
Run the Maze
Meet Our Makers
Angel of Death
The End of Times
Second Book UPDATE


1.3K 31 1
By Justeen_96

I shot up from the dream with mixed emotions of guilt and frustration. Breathing heavily, I clutched my chest and looked out toward the Maze. Looks like I had woken up just in time to see the Runners leave. No, wait.. Alby wasn't a Runner. Newt, Minho, and Alby stood by one of the doors. A bag was strapped to his back and Newt looked like he was sending them off. Alby and Minho ran into the Maze. I took off towards Newt as he walked back. He grinned as I ran forward.

"You're up early." He said continuing to walk past me but I was fixated on the Doors and the fact that Minho had run out there with Alby.

"Where are they going?" I questioned. Newt didn't answer. I ran after him and began walking in front of him my back to the Homestead. "Newt, come on. What's happening? Why would Alby go into the Maze?" I demanded. Newt arched an eyebrow at me as he turned me around to walk next to him.

"Nothing you need to worry about." He said slowly.

"Newt, what's going on. Tell me." He seemed to be fighting the urge to spill his guts.

"It's nothing. Don't ask me about it again." I stopped walking at his harsh tone.

"Is it because of the dead Griever?" Newt stiffened, turned around and gripped my arm with such force, it scared me.

"How do you know about that?" He growled in my face.

"Because I tried to kill it." I hissed. "It's not dead. Newt, please we have to go after them. They.." He began dragging me off. "Wait. What's wrong? Newt!" I demanded. The Cell he was taking me back to the cell.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He demanded continuing to drag me.

"I didn't think it mattered!" I exclaimed stumbling over a rock. "It wasn't dead, it was still moving when I left." I cried out.

"Well it's been out there two days Mallory. It's dead. Why would you try to kill one of those things and not tell us about it!" Newt demanded.

"It didn't matter! I hadn't killed it. Newt, please. I wasn't trying to hold back information. You can trust me." I begged trying to loosen his grip on my arm. Newt spun around and glared at me, making me stop abruptly.

"Trust you? You woke up in the maze, attempted to kill a Griever, you want to be a Runner, and I know you know Thomas." I swallowed hard under Newt's gaze. "I don't think we can trust you." He muttered starting to walk again, continuing to pull me toward the Cell. More of the Gladers were awake now, having heard the commotion.

"Newt please." I hissed. "Don't put me back in there." Newt glared at me and opened his mouth to speak when something happened that startled Newt and I enough to stop walking and for every head to turn. It was the sound of the Box coming up.

"What is happening?" Newt demanded, stepping closer to me as everyone was jolted awake. I kept my face an expressionless slate. At least I hoped I did. "Fine." He muttered. "John, Matt!" He shouted. Two big, burly guys stepped forward. "Take her to the Cell. Chuck! Bring her food." Newt ordered handing me off to the two boys. Chuck and Thomas stepped forward, confused as they watched John and Matt drag me away.

"Newt, what are you doing?" I heard Thomas ask.

"That shank is going to the Cell." Newt muttered.

"Newt!" I shouted trying to get his attention. He stiffened but didn't turn around as I spoke. "I swear, Newt! Don't do this!" I shouted.

I growled at the ground, kicking up dust as I paced the Cell. Newt just had to listen to me, they just needed to understand I wasn't here to hurt them, I was here to help them. The alarms were still blaring, which meant the Box was still on its way up but it had to be close now. Not much longer. As if on cue the warning sirens stopped. I perked up and ran to the Cell door. All the Gladers were already gathered around the Box. I assumed Newt was somewhere in front because I couldn't see him over the heads of the boys. Actually, I couldn't see much from my vantage point or hear anything for that matter.

I hear the grinding of metal as the box was opened up and a couple of gaps. A lot of whispered murmuring and arguing. Newt shouted over them to be quiet. Everyone fell silent, deadly silent. "Get me the Medjacks!" He shouted crystal clear. I assumed they were already thee but I watched as Jeff ran back into the Homestead and came back out moments later dragging something begin him. A stretcher. "Make room!" Newt shouted again. "Bring her into the Homestead." Her. Teresa.

I only caught a glimpse of the dark hair and dirty clothes but it was defiantly Theresa. I could tell by the fierce way Thomas stared at her. Only after she disappeared into the homestead and Newt had shouted at everyone to get back to work did I try to find him in the crowd again. Turns out it wasn't that hard. He was already staring straight at me.

I was thrown off a little so I stepped away from the door and leaned against the far wall across from it. I had a feeling he was going to come talk to me. I waited patiently, staring at the ground and compared my face so I would be ready to face him with a completely blank face. As I expected, the door was thrown open but Newt wasn't there, instead it was Winston. "Come on Malls." He said roughly motioning for me to step forward. I swallowed hard and got close to him. He latched onto my arm and began dragging me out.

"Hey! What the heck!" I shouted in defiance. His grip on my wrist was a bit painful and unnecessary.

"Calm down girly." He said continuing to walk us toward the Homestead. We headed inside then up the stairs. The door was open. Newt, Jeff and Clint all stood above her bedside. She looked pale, near death. Why would they send her up like this? Why was she unconscious? Was she okay?

"You look surprised." Newt muttered.

"Well yeah, it's another girl finally." I said gesturing toward her limp form. Teresa muttered something then and I cocked my head. She was half conscious maybe she could hear us.

"You recognize her?" Newt demanded.

"Why are you asking me?" I questioned. "Just because I'm another girl you think I'll recognize her?" Newt held my gaze and I finally shook my head. "I don't know her okay? I'm not lying." That was a lie itself but I couldn't tell them everything, not yet.

"What about this note?" Newt demanded handing me something. I noticed the curved, handwriting immediately. The slip of paper itself read She's the last one ever. I was scared for a second that they might send something up about me as well. I mean, why not. I was a variable they hadn't counted on. They could have had the Gladers turn against me but they didn't. Why?

"I don't know anything." I repeated handing it back. Newt stared at me for a rather long time before shaking his head and shoving the note in his pocket.

"Take her back." Newt muttered. Winston tightened his grip on my arm but I managed to slip out before it became unbearable.

"Newt!" I cried out grabbing his shirt and bringing him closer to me. "Please, you can trust me. Call a Gathering." Winston grabbed my arm again and Jeff and Clint seemed to be snickering behind there hands. They might have thought we kissed. They did have a kind of bad angle but I didn't care. He needed to know I was on his side. Newt eyed me quizzically but shook his head like what I said he wasn't going to talk to heart.

"You kiss him?" Winston questions as we walk down the stairs.

"No." I reply honestly. "If I kiss him everyone will see, don't worry." Winston chuckled and I smiled as we headed back to the Cell.

After that Chuck and Thomas brought me food and voiced their condolences about being thrown back in here. "Have you seen the girl?" Chuck questioned as I sat down on the floor to eat. I nodded my head and swallowed before replying.

"Yeah. She's knocked out. I hope she doesn't die." It was true, I didn't want her to die but maybe it would be better if she did. Thomas had furrowed his eyebrows when I mentioned death. "What's with the look?" I questioned. Thomas shook his head and didn't answer.

"Is she pretty?" Chuck questioned. I smiled slowly.

"What? Am I not good looking enough for you?" I questioned. Thomas cracked a grin and Chuck blushed immediately.

"No, no, no! You're pretty! Really pretty. Thomas tell her." Chuck said earnestly sh asking his friends arm.

"Yeah, you're pretty." Thomas echoed with a ghost of a smile. I laughed lightly and smield up at them.

"Thanks guys, hey, do you know when Newt will let me out of here?" They looked at each other and Chuck shrugged.

"He seemed to be grumbling about how he didn't trust you." Chuck told me evenly. I shrugged, continuing to eat.

"I was in the Maze so I wouldn't trust me either but I don't like being locked up." Chuck moved closer to the door.

"You won't run will you?" I started laughing and shook my head.

"I won't run. If I do, Newt will be pissed. I'm just going to wait until he brings me out and can look me in the eye." I rolled my eyes as I said this and Thomas and Chuck looked at me quizzically.

"What did you do anyways?" Thomas questioned. I froze but tried to play it off, they noticed anyways. "Something bad?"

"What did you do?" I shook my head.

"It's dumb." I murmured rolling my eyes yet again. Chuck and Thomas seemed to be waiting for an explanation that would never come. If I told them a million more questions would ensue and it might get worse for me. Instead I decided to change the subject. "Hey, if I'm not out in time, tell me when Minho and Alby get back." Chuck and Thomas looked startled.

"Alby?" Thomas repeated. I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. Did you guys not notice he wasn't bossing you around?"

"I guess in all the commotion.. We hadn't." Chuck replied slowly. I shrugged and nodded.

"Well yeah, Alby and Minho are in the maze. I saw them leave this morning. Can you just tell me. I want to talk to Minho."

"What? Mad you didn't get to say goodbye to your boyfriend?" Chuck teased.

"Oh shut up. I just need to see him okay?" I said with a big smile on my face. Chuck nodded.

"I'll tell you, but Thomas and I have to go, we got work to do." I nodded ad sighed as they left me to my breakfast. I had a long day ahead of me.

As expected I didn't have much fun locked up in the Cell. There was nothing to do, nothing to look at, nothing to amuse myself with. I had been bored before but this was complete torture. What was I suppose to do for nearly twelve hours?

Chuck, without Thomas, came back around lunch but left before we could talk. I guessed he had a lot of work to do. It was still a bit hectic seeing as there were now two girls, a missing leader, and a newly banished/dead Glader. It was nearly two hours after I had finished my lunch and I had just about decided bashing my head against the wall would be a hell lot more fun than sitting there when Newt wrenched open the door.

"Up." He commanded harshly. I stood up immediately and walked toward him slowly. He didn't say anything, didn't grab my arm, nothing. Just walked away and left the door open. I figured he wanted me to follow. We ended up in the back room of the Homestead but there were no other peoples. I had expected a Gathering. Newt turned and leaned against the table, crossing his arms. "I'm going to ask you one last time.." He paused. "What were you doing in the Maze?"

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