The Street (English) - Bradle...

By claireverms

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A simple girl who will see her life take a big turn following a family drama. She will meet the right people... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (last one)
New FanFic

Chapter 14

696 13 11
By claireverms

"- Mia, I have to tell you something about my friends...

- Oh tell me, to the point where I am

- I had two exes who where with me for my notoriety. Since my friends are quite reluctant with my girlfriends. But they will quickly realize how great you are

- I would do my best to prove to them that I'm not with you for your celebrity.

- There is something else I must tell you ...

- Brad!

- Sorry ... But I prefer to prepare you for all eventualities

- Good tell me...

- There may be one of my childhood friends, Maggie. And she's always kinda uh ... How to say ... Seductive?

- I beg your pardon ? But she will calm down since we're together, right?

- I ... I don't think it's going to stop her ...

- But is that a joke? Brad ... I'm already pretty stressed like that ...

- It will be fine. We will have fun. He said hugging me "

I tried to make myself pretty to make a good impression. I got out of the bathroom and Brad took my hand so that we could go to his car. Apparently we had 20-minute to reach the large park where they had arranged to meet. I spent the trip biting my nails because of the stress. Brad stroked my thigh with his thumb because he knew it would calm me down.

We finally (or not) arrived in this famous park. I got out of the car and moved forward, hiding behind my boyfriend. There were two girls and four boys. We got a little closer and I recognized one of them.

"Have you invited James? I asked Brad

- Yes. I thought you'd be more comfortable if he was there. He said smiling

- You are awesome, thank you "

We went on until we reached the small group that noticed us. They all smiled when they see Brad

"- Brad! How are you ? Said one of the boys

- I'm fine and you ? It's been a while !

- We're all fine! Another replied

- Hi Mia. Said James coming to hug me.

- James ... Thanks for being here. It reassures me. I whispered to him

- I wasn't going to leave my best friend in a panic. And there are my friends too

- Brad, I missed you so much. Said one of the girls, hugging my boyfriend tightly and kissing him on the cheek. She noticed that I was staring at her and without letting go of my boyfriend she said: Who is that?

- Well, that's one of the reasons why I wanted to see you all today. Said Brad walking away from Maggie I guess. I wanted to introduce Mia, my girlfriend. They all looked at me like I was an alien. And Mia I present to you, Tom, Louis, Dan, Sophia and Maggie

- Since how long have you been together? Tom asked suspiciously.

- Just over two weeks. Brad replied.

- Did you know The Vamps before meeting Brad?

- Uh yes a little. I said

- How did you meet each-other ?

- He hit me in the street

- You have a lot of money ? What is that question ? I started to watch Brad and James panicked. They looked at their friends, their mouths open, shocked by the question

- I ... To be honest not really.

- Where do you live ? Is this an interrogation?

- With the boys.

- Oh and you pay the rent?

- No, not for the moment. It really sounded like I was a profiteer

- Oh and what do you do when they're on tour?

- In fact I go on tour with them but I- Dan cut me

- And I guess you became friends with other celebrities

- I ... Yes. I was panicking. And neither of the other two was helping me

- Well, uh Mia, right? I nodded. We are not fooled. You purposely hit Brad in the street because he is famous, you have little money so you took advantage of their kindness to intrude in their apartment and not pay rent. You made sure to go on tour with them to meet other celebrities who are wealthy and now you're in a relationship with Brad to once again enjoy his money. Girls like you there were two before you and-

- Dan shut up. Said Brad firmly

- Oh that's it, you're in her grip. Added Louis

- You're all going to shut up now. You are supposed to be my friends. And you make my girlfriend cry? Yes I was crying

- Brad, tears are a classic.

- But damn you are really stupid! Brad got angry while James came over to me. The day we hit each other I hurt her and I left. She had little money because her mother passed away recently, but she always worked to get by and she never asked us for help. She follows us on tour because she replaces our technician. She did not go to celebrities, they are the ones who approached her and she will now pay the rent with us because she feels bad about living with us for free. And damn it, I shouldn't even defend her because you should try to know her before judging her. I am in love with her and I know she is sincere and James will confirm it. So now you've won everything, we leave. He finished. Mia, James, come on. He approached and took my hand

- Brad, these are your childhood friends, you're not going to turn your back on them for that... I said

- They don't even respect you Mia, you're way too nice. I could see that he was really angry

- Yes, but I'm trying to understand them. They love you and they only want your good. I agree it wasn't necessarily the right method but they don't want to see you suffer anymore.

- I join Mia, they really abused but understand them. Intervened James

- Okay ... But I love you and I don't want to see you cry ... He said hugging me

- Brad? Can you give us a few more seconds ...? Dan asked coming towards us because we were already far from them

- It depends, are you still going to give an interrogation to my girlfriend? He said still slightly irritated as I hit him on the chest

- Well, we all wanted to apologize ... Mia we tested you when we didn't know the whole truth. I'm not going to tell you that I have 100% confidence in you because I would be lying to you but I want to give you a chance. Do you want to start from scratch? He asked me

- Mia, nice to meet you. I smiled, stretching my hand towards him "

They all came over to apologize. Except Maggie of course. I really don't like her.

The afternoon was going pretty well, Brad was telling the story of the tour while Maggie was giving him sweet eyes and James kept eating the cakes that Sophia had prepared. Speaking of Sophia, she was the most pleasant and we talked a lot.

After a while spent chatting, Brad and James decided to play a little bit of guitar

"- Bradley do you teach me how to play the guitar please? Asked Maggie in a... Sensual voice?

- I ... Yeah if you want. He said, not sure of himself. I was trying to continue my conversation with Sophia but it was stronger than me, I was distracted by Brad and Maggie

- You don't like it, do you? Said Sophia smiling

- Well, she's been stuck with him since we got here ...

- Yeah Maggie has always been like that with him unfortunately

- I trust Brad, but it's stronger than me. There are millions of women who are much better than me and who "want him"

- Yes, but among this millions of women, he chose you. I've never seen him as much in love with someone, you know. He was able to drop his childhood friends because they disrespected you. Trust me, he really cares about you. I glanced at Brad who was getting mad at Maggie because she didn't put her fingers on the strings properly

- He never really told me about his exes ... I confessed

- Oh, it's not really up to me to tell you about it, but all I can tell you is that at the end of his relationship he was at he's lowest point and we had to scoop him up. That's why the boys are suspicious of you. I know that Brad has the air of a man who loves woman but it is especially that he suffered a lot. He has promised himself not to fall in love anymore and that's why he favored the blows of one evening. But with you he gave himself a chance again so please don't make him suffer ... I didn't expect that

- I promise he won't suffer. I really love him. I started looking at Brad and he looked up at me at the same time. We stared at each other with a smile

- I've never seen him smile so much. I'm jealous! I want someone to look at me smiling like that too! She laughed

- MIA !!!!! I jumped, surprised

- Why are you yelling James? I asked

- My guitar, it's broken! I have two strings that have come off! He yelled

- But that's nothing James, I will repeared them.

- But it will take a long time before having it again!

- Oh ok, you have other guitars in the meantime. I reminded him

- Yes, but this one is my favorite!

- James stop acting like a baby, I'll lend you mine while waiting if you want. Brad intervened

- Oh yes. He came to take Brad's guitar to play with his friends

- But he was teaching me! Yelled Maggie

- It's nothing Mag, I'll help you another time. Argh he gave her a nickname

- Yes, but there I felt a tension between us. But hey if you tell me you want to see me again it's fine too

- Ok, I'll be very clear. First there was no tension because I don't love you. My heart is already taken and secondly I withdraw what I said, there will be no other time. He had been firm but always with a touch of kindness in his voice. As for her, she was silent

- Well, it's not that I don't like you, but I still have some road so I'm going to go back. Announced James

- I think we're going back too, my mother is waiting for us to eat. Said Brad

- It was nice to see you again, man. And Mia I think I speak for everyone when I say that we were wrong about you. You're a good girl and I wish you all the happiness, said Tom

- Thank you very much. I answered "

We all said goodbye before taking the way home.

" - I am sorry. If I had known that they would have treated you like that I would not have presented them to you

- I already told you it doesn't matter. They matter to you and it's a pleasure to have met them

- You were perfect with them. You could have gotten angry but no. I love you...

- It's normal. And finally they are really nice. I really like Sophia.

- I'm happy then. He smiled "

We arrived around 7 p.m. at his place and the whole family was waiting for us for dinner. We told them about our day while eating. Natalie was a little surprised at the boys' behavior but like me, she understood their reaction.

Once the meal was finished, we cleared and we all went into the living room to watch Harry Potter 4 (my favorite). I hugged Brad because I was cold. We watched the 2 hours of movies huddled together before going up to bed.

He put on his underwear and came to sleep by my side


- Hm? He looked at me

- I don't want to force you to talk about it. But if you don't mind, could you tell me about your ex ...?

- Oh...

- I really don't want you to force yourself ...

- It's okay. You told me about your ex, I can tell you about mine. He sat down and I did the same. The first one was called Tessa. I met her 1 year after the start of my career. We got together after 1 month of flirting. She was very sticky and she was a sickly jealous, as soon as someone approached she was on the defensive lest she have no more control over me. I presented her to my parents and friends. Except that one day, I started to earn a little less money because we were having a complicated period with the band and she left me during this period because I offered her fewer gifts and she did not appreciate . He said sadly

- It's horrible...

- Yeah. It took me a long time to get over it. And then 1 year later I met Anna. With Anna it was really perfect at first. She had not at all the same behavior as Tessa so I was not wary. I also presented her to all my relatives. And then one day, at the after party of a ceremony I found her making out with one of the stars present at the evening. I was destroyed but I wanted an explanation. And she admitted to me the next day that he was just richer than me. We really envy the environment in which I work, but we do not realize that it can be very painful. After Anna I gave up all serious relationships. There was just Lauren in the meantime but it was more flirting and it was mostly in front of the cameras. And then I met you. When I started having feelings for you I panicked, I didn't want it to start all over again. But I really took the time to get to know you and learned to trust a woman and I don't regret it at all.

- Thanks for telling me all this Brad ...

- Mia doesn't make me suffer please ... I won't get up a third time ... For the first time he was vulnerable in front of me

- I promise you Brad. I love you so much ... I said hugging him as hard as I can "

He kissed me and we fell asleep.

In 3 weeks it's James and Kirstie's wedding, and today Kirstie wants me to go with her for choose her dress. So I was on my way to a small shop to join the pretty blonde.

I saw Kirstie outside the store and quickly joined her

"- Hello future bride, are you okay? I said, embracing her

- Yes and you ? She was smiling

- Yes, I am fine. Are you ready for the fittings?

- Of course! "

We entered to the shop and a manager came directly to take care of her by making her try on a first dress. She left the fitting room a few minutes later.

" - What do you think about it ? She asked me

- It suits you

- Yeah, but I would rather try others. "

So she went back to the fitting room and tried on a few other dresses that were not to her liking.

After half an hour of fitting, she went out with a magnificent strapless dress with lace everywhere. It suited her

"- Kirstie you are beautiful I tell her tears in my eyes

- I ... I think it's the right one

- You are going to be the most beautiful bride...

- Mia I ... I know we've only known each other for a few months but ... Would you like to be my witness?

- Oh my god Kirst 'but I would be honored! I took her in my arms

- Come on, now that we have my dress, we have to look for yours! I want a red dress for you.

- You can't make me more happy I love this color

- So hurry up and go to this fitting room. She said laughing "

That's it, I had found my dress which was sublime, and Kirstie had found hers.

We were very happy with our little shopping spree and I can't wait to be at the wedding in 3 weeks. It will be the most beautiful wedding

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