The Dragon Lord (Highschool D...

By Dunkie_Boi

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You're friends with Rias and her peerage but 4 years before she added Issei to her peerage you suddenly disap... More

Character Info
Chapter 1 - The Return
Chapter 2 - Meeting Gasp
Harem (Updated)
Chapter 3 - Training Gasp & Getting A Familiar
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Chapter 4 - Heading To Skyrim


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By Dunkie_Boi

The prologue will be the day you get sent to Skyrim and will go up to when you escape the dragon attack on Helgen. Anyway on with the chapter (and remember in this chapter you're 14).

M/N = Mum name

D/N = Dad name

"Insert text here" = Talking

"Insert text here" = Thinking

insert text here = Thu'um translation

Gremory Mansion, Underworld, 9:00, Y/N POV

As I was in my bedroom sleeping when I heard someone speaking.

Grayfia: "Come on Y/N wake up."

I then pulled the covers over my head.

Y/N: "Five more minutes."

Grayfia: "Y/N. Get up."

I then heard someone walk into my room.

Sirzechs: *light chuckle* "That's not going to work. Y/N if you get up now after lunch I'll let you hang out with Rias until dinner time."

I then sprung out of bed.

Y/N: "Really?"

Sirzechs: "Yes. Now go get washed up for breakfast."

Y/N: "Ok!"

I then picked up a change of clothes and rushed into the bathroom to get ready, while I was getting ready I heard Grayfia and Sirzechs talking.

Grayfia: *sigh* "Why does that always work?"

Sirzechs: "He feels safe around Rias, which is why he sometimes sneaks off to see her."

Grayfia: "And how do you know that?"

Sirzechs: "He told me when we were talking with each other the other day."

Grayfia: "You mean the same day that happened 6 years ago?"

Sirzechs: "Yes."

Y/N: "I still can't believe it's been 6 years since my parents were killed by a fallen angel, and I would be dead too if it weren't for Rias."

Flashback, 6 years ago, Kuoh, 17:50, Y/N POV

Me and my mummy and daddy are walking through my favourite park in Kuoh when suddenly the sky became a dark purple colour.

Y/N: "Mummy? What's going on?"

M/N: "I don't know sweety, but stay with me and your daddy."

I then grab both my mummy's and daddy's hand.

???: "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Humans who know about the supernatural world. Well we can't have that, can we?"

Then a man with black feathered wings flew down to in front of us.

Y/N: "Mummy, who's that?"

???: "I, little boy am a fallen angel sent to kill devels and anyone who has connections with them. Which includes you and your parents. Now stay still and I'll make this quick."

Then he made a spear out of thin air and though it at my mummy and it went right through her heart.

Y/N: "Mummy!"

Then the fallen angel threw another spear at my dad doing the same thing as with mummy.

Y/N: "Daddy!"

I then looked at both of them on the floor with tears in my eyes.

M/N: "Y/N" *cough* "Remember what we always say to you?"

Y/N: "To always stick up for the people I care about and always do what's right."

D/N: "Good, remember that for the rest of your life son. and we love you"

Daddy trailed off at the end as both of them stopped breathing.

Y/N: "Mummy! Daddy!"

I then burst into tears crying while hugging my parent's lifeless bodies.

???: "Well then, that leaves you, little boy."

I turned to face him with tears running down my face. He was about to throw a spear at me when to my right a weird looking circle appeared.

And then from the circle, Rias came out of it.

Y/N: "R-r-rias?"

Rias turned to me and saw my parents then turned to the fallen angel with an angry expression.

Rias: "How dare you harm people under the protection of the Gremory family! You will die a thousand deaths!"

Then Rias threw a ball of some red and black substance that turned the fallen angel into black feathers and the sky go back to normal. Then Rias came up to me and kneeled down and opened her arm and I ran into the crying.

Back to the present, Y/N POV

Y/N: "Then Rias brought me here where they look after me."

I then heard a knock on the door.

Grayfia: "Y/N you ready?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

I then exit the bathroom and me and Grayfia walked to the dining room to have breakfast.

Timeskip, ORC Building (Coz I can't be bothered to come up with another place to use), 12:50, Rias POV

Me and my peerage were in the old school building that we use as our main base of operations with Kiba by the door, Koneko on one of the couches and Akeno by the window with me at my desk. I was about to say what we were going to be doing today when one of my family's summoning circles appeared.

Akeno: "I wonder what your brother wants."

Then in the circle appears my brother and Y/N.

Rias: "Hello you two. So brother what brings you here?"

Sirzechs: "Well as I promised Y/N, he's going to be spending the day with you."

Rias: *to Y/N* "You didn't want to get up did you?"

Y/N: *embarrassed chuckle* "Erm... No."

Rias: *giggle* "Well then Y/N have a seat. I take it you already ate?"

Y/N: *while sitting down* "Yeah, I had lunch before coming here."

Sirzechs: "Well, be good."

Rias: "I'll try to make sure he is."

Sirzechs: "I was talking to you, Rias."

Y/N: *light chuckle*

Rias: *rolls eyes* "Get out of here already."

My brother then left though the summoning circle. Then Koneko went and sat on Y/N's lap with her head leaning against his chest.

Y/N: "You comfy there Koneko?"

the only reply he got was Koneko nodding.

Kiba: "So what do you have planned for us president?"

A/N: Since I don't know when they got their familiars I'm going to do it in this chapter.

Rias: "Well since it's a full moon tonight I think it's time I got you three, familiars. You're welcome to come along too Y/N."

Y/N: "Sure. It beats sitting around here doing nothing."

When night came I made a summoning circle to take us to the forest of familiars.

Forest of familiars, 18:30, Y/N POV

Me along with Rias and her peerage arrived at the forest of familiars.

???: "Who wants me?"

Y/N: "Who's there?"

??? "The master of the familiar AKA the togie (Please correct me if I spelt it wrong)"

Y/N: "So that's who gives you familiars?"

Togie: "If your goal is to find familiars galore, you've come at the right time that's for sure. The full moon if out to help you decide and I'll be the one to act as your guide."

Rias: "If you can't tell he's really into making things rhyme."

Togie: "Now, how can I help you? Tell me all your wants and desires. A strong one? A fast one? One that likes to set fires?"

Timeskip, Forest of familiars, 19:40, Y/N POV

After searching for about an hour, Koneko got a cat familiar, Akeno got multiple Oni's and Kiba got a small bird. We were heading back to where we arrived when a bright flash happened and then everything went black.

Rias POV

After the bright flash died down we looked around and noticed one thing.

Koneko: "Y/N!?"

Y/N was nowhere to be seen.


I opened my eyes to the feeling of bobbing up and down and I looked to see I was on some sort of wagon with 3 other people, all with hands bound like me but one had a bit of cloth around their mouth, then the one in front of me turned to look at me and spoke.

A/N: Here it comes

Ralof: "Hey, you. you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.

Lokir: "Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy."

Y/N: "Skyrim?"

Lokir: "If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Hammerfell." *to Y/N* "You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants."

Ralof: "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief."

Imperial Soldier: "Shut up back there!"

Lokir: "And what's wrong with him, huh?"

Ralof: "Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King."

Lokir: "Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they've captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us?"

Ralof: "I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits."

Y/N "Sovengarde?"

Lokir: "No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening."

Ralof: "Hey, what village are you from horse thief?"

Lokir: "Why do you care?"

Ralof: "A Nord's last thoughts should be of home."

Lokir: "Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead."

Imperial Soldier: "General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting!"

Tullius: "Good. Let's get this over with."

Y/N: "Headsman? Wait... THEY'RE GOING TO EXECUTE US!?"

I think as we go into a small village.

Lokir: "Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me."

Ralof: "Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this."

We then are going by some houses.

Ralof: "This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe."

As we were going by a house I saw that there was a kid sitting outside watching us.

Haming: "Who are they, daddy? Where are they going?

Torolf: "You need to go inside, little cub."

Haming: "Why? I want to watch the soldiers."

Torolf: "Inside the house. Now."

Haming: *disappointed* "Yes, papa."

Imperial Soldier: "Whoa!"

The wagon we're in starts pulling up next to one that was in front of us.

Lokir: "Why are we stopping?"

Ralof: "Why do you think? End of the line."

The wagon then stops.

Ralof: "Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us."

We then start to get off the wagon.

Lokir: "No! Wait! We're not rebels!"

Ralof: "Face your death with some courage, thief."

I then jump off the wagon and land on the ground.

Lokir: "You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake!"

Imperial Captain: "Step towards the block when we call your name. One at a time."

Ralof: *sigh* "Empire loves their damn lists."

Hadvar: "Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm."

Ulfric then heads to the block.

Ralof: "It has been an honour, Jarl Ulfric!"

Hadvar: "Ralof of Riverwood."

Ralof then heads to the block.

Hadvar: "Lokir of Rorikstead."

Lokir: "No, I'm not a rebel. You can't do this!"

Lokir then runs off.

Imperial Captain: "Halt!"

Lokir: "You're not going to kill me!"

Imperial Captain: "Archers!"

Lokir then gets shot in the back and dies.

Imperial Captain: "Anyone else feel like running?"

Hadvar: "Wait." *to Y/N* "You there. Step forward."

I then go and stand in front of them.

Hadvar: "Who are you?"

Y/N: "Y/N L/N."

Hadvar: "You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim, Kinsman. Captain. What should we do? He's not on the list."

Imperial Captain: "Forget the list. He goes to the block."

Hadvar: "By your orders captain. I'm sorry. At least you'll die here, in your homeland. Follow the Captain, prisoner."

I then follow the captain to the block.

Tullius: "Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use a power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne.

Ulfric: *muffled groan*

Tullius: "You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down and restore peace."

We then hear a roar in the distance.

Hadvar: "What was that?"

Y/N: "Was that a... Dragon?"

Tullius: "It's nothing. Carry on."

Imperial Captain: "Yes, General Tullius. Give them their last rites."

Priestess of Arkay: "As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn, our beloved..."

Suddenly a Stormcloak soldier stood forward

Stormcloak Soldier: "For the love of Talos, shut up and let's get this over with."

Priestess of Arkay: "As you wish."

Stormcloak Soldier: "Come on, I haven't got all morning."

The Imperial Captain forces him to kneel and bend over a block.

Stormcloak Soldier: "My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?"

The headsman lifts his axe above his head and brings it down on the Stormcloak Soldier cutting his head off.

Stormcloak Soldier: "You Imperial basterds!"

Vilod: "Justice!"

Ingrid: "Death to the Stormcloaks!"

Ralof: "As fearless in death as he was in life."

Imperial Captain: *points to Y/N* "Next, the Nord!"

We then hear the roar again.

Hadvar: "There it is again. Did you hear that?"

Imperial Captain: "I said, next prisoner!"

Hadvar: "To the block, prisoner. Nice and easy."

I then walk to the block and get forced into the same position as the Stormcloak Soldier. We then hear the roar again. Then a dragon comes flying by.

Tullius: "What in Oblivion is that?"

The headsman gets ready to chop my head off and the dragon lands on the tower behind him.

Imperial Captain: "Sentries! What do you see?"

Imperial Soldier: "It's in the clouds!"

The headsman then falls over.

Imperial Soldier: "Dragon!"

The dragon then releases a shockwave of sorts making it rain little meteors.

Tullius: "Don't just stand there! Kill that thing!"

The dragon releases another shockwave knocking me over and making me feel disoriented.

Tullius: "Guards, get the town people to safety!"

Alduin: "Ro... Dah!"

           Balance... Push!

Ralof: "Hey, Nord. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance!"

I then stand up still a little dizzy.

Ralof: "This way!"

I then follow Ralof into a nearby tower where there are already some people inside.

Ralof: "Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?"

Ulfric: "Legends don't burn down villages."

We then hear the roar of the dragon again.

Ulfric: "We need to move. now!"

Ralof: "Up through the tower, let's go!"

I then head up the stair of the tower.

Stormcloak Soldier: "We just need to move some of there rocks to clear the way!"

Then the wall of the tower blows in crushing the soldiers trying to move the rocks. Then the dragon shoots fire into the tower.

Alduin: "Yol... Toor... Shul!"

              Fire... Inferno... Sun!

Then the dragon flys away.

Ralof: "See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! Go! We'll follow when we can!"

I then jump over into the other building and head out the door.

Hadvar: "Haming, you need to get over here. now! That a boy. You're doing great."

The dragon then lands behind Haming. The tries to burn him but misses and hits someone else instead.

Hadvar: "Torolf!"

Torolf: "Nuh..."

Hadvar: "Gods... Everyone get back!"

We then go farther behind the house.

Hadvar: "Still alive, prisoner? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way. Gunner, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defence."

Gunnar: "Gods guide you, Hadvar."

I then follow Hadvar though the burning village and hear the dragon roar.

Hadvar: "Stay close to the wall!

Then the dragon lands on a platform and shots fire at some people a little bit away from us.

Alduin: "Yol... Toor... Shul!"

              Fire... Inferno... Sun!

Then the dragon goes to a different area.

Hadvar: "Quickly, follow me!"

We then continue heading through the village.

Vilod: *in the background* "Tell my family I fought bravely."

Imperial Soldier: *in the background* "By Ysmir! Nothing kills it!"

Imperial Soldier: *in the background* "Come on. Give me your hand, I'm getting you out of here."

Tullius: "Hadvar! Into the keep, soldier, we're leaving!"

Imperial Soldier: "What does it take to kill this monster?"

Imperial Mage: "How does it move so damn fast?"

We hear the dragon shooting fire again.

Hadvar: it's you and me, prisoner. Stay close!"

Imperial Soldier: *in the background* "Use everything we have!"

As we head through a gateway Ralof runs out in front of us.

Hadvar: "Ralof! You damned traitor. Out of my way!"

Ralof: "We're escaping, Hadvar. You're not stopping us this time."

Hadvar: "No you're-"

Y/N: "Hadvar, just let them go."

Hadvar: "Fine. I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde."

I then enter the keep with Hadvar.

Hadvar: "Looks like we're the only ones who made it. Was that really a dragon? The bringers of the End Times?"

Y/N: "Hadvar. Calm down, we need to focus on getting out of here."

Hadvar: "Yes. Your right, sorry I got a bit carried away."

Y/N: "It happens to the best of us. Now mind taking these bindings off?"

Hadvar: "Sure. Come here."

I then walk towards him and he cuts my bindings off.

Y/N: "Thanks. We should keep moving."

Hadvar: "Take a look around, there should be plenty of gear to choose from. I'm going to see if I can find something for these burns."

I nod then look though a chest and find 'Imperial Light Armour', 'Iron Sword', 'Imperial Light Boots' and 'Helgen Keep Key'.

Hadvar: "You better get that armour on. Give that sword a few swings, too."

I then equip the armour and hold the sword in my right hand. I then see another Iron sword on a weapon rack and take that and hold it in my left hand and sheaths for the swords magically appear on my hips. I then slice the air with both swords to see how they feel.

Hadvar: "Let's keep moving. That thing is still out there."

Y/N: "Lead the way."

Hadvar then pulls a lever lowering a gate that was blocking our way. We then walk through the doorway and head to another gate that leads to a circular room. We hide behind the wall as we hear voices.

Stormcloak Soldier: "We need to get moving! That dragon is tearing up the whole keep!"

Hadvar then pulls a chain opening the gate.

Stormcloak Soldier: "Just give me a minute... I'm out of breath..."

Hadvar: *whisper* "Hear that? Stormcloaks. Maybe we can reason with them."

Y/N: *whisper* "It's worth a shot."

We then head in and as I was about to speak one of the Stormcloak Soldiers rushed at me and pulls out a 'Great Sword'.

Stormcloak Soldier: "For Ulfric and Skyrim!"

I then pull out my 'Iron Swords' and put them in an 'X' shape to block the Stormcloak Soldier downward strike. Then the other Stormcloak Soldier rushes Hadvar.

Hadvar: "If you want to die, so be it!"

Me and Hadvar manage to kill the Stormcloak Soldiers and continue going through the keep. We then go up to another closed door.

Hadvar: "Let me see if I can get that door open."

Hadvar then opens the door and we walk through it.

Hadvar: "Let's go."

We then head down some stairs that lead to another corridor. As we head down the corridor we hear the dragon roar.

Hadvar: "Look out!"

Then the corridor collapses in front of us.

Hadvar: "Damn, that dragon doesn't give up easy."

We then head through a door to our left that goes into some sort of storage room where we encountered 2 more Stormcloak Soldiers. They then rush us.

Stormcloak Soldier: "For Ulfric and Skyrim!"

And just like the first 2 we fought, these 2 fell as well.

Hadvar: "An old storeroom. See if you can find some potions. Might come in handy."

I look around and find some 'Potion of Minor Healing', 'Potion of Minor Magicka' and 'Potion of Minor Stamina'. I then go up to Hadvar who's standing by the door.

Hadvar: "Done, then?"

Y/N: "Yep, let's go."

Hadvar: "Alright, this way!"

He then opens the door that leads to another corridor.

Y/N: "What is with them and their corridors?"

We then head down some stairs into what looks like a...

Hadvar: "The torture room. Gods, I wish we didn't need these..."

We then kill all the Stormcloak Soldiers in the room.

Torturer: "You fellows happened along just in time. These boys seemed a bit upset at how I've been entertaining their comrades."

Hadvar: "Don't you even know what's going on? A dragon is attacking Helgen!"

Torturer: "A dragon? Please. Don't make up nonsense. Although, come to think of it, I did hear some odd noises coming from up there."

Hadvar: "Come with us. We need to get out of here."

Torturer: "You have no authority over me, boy."

Hadvar: "Didn't you hear me? I said the keep is under attack!"

Torturer's Assistant: "Forget the old man. I'll come with you."

Hadvar: "Wait a second. Looks like there's something in this cage."

Hadvar then walks up to a cage.

Torturer: "Don't bother with that. Lost the key ages ago. Poor fellow screamed for weeks."

Hadvar: *to Y/N* "See if you can get it open with some picks. We'll need everything we can get."

Hadvar then hands me some 'Lockpicks'.

Torturer: "Sure, take all my thing. Please."

Hadvar: "Grab what you can, and let's go."

Y/N: "Right."

 I then manage to open the cage and take some 'Gold Coins', 'Potion of Minor Magicka' and 'Spell Tome: Sparks'. I then pick up the 'Spell Tome' and instantly know how to use the spell and then the book just disappears. I then walk up to Hadvar and we head down another corridor that has cells going along it.

Torturer: "There's no way out that way, you know..."

As we head down some stairs we come across a room with some cages attached to the roof with skeletons in them.

Hadvar: "This way."

We then head through a doorway and head into a stone passageway that leads into a small room with some Stormcloak soldiers. That me and Hadvar then kill.

Hadvar: "All right, Let's see if we can find a way out."

We then come round a corner that has a lever. When I pushed it it made the bridge come down so we could get across into a cave. As we head through the doorway we faintly hear the dragon roar and the corridor collapses behind us.

Hadvar: "Damn it. No going back that way. I guess we're lucky that didn't come down on top of us. We'd better push on. I'm sure the others will find a way out."

Y/N: "Yeah. Let's go."

We then venture deeper into the cave and find a water stream that leads to a wall with a path on our right.

Hadvar: "Hmm. That doesn't go anywhere."

Y/N: "Let's try this way."

I then indicate to the path on our right.

Hadvar: "It's worth a shot."

We then head down the path to a small area with spiders that are half the size of me. I then pull out my swords and cut down the spiders.

Hadvar: "What next, giant snakes?"

Y/N: "Please don't jinx it."

Hadvar: "Come on let's go."

We then head deeper and come across a bigger area then Hadvar crouches down.

Hadvar: "Hold up.  there's a bear just ahead. See her?"

I then crouch down and look to see a bear sleeping.

Hadvar: "I'd rather not tangle with her right now. We might be able to sneak by. Just take it nice and slow, and watch where you step."

He then hands me a bow and some arrows.

Hadvar: "Or if you're feeling lucky, you can take this bow. Might take her by surprise. go ahead. I'll follow your lead and watch your back."

I then get to a good vantage point, nock an arrow and manage to hit it in the head killing it instantly.

Hadvar: "Nicely done."

Y/N: "Thanks. Let's keep going."

We then continue to head through the cave and see a doorway with light.

Hadvar: "This looks like the way out! I was starting to wonder if we'd ever make it."

We then head out and I see mountains covered in snow all around us. We then see the dragon fly over us.

Hadvar: "Wait!"

We then hide behind some rocks and watch as the dragon flys away.

Hadvar: "Looks like he's gone for good this time. But I don't think we should stick around to see is he comes back."

Y/N: "I'm with you there. So, what now?"

Hadvar: "Well, the closest town from here is Riverwood. My uncle's the blacksmith there. I'm sure he'd help you out, and thanks. I wouldn't have made it without your help today."

Y/N: "No problem. Now let's head to Riverwood."

And that's the prologue done, and as I stated before the next chapter will be when you return to the Highschool DxD universe. On another note, I came up with a few new 'Dragon Shouts', and here they are;

1) Dragonic Life Drain (Same as the vampire life drain magic):
Thu'um: Laas Gahrot Liivrah
Translation: Life-Steal-Diminish

2) Dragonic Shield (Puts up a barrier wherever the user wants):
Thu'um: Dovah Spaan Troth
Translation: Dragon-Shield-Protect

3) Darkshot (Fires a beam or ball of dark energy from the user at the chosen target):
Thu'um: Ved Vokun Vulom
Translation:  Black-Shadow-Darkness

4) Lightshot (Same as 'Darkshot' but with light energy instead):Thu'um: Sot Lumindro JunTranslation: White-Luminus-Light

There is 1 other shout that I made, but that will be revealed in another chapter. So I'll see you in the next chapter, see ya!

P.S: I forgot to mention this but both Darkshot and Lightshot can be used with bows to create Dark/ Light arrows.

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