You're Mine

By Shy_Writer1006

859 69 0

Traumatized as a child, Cassandra can't erase the details of her mother's murder from her mind. Now thirteen... More

Chapter One: The Nightmare
Chapter Two: Introductions
Chapter Three: School Sucks
Chapter Four: Halloween Party
Chapter Five: School Lockdown
Chapter Six: The Killer?
Chapter Seven: Finals Beware
Chapter Nine: Going Back Home
Chapter Ten: Tick Tock
Chapter Eleven: Too Late
Chapter Twelve: The Truth
Chapter Thirteen: Shouldn't of Done That
Chapter Fourteen: All Alone
Chapter Fifteen: The Note
Chapter Sixteen: Going Back To Where It Began
Chapter Seventeen: You Choose
Chapter Eighteen: Taking One For The Team
Note from Author

Chapter Eight: Winter Break

59 5 0
By Shy_Writer1006

          How does one determine their luck? Is it the same thing as karma, or is someone just graced with it? However, it's done, I messed it up badly. I either did something terrible in a past life, or I severely pissed off someone upstairs. All I know is I have horrendous luck and the police seem to agree. Then again my luck must not be too horrible since they got here before my attacker hurt me. I sigh as I look over at the police car. In the back seat, eerie Erin sits. He's staring at me with this huge smile on his face that looks rather painful. How can someone's cheeks spread that far? Isn't it painful for him?

         "Ms. Evans?" I snap out of my thoughts and look over to Detective Summers. He just happened to be on call when the police got the information that it was my apartment being broken into, so he rode over with them.

         "Sorry detective, what did you say?" I ask him as a police officer walks over to us.

          "I was saying the police need your statement. Do you want to do it here or at the police station?" He repeats the question for me.

          "Here please, I just want to get this over with. I have a lot to clean inside and take care of if I'm allowed to," I say as I look from him to the officer.

          "You should be able to once they finish but Officer Gomez will be taking over from here," He tells me before walking away.

          "Hello Ms. Evans, I'm Officer Gomez as Detective Summers already informed you. I'm just going to ask you a few questions, okay," She tells me with a polite smile.

          "Okay," I reply as I run a hand through my hair.

          "Then let's begin," She says while taking her notebook out, "Starting from the beginning, what happened here." 

          I then proceed to tell her what happened. I tell her how I arrived home to see my front door wide open. How I went in inside and saw the mess. Which lead to me immediately calling them, when I discovered someone was in there with me. I explain how he came at me while I was on the phone with them, and how I managed to just barely dodge his charge. "He tried to grab me which is why I swung the knife at him. I'm surprised it didn't hit him. After that, he went to grab me when you guys busted in and told us to freeze. I dropped the weapon as you guys instructed and then watched you guys tase him as he tried to run," I finish telling her.

          "And you have no idea why he was here or how he got in?" She asks me.

          "No ma'am, I always lock my door when I leave and my house is always locked tight too," I answer her. "Officer Gomez, will I be allowed to go back inside?" I ask her since I've never gone through this kind of thing.

          "Yes, you can go back once we're finished here. I would also recommend that you change your locks especially since we didn't see any sign of forced entry." She tells me.

          My eyes widen as I look at my front door then back to her, "That's impossible, everything was locked and I know I locked my front door."

          "Does anyone else have a key to your place, or do you keep a spare lying around?" She asks me.

          "My friend has a key, but he has the only other spare one," I tell her.

          "I see," She says as she writes that down. "Well Ms.Evans, I believe we have everything and will have this filed rather quickly should you want a copy."

          "Okay, thank you for your help," I tell her.

          She gives a small smile. "Just doing my job." She tells me.

          Once I finish with the police, I head inside and lock the door. It locked fine just now. I twist the handle to be sure it is locked. I then turn and look at the mess in front of me. "This is going to take a while," I mutter as I begin the search for my trash bags to begin picking up everything.

          Nearly two hours later, I have the majority of the mess cleaned up. I got all the glass swept up. I got my books back on the shelves and stacked in alphabetical order. The notebooks and papers are picked up along with the food. The hardest part of everything was just flipping my furniture back over by myself. The bathroom was untouched thankfully, and my bedroom I just shut the door. I'll deal with that mess later. As far as I could tell, nothing was missing or misplaced. It's like he just went room to room, throwing everything or broking anything glass. The whole ordeal just leaves me confused and not to mention paranoid. I look at my phone as I try to decide to call them or not. I don't want to bug them, but I also don't want to be alone. It's not because I can't handle myself in a fight. It's mainly because I don't know if he has friends who are coming back to finish the job. I sigh and pick up my phone. I send a quick text to our group chat just asking if they want to come over and spend the night.

          A later, they're both in my living room looking at me in shock as I explain what happened. "So yeah, he's probably going to jail, and I don't know if he has friends or not. So, do you guys mind being my back up?" I ask them sheepishly.

          "Cassie, I'm just going to put you in a bubble. I swear I don't know what we're going to do with you." She says while throwing her hands up. "We left you alone for a few hours and you get robbed."

          "We'll need to make it a bubble-wrapped bubble or some kind of padding in there, so she can't hurt herself either." He tells her as he shakes his head. "Eerie Erin did this? I have to say I'm shocked. I mean we all know he's creepy, but I had no idea he had the balls to do this."

          "I didn't think I pissed him off that badly in the hallway to lead to this." I flop onto my couch. "Guess I do have bad luck."

          "Honey, bad luck is spilling something on your white shirt, or you tripping over your feet. You're cursed," She says.

          "Gee Kara, just kick her while she's down why don't you?" He says as he sits beside me, "I will say I'm glad you're not staying here alone during break anymore."

          "Maybe I should since I'm such bad luck," I say as I look at Kara with a slight glare.

          "Oh haha, you must be crazy if you think I'm leaving you here now," She says as she sits on the other couch facing us.

          I turn and look at both of them. "So serious question," I say.

          "Which is?" He asks me as he plays with my hair.

          "Do you guys just want to skip tomorrow?" I ask them as I look at my hands. "With how crazy everything has been and how badly rumors spread now. I just want to stay home and maybe sleep late for once."

          "Is she running a fever?" She asks him.

          He places his forearm on my forehead. "No, are we dreaming?" He asks her.

          She pinches herself. "Nope, we're awake which means she's an imposter."

           "You guys must think that you're so funny," I tell them. "So yes or no?"

             They grin as they agree to us skipping. So while I cleaned up my room, they were on the task of doing a snack and movie run for tonight. I finish by the time they get back. We all get in our pj's and huddle up on the couch. We watch some comedies and romances to just help us stay in a good mood. I'm actually glad they didn't pick any horror movies since it feels like I'm already living one. Once we grew bored with movies, we played a few games like truth or dare and the guessing game. It's late by the time we fall asleep, but we're all in good moods which makes me happy.

           Come morning, however, our good mood immediately shifts to one of shock as we see the news. Right there in big, bold letters we read, killer found. It came as an even greater shock when we learned who the police had identified them as. It was none other than Erin Michael's aka eerie Erin. We found out that a partial print had been found on the card and knife. When he was getting booked, and they took his prints a match became found. It's just too crazy to believe, but the evidence doesn't lie. He killed Kayla and refused to answer why he did it. All we knew was that the killer had been found.

          The campus's mood had shifted from uneasiness and woe to one of jubilancy. We just couldn't believe that the reign of terror was finally over now, and we could rest easy knowing that the killer is about to be put away for a very long time. The time of celebration lasted a week before stressed entered everyone's mind. Finals were here and all we could do is pray and hope. When the grades came out though that last week of school, we could all tell who failed and who would be seen again. It seemed that things were finally looking up. Kara and I are packed and got ready for the break along with Ash who kept talking with her about dresses to put me in for the party. Everything seemed good until the news came of Erin killing himself and me getting a phone call to come to the station happened.

        I'm sitting in the break room waiting for someone to tell me why I'm here. I fiddle with my fingers as I patiently try to wait. My nerves are getting the best of me when I finally see them, Detectives Boyd and Summers. They take me into a small back room and look me dead in the eye. "Ms. Evans, you already know that everything we are about to tell you can never leave this room. The only reason you are even being told this is because it involves you," Mr. Boyd tells me.

         "What involves me, sir?" I ask him as I look at the folder on the table.

           He opens it and reveals two pictures to me. "This is why it involves you, Ms. Evans." The first picture showed Erin laying against a wall covered in blood. The second picture showed a message:

You got the wrong man. See you soon Cassandra. -M

            "We told the public that he killed himself, but that wasn't the truth. He was murdered and whoever did it is still at large. We're sure it's the same person because the handwriting on the wall and card match this one," He tells me.

          "They have made it clear that they are coming for you, so we have already taken the measures needed to get you somewhere safe." Mr. Summers tells me.

             "So you guys didn't catch the killer, and he's been after me this whole time?" I ask them as I stare at the picture with the message.

             "We're afraid so Ms. Evans," He tells me with a grim expression.

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