Scarlet Love

By Tanis_The_Freesia

5.1K 535 899

The one who has eyes on her. The one who is hiding from him. The one who needs her. The one who lusts her. Th... More

|1| Leaving them
|2| Fayth Williams.
|3| Trouble meets trouble.
|4| Meetings.
|5| Manipulator.
|6| First Rain.
|7| Curiosity
|8| Decisions
|10| Embarassed
|11| Save me.
|13| So friends?
|14| The Start.
|15| It's Her.
|17| The Rules of The Fate.
|18| She Descended.
|19| The Connection
|20| The saga of them.
|21| Hide and Seek.
|22| The First One.
|23| Him and I.
|24| Someone like her
|25|Déjà vu
|26|The Party
|27| The Party II
|28| Consequenses
|29| The House of Cards
|30| Yuanfen
|31|The Intruder
Nolan Walker
Fayth Williams
Aiden Alexander
|32| The Intruder II

|16| The Royals.

149 15 19
By Tanis_The_Freesia

Third-person pov:
All thinking will be in the Italic font.

Fayth went toward the 4th floor.
Where she had promised Carter to meet.
She was already 10 minutes late but she knows what she wants to do.

The thought made her fastened her pace.

As the distance decreased. Other thoughts began to form in her mind.
And the first thought was-

Who was he?
So lethal that I-

Fayth shook her head to get rid of the thoughts of him. Whoever he is.

She don't have the strength to involve with the kind of him.
Fayth diverts her thoughts to Carter.

She was still confused at her behaviour with him.
The strong feeling which she felt in such a short period toward Carter.
She can't describe it. The urge to protect him, even when she can barely protect herself.

And finally, Fayth was on the forth floor.


Carter was in the abandoned classroom., Where they had first met.
He was sitting on one of the broken benches.
Back tensed and both of the hands on his head as they were supported by front of the bench.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot," he muttered as he takes a glimpse of his watch.

He has repeated this process from the last 15 minutes.

"It was just a joke, Again. Why are you so stupid Carter? No one's gonna coming here. but it's still not late, let's just go. Let's get out of this classroom and this... hope".

But again his subconscious interrupted., 'let's just wait for five minutes, after that if she doesn't come then we will be going.'

"We are doing that from the last 15 minutes"

Please. We both believe her.

Carter rubbed his face with a sigh.
"You are hopeless Carter. So so hopeless"

After 3 minutes.
"Okay, that was enough. Let's go, Carter. Your capsules are still waiting for you" he stands up and went toward the door.

I'm not surprised just disappointed. It happens all the time, I should have learnt my lesson after ro-

His thoughts were abruptly came to halt as someone opened the door.

The room was dark as the lights were not on. Fayth entered the room. And when her eyes found Carter. Sigh escaped from her lips and relief floated on her body.

Thank god.

"Carter, it's me. Fayth." Fayth informed as she closes the door and flickered the lights.

Fortunately lights were back.

Carter tensed up.
"Why am I here, fayth?" He frowned as her name leaves a sour taste on his tongue.

Fayth smiled at him."I'm also confused Carter, I think we have to discover that. Come on. I'm not a snake, that will bite you. You can come near me." And took a sit on one of the benches.

Carter narrowed his eyes. But obliged.
And sat beside her.

Carter couldn't understand. Why did he felt safe beside her? And why her voice was so soothing.

Is she a witch? Do they even exist? Stop it Carter!

They both were side by side.
It was silent for some time. Fayth didn't know from where she should start. While Carter was observing her.

"You should not be here, with me." Carter started calmly.

"And why is that.?"

He clenched his jaw,"Look, I think you are new here. That's why you don't know but-"

Fayth Interrupted"-But I know that they bully you."

Fayth never knew how to confront someone. She was always this straight forward kind of person.

Carter pursed his lips and looked ahead. Outside the window, there were dark clouds outside.
"Then, why are you here? You don't know what kind of person they are. If they even smell someone near me, they..." Carter sighs but then his eyes hardens.
"- just leave me alone, Fayth. You are kind but this is not the platform where you should be showing your kindness."

"Oh really, then please give me the address where I can show them my kindness." Fayth's voice changed with her expression.

Which surprised Carter.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. It just came out." Fayth clenched her jaw.

"Why did you want to meet me.?" Carter asked again.

Fayth nodded her head at him and suddenly stood up. And went in front of him. Where he was still seated.

Carter's expressions were confused As he watched her come near him.
And suddenly everything comes into place. Why she wants to meet him.

Was that the reason?

Carter looked at her with an unreadable expression and said.
"Now I know why you are here."

Fayth looked at him puzzled. As he continued,

"Fayth I don't know how to tell you this. But I'm really not into relationships right now. I'm really sor-"

"Carter, can you fight.?" Carter was interrupted by her again.


"Can. You. Fight?" Fayth asked again with composure.

Carter looked at her, she doesn't have any idea who I am!?
"Ahm. Yes but tha-"

Before Carter can end his answer he was once again interrupted.
But this time it was not fayth's mouth but her fist.
That swingd at him,

However, before her fist can make a contact with his cheek. Carter blocked it with the expression between horrified and surprised.

"What the hell, fay-" Once again fayth tried to punch him and once again he blocked it.

Fayth backed up a little and Carted stood up with angry expression.

"What the hell do you think-" Fayth spun around and threw her leg in the air, where it almost hit him but once again he dodged it.

Fayth smirked.

After that fayth didn't stop for even a second.
Punch after punch. Kick after kick.

They both fought amazingly.
While Carter's moves were rough and ready to break, Fayth moved gracefully with her technique.

But Carter had enough of this.
It took great effort from him but finally, he was able to flip her across his shoulder and slam her back against the floor.

And for some moments they both were laying on the floor.

Him beside her.
He was breathless. She was not.
But Both drenched in sweat. Carter looked at her smiling face as she looked at him.
His heart fluttered which made him insanely confused.

"What was that...All about?" Carter rasped out.

Fayth sit back with her legs stretched out.

"Darn it. You are pretty good at that." Fayth answered as she stood up.

"But why.?" Carter was bewildered.

Fayth shook her head and offered him her hand.

He took it. And both went to the benches once again.

Fayth opened her bag and take out two bottles of water.
She handed one to Carter.
Carter accepted it without protesting, his body needed it.

"Will you tell me why were you trying to make me injured so much. I'm a little confused here. And how you know to fight like that?"

"Hey! I didn't want to injure you. And I guessed that you are a good fighter. But look, I was right." Fayth added with a pout.

Carter muttered something under his breath. Which sounded like,
'Guess my ass'

fayth snickered.

After that fayth's expression Changes.
It was like she was debating with herself.
And for a second she felt it.
The fear.
Her hands started to tremble but she clenched them and opened her eyes.

"You are a fighter. How can you think like that? How can you think about giving up.?" Fayth looked up at him. "So, tell me. Carter. Were you not trying to give up?"

Fayth didn't said the word.
That word.
She was too terrified of that particular word.

Carter was speechless for a second.
But then he closed his eyes.
"It is not that simple, Fayth. It is not just bullying but-" He stopped at that. He had never told anyone why he was being bullied.

Fayth knew for a boy like Carter it can't be just some punks. Which is breaking him. He is not only physically strong but his mind is also sharp. There must be something which has chained him down. And because of that Something he is scared and is accepting all the bullying without a word.

"Let me help." Fayth didn't have a word to describe this feeling.
She wants to help him, overcomes whatever the hell it is.

Carter opened his eyes and looked at her. They both were looking at each other. The moment was heartbreaking and it was so delicate that no one would want to break.

"Let me help, Carter. I'm not saying that I'll be able to stop that. But I'm gonna stay with you. So that you can standstill. And let's overcome this together. With each other. Because I don't want you to fight this alone. I will be beside you, till it ends." After that fayth stopped and turned her eyes away from him.

They both were quiet. Eyes closed. Besides each other. But the silence was peaceful for both of them. Both were in their own thoughts.

Carter opened his eyes and looked toward the window.
There was something growing in him.
Hope. Strength. Desires. And a light.
A light which was dragging him.
As he wished to live.
Not just exist but to live. To fight.

but can I really do that? Is it even possible?

"So is this going to be our place from now on.?" Carter asked fayth with a smile.

They both knew what this means.
Carter accepted her help. Maybe it always seems easy but accepting someone's help also takes a lot of strength.

He was not giving up.
Which itself is a very big decision.

Sometimes we all just need an affirmation. That is all we all want.
An assurance.

Fayth's eyes lighten up."I think this is the best." As she grinned. "We just have to clean it a bit."

Carter looked around.
"You are right there. This room needs some work to do." He laughed but then he remembers something. " You didn't tell me where did you learn to fight like that.? You really fight well. And this is coming from me, I'm not bragging but I'm pretty good at combats."

Fayth squirmed in her shoes not liking where this subject was going.
"My Dad. He knows how to fight."
She stopped just at that.

"Oh. That's"

Fayth smiled."I know right. Let's go now. It's pretty late."

After that, they both exchanged numbers and left the room.
They were just outside the room when suddenly fayth grabbed Carter's wrist.

Carter looked at her with confusion.
She released his wrist.

"Oh, I forget. I want to ask you something related to the academy."

"What is it.?"

"Ahm, I don't know if you know them. But I've heard about them a lot since I'm here. But I didn't know whom to ask. And I think that maybe you know them." Fayth continued as they both once again started to walk.

"Whom. Who? Tell me their name or something. Fayth."

Fayth remembered the word perfectly from the conversation she had heard.

"Oh yes. Royals. They are known as Royals. Who are they?"
Fayth questioned simply.
But she was quite interested in them. And who are they? As they are the one who has been bullying people.

Fayth completed her question and looked at Carter.
She was not surprised to see the change in him.
Carter's jaw was clenched. And his hands were fisted badly.

Fayth regretted asking him.

"They are Monsters. Fayth." Carter replied with visible hatred.

"But exactly who are they.? Do they have names? Are they student in the-"

Carter cut her off in anger.
"The Royals. They consist of six members in Total. Six Students. Every one of them has a reputation in our Academy. The students here kiss the ground they fucking walk. It's actually sickening." Carter ended with that and stopped walking so does fayth.

Was not expecting this.

"What are... What are their names?" Fayth asked with a pause.

"Hmm. In this Academy, everyone knows them. If they don't then people here make them known. As you know everyone in the Academy are filthy rich. But they are above us all. As I said there are six members,
First. Selena Sawyer. Brown hair and black eyes. A girl who can make you question your own self. A well-known model. Her parents are both big shots in the business industry. They have many firms.

Second. Vanessa Collins. Blonde hairs and green eyes. Rude. Rough. A lot of piercings. No one can mess with her. she is a writer. Shocking right? Has many published books on her name. I Don't know about her mother but her father owns the biggest real estate agency.

Third. Nolan Walker. Dark brown hair. Blue eyes. Big flirt of the Academy. And a total bastard. He is interested in Photographing. His parents have a big firm in producing films. And many of his cousins are famous celebrities.

Fourth. Yousef Ahmed. Light brown curly hair and brown eyes. Always happy. Lovable. But if you even think about messing with him, he can become a total opposite. And Only one with whom I can feel a slight tolerance. And he is a model. One of the best as I've heard. And his parents are Designers. Also, They have the biggest names in the footwears.

Fifth. Xavier Smith. Black hair. Black eyes. Always wears leather jackets. He is a mystery type of person. Doesn't have many friends. So are his parents. Everyone knows that his father has many elite hotels around the world. But there is also something other too. Everyone knows that but no one knows exactly what?.

And last but not least. Aiden Alexander. Brown hair. Grey eyes. A Manipulator. Dead from inside. And He is a painter and his father owns one of the biggest law firm known as Alexander industry. And his mother has massive business in making infrastructure." Carter takes a huge breath and then continues.
"Fayth. Are you thinking why I know all of this? This is the least. I think everyone here knows more than me. And knows these things about them. That's why I told you all that but-... They are no hero in the real world. They all think that they are the king here. They are above us. They torture people here. In this Academy. They are the reason for everything happens he-"

But Fayth was not listening. Heck if it wasn't for the side pillar of the wall she had been already collapsed.
She remembers all her incidents with Selena, Vanessa, Nolan and Yousef.

The Royals are them.?
How can they be royals?

Fayth closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Fayth, hey fayth. What happened? You are looking pale as paper. Are you okay?" Carter's voice pulled her back to reality.

Fayth waves her hand in front of him to dismiss the idea.

"Yeah, I'm alright. So are you saying all the things which are happening in this Academy are directed by them? They are behind everything? What do you mean by that?" Fayth asked as she digs her nails into her palm.

Her voice was calm. But that tone was hiding something dangerous.

We should control the emotions before they cause any problem.

Fayth once again closes her eyes and took a deep breath.

She opened them and looked at Carter expecting an answer.

Carter nodded his head with Hesitation.
"Oh believe me fayth. They are behind everything which is happening here. The students here, don't take a step without their consent. And I think even the teachers follow them."

"Oh, okay."

After that everything was quiet.
They both said goodbyes to each other but before fayth can take a step Carter pulls her into a quick hug and with a quiet voice he said, "Thank you"
Then he departs instantly.

The hug had left smiles on both of their faces.

Fayth enters her room and locks the door.
Marley was not in the room.


Fayth opened her palms. And there were visible cuts of nails.
She shook her head in disapproval and went to the bathroom for a good shower.

Everything went according to plan with Carter.
And she Thanked God for that.

Tomorrow she can move to the Old library.
But now there was a new problem.

She starts to run her mind., gathering all the information.
According to Carter, these people who call themselves royals are behind every work in the Academy.

But as fayth remembers them all-

They don't seem like that-
Or they all are acting?
But why?.
Is she trusting them too soon?

Have they done some bet on her?. And are making fun of her-

"No way! You are thinking ridiculous things."

Fayth whined in front of bathroom mirror in frustration.

Selena, Vanessa, Nolan, Yousef.
She had met everyone except two.
Aiden And Xavier.
And she doesn't know anything about them besides their names.
And If- If Royals are behind everything then-

Fayth put her hands on the wall as warm droplets start to fall on her face.

I am a student here. A scholarship student on top of that.
And these people are called dangerous for some reason.

Fayth shook her head.

She had to be sure but with cautions.
And for that-

To know the truth.
Sorry Noah, I think I have to disobey your Warning here.

Fayth cleaned the fog of the mirror with her palm. Looked at her own reflection and smiles a crazy smile.

Dear Royals, be ready. I'm coming.


Hey, Beautiful people.

We are surviving this Corona pandemic.
Big claps for us you all!!!

So here is a new chapter.
If you enjoyed it, vote and drop a comment.
If you spot mistakes also drop a comment.

I was on the writer's block for a while.
And you know what helped me to end it.?
My own characters of this story.
Yup, I want to write about them.
I want to give them a proper story. Not just halfway through.
And that- that helped me. Truly.

Yours but not truly.

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