[Sith!Anakin Skywalker x Read...

By cryinginspaghetti

351 12 4

{Alt. Reality} A dark twist to your favorite starwars characters. Many people throughout the galaxy have hear... More

Disclaimers/Story(Very important)
Lacuna: Concept Art(1)
Lacuna: Concept Art(2)


111 3 0
By cryinginspaghetti

[The Betrayal]

I ran toward the front of the Jedi temple that was in flames, hoping to save some of the younglings out of the burning building. It just happened to be, that I was returning from a mission early to come see Master Yoda. He said that he needed me to come back, said the war was over now.

Just then my ear piece was sounding staticky, and I heard a voice.

*#"Enter the Jedi temple, do not young (l/n)."#*

"But Master Yoda! The younglings, I need to help them and find whoever did this!" I yelled back, so he could hear me over all the commotion in the background.

*#"The truth, you will not favor. Wise, must you be.#* Master Yoda spoke solemnly.

"Then the truth I will find." I said back match in his tone.

And with that I ran into the flaming building.


"YOUNGLINGS! The Jedi are here!" I yelled.

"Please! YOUNGLINGS!" I continued yelling.

All of a sudden I stopped. I. I couldn't bear the sight in front of me. It's not possible.

All of them, all so young.

In front of me was all of the young future Padawans and. DEAD.

Yet barely any of them had burn marks, no. This- they were killed by something else. Someone else. Laying in puddles of their own blood.

The wounds, and holes littering their young skin, where that of a lightsaber. Who? Why? What possessed someone to do something so cruel?! What Sith would do this?! They were only children.

I knelt down next to one. A boy, maybe six years of age. I could still see the tears staining his cheeks.

"Rest well young one, you shall not be forgotten." I said solemnly, stroking my hand through their hair.

Wait. The Jedi temple has cameras. For the young ones safety they installed them in. Now I will know who did this, and bring them to justice.

I ran towards the control room, hoping that the tapes would still be intact. Opening the door, I made my way directly to the CTV controls.

Yes! The tapes were still intact, now to see which sith was the culprit. I can't wait to catch them and turn them in to the Jedi council.

I played the holotapes and,...... No, no, it can't be. No, he would never! How? Why.

In the CTV holotapes, it shown no Sith Lord. It clearly shows Anakin in some type of Black robe, KILLING all of the younglings. I put a hand to my face, covering my lips from any sounds escaping them.

Tears threatened to steam down my face. Why? I trusted him, we trusted him, the council even trusted him. He was supposed to destroy the sith, but now he's become it. The very thing he swore to destroy.

Padmé. She could still be in trouble! Her, Anakin, and I's relationship was very different. Anakin and Padmé were married, but they still showed affection for me, which put me in a weird situation.

I viewed them as very, very close friends. Nothing more, nothing less.(stop lying). Anyways, back to the matter at hand. I need to reach Padmé, who knows what would happen to her if Anakin got there.

Without hesitance I ran out of the control room, moving quickly past the ruble and small flames. I ran out of the destroyed temple, only to see a squad of clones waiting for me.

"Ready! Aim! Fire!" The seemingly squad leader yelled.

They started firing. At ME?!

I immediately pulled out my lightsaber, it's purple glow shone on my face as I defelcted the many shots fired at me.

I thought the clones were on our side.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled over the carnage, still deflecting the shots from their blasters.

"All Jedi have been convicted of treason towards the Senate and Supreme Chancellor! All Jedi must be executed!" One of the clones yelled.

"Treason!? The Jedi have done no such thing!" I yelled out.

I jumped, using the force to propel me into the air and land on my speeder. Without much thought I took off, still feeling the lingering betrayal the Jedi Temple revealed.

I moved swiftly through the traffic, ignoring the curses and yells thrown in my direction. Making my way to the small docking bay connected to Padmé's balcony.

I quickly hopped off, and ran in stumbling on my feet. I wasn't the best Jedi when it came to grace, but my skill In everything else made up for it. At least, that's what Anakin told me when we used to spar.

I still couldn't believe he would do this. Why? Things were going so good! The Republic was winning the endless war with the Separatists, and now, there is no Republic.

I walked into her room, and couldn't see her. It was too dark, I could barely see two feet in front of me.

"Padmé." I called out.

"Padmé! It me (Y/n)! Please come out, before it's too late!" I yelled out again.

"(Y/n)?" Padmé said quietly.

The back up power turned on, giving me a better view of the room. It was still extremely dark, but now I could somewhat see. Thank goodness for that, because I was about to trip over the sofa if I kept moving forward.

"Padmé we have to hurry!" I said panicking.

"(Y/n) why are you in such a rush? Why not stay a while?" Padmé slowly hushed.

What is she saying? Does she not see the Jedi Temple in flames, or the fact that this entire building has lost power?

"You don't understand, we have to leave before he-!" "Before who?" A deep voice said from behind me.

A small gasp escaped my lips. It's him.

I turned around slowly, not wanting to see what lies before me. I looked down, I couldn't face him. I guess a part of me still couldn't believe what Anakin has done. I pushed Padmé's taller figure behind me.

"What are you doing (Y/n)?" He said calmly, yet his menacing voice echoed throughout the room. His figure towering above me.

I was shaking. There was no way in hell I stood a chance against Anakin. But, it won't stop me from trying.

"Whatever has to be done." I said quietly on the verge of tears. I pulled out my purple lightsaber, activating it.

He only stared at me.

"I won't hesitate, (Y/n), I won't hesitate to kill you." He spoke clearly.

The longly waited tears were now spilling from my eyes. How could I fight him? He's been there with me every step of the way, from training to most of my missions. So how could anyone expect me to fight him.

"So be it." I spoke quietly, voice breaking. I may die but at least Padmé may be safe.

"Padmé while I stall him, please leave. Go as far away as you can." I whispered to her.

At this Padmé started giggling. My eyes widened in confusion.

"Oh (Y/n), you're so naive. Do you really think I would let Ani start all this, without me?" She whispered from behind me.

It then clicked in my head. The reason why Padmé seemed so indifferent to all of this happening, why she wanted to have me stay.

"So you were in on this too?" I said.

"Of course, with Chancellor Palpatine gone, the Sith will need a new ruler. Someone more powerful, someone with the better capability to take over this Universe. To purge the galaxy from pain and suffering, moving it into perfect order." Padmé explained to me, stroking my hair lovingly.

I gently pushed her away, moving away from both of them.

"Why? Both of you why?!" I yelled, tears from rage, betrayal, and sorrow stained my cheeks.

"Watch your tone." Anakin said coldly, both walking towards me.

I stepped backwards in alarm, as they kept moving towards me. I was too panicked, my brain couldn't handle all the emotions I was currently feeling.

Maybe this was why the jedi couldn't have attachments.

"S-Stop it! G-get a-away from m-me!" I yelled out, moving backwards more quickly.

In my panicked daze, it didn't realize the wall behind me was getting closer. Well, that was until my back hit it.

Because when the time comes where loyalty and morals are tested, there are only two sides to choose from.

I yelped in alarm, not expecting the wall to be behind me. I looked back at Anakin and Padmé, as they were closing in on me.

They stalked towards me, eyeing me like predators. And I was the PREY.

I shook in my spot. I needed to move! Why won't my body move?! I've never frozen up like this, why now?!

So which one should I choose?

I felt both of them stop right in front of either sides of me. Caging me in from escape. They both towered over me, their gazes holding me in place.

At this point my light saber had been turned off, and dropped on the floor. Most likely when I was moving away from them.

The now coroupt two people who I have grown to love or the morals to which the universe deems right?

Anakin bent down towards my ear, "What happened to all of that fight, huh (Y/n)?" He spoke in my ear, his husky voice sending shivers down my spine.

I didn't answer him, I just looked down. Away from him, away from those piercing ocean blue eyes.

Annoyed by my lack of answer, he grabbed my chin. Forcibly making me looked at him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled, anger visible on his face.

"Oh Ani! Be careful with (Y/n), you wouldn't want to break her. Not yet at least." She said, adoration flooding her sickly sweet voice.

Anakin let go of my face, quiet roughly might I add, as Padmé cupped my face. She ran her thumb over my tear stained cheeks, and caressed my hair.

I blushed in embarrassment at the intimate action. Still pushing me against the wall, Padmé nuzzled her head into the crease of my neck. Her hot breaths fanning over my sensitive skin, sending up the small hairs on my skin. My eyes widened in surprise.

At this angle I was facing up, eyes in contact with Anakin. This gave him a perfect view of my face, and all the expressions evident in them.

And that's when I felt it, I felt soft kisses and licks on my neck, creating a weird sensation in my body. No one has ever touched me in such way, that's why I didn't expect the sudden moan that came out of my mouth.

My blush darkened, as my embarrassment grew. My hand flew over my mouth in alarm, confused by the lewd noise I made.

Make it stop.

Padmé slightly lifted up her head to where her lips met my ear, "Oh, you make such sweet noises. Could you please make some more for me?" She whispered in my ear.

Another shiver wracked through my body. It was too much, too much for my body. I know shes barely touched me, but my touch starved body was not used to all this physical contact.

My legs became weak, as I struggled to stand. Without knowing, I automatically clutched onto Padmé as support, pulling our bodies closer together.

"Goodness (Y/n), you're body is so sensitive. What would happen if I did this?" And with that she bit my neck.

I whimpered in pain as I felt her wet tongue lap up the bite area, occasionally sucking on the surrounding skin. Within a few seconds the pain disappeared and instead, a feeling of pleasure was developing.

I was breathing out heavily, small noises of pleasure leaving my mouth. No more, I couldn't handle any more.

I wonder what Anakin was thinking as Padmé kept on assaulting my neck. If only I knew how much he was containing himself. My noises and lewd expressions alone were driving him insane. It took all his will power to not ravage my body then and there.

"P-Padmé, too m-much!" I whimpered.

I don't think she heard me, because she didn't stop. No, infact she picked up the pace. The kisses and bites were getting more ravenous.

I need to get out. In my dazed state I did the only thing I could do. I used the force to push Padmé away. It barely moved her, she ended up two feet away from me.

I was still hazy from all the pleasure, but I needed out. I needed to get the fuck away from them. Anakin was about to grab me, but I ducked and rolled making me land a good seven feet away from them. Also right next to my lightsaber.

"(Y/n). Come back here now!" Anakin's authoritative voice boomed.

"Sorry, b-but I think I'ma head out." With that I sprinted out of there, well, not before grabbing my lightsaber. I headed to the balcony area where I docked my speeder.

I could hear Anakin and Padmé's footsteps right behind me. They were significantly taller than me, but I wouldn't let that determine my fate today. Fuck these tall people.

I reached the balcony and launched my self up, landing in my speeder.

I spead a good few meters away before turning around to look at the fallen Senate, and my former friends.

"(Y/n)! Don't you dare leave! Or-"

"Or what! I trusted both you! We all swore to protect these people and end the Sith! And now, you've just become their leader! You guys really mean the world to me, but I will not follow you! Not this time." I said, anger flooding my words.

"Just know (Y/n), you better watch your back. One day we will find you, pray that day never comes, because when we do. I don't know if I'll be able to control myself." Anakin spoke menacingly, his blue eyes flashing amber.

"Don't worry Ani, besides. I've always liked a game of chase. Because when you finally catch your prey, there's no holding back." Padmé said sweetly, holding onto Aniakin.

"Next time we meet (Y/n), you better be prepared." Padmé said, smirking.

And with that I sped away into the night. Hoping to leave this planet and move far, far away.

I chose correctly.

~. One Year Later .~

After that faithful night the surviving jedi and surviving senators met up, seeking refuge on a distant planet.

The Senate and republic was no more, it was a fully fledged dictatorship.

A few weeks afterwards, the Empire or should I say "Lord Vader", began to start invasions and conquests over different planets. The universe quickly being taken over by Lord Vader and his forces.

It's been one year now. Literally every inch of the universe has been brought down to Lord Vader and Empress Amidala's feet. Well except a foreign planets and a dwarf moon: Agnalah, and the very small planet it orbits: Lacuna.

Agnalah is a dwarf moon that is practically a valley. There is greenery but it is almost barren. This is where the rebellion was first established, and still remains. Because of its foreign location and "inhabitable conditions", none of the stormtrooper fleets have found us.

Now Lacuna is a tropical planet, home to many native species of plants and animals. There are blue lagoons and shimmering waterfalls, exotic plants, and floating Islands.

Lacuna also happens to be my home planet. During the Republic and Separatist war, my planet was attacked by a fleets of Separatists . Many villagers died, my parents included. I didn't understand that my parents were gone considering I was six at the time.

Thankfully the Republic picked up our destress call and came to our rescue. They sent many fleets of clones, and four Jedi. My former master Mace Windu was one of them. He found me amongst all the rubble and realized I was force sensitive.

Knowing I had no parents to go back to, he took me with him to the Jedi Temple. I trained, and trained, and fought, and finally I was officially a Jedi. But my Padawan training was where I first met both Anakin and Padmé.

I had gone on several missions as a Padawan with my master, and Obi-wan and his Padawan. That's when I first met Anakin, and we were great friends.

I met Padmé later on during an attempt to execute her. We all became very close, and I started to notice how VERY close Anakin and Padmé were.

I confronted them and they caved in. They told me not to tell anyone, of course I wouldn't. Hell, I even helped arrange their secret wedding.

But after their wedding they started acting strange around me. Anakin was suddenly very distracted around me, and on missions was more protective of me. Plus he would get extra moody when someone flirted with me.

R.I.P them. He would have no mercy.

Then there was Padmé; she started being more, how do you say this? Um, physical? She would pull me into her lap, and hug me a lot.

I like hugs, I like cuddles(cause it practically the only physical thing, other than pats and handshakes I can handle). But when she pulled me onto her lap, I kind of almost fainted.

Anyways that's when I started noticing Anakin becoming more angry and short fused on missions. It was scary honestly. I guess that should have been my warning of his soon betrayal.

Anyways, I returned back to my home planet. Of course I still helped the rebellion, but I usually went on high profile missions they needed me on. Thanks to me, we found news on the already built "planet destroying" Death Star. Yay.

Speaking of Rebellion, we've kinda been losing. A lot. So when we heard of an opportunity to steal important information, we were probably a little too hasty.

Which leads to my current situation.

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