The snake - Drarry

By harrypotterships1

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Written in eight year !Drarry! More

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By harrypotterships1

Harry's pov

I have no idea why I got so angry with Malfoy, but something in me couldn't stand the beautiful blonde, stop, I know I'm gay, but I can't be gay for Malfoy. After many hours of just laying in my bed I finally drifted of to sleep

Third person POV

He woke early, around 6 am but wasn't able to go back to sleep so he decided to go out in the common room. He sat down in one of the sofas and just watched the fire and felt the warmth wash over him. A movement to his left caught his eye and his head snapped the direction only to see a snake slither over the sofas armrest
~Hello little one~
The snake lifted its head and looked at him
~A speaker, it's an honour~
~What's your name~
The snake gave an angry hiss
~My owner calls me Alpha, but I'm a female. What's your name~
~I'm Harry~
~Oh, so this is the one he always talks about~
Harry gave the snake a questioning look
~Perfect Potter, with his perfect hair and his scar. Stupid Potter. I wish he didn't hate me. It gets a bit tiering sometimes~
That was something new, who could secretly love him, someone he hated, and someone who obviously couldn't see difference in a male and female snake
~Who is your owner~
~I haven't really paid attention but he is very blond and almost only have green and black clothes~
~Yes, that's him~
The common room slowly started to fill up with chatting students as they continued to talk. A high pitched scream made the two look up and notice everyone was looking on them
- What
- You know that's a snake right Harry
- Yes I am aware thank you very much
- But
- She won't attack you
- Potter, what are you doing with my snake
Harry smirked
- We were just having a chat, you know snakes understands English right
- Yes I am aware Potter
If Harry hadn't looked at him with the goal to notice some sort of reaction he would never have spotted the fear and embarrassment flashing past his eyes
- Potter, give me my snake back
The threat in his voice was clear
- I'm not holding her
Draco either ignore or didn't notice which pronoun he used
- Come Alpha
The snake looked at Harry with an annoyed expression
- Oh and by the way, "Alpha" is a female
Malfoy gave Harry a look that clearly said "if you don't shut up right now I'll kill you"

Harry rose and looked at Hermione and Ron who had just exited their rooms
- Come on lets get some breakfast
~Bye Alpha~
~Don't call me that~
He had no time answering as the portrait had swung shut
- What was that all about mate
- Well it seems like Malfoy have gotten a snake and he didn't like that we had a little chat
- Of course the slimy snake doesn't like it when you talk to his snake. He can't stand anyone being able to do something he can't
- Harry, why did you tell Malfoy that snakes understands English
- Ehhhm, no special reason
- You are a terrible lier Harry
- I'm not lying 'mione
Hermione gave Harry one of her famous know-it-all-looks

The tree of them sat down at the eight-year table and started to eat their breakfast before hurrying away to class. Much to Harrys relief Malfoy avoided him the whole day

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