Liar Liar Pants on Fire (Drar...

By Turtlefreakakw2

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This is a story set in a world with no magic. You have been warned. When Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna... More

Chapter One - Pilot
Chapter Two - A Visitor
Chapter Three - Guests
Chapter Four - Roommates and Randoms
Chapter Five - Blood and Secrets
Chapter Six - Mysterious Malfoy
Chapter Seven - Disorders and Disasters
Chapter Eight - Meetings
Chapter Nine - Weird Woman
Chapter Ten - Friendship
Chapter Eleven - Tears
Chapter Twelve - Truths and Sirenity
Chapter Thirteen - Different Opinions
Chapter Fourteen - Home Sweet Home
Chapter Fifteen - Welcome Home
Chapter Sixteen - The Potter's
Chapter Seventeen - Knock Knock
Chapter Eighteen - News and Habits
Chapter Nineteen - More Planning and Discoveries
Chapter Twenty - Problematic
Chapter Twenty-One - Guilty Flirts
Chapter Twenty-Three - Explanations
Chapter Twenty-Four - Moments to Never Forget
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Watcher
Chapter Twenty-Six - Killer
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The First Message
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Targetted
Chapter Twenty-Nine - I Might Love You
Chapter Thirty - When Lies Become Truth

Chapter Twenty-Two - Back to School

170 4 6
By Turtlefreakakw2

Hi! I'm in a weird mood because I'm still thinking about the poor koalas, kangaroos, wombats and other native animals caught in bush fires. There's already over 100 in zoos and hospitals. So, I've got the feeling you get when you see an injured joey (baby koala or kangaroo). I've got this chapter anyway, I'm trying to write longer chapters but it's difficult. Enjoy!


Harry's POV:

It was the first day back from holidays and I was nervous about how the day would go. Draco was supposed to be missing and Bellatrix hadn't been caught yet, so things would be - interesting to say the least. Lucius was still offering money to whoever found Draco and their were groups of people going into the forest to find him and his friends. There was no way they would be able to go to school without a hundred people crowding them.

But he was dead set on going. He refused to listen to reason and I could do nothing to stop him from going.(Harry's talking about Draco and I looked at the word count; 169. TF.) He didn't have anything he needed to pack since he didn't exactly bring anything to my house. He only had a small bag with the necessary equipment.

"I still can't believe you guys are actually going to school," I said.

"I need to finish my education," Draco replied.

"Yeah but, your 'missing'."

"Just because I'm a 'missing person' doesn't mean I have an excuse to skip school."

"You're strange."

"Better strange than stupid."


We arrived at school a few minutes later, and I had to leave him in order to find the dormitory. I swear, the school changes layout every time we leave and then come back later. Draco went looking for Pansy, Blaise and Astoria outside of the school. I was still trying to wrap my head around how they wanted to come to school.

I found Neville looking for his own dorm room and he was lost and seemed confused and as though his dorm used to be where he was standing. He pointed me in the direction of my dorm as he had found the corridor while in search for his dorm. I followed his directions and eventually found the room. It hadn't changed, but it felt rather empty. I guessed it was because I was used to finding Draco already there.

Still felt weird to once again walk the halls of Hogwarts after the holidays. I said hello to a few students as I passed them on my way to the ground floor. I net Justin Finch-Flechley and Terry Boot there talking about the 'missing people' in this town.

"I just hoped we'd have at least one normal school year," Justine complained.

"Me too," I cut in.

"Harry!" Terry exclaimed, "Didn't see you there."

"Okay... Why so nervous?"

"Well, you startled me," Justine answered.

"Can you believe someone would kidnap those people?" Terry asked.

"I don't find it unlikely. But we never know, they could've run away?"

"Why would they do that?" Justine wanted to know.

"With all the ridicule they've faced, I wouldn't be shocked."

"Then explain the blood and Bellatrix's hair," Terry poked a whole in the idea.

"I don't know."

"Well, when you figure it out, tell us."

"See you," Justine waved.

"But before they could leave, it happened. The big entrance no one except maybe Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna and I were expecting. I'm sure some people would've thought they did it as a stunt, but the four supposedly 'missing' students walked with their heads low and avoided other people. If that didn't say they weren't joking with people I don't know what would.

Jaws were on the ground and the entire room had been stunned to stillness and silence. No one, and I mean no one, had expected to see the four students entre the school. There - real as the rest of us - was Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Astoria.


Narrated - Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Astoria: (Basically means it's third person with the people mentioned.)

The four supposedly 'missing' students met behind a row of trees out of view from the students coming back from holidays. They needed to come up with a believable story that would not only convince the teacher, students and police, but also their parents. They decided on the idea off a hooded figure wearing all black with an unidentifiable gender. (Finally got the black hood!) They were hoping people might think it was Bellatrix.

"So," Astoria started, "we know who, but how?"

"I think we could improvise," Blaise suggested, "go with something that fits what actually happened."
"What about the trackers?" Draco asked.

"Say they found them at the Black Lake," Pansy chimed in, "Astoria had already found hers, and Blaise and I didn't notice them until we were at the lake."

"Maybe the hood took us somewhere else after finding them?" Astoria said.

"Where?" Draco asked.

"What about the abandoned warehouse at the edge of town?" Blaise added.

"Perfect!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Remember the order; Draco, Pansy, me, Astoria. Got it?"

"Got it," the other three said simultaneously.

"Are we really going to do this?" Astoria had worry laced into her voice.

"Yes," Pansy answered.

They nodded to each other as a signal that they were ready and walked to the closed entrance doors. After exchanging scared looks, the all agreed wordlessly to go in on the count of three. One... two... three... they swung the doors open and looked around for shocked or even disgusted faces. The room fell silent and whispers started to flood the quiet area.

They could tell people were shocked, they just didn't want to see that. The four students walked down the corridor and went their separate ways to find their dorms. They knew showing up wasn't smart, but they weren't about to skip school.

Teachers dashed in the direction of the Head Mistress McGonagall's office in order to report the news. This was expected, that's why the group came up with the story about the black hood even if they didn't exist. The police would ask gender, and that's why they'd say they couldn't tell. After all; Draco'd never hear the end of it if they said female. Especially since Lucius knew it wasn't Bellatrix.

"Would Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini go to the Head Mistresses office," a speaker sounded.

They left without question or hesitation and recited the story in their heads. They still walked rather shyly with all the eyes on them. They hated the attention and weren't used to it. In a strange twisted sort of way, it made the four almost want to just tell the truth. But they couldn't, if they did, they'd be killed by their own parents.


Hello! That's all for today, still in a weird mood though. I'mma go have a shower though. Please look at some of my other works like The Newbie or Slytherin Skulls. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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