Pastors Babygirl (Completed)

By BaddieVibezzOnly

228K 8.7K 1.6K

Atarah Adriel Samia Salem, she grew up in church having to be perfect and holy her whole life that is till sh... More

.Lord give me strength.
broken hearted
All dressed in black
○ Overwhelmed ○
♤ Live ♤
°Save him°
♤ want ♡
♡ please ♡
₩ who ₩
● Lock your doors ●
◇ Taken ♤
¤ HeartAches ¤
■ Deal ●
●° Darling °●

♡ Marriage ♡

10.9K 500 69
By BaddieVibezzOnly

I furrow my brows confused. "Miss what??" I ask fiddling with my fork. "Your home." He ask taking a bite of his food. "Yeah, you know what they say, you don't know what you have till you loose it." I sigh putting on a sad smile.

"But you haven't lost it, your just homesick." I look at Lorenzo tiredly, before I could get my next sentence out the doorbell rang loudly. He stood up and walked away. I was somehow upset that we were interrupted, though it wasn't an important conversation.

Just then I hear loud laughing and arguing. Two kids about 6 or 7 walk in yelling at each other along with a middle-aged woman. The kids shared some features of Lorenzo. While the Women was a spitting image of Lorenzo.

Lorenzo sits back down and his (I assume) family sits down close to him. The kids were still arguing, but the women was eyeing me down. "You two shut up or I'll beat your asses in front of company." The women glared at her kids quickly quiet down and share mean glares.

Lorenzo's mother continues to give me a menacing look. "Atarah this is my ma Isabella King." Lorenzo introduces me. "Hi, I'm Atarah, it's nice to meet you ma'am" I smile shaking off my intimidation.

She drops her menacing look and smiles at me kindly. "It's nice to meet you too sweetie, and you can just call me Isabella darling." She says softly but firm. His mother was a very beautiful women, she has very beautiful Brown silky hair that glimmers. She had the same features as Lorenzo which was somehow comforting.

"I hope my son told you the real reason your here." She says grabbing a fort taking a bite of Lorenzo's food. "Ma." Lorenzo glares at her. She shushed him chewing her food quickly. "You don't lie to such a beautiful nice young lady, I taught you better." She glares at her son.

He glares at nothing in particular. His jaw tightens visably. I was extremely confused. What did his mother mean lie? What was Lorenzo hiding? Was what he said earlier about me being in danger true??

"What do you mean? I ask furrowing my brows confused. "Don't worry about it, my ma's just tryna stirr up trouble" Lorenzo says with his strong Italian accent.

His mother and him begin to argue in Italian. His siblings move from the table running around the house. What was really going on? I hated being in the dark.

"This girl deserves to know!!" His mother slams her hand on the table. "Ma this is none of your concern!" Lorenzo yells glaring at his mother. "Stop acting like I'm not here!!" I stand up abruptly yelling. I was fed up at everything right now.

They both stop and stare in shock. "I'm tired of not having control of my life, Tell me why I'm actually here." I say firmly glar6at Lorenzo.

"Darling, we brought you here because-"

"Your going to be my wife."

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