The Jealousy Game

By madisonrae19

635K 10.8K 3.6K

What happens when a good girl becomes determined to make her brothers best friend fall in love with her? Dram... More

Intro and Cast List!
One - The Reunion
Three - First Day
Four - The IT Girls
Five - Ruby's
Six - Friend Date
Seven - Sisters
Eight - The First Party Part 1
Nine - The First Party Part 2
Ten - Forgetting Her
Eleven - Drunken Declarations
Twelve - Not A Happily Ever After
Thirteen - Girlfriend
Fourteen - Flirting
Fifteen - The Kiss
Sixteen - First Date
Seventeen - Inferno
Eighteen - Dating
Nineteen - Work Visit
Twenty - Hot Workout
Twenty-One - Changed
Twenty-Two - Broken-Hearted
Twenty-Three - Forgiveness
Twenty-Four - Kitchen Make Out
Twenty-Five - Happily Ever After

Two - Neighbours

29.3K 493 247
By madisonrae19

"Sweet baby Jesus, I'm exhausted!" I moan as I flop onto the couch.

"All you were doing was putting your clothes away." Waverly giggles from the red and white tiled kitchen where she is creating meal plans.

She is definitely the more organised and wifey one of the two of us.

"True." I agree. "Although you know I hate hanging up clothes with a passion. Oh well, at least I am mostly unpacked now." I shrug feeling relieved. My clothes were definitely the most I had to unpack.

"So... What should we do for our first night at college?" I ask as I snuggle up on the brown leather sofa, turning to see Waverly who is perched at the granite counter by the hob.

"I'm thinking sleep considering classes start tomorrow and I want to be prepared. First impressions last." Waverly reminds me as she moves to sit next to me.

"Well I was more thinking along the lines of cracking open that bottle of Malibu I 'borrowed' from Kai." I reveal with a wicked grin.

"Chanel Grace Brook! You're terrible!" Waverly gasps with an amused smile as she plops down on the sofa next to me.

We are both quiet for a moment as we watch the orange sun surrounded by rolling grey clouds start to fade beneath the many mountains of steel. We are fortunate enough to have a small balcony connecting to our lounge, which is only large enough to stand out on, but is a welcome addition to our little home.

"Shall we see what's on TV?" I suggest after a minute, when suddenly there is an extravagant knock on the door.

"Are you expecting anyone Nell?" Waverley asks with a cute frown.

"No, you?" I reply as with a groan I peel myself from the couch and make my way to the door, dodging the remaining boxes of our belongings.

"Nope. Maybe it's your brothers?" She asks hopefully as she warily follows me.

I shrug before pulling the door open, surprised to see a beautiful black girl standing sassily outside.

"Erm hello?" I ask as she sizes me up.

I feel a little self-conscious in sweats, a messy bun and probably stained jumper, when she looks like a rock star in leather trousers and a tank top her breasts are practically spilling out of. Her makeup is a level of flawless I can only dream of achieving, emphasising her hazel eyes and plump lips. Her eyes scan me before her face lights up in a bright smile and she offers me her hand.

"Hey! I'm your neighbour Roxanne. You don't look like an annoying bitch so I'm spending the evening with you. Oh, and you, hey girl." Roxanne announces as she waves to Waverly who shyly waves back.

"Oh... ok." I stutter, surprised by her forwardness.

"So can I come in?" She asks as she raises her perfectly sculpted left eyebrow, making me insanely jealous. How do people do that?

"Oh... sure." I shrug and step aside seeing as she's already made up her mind.

Just as she makes her way in, the next apartment to the right of us opens and a girl in a pair of ridiculous high heels and a tiny sparkly dress stumbles out. She catches me looking and scoffs at my appearance making me blush embarrassedly. Roxanne turns around to see who it is, sneering when she sees the dark-haired girl with bright red lips.

"Have fun being a whore tonight Sofia." Roxanne calls out mockingly before turning her attention back to us. "Don't worry; she's my bitchy room mate. I pulled the short straw with that one." Roxanne explains as Sofia gasps.

"As if you're any better!" She snaps with a strong Italian accent, looking incensed. "Ugh whatever, I have to go, I've got a dick appointment." She announces as she flips her straightened black hair behind her shoulder, and teeters off down the corridor bathing in yellow light.

"Sorry about that, as you can tell Sofia and I aren't good friends." Roxanne chuckles as we make our way back inside and I lock the ugly brown wood door.

I'm going to have to paint something cute on it.

"That's ok... she doesn't seem like the nicest girl to be around." I hum as I dash to clear the kitchen up a bit, which has food strewn out all over it.

"So we're neighbours then. Welcome to your first year at college freshmen." Roxanne grins as she chucks her curly deep brown hair forward before twisting it into a bun. "Do you have any alcohol?" She asks.

"Erm no we're eighteen... how old are you?" Waverly asks timidly as she hovers in the background, sending me a look to be quiet about the Malibu.

"I'm twenty Hun. I'm in my second year but I just transferred from DC. My brother started this year though, so you'll probably see him tomorrow." She shrugs and moves to sit on the sofa. "Cute setup you got here. Want any help unpacking?"

"Thanks Roxanne but we're good." I reply.

This girl is a little odd and very self-assured, but she seems harmless enough and quite a nice person to know.

"No problem." She shrugs when there is another knock at the door. "Oh sorry were you guys expecting guests?" She asks and stands up as if getting ready to leave.

"No... Sorry I'm not sure who that is. Might be my brothers and their friends." I explain as I move to answer the door yet again.

Wow, I'm feeling popular already!

Flinging the door open with an impatient 'yes', I'm not surprised to see Isaac, Owen, Zander (squeal), Adam and two guys I don't know waiting outside and making a racket of noise.

"Hey Nellie what you up to?" Isaac asks as he barges in.

"Just chilling." I murmur, rolling my eyes at his obnoxiousness.

"Ay caramba..." He groans as he notices Roxanne laying on my couch. "I see you've got the hot neighbour over as well." He grins as his eyes do a full body sweep. Gag.

"I have a name you know." Roxanne retorts with a fire in her eyes.

Ok suddenly I really like this girl. Most women fall into a puddle at his feet, adding to his already insufferable ego, which is most annoying. If it gets any bigger, his head will burst!

"Oh wayyy." Adam laughs as he walks in and ruffles my hair.

"Adam." I groan as I slap his hands away.

"Of course you do... what's your name beautiful?" Isaac asks suavely as he moves to sit next to Roxanne, placing a gentle arm around her shoulders which she immediately swats away.

"You're going to have to earn that privileged information." She counters, showing she is not to be messed with.

Ok this girl is AMAZING.

"Looks like you've finally found a girl that hasn't fallen in love with you on sight Isaac." The unnamed ginger guy laughs causing my brother to glare at him. As if sensing that I am staring, he turns his attention to me, and with a seductive smile introduces himself. "Hi there, I'm Ethan. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet."

"Oh and I'm Sheub." The other Indian-looking guy butts in with a flirtatious wink. He has the silkiest, thickest black hair I have ever seen which is so unfair.

"Hello you two, I'm-." I begin, but Isaac butts in.

"My little sister, and off limits you two, understand." Isaac states with a warning look, giving Roxanne a break from his torture.

As Isaac says I'm off limits, my eyes automatically trail to Zander who is already staring at me intensely. One hand reaches up to sweep through his slightly long bedroom hair making me bite down on my plump lower lip, and as his eyes follow the movement they darken vehemently. Ok, this is new. The tingles sizzling like electricity through me show that it is certainly not a bad thing though.

Sheub sighs and turns his attention to Waverly who shrinks back from his thirsty gaze and into Owen's awaiting arms, who warns him off with a glare.

"Whatever dude, can we just go to the party? We've checked in and they're fine." Sheub grumbles.

"Yeah, sure." Isaac shrugs, taking one last long look at Roxanne who stares back defiantly before getting up and stretching, causing his top to ride up over his abs.

I notice Roxanne snap her eyes away from his uncovered torso, and so does Isaac causing him to smirk. Well, there is definitely tension between those two, and I don't want to be anywhere near them when it finally explodes.

"Right then let's go lads, I'm going to get laid tonight." Ethan hollers causing me to roll my eyes.

I hold the door open for the rowdy men, only Owen and Zander saying thank you as they stampede out. As Zander passes me last, he gives me a cute secret side smile, which involuntarily pulls one onto my own lips. Whenever he looks at me I feel like he can really see me, the real me that no one else knows. His green orbs melt into my blue pulling at something deep inside and making me want to kiss the life out of him.

However, seconds later our connection has broken and he is gone. As the group walks off down the corridor talking loudly and causing a commotion, I sigh and close the door. Is this all our relationship is ever going to be? A continuation of secret smiles?

"Wow your brothers are Isaac and Owen Brook? You know they're like famous around here, right? They are known as the hottest boys at college! Both are super popular but Isaac especially. You know everyone wants to date them - well, shag them at least." Roxanne comments after she whistles under her breath.

"Eww." I groan and shiver in disgust.

If they knew how many wet willies, farts and belches I have been subjected to over the years these girls would not find them attractive anymore. But I guess that the five nights a week at the gym, general hygiene and regular haircuts have really paid off for them both. Although Isaac keeps his hair short on the sides and long on the top adhering to the latest fashions, whilst Owen has recently let his grown out a bit so that it curls at the bottom of his neck. To strangers it might be the only way to tell them apart.

"Do they... Do they both sleep around?" Waverly asks timidly.

"Well to be honest I only arrived last week so have only heard rumours, but with bodies and faces like that I wouldn't be surprised. Isaac definitely has a rep of sleeping with anything that moves, which is why I'm not going to let him have the pleasure of having me without earning it first." Roxanne announces defiantly.

"I'm pleased to hear you say that, I hate it when girls fall at his feet." I reveal.

"So do I, he needs to be taken down a peg. So what are we doing tonight then? It's your first night right?" Roxanne asks.

"I for one just want to relax and sleep to get ready for our first day tomorrow." Waverly yawns as she moves to pull the grey curtains of the balcony shut.

Most people would have arrived a few days ago, but Waverly and I had one last dance competition with our troop, meaning we arrived late. My body is aching from the limits I had to push it too, but it was worth it as I came first in my ballet solo and we came third for our group dance. It's crazy that I will no longer be competing anymore, but in a couple of years will be teaching my own students.

"What? Sleeping? That's boring - it has only just gone nine! Can we at least watch a movie?" Roxanne pouts.

"Well I'm not sure... I still have to get ready for tomorrow..." Waverly murmurs.

"Ok well why don't we just watch an episode of a series you like?" Roxanne compromises.

"Please Waverly... you can still get to bed early." I pout.

"Ok fine." She relents with a smile and comes to sit on the other side of me on the couch.

"Does anyone want any popcorn or a drink?" I ask the girls.

"I'll have a cuppa if you're making." Roxanne says with a wide smile, which amazingly doesn't make her top lip disappear.

"Me too Nell." Waverly calls out as she goes to retrieve some blankets from her room.

"Of course." I reply and swiftly make my way to the kitchen.

It may only be my first night but it is actually going a lot better then I thought it would, and I have a feeling I'm going to be happy and fit in here. Though I should have remembered then that everything has its ups and downs, and happiness isn't only measured on the good times - it is calculated from the overall.

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