The Tower

By AvengersCompound

635K 14.2K 1.7K

-18+ ONLY. Minors DNI- "How does someone with no superpowers, no real discernible talents, and a whole lot o... More

Meeting the Archer
Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist
A Bird and a Witch
My Education
Breakfast with the Super Soldiers
A Question of Security
Soldier, Spy
Science Bros
The Super-Soldiers
The Assassins
Open Communication
The Nest
Cracks in the Tower
Working in SHIELD
Switching Sides
The Rescue Mission


56.7K 695 114
By AvengersCompound

How does someone with no superpowers, no real discernible talents and a whole lot of baggage end up being the girlfriend to all the Avengers? Well, I'm glad you asked. It all started with a blur and an abrupt crash.

As usual, I was late. That happened a lot. I tend to get caught up in my head while I'm working in the lab or the library. Which is a problem because as part of my post-doctoral position I had to teach an Intro to Biology class six times a week. I was dashing down the steps of the library, across the lawn and just smashed headlong into another person.

All I really noticed as I picked myself back up, helped her to her feet and apologized profusely was that she was small, dressed in black and had dark red hair. She didn't really even say anything to me, just 'don't worry about it' and I took off again.

It was as I stood panting in the lecture theatre, getting the slideshow started for the lecture I realized how close I came to death that day. The woman I had flattened was the Black Widow.

Nothing notable happened over the next few weeks. I worked in the lab going through blood samples and went through the results of my tests in the library trying to get some papers written so I might actually get some more publications out. I wrote lectures and delivered them to my classes of 300 odd students. I set assignments and exams.

Then one day I was giving my lecture and I scanned the crowd and there was that red hair sitting right up the back. It took a moment to register and when I looked back it was gone again. I wrote it off as not having enough caffeine that morning.

A month later, I was having lunch in a coffee shop not far from where I lived. I had one of my notebooks open and I was focussed pretty intently on it. I didn't notice when she sat down opposite me.

"Hi." She said and I looked up at her and nearly jumped out of my skin. She was dressed casually today. A light grey t-shirt over jeans. Her hair loose and falling in waves down her back.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. It was an accident. I swear." I babbled. Feeling fairly certain she'd tracked me down to exact her revenge upon me.

She smirked at me. It was an expression that made her look adorable and sexy and deadly all at once. In that exact moment, I developed an all-consuming crush on Natasha Romanoff of the Avengers.

"I'm not here because of that. Or maybe I am a little." She said, reaching over the table and touching the back of my hand. "I think you're cute."

I think for a second my brain short-circuited. I'm not sure if she noticed or not. What I said back was. "Oh, okay." You know, like that was just a normal thing to be told by Black Widow.

"My name's Natasha, you're Elise right?" She said, with a small shake of her head like she'd realized how huge of a dork I am and actually found it a little charming.

I squeaked. An actual squeak sound bubbled up from my chest and escaped out of my mouth. Right in front of Black Widow. "Yes. How did you know?"

"I've been watching you. Needed to be sure before I asked you out." She answered.

The memory of the red hair at the back of the lecture hall returned. "You were in my class."

"That's right." She answered.

"You wanted to ask me out? Like on a date?" I asked.

"Mm-hmm... It would need to be low key though. I get a lot of looks these days." She said, nodding her head backward. I glanced around the coffee shop and noticed a lot of people looking over in our direction. Some trying to be subtle about it. Others who just had their phones out and were taking photos.

"I could make you dinner if you like," I suggested, not ever realizing that a) she hadn't asked me out yet. And b) I hadn't accepted the offer.

It made Natasha laugh though. The sound made my stomach flip. "Are you asking me out instead?"

I nodded. "Yes. Would you like to come to my place for dinner? Maybe on Friday?"

"I'd love to." Natasha agreed. "I need you to know something though. I'm not monogamous."

I chewed on my lip processing what she just told me. "So like, you just want a one-time thing?" It seemed strange that she would have gone to so much effort tailing me for a one night stand. But I figured that the life of an ex-assassin, super-spy, founding member of the Avengers was probably more complicated than I would ever be able to wrap my head around.

Natasha gave a subtle shake of her head. "Not at all. I wouldn't call myself the girlfriend type exactly but a few other people would beg to differ." She said. "I'm polyamorous. There are a few people I see. Kind of a group that are all together. But I'll also go out of the group too. Usually, I don't date outside the group though. Just hook up."

I furrowed my brow a little, looked down at myself and back up at her and scratched my head. "And you're making an exception for me?"

"Maybe. We'll see." She answered rather cryptically.

That was the start of my relationship with Natasha Romanoff. She took it quite slow, to be honest. We did low key like she wanted. Mostly she just came by my apartment and I'd cook or we'd order in take-out. It felt more like I just had this new badass friend for a while. She bitched about work. She talked about the other Avengers. She listened to me geek out about science and rolled her eyes every time I made a stupid pun. But nothing physically happened for weeks. We touched no more than a couple of close friends might. Just hugs and a little innocent hand-holding. Sometimes she sent me text messages that contained a picture of a cute animal and just 'Clint made me do it'.

I really liked her though. I wanted more, but I was fine if this was all she was willing to give. Natasha had an air about her. You could adore her and worship the ground she walked on and if all she ever did was glance down in your direction from time to time it was enough.

It was a month before things changed and when they did it happened all at once. We didn't have a first kiss and then a make-out session and then feeling each other up. We went from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds flat. With Natasha, I would expect nothing less.

She came around to my apartment after getting home from a mission. She'd never come directly to me before after one. She has other people she sees. Ones she's known longer. Ones she is more physical with.

She had a bottle of vodka in a paper bag and just collapsed on my couch. "I am exhausted." She sighed.

I went and grabbed some shot glasses and put them on the table. She filled each of them and we took a shot. "You want me to make you something to go with that? Or I could order in?"

Natasha shook her head and leaned down to unfasten her boots. "In a bit maybe. I just wanted to hear how my girl's doing?"

"I'm fine, Nat. Nothing much new to tell. Exams are soon. So I've been writing that." I replied, watching Natasha. She started to rub her thighs with her fists. "I'm your girl?"

Natasha looked up at me and smiled. "One of only two. Well, maybe three if you count Maria, but she's worse than me when it comes to being labeled."

All I could think was 'but we have never had sex, how am I your girl?' Then I wondered if maybe Natasha was asexual and wasn't aware that friendship was a thing. Or there was something I was missing here. What I said was; "Can I help you with that?"

Natasha put her legs up into my lap and I positioned myself between them. I lifted one leg onto my shoulder and started to knead her thigh. She let out a low graphic moan. "That feels really good."

"I'm good with my hands." I joked, looking down into her green eyes.

I kept rubbing her legs, my hand moving higher, ever closer to her cunt. I stopped before I touched her there and looked at her. "I really like you, Natasha," I said quietly as my hands sat dangerously close to her sex.

Natasha sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down on top of her and crashing her lips into mine. We kissed hungrily and passionately, biting and sucking at each other. She rolled me over and I fell onto the ground making an involuntary 'oof' sound as she landed on top of me.

"I think we should take this to bed." She said, looking down at me. Her pupils were blown out with lust.

I nodded my head and she helped me up and pushed me against the wall. I'm actually five inches taller than Nat, but she still dominated me. I was wearing a dress that day. It was a light blue sundress with white polka dots. Natasha tore it off me so fast one of the straps snapped. She was wearing her catsuit. It was only something I saw her in once before. I think she must have just taken off her weaponry and come straight to me. I hurriedly unzipped it and pushed it down.

When we were both just in our panties, Natasha spun me and walked me back towards the bed. We kissed the entire distance and even as we crawled up onto the mattress. She slipped a hand into my panties and started running her fingers up and down my folds. I went to do the same to her and she grabbed my hand and pinned it over my head. "No, mishka. I want to watch you." She scolded. "I want you to hold onto the headboard and not move your hands until I say so. You can do that can't you?"

"Yes, Natalia," I said quietly, moving my hands to the headboard and bracing them there. I'd never called her that before. I always just called her Nat or Tasha or just some random pet name that popped in my head. But the way she was telling me what to do flicked some switch over in me and I just wanted to be good for her. I knew Natalia was the more formal version of her name and I wanted her to know that she was the boss and I would be good.

A half-smile played over her lips and she ran her tongue over them. "Moyà khoróshaya. So good for me." She purred, and she brought her lips to mine. Her fingers teased at the entrance to my cunt before moving back up and circling over my clit.

She slowly fingered me as her mouth trailed over my neck and chest. Sometimes her lips just ghosted over my skin making me break out in goosebumps. Sometimes she sucked dark red marks on my skin. When she reached my breasts I was dripping for her. My body trembled and my cunt ached for relief. She pushed two fingers inside of me and I gasped, tensing up under her. I was just starting to relax again when she bit down on my nipple.

"Fuck, Natalia!" I cried out as my back curved off the mattress and my hands gripped the headboard tightly.

"That's it, myshonok. Let it happen." Natasha cooed.

I relaxed back down and she started stroking her fingers hard over my g-spot. She sucked my nipple into her mouth and pressed her teeth on it sending a jolt through me. She then switched to the other nipple. I couldn't focus. My hands opened and closed on the headboard and I started to writhe under her. My legs tried to close so I could escape my impending orgasm.

"Oh no, plokháya dévochka. You be good for me now. You don't want to find out what I do to bad girls." Natasha scolded, forcing my legs open for her.

Part of me really wanted to find out what she did to bad girls. Not this time though. This time I was going to be good for her. I let out a slow breath, giving in to her. "I'm sorry, Natalia." I whimpered.

She brought her head back up and looked down into my blue eyes with her green. "That's my girl." She purred, grinding her knuckles into my g-spot. "When you come, I want you to say my name."

I nodded, completely unable to form words at this point. My whole body was just on the edge. My legs trembled and my toes curled. I kept my eyes locked with Natasha's though. "Oh fuck... fuck... oh god..." I chanted. She sped up her thumb on my clit and her fingers pressed hard down on my g-spot and dragged over it. It was like a dam burst inside of me. I came hard, arching right back. "Natalia!" I screamed.

She kept stroking me through it and when I finally settled she pulled her hand away and licked her fingers. "You look very beautiful when you come, mishka." She purred. "Now, if you feel so inclined, you may return the favor."

I licked my lips and wrapped my arms around her neck. "I definitely feel so inclined."

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